
  • She was not given what she asked for and threw a tantrum, which stressed her mother out. The mother wanted to teach her that she should not behave like that, she scolded her, hit her and punished her. Her mother did not let her express her anger and it was enough for her not to forget that she could not throw tantrums.

    But she took it as if she had no right to get angry…

    From then on she tried to please her mother and all the adults and did not know how to put bounderies on what they asked of her.

    As an adult, Katheleen at night, when she had nothing left to do, her mind tormented her and to calm her mind, she overated. She was more than 25 pounds overweight.

    Katheleen tried several ways to lose weight, but she did not know how to do it. She was unsuccessful. She would not stop eating when she was alone with her mind.

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  • Today we are going to have a serious conversation.

    We are going to get real about your eating...

    Give me an example about how you've been eating.

    I believe what you are telling me is the truth. I know there is no reason to lie. You told me that you are only eating once or twice a day and that you eat healthy. According to you, you drink your coffe in the morning and eat a sandwich. Then you don’t eat until around 4 pm which is a piece of meat (fish, beef or chicken) with rice and veggies and you don’t over eat. Also you are not eating processed foods and drinking sodas.

    But you are gaining weight.

    How is that possible with such a small portion of food and with eating just two times a day..?

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  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • One of the things I do every day to be happy is to be thankful for everything God has given me. I do this every morning and every night. But I don't give thanks for everything in one moment, I divide my blessings. Not only that, but also during the day I am aware of the blessings that are present.

    I don't do this to exaggerate, but I am really blessed...

    For example, an acquaintance told me how a baby she was taking care of died in her sleep after her vaccinations. I imagine the pain the parents were going through. I don't wish it on anyone. For some reason I am not going through that suffering and I thank God very much that my daughter is alive.

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  • The other day I was talking to my wife who I married almost 4 years ago. She asked me how come we don’t get tired of being together which I replied that being with your significan other is compared to driving the same car until it breaks.

    I am writing this advice based on my own experience, advice from happy marreiges who have been married longer than thirty years, and advice from many books that I have read about how to keep your relationship successful and exciting. However, the analogy car is something I thought about to explain this advice.

    Let me start by saying that I have been very dysfunctional with my relationships until I turned 28. That is when my life drastically changed after falling into depression. I learned that I did not respect women and I only care about my pleasure. So to begin with I had an addiction to sex and I did not know.

    In sociaty sex is so prevelant, devalute and taken so lightly that we use it to have fun and fulfill our carnal desires. I come from a dysfunctional family where no one taught me how to respect women. As a matter of fact, the contrary was true, to sleep with as many women as possible.

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  • Many influences opt to have surgeries, take steroids, do extreme unhealthy diets, use filters, camera angles and lighting to improve their image when they present a content. I don’t have anything against what they do. If they want to hurt their mental and physical health is their decision and I have no say in their lives. But, I do have a problem when they present unrealistic and unsustainable results showing an image that is not reality.

    Once again, I have been at 11% body fat these 23 years. I don’t diet, take drugs, use camera tricks or anything when I record my videos. What you see in video is what you are going to see in real life.

    My goal is for you to stay fit, toned and healthy for your whole life with realistic expectations and not only to show your body for a show, video or pictures. Now if this is your plan, this article is not for you.

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  • I remember when I was younger, I used to hang out with people just like me who liked to party, drink, play video games, and modify cars. We used to get along no problem.

    Every weekend we used to go to the closest city to go to the hottest clubs, drink and then get back to our hotel drunk. Next morning we will go to the malls and spend money we did not have.

    During the weekends, we got together to cruise around town in our cars, play video games and eat out. We find ways to waste our time.

    Really there was nothing exciting about the way I used to live…

    Then one day, I decided to change. I noticed I was lost and I needed to make some changes in my life if I wanted my life to improve. I was not happy with the way my life was turning around.

    The first thing I did was accept that I was on the wrong path. Once I did that I found out that I was made to serve people and if I wanted to improve my life, I needed to improve other people's lives.

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  • What complaining and blaming can do for you

    I am not sure if you read the bible, but this is the third time I am reading. However, even though I try to understand everything, I always need the help of people who are more capable of understanding it than myself.

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  • I was talking to one of our members in her evaluation. Her results were good. She was happy with the changes she had made. She was consistent with her weight lifting, walking and eating healthy.

    I asked if there was anything that she thinks she needs to improve and she answered that she was drinking more than she really wanted and wanted to cut alcohol.

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  • A couple of weeks ago I met Dr Torkil Faero. He has 25 years of experience being a general practitioner doctor. He is the author of The Pulse Cure. He specialized in helping people have a healthier life by avoiding burnouts, inflammation and stress.

    Even though he has been practicing medicine for 25 years, his real journey started when his dad passed away from a cancer that could be avoided. But Torkil did not know better as a Doctor to be able to help his dad. He explained that in school doctors are thought to diagnose and medicate. So he was following the protocol and following his dad's steps.

    Torkil was overweight and unhealthy due to his lifestyle. He ate processed foods, drank wine, slept minimum and stressed himself with work. He did not even exercise.

    Once Torkil’s dad passed away, he knew there was something to do to avoid many diseases such as the cancer his dad had. He started researching on his own time and found out many things that can be done.

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  • Last week I went with my family to a lake near where I live. While we were arranging our place of stay we saw an eagle fly. It was flying circling above the lake. The first thing I thought was that the eagle was going fishing. Well, actually, that's what I wanted to see because I had never seen an eagle fish.

    Suddenly a bird 20 times smaller than the eagle came to attack her. The eagle only flew away from the lake for a few seconds and returned to the lake leaving the little bird behind. The eagle amde a circle flying in the air, went down to the lake and rose with a fish, flying away from the lake where the little bird was no longer a problem.

    At the time the bird was attacking the eagle I asked myself why the eagle didn't simply turn around and face its harasser. The eagle is bigger and stronger.

    Later I read that the eagle is attacked because the little bird is protecting its territory and its nest. The eagle is much stronger, but in order for the eagle to beat the little bird it has to invest a lot of energy and may not catch it.

    Also, the eagle is so focused on its catch that it cannot lose focus from its target or it may lose its prey.

    That made me think about how important it is to focus on the goal and let the small and insignificant problems be there without paying attention to them even if they are annoying. The important thing is the objective. Once you have achieved your goal, like the eagle, those little problems disappear.

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  • I stopped exercising because I was under stress. My husband injured himself and could not work and I was not able to pay for all the bills. Also, I needed to take care. I was working doubles, getting into work very early and getting home late at night. I felt I could not keep up with all the bills.

    I had to help my cousin. She had no one around and I was the only one who she trusted. She ended up in the hospital with terminal cancer and I felt I was the only one she can count on and I couldn't ler her down in her last days. She passed away last month and I am ready to get back to my routine.

    My daughter accidentally runned the car into my husband and she injured him. He needed prompt medical care. After that, I needed to deal with my husband's injury and recovery, and also my daughter's trauma and help her understand that it was only an accident.

    I was pregnant and we were looking forward to having my little girl and when I was not expectign it, I lost my baby. It affected all the family and of course, myself. It took me time befire could got over the depression, but now I feel better.

    Those are some of the stories I can tell you I heard from some of our members...

    If I sit here and write all the problem testimonials, I would be writing a complete book of problems that we all face in life.

    If you want to continue reading the article, go to the following link: https://custombodyfitnessgws.com/post/Episode-#122-When-You-Are-Overwhelmed-Dont-Forget-to-Take-Care-of-Yourself

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  • Before you start reading this article, I want to make it clear that I am not against mobility or any movement when it is about exercise. Moving and exercising is a lot better than not doing anything. However, I want to clarify that because you are moving or stayiang active does not mean that you are improving your strength and quality of life to meet the demands of many of the activities you may do.

    Many of our members before they sign up to our program think that they are in shape.

    Once they start exercising, they notice that they are not in as good shape as they thought.

    When I interview many people before they start exercising, they say they do exercise by playing golf, riding their horse, walking, skiing and other movements. While it is true they do move their bodies, it will not improve their sterngth to perform better in the specific sport or hobby they are practicing. This is the reason why the best athletes lift weights when they compete. They know strengthening their bodies will improve their performance.

    For example, I have a client who I recently interviewed who loves to ride horses. She crashed many times while riding until one day she knew something had to change because no matter how much she rides, her riding and strength will not improve.

    That was when Shannon decided to come and see us...

    She understood that she needed to increase her strength to be able to ride her horse and perform better and maybe stop crashing.

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  • I recently interviewed a young lady who wants to be a member of Custom Body Fitness. She has never exercised in her life and had many questions to ask. So I took the time to answer all of her questions. One of those questions was if after investing the money, time and effort, after months of having results and if she stopped doing it, if she was going to gain weight again.

    I responded the following:

    You don't gain weight because you started exercising and stopped exercising. You gain weight due to several factors.

    To begin with, I say this not to offend, but so that you see reality. You are overweight and have never exercised. And that is due to your lifestyle, not because you exercised and you stopped doing it. You simply live a lifestyle that causes you to have more fat than you want.

    On the other hand, if we take an athlete as an example, the athlete has a toned body because he has a healthy lifestyle and he exercises. He is not an athlete because he has a toned body. He has a toned body because he is an athlete.

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  • Three Thirsty, hungry and tired friends…

    There is a story where three friends had a long journey through the desert. Two of them were complaining about how hot it was, how thirsty and hungry they were. But one of them was just quiet, walking to the closest town they could find. When they arrived at the first town they could see, the quiet guy was the first person to sit, eat and drink water and rest after. The other two guys made fun of this guy telling him that he was acting all the way to town like he was not thirsty, hungry and tired and he was the first to drink, eat and sleep.

    The rested guy looked at them and told both that he never said that he was not thirsty, hungry and tired, but complaining about won’t change the situation. That he decided to focus on his goal and ignored the discomforts.

    Our hot member..

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  • When we advertise a product or service in general, we, the seller, always talk about the good results and the amazing features. But we fail to talk about the negative things that you may not take into consideration before buying the service or product. For example, it sounds good, to many of us, to drive a new, luxury sports car, but many of us are not taking into consideration the cost of insurance, maintenance, gas consumption, and the fact that we may need a second car if we have a family or travel with friends.

    However, if you are well aware of these negative things, you are well informed to take the responsibility to pay for them all and keep the car. You know what to expect and you are ready for it.

    Just like this example, weight lifting to tone your body also has some negative things and I want to make you aware of them, so you are ready to start and be successful in your program.

    First, you are going to get injured. This does not mean chronically injure, but you are going to hurt. No matter how safe you are, there are many ways you can get injured. It is like going to ski and not wanting to fall. It’s going to happen. Or going water rafting and not wanting to get wet. It's going to happen. The only way to avoid getting injured is by not doing it just like you can avoid falling by not skiing or water rafting.

    There are many things that can happen when you are safely lifting weights such as muscle trigger points, muscle strains and joint irritation. You are not limited to these three injuries, but these are the most common.

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  • Many times it is not the exercise or event itself that limits our performance, but it is what we think that makes us feel negative about the exercise or event. Susan was thinking she could passout, but knowing that she could catch her breath in a few minutes, gave her the trust to continue doing them. Daniel was concer about his knees and knowing that his knees will become stronger give him the courage to perform the exercise. If you want to continue reading the article, go to the following link: https://custombodyfitnessgws.com/post/obtén-lo-que-quieres-y-más-encuentra-la-verdadera-felicidadVisit our website:https://custombodyfitnessgws.com/blogVisit our Google Sites:https://custom-body-fitness-llc.business.site/https://custombodyfitnessgws.business.site/https://custom-body-fitness-willits.business.site/Follows on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/cbf.english Follow our Podcast at Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/show/1tmitF21ovjEOo2tEdVk7A?si=294de20720134c6aApple Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/weight-loss-and-body-toning/id1608754655Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_2yHcXF8Ie-f2qmZCuwEgw--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/custom-body-fitness/support

  • Every year we have four challenges in Custom Body Fitness, by the beginning of the spring, we start our ladies’ challenge called The 5 Week Sexy Slim Challenge. This 2024 all the participants deliver good results. But there were 5 of them who delivered extreme results, Blanca Aviles with over 8% body fat loss, Sandra Shafer over 7%, Marbella Chavez, Elida Gutierrez and Verenice Terrones with over 5% body fat loss.

    If you want to continue reading the article, go to the following link: https://custombodyfitnessgws.com/post/how-to-lose-more-than-8%-body-fat-in-5-weeks

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  • Recently I interview one of our members who have completely transfor her body. Her name is Carina Basio. She started with us almost two years ago. Like any other of our members who have transformed their bodies, she had her struggles. I know many people think that people who are fit simply do it and everything is easier than the rest of the population who are not fit. However, Carina, in her interview, tells us the difficulties she had to overcome to be able to tone her body.So here I am going to summarize some key points that Carina needed to overcome to transform her body.If you want to continue reading the article, go to the following link: https://custombodyfitnessgws.com/post/obtén-lo-que-quieres-y-más-encuentra-la-verdadera-felicidadVisit our website:https://custombodyfitnessgws.com/blogVisit our Google Sites:https://custom-body-fitness-llc.business.site/https://custombodyfitnessgws.business.site/https://custom-body-fitness-willits.business.site/Follows on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/cbf.english Follow our Podcast at Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/show/1tmitF21ovjEOo2tEdVk7A?si=294de20720134c6aApple Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/weight-loss-and-body-toning/id1608754655Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_2yHcXF8Ie-f2qmZCuwEgw--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/custom-body-fitness/support

  • Weight loss has become a miltimilonar industry. People have come with many solutions for weight loss from diets to exercise, from pills to surgeries, from pomades to massages. It seems like we can find many ways to attack the overweight problem,

    But there is something that tells us that nothing of these solutions for weight loss are really working…

    Many people are still overweight and more people are getting overweight now compared to years ago.

    You may be asking why many people are overweight. If you are overweight and you are looking for a solution without success, you may be wondering why you can’t lose weight.

    Victoria Clark has the answer for you. Victoria was 70 pounds overweight, unhappily married, broke and emotionally broken until she discovered the reason for her tragedy.

    One day, Victoria, in her desperation to cover a lot of her pain, she smoked weed and she noticed that she was not really confronting that emotional pain that she tried to repress. Victoria has been sexually abused as a child and adolecen. From then on, she gained a lot of weight unconsciously to protect herself from agressors.

    Veronica Clark links:

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/veronicalclark/

    Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Veronica-Lynn-Clark/author/B0C2TMZXH9?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

    Pagina- https://www.veronicalynnclark.com/

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  • Abby started almost a year ago. She came to us overweight. After having two babies she gained more weight than she expected. One day she saw herself in the mirror and decided to start her journey to be healthier. Abby knew what she wanted and she was ready to follow instruction. She set up an appointment with me and we started to create her weight loss plan. Abby started to follow the plan right from the beginning. She increased her veggie intake, stopped processed foods, drank water only, ate on schedule, did weight lifting 4 times a week and walked 30 minutes everyday.She came to her follow ups assessments every week and she lost at least 2% on each assessment. Every time I give her results I can see her eyes shine. Needless to say, I will also get very excited about her results. We had a contest where Abby signed up to and won the first prize. The contest was tight because at least 12 participants got great results and anyone could have taken the first place. However, Abby managed to lose almost 4% of body fat (9 pounds of fat off and gained 4 pounds of muscle) in 24 days.Abby started at 46% body fat and now she is at 32%. She has lost 40 pounds of fat and gained 7 pounds of muscle in 9 months. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/custom-body-fitness/support