Accepted astrophysical theories posist that at one point there was nothing no stars, planets or galaxy's not even space itself. The matter that make up everything that now exist was constrate.d in single extremely dense points known as singularity. The force of gravity singularity so great at the fabric of space. Time curves in on itself. In an instant known as big bang. However the content of the primodial singularity. Escaped and form the universe. The big Ben is catchy sort hand for a complex astrophysical theory. Backup with sophisticated calculations. The term was coin in 1950 by British astronomer fred Hoyle, a proponents of a theory of the universe as a steady state. In the fact Hoyle use the term name divisively. Through the name start it give a false impressions making it seem as through the event that unless that all energy of the universe almost 14 billions years ago was explosion. Astronomers seeing the big bang more as an expansion that with a few second created nuclear reaction that produce the protons, neutrons, an electrons that form the structure of matter today not long after the nuclear reaction stopped. The universe was rugly one quarter helium, three quarter hydrogen a ratio exhibited in the universe in the oldest Star today the formations of the universe played out over billions of years our own Earth along with our solar system is a product of Steelar your explosion almost 5 billion years ago. The story of this universe steel is being written and refined by all scientific accounts. It continue to expand and the question of the eventual and loom Large in the current investigation. The universe itself provide some concrete support of the Big Bang the only in the form of cosmic bacter 100 years the after glow of the cosmic inflations. In 1965 engineer looking for the source of static interfereing with satellite communications found a constant signal emeting for every point in the sky at wavelength predicted for the radiation.
Finance is the base of business. Without this either can enterprise be initiative no it object can be a commonly used finance can be compared to the flow of blood in the human body just as the blood circulations provides energy and strain you like a support to the commercial organisations and help them efficiency and success in the business activities . Normally average organisation it is comparatively easy arrange finance this is primary due to the fact that such organisations are owned by inviduals aur private ine d form and have limited financial requirements as these organisations grows from private to limited structure the process of arranging finance become difficult and complicated. Finance is an integral part of any modern commercial organisations. Finance Gopal as an important place all over agriculture industry and finance business. Economy progress everywheres depend upon means of finance. Finance management is basically the science of wealth.under these we study those principles and techniques which are used by different sections of the society for accommodations of wealth and for putting it to productive use. Some time was direct the flow of economic activity and specialist it is smooth operations finance is the agent that produce these result for this isn't fine his term as the base of business. Finance basically the process to convert the reserve an accommodated fund to productive uses. This progress get so throughly in timmigulate with the various function of the organisation that it become difficult views or asseses it independently. Still it play a script role at all level of the business for the very beginning till the end. Finance mein bhi define as that administrative area are the set of administrative function in an organisations which relate with arrangement of gas and credit so that the organisations may have the means to carry out it objective as satisfactory as possible.
Almost all the activities of a manager at perform through effective communication and therefore if traffic communication process is very important of the manager. The major activities of a communication as follows:1. Achieve the objectives.2. To organise.3. To encourage and communicate.4. To measure the work.5. To develop personality. Every manager has to perform All the above activities. Communication is a major tool in the hand of manager to undertake is responsibility successful. Whenever the speak are right in other word whatever informational message he has convey depend on communication process. Thus, success of a manager depend on effective communication. The ability of listen,read,write,think established him as an effective and successful manager. Today the business environment has undergone a complete change. The change of management has also changed. The new except are being added to it therefore, it become necessary of a manager to accumlate proper and useful information on time. For example to know the market condition and capital requirement etc. Before launching of a new product. If manager is able to do he gets successful . It is necessary of a manager to run the business with proper controlling and monitoring to communicate on priority basis production target to the lowest level business department and also to communicate result Tu high level management. A good and effective manager poses the quality of using communication media for beta public relation as appropriate public relations is very important of an organisation. Thus, we can see how useful communication is for manager because it's success depend on effective communication.
Communication is lifeblood of any organisation. Without communication process there can be no business activity. If there is no communication where it will be very difficult of a manager and employee to find out what is going on in the organisation the management it will not be in the position to receive any information. It can neither given any directive 9 maintain coordination of the various activities of the organisation. Lake of communication will lead to failure off work in the organisation. The organisation will lose Corporation just because the workforce will not be in the position to convey to their requirementsand emotions. Without the process of communication there will be no possibility of exchange of information , problems , solution problem,feedback and assessment of achievement. It is clear that communication is a fundamental to an organisation and it is true that communication is a dynamic accept of every organisation. Communication is also imported due to the following reason: 1. Need for proper and efficient operation of the business. Communication is necessary for proper and efficient operation of the organisations are business unit. It makes a business unit is active and dynamic because coordination of different departments and continuous cell of product required effective communication. Without communication success in business is not possible. 2. Need for effective leadership . Communication skill is necessary precondition for effective leadership. A manager who is well versed and skill enough to communicate poses the quality of leadership. In a good communication network the flow of exchange of Information and ideas among the employees and manager lead to better understand and thereby removing misconception in in working environment with more effective and faster communication media the leader who will be in the much better position to convey their ideas emotion thought course of action and suggestion to their other employees successfully.3. Developing skill of coordination. The process of communication help in developing cooperation and coordination among human being. It help Indore magician exchange of ideas and information is strain unity and increase the efficiency of employees. In an organisation there are various department which carry on their specific activities independently. Better coordination among various department is achieved through the directive from high level management management. Efficiency and Unity is not possible without proper communication.4. Help in developing of management skills fullstop communication is necessary for the management to ensure proper execuation. It is because of communication that management achieve target and objective is able to give directive and carry on the responsibility also examine and evaluate the behaviour employees. 5. Helps in proper planning. An effective communication is also helpful in organisations planning and functioning. Communication please and important role in effective implementation of organisational plan and in achieving the define target and objectives.6. Improving public relation. In modern time it is necessary of a business organisation to make its place in the society. With changing time meaning of public relations and also undergone a change full stop the importance of public relation is now being released in not only semi government institutes and public undertaking but also incorporate and industries. One can find public relation personnel in all this organisation. It mean that communication is playing an important role in this direction.7. Helps in providing competitive information. Modern business is competitive By Nature. To face the challenges of competition more and more information is necessary . It is not only necessary to obtain Useful information and pass on the concerned person but it also necessary to take appropriate steps to face the challenge of competition.
Meaning:communication, in common language refers refers to exchange of ideas between any two person are exchange of some information and or knowledge. The process of of communication start from birth itself. The objective of any language is to communicate. The word communication has been derived from latin word communico which means to distribute are share something. Thus, communication is a two way process. Which country was human evolution the nature and the type of communication has also been changing in verbally from the earliest medium of communication and medium and exchange information that is use of of wood and leaves to the present day medium and exchange of information that is is language , script,printing press, radio , film , telephone,television,satellite, internet,mobile etc. Is the result of unlimited and ever increasing want of human being which ultimately lead to the continuously increasing in verified media of communication. Each and every living being on earth uses some other form of communication process; but it is only human who possess the capability of communicating the message in an effective manner. Communication is an art and those who has clean this art make themselves more impressive and thereby become successful professional. According to Matthew says that 8 communication is something so simple and different that we can never put in simple words. Communication is the lifeblood of any business communication. The process of retention and termination of an employee in the organisation depend largely on communication acid provide information about external and internal activities to the organisation which can be either favourable and unfavourable to the organisation. Business objective of organisation can achieve by collective efforts, which is possible only through exchange of facts , thoughts, opinions or emotions of persons working in that organisation also included.