Recovery is a brain thing, according to Dave and Susan Kenney, founders of the Emergo Academy, a recovery treatment and education program who describe themselves as "brain upgraders."
In their conversation with Host Gail Ferguson Jones, the Kenneys describe their trademarked "Actualized Recovery" approach for replacing the temporary pleasure of addictive substances and behaviors with happier and healthier pursuits.
The goal is to help users move beyond sobriety by rewiring the brain to make different choices.
You can learn about the Emergo Academy at: https://www.emergoacademy.com/coming-soon
Learn more about the Buttrfly Effect Peer Recovery Coaching Program or order my book at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones or contact me at: https://www.buttrflyeffect.com/contact/
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," is by Mixaund Bandcamp at: www.mixaundbandcamp.com
This holiday season is often the most challenging for those who love someone struggling with addiction and those who are newly sober.
In recovery circles, the celebrations that run from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Years is referred to as the trifecta of holidays.
In this episode, host Gail Ferguson Jones speaks with Kate Duffy, founder of Tipping Point Recovery Inc. and Recovery Conversations, about how families can best address the unique difficulties that might arise during the Yuletide season.
Kate is a recovery coach and interventionist who guides families and their addicted loved ones through the recovery process. You can learn more about Tipping Point Recovery at: https://www.tippingpointrecovery.com/
You can learn more about the Buttrfly Effect Peer Recovery Coaching Program at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones
Or contact Gail Ferguson Jones at info@buttrflyeffect.com
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," is by mixaundbandcamp at: www.mixaundbandcamp.com
When it comes to taking that first drink of alcohol, most of us don't expect to get hooked. After all, consuming alcohol is legal and seen as a socially-acceptable way to unwind.
However, It's so easy to depend on that nightly cocktail, beer or glass of wine to relax at the end of the day, unwittingly heading into gray area drinking, a slippery slope toward alcoholism.
In this episode, Host Gail Ferguson Jones speaks with Meg Geisewite, author of "Intoxicating Lies. One Woman's Journey to Freedom from Gray Area Drinking."
She shares how she slipped from normalized drinking to full-blown dependency.
Meg offers a signed copy of her book and membership to her "Write Back to You" writing program on her website:
You can learn more about The Buttrfly Effect Peer Recovery Coaching Program, or purchase a copy of my book and get other resources at:
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," by Mixaundbandcamp, at: www.mixaundbandcamp.com
When loving someone struggling with addiction, it's often hard to see the best in them because of the chaos and confusion they bring into our lives.
The situation may also bring out the worst in us. But Dr. Robert Weiss offers a different perspective on such troubling relationships, which he talks about with host Gail Ferguson Jones.
Dr. Rob, a licensed therapist for nearly 30 years, has coined the term Prodependence, an approach which encourages loving support for addicts, which he says is preferrable to detachment from them and their problem.
He is Chief Clinical Officer of the Seeking Integrity Treatment program, and author of 11 books, including, "Prodependence. Beyond the Myth of Codependency."
He recommends these important steps to help loved ones heal and cope:
Don't go it alone. Seek help. Find a source of support. Don't ignore your own self-care. Set boundaries Spirituality/hope/faithLearn more about Dr. Rob and his books and program at: https://seekingintegrity.com/
You can also hear more about prodependency on his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPZmacFlTtg
Learn more about my Buttrfly Effect Peer Recovery Coaching program at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones or email me at: info@buttrflyeffect.com.
Music for the Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," by Mixaund Bandcamp at: mixaundbandcamp.com.
One of the most disheartening and confusing aspects of a relationship with someone in active addiction is the loneliness and emotional disconnect.
In this episode, Host Gail Ferguson Jones speaks with Marriage and Family Therapist Travis Thompson about the challenges of loving a partner engaged in a "chemical affair" with drugs and alcohol.
Travis, author of "To Those Left Behind. Helping Partners and Families Understand and Heal from Addiction," describes alcohol and drug abuse as an emotional affair.
He says users tend to engage more with substances than with their partners, just as they might if having an adulterous affair.
"It's safer to drink alcohol than to talk to someone," Travis says. "It's emotionally safer to use heroin than to tell your wife if you're ok or not."
Learn more about Travis Thompson's counseling services or order his book at: https://www.travisthompsoncounseling.com/
Learn more about The Buttrfly Effect Peer Recovery Coaching at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones
Reach me with comments, concerns or to suggest topics of interest for the podcast at: info@buttrflyeffect.com.
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," is by Mixaund Bandcamp at: https://mixaundbandcamp.com.
Can chronic pain be treated without the prescription drugs that are leading to an epidemic of addiction and death? Guest Elizabeth Kipp says "Yes."
Kipp is an Addiction Recovery Coach and author of the book, "The Way Through Chronic Pain. Tools To Reclaim Your Healing Power."
In this conversation with host Gail Ferguson Jones, she shares her 40-year struggle with chronic pain and her recovery from pain-pill addiction.
Kipp also talks about the many stressors that cause pain and the traumas that feed it, while telling how she learned to live pain-free and recover from opioid addiction.
Her book is available at: https://elizabethkippcom.simplero.com/page/125986
Learn about Kipp's recovery programs at: https://elizabeth-kipp.com/
Purchase Gail Ferguson Jones's book, "Butterfly Rising. A Journey to Love, Healing and Freedom from the Cocoon of Codependency," and learn learn more about her Certified Peer Recovery Coaching Program at; https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," by Mixaund Bandcamp at: www.mixaundbandcamp.com
There's been a steady climb in addictions since the start of the pandemic in 2020, according to Recovery Coach and Best-Selling Author David Essel, who said studies show alcohol consumption has risen 1,000 percent over the past three years.
While alcoholism tops the list of addictions, porn and sex addictions are a close second, said Essel, who through his coaching program offers permanent solutions to all types of addiction.
"Video game addiction is out of control," he says, noting a direct link between video games and social media to attention deficit among younger generations.
In this conversation with host Gail Ferguson Jones, Essel says that all addictions offer escape and distraction from reality and every day concerns. Families and loved ones should understand that "addiction removes logic."
Get his latest book, "David Essel's Permanent Alcohol and Life Recovery," and learn more about his coaching program, at: https://www.davidessel.com/
Get a free video, purchase my book, "Butterfly Rising. A Journey to Love, Healing and Freedom from the Cocoon of Codependency," and learn more about the Buttrfly Effect Peer Recovery Coaching Program at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones
What are the early days of recovery like after long-term active addiction? What does it feel like physically and emotionally to try to live free of substances after self-medicating for so long?
Host Gail Ferguson Jones gets answers to these questions and more in a conversation with Certified Peer Recovery Coach Kirstin Gourlay, a relapse prevention specialist who has been in long-term recovery for 12 years.
Gourlay explains:
The three stages of recovery - physical, mental and emotional. The emotional challenges caused by Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). The importance of having a Relapse Prevention Plan. The importance of loved ones pursuing their own recovery through a support community, therapy and peer recovery coaching.Get a free video, purchase my book and learn more about The Buttrfly Effect Peer Recovery Coaching Program for those who love someone struggling with an addiction at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones
Music for the Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," by Mixaundbandcamp at: www.mixaundbandcamp.com.
After a lifetime of casual attitudes toward substance use among baby boomers, their rate of accidential overdoses and alcohol-related deaths are climbing.
In this conversation, researcher Alexis Kuerbis explains why.
Kuerbis is an Associate Professor at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College. Her research speciality is vlunerable polulations who use substances problematically.
In this conversation with Host Gail Ferguson Jones, she explains that:
Baby boomers are using drugs and alcohol longer into later life than previous generations. Misuse of prescription drugs for pain and other ailments is a growing trend among seniors, leading to addiction later in life, and sometimes accidental overdoses from drug interactions. Physical changes that make it harder to metabolize substances as people age are a leading cause of chronic illness and co-morbidity among older adults. Alcohol is the most widely-used and socially-acceptable substance and a common killer. It is also often a factor in the development of dementia. Seniors who recognize they have a problem with substance use usually respond well to treatment. She shares the signs families may look for to determine if an older loved one is indulging in risky substance use and how to strike up a conversation that could lead them to agree to treatment.Learn more about getting your loved one sober at: https://www.alcoholscreening.org/#/home
To learn more about The Buttrfly Effect Peer Recovery Program for those who love someone struggling with addiction (and get a free video) at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," is by Mixaund Bandcamp at: mixaundbandcamp.com
Did you know marijuana use is a growing cause of suicide among teens?
Guest Laura Stack of Johnny's Ambassadors says as more state's legalize recreational use, the potency is reaching dangerous levels and leading to serious mental health issues, especially among youth.
Stack's son, Johnny, was an honor student with a promising future who suffered a mental break from marijuana use that led to his suicide.
In her conversation with Host Gail Ferguson Jones, Laura explains that:
Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is more likely to cause anxiety and emotional distress than to calm or cure it Dispensaries in Colorado, the first state to legalize recreational use, are legally required to provide written warnings of the mental and emotional dangers. The cannabis being sold at dispensaries is often processed into "dabs" or "crystalline," which increases the potency to dangerous levels. The American Psychiatric Association is warning that there is no mental or emotional condition that is helped by marijuana use.Learn more about the teen prevention work of Johnny's Ambassadors at: https://johnnysambassadors.org/
Learn more about The Buttrfly Effect Peer Recovery Coaching Program for families at: https://bit.ly/3YXFh1B
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast by Mixaund Bandcamp at: https://www.mixaundbandcamp.com
Host Gail Ferguson Jones and Social Worker Taneshia Johnson discuss five ways to recognize you might be heading for rock bottom as a codependent.
Taneshia, also known as TJ the Self-Care Coach, speaks from personal experience as a recovering codependent. She is also host of the Heal, Pray, Grow Podcast.
Learn more about the resources Taneshia offers at: https://linktr.ee/tjselfcare
To learn more about my Buttrfly Effect Certified Peer Recovery Coaching program or to purchase my book, go to: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," by Mixaund Bandcamp at: https://www.mixaundbandcamp.com
Host Gail Ferguson Jones talks with Sans Bar owner Chris Marshall about the growing Sober Curious Movement.
Sans Bar in Austin, Texas is believed to be the first in the U.S. to serve only non-alcoholic cocktails, wines and beers.
The Sober Curious trend was the impetus for such establishments with the spread of the global observance of Dry January and Dry October, aimed at encouraging drinkers to examine their relationship with alcohol.
After 10 years of sobriety, Chris missed the chance to socialize without the temptation of alcohol, and founded Sans Bar, realizing there were many others in recovery who would also appreciate the chance for social interaction in a sober environment.
"What most people want is not alcohol," he says, "it's connection."
Sans Bar also hosts alcohol-free events around the country. Learn more at: https://www.thesansbar.com/
The Buttrfly Effect Recovery Program offers peer-to-peer coaching to those who love someone struggling with alcohol or drug addiction. Learn more at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones.
You can contact Gail Ferguson Jones at: info@buttrflyeffect.com.
Thank you for subscribing to The Buttrfly Effect Podcast. If you have questions or would like to suggest a topic, please leave a message in the comment section or via email. I'd love to hear from you.
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," is by Mixaund Bandcamp: https://www.mixaundbandcamp.com.
Host Gail Ferguson Jones talks with Michael Askew, Executive Director of The Center for African American Recovery Development (CAARD), about cultural barriers to accessing treatment and maintaining long-term recovery faced by black Americans.
In this episode, we talk about how African Americans were unjustly targeted by the war on drugs, how lives and families may be destroyed by felony drug arrests, and how families can encourage and support a loved one who needs treatment.
CAARD advocates across the country for increased availability to treatment services in black communities and options to incarceration.
Find further information at: https://www.thecaard.org/
Host Gail Ferguson Jones is a best-selling author, award-winning journalist, podcaster, speaker and certified peer recovery coach. Her Buttrfly Effect program offers peer-to-peer coaching for those who love someone struggling with addiction.
Find further information about the coaching program, to purchase her book or follow her on social media at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=ac84a256-8ab7-4e55-97a3-051e7e727aa0
You can contact The Buttrfly Effect Certified Peer Recovery Coaching program for a discovery call at info@buttrflyeffect.com.
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," is by Mixaund at https://www.mixaundbandcamp.com.
Host Gail Ferguson Jones speaks with Nikki Myers, founder of the international relapse prevention program Y12sr (Yoga of 12-Step Recovery), which weaves the art and science of Yoga with the practical tools of the 12 steps.
Nikki is credited with coining the phrase "the dis-ease of the lost self" to best describe codependency.
In this episode she shares how Yoga is essential to the "inside job." of recovery from codependency, a relational pattern of relying on other people or things for a sense of validation.
"The issues are in the tissues," Nikki says, describing how Yoga restores balance and regulates the nervous system.
She also says there's ``something for all of humanity" in the 12 steps.
Learn more about Y12sr at: https://y12sr.com/
Gail Ferguson Jones is a best-selling author, award-winning journalist and certified peer recovery coach. Her book: "Butterfly Rising. A Journey to Love, Healing and Freedom from the Cocoon of Codependency," is available on Amazon.
Her Buttrfly Effect Recovery program offers peer-to-peer coaching for the loved ones of those struggling with addiction.
Find more information at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," by Mixaund at https/www.mixaundbandcamp.com.
In this episode, host Gail Ferguson Jones speaks with Codependency Healing Expert Marshall Burtcher about the unhealthy compromises made in codependent relationships.
Burtcher describes codependency as a survival strategy in which one's sense of self-worth is diminished by a need to seek validation from another.
Through his Free the Self program, he helps people-pleasers, perfectionists and codependents learn to love themselves and build healthy relationships.
Learn more at: https://www.freetheself.com/quick-links/
Ferguson Jones is a best-selling author, award-winning journalist, podcaster and certified peer recovery coach, specializing in recovery from codependency for those who love someone struggling with addiction.
You can learn more about her Buttrfly Effect program, her best-selling book, "Butterfly Rising. A Journey to Love, Healing and Freedom from the Cocoon of Codependency," or contact her at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," by Mixaund at https://www.mixaundbandcamp.com.
Host Gail Ferguson Jones speaks with Kevin Petersen of The Chronic Hope Institute about the best ways for families to deal with those who may disrupt their holiday celebration by overindulging in intoxicants or how to support loved ones who are newly sober.
Ferguson Jones is a best-selling author, award-winning journalist, speaker, podcaster and Certified Peer Recovery Coach.
Her Buttrfly Effect program offers peer-to-peer coaching specializing in recovery from codependency for those who love someone struggling with addiction.
You can learn more about the coaching program, her book, "Butterfly Rising. A Journey to Love, Healing and Freedom from the Cocoon of Codependency," or contact her at: https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=bb507782-48fe-4b97-9c10-cc7dbd088cb3
Petersen is a marriage and family therapist and founder of The Chronic Hope Institute, which offers family addiction coaching and training. Get further information at: https://www.chronichope.us/
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire me," by Mixaund at https://www.mixaundbandcamp.com
In this episode, Host Gail Ferguson Jones talks with Positive Psychology and Resilience Coach Andrea Seydel about the ways misplaced loyalty to an addicted loved one may be harmful. She is also a best-selling author.
In the conversation, Seydel shares some of the signs of addiction that she initially did not recognize, such as her loved one's mood swings, job loss, dishonesty and stealing.
She advises those in similar situations to be willing to detach from the problem, and refuse to accept abuse and neglect. "Find the courage of focus on you," Seydel advises. "Realize that you matter... . Turn up the volume on loving yourself."
For more information on Seydel and her book, "Loving You is Killing Me," go to: https://www.andreaseydel.com/
Host Gail Ferguson Jones is a best-selling author, award-winning journalist, podcaster, speaker and certified peer recovery coach specializing in recovery from codependency, also known as co-addiction.
You can purchase her best-selling book, "Butterfly Rising. A Journey of Love, Healing and Freedom from the Cocoon of Codependency," or contact her about her peer recovery program at https://linktr.ee/GailFergusonJones
The Buttrfly Effect Podcast is available on most platforms: https://pod.link/1518404338
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," by Mixaund at: https://www.mixaundbandcamp.com.
Host Gail Ferguson Jones talks with Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Darlene Lancer, author of "Conquering Shame and Codependency: 8 Steps to Freeing the True You."
Lancer is author of seven books on the subject, including "Codependency for Dummies." In this episode, she explains how most people grapple with feelings of shame because of various life experiences, and the importance of admitting shame in order to overcome it.
You can learn more about Lancer and her work at her website: https://darlenelancer.com/. And you can find her book at: https://www.amazon.com/Conquering-Shame-Codependency-Steps-Freeing-ebook/dp/B00K4JVSRQ/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3N8EORB4RAFRE&dchild=1&keywords=darlene+lancer&qid=1626922429&s=books&sprefix=Darlene+lancer%2Caps%2C194&sr=1-3
Gail Ferguson Jones is a best-selling author, award-winning journalist and certified peer recovery coach. Her book, "Butterfly Rising. A Journey to Love, Healing and Freedom," is available at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Butterfly-Rising-Journey-Healing-Codependency-ebook/dp/B099P81KXG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=12JMIT0J3KWKI&dchild=1&keywords=butterfly+rising+gail+jones&qid=1626923834&sprefix=Butterfly+rising+g%2Cstripbooks%2C188&sr=8-1#detailBullets_feature_div
Her Buttrfly Effect program offers peer-to-peer coaching for the loved ones of those struggling with addiction.
Learn more at her website; http://www.buttrflyeffect.com/, where you can also subscribe to her newletter.
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," is by Mixaund at https://mixaundbandcamp.com.
Host Gail Ferguson Jones announces the publication of her new book, "Butterfly Rising. A Journey to Love, Healing and Freedom from the Cocoon of Codependency."
The ebook edition will be on sale at Amazon for 99 cents on Tuesday, July 20 for one day only. The link to purchase the book at that price will be included in the show notes on that day.
Here's what people are saying:
"Gail Ferguson Jones knows the toxic reality of generational addiction and codependency all too well. She's also an inspiring example of someone who has broken the cycle and built a life of peace, joy and freedom. This book offers a blueprint for those desperate to reclaim their lives from the dysfunction and pain of co-addiction." Sherry Gaba, former co-star, VH1"s "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew Pinsky."
There will be a link to the book on Amazon in these show notes on July 20. Print edition will be available in a few weeks.
Thanks in advance for your support on July 20, which will help me make the bestseller list.
Music for the Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," by Mixaund at https://mixaundbandcamp.com.
Host Gail Ferguson Jones marks the one-year anniversary of The Buttrfly Effect Podcast with a compelling conversation with best-selling author Christine Naman, whose new book is "About Natalie. A Daughter's Addiction. A Mother's Love. Finding Their Way Back to Each Other."
Christine shares her experience with her daughter's opioid addiction and recovery in her new book, which can be purchased at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/About-Natalie-Daughters-Addiction-Mothers/dp/0757323855/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1O6DAY12MP50L&dchild=1&keywords=christine+naman&qid=1623950187&s=books&sprefix=christine+naman%2Caps%2C156&sr=1-1
You can find links to her other books on her website at: https://christinenaman.com/
Gail Ferguson Jones is an award-winning journalist, speaker, podcaster and certified peer recovery coach who specializes in recovery from codependency.
You can learn more or subscribe to her newsletter at: http://www.buttrflyeffect.com/ or contact her at Info@buttrflyeffect.com to inquire about her coaching program.
Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast, "Inspire Me," is by Mixaund at https://www.mixaundbandcamp.com.
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