The busier we get, the older we get, the more distracted we get, the harder it becomes to feel like ourselves. We get pulled in so many directions every single waking minute, that is is ver easy to lose touch with ourselves, the moment, what matters most. This meditation aims to remind the meditator that the present moment is all around us and our perfect conscious awareness is always with us, deep down inside, waiting for us to reconnect with it. One breath at a time.
We are all living busy lives. It is hard not to feel yanked around by the endless distractions we have fighting for our attention. This makes it very difficult to find the stillness we have inside of us. This meditation uses quiet breath to help find some of that stillness and remember that stillness is inside of us at all times, just waiting for us to return to it. One breath at a time.
Our days are full of chaos. We are pulled in a million different directions at all times. If we are not careful, we can very easily find ourselves overworked, exhausted, burned out, and completely over "it" but if we cultivate mindfulness and try to see everything as an opportunity to practice mindfulness, then we can begin to see all the distractions and chaos in a different light. We can begin to see things as challenges, not nuisances. We can see them as ways to improve and be more present not as overwhelming obstacles to our happiness. One breath at a time.
It's impossible to be still and worried at the same time. It's impossible to listen while talking. It's impossible to be calm while everything inside of you is buzzing with worry, doubt, fear, anger, rage, so on and so forth. This meditation aims to help recenter the meditator into the moment by encouraging stillness while listening to the silence. To listen to the silence you need to be still, inside and out. One breath at a time.
It seems like we get so caught up in peace and quiet and calm surroundings that we tend to forget that only makes meditation easier. It's often hard to find perfect peace and quiet so this meditartion hopes to help the meditator remember that there is no such thing as a perfect meditation, there is only the meditation we are currently in. Noises and distractions only serve to help us practice being more present with ourselves. One breath at a time.
When meditating, we often concentrate on our breathing and when we get into that routine, we can sometimes forget that following your breath is really just one way to meditate. There are many other ways and when we change it up, very often we see things differently so much so that when we come back to our old ways of doing things, we can actually see them again, as if it is the first time, with a brand new perspective. This meditation hopes to help the meditator get to that place of seeing things again, for the first time. One breath at a time.
Sometimes it is easy to forget that we get so busy in our lives that we need to take a few moments to quiet down, re-connect to ourselves and the present moment, and heal from the day, week, month that has been happening. This meditation hopes to encourage you to take a few moments today and every day to just heal through the quiet persistent, never-ending present moment of our breath.
As we go through life, very often we can be critical of ourself for the mistakes of the past. We all have something we beat ourselves up over but it is only after we find a way to forgiveness that we can move on and find true happiness in our life. This meditation hopes to help with that process.
We have 60K-90K thoughts a day and half of those thoughts are repeated from the day before and then half of those thoughts are negative thoughts. Over time, these repeated thoughts add up to what we think of as our personality, our truth, our reality. But what happens if we don't like our situation, personality, or reality? What if we desire change in our life? That only happens when we change our perception of reality through our perspective on what is real and what is true. Being mindful of our thoughts is an excellent way to shift into a new reality. This meditation aims to help re-wire the mind one breath at a time.
As we go through our lives, all the stressors, anxieties, bumps in the road, past traumas all add up and begin to sort of paint us into a corner and sometimes it feels like avoiding them will make them easier to deal with. Out of sight, out of mind...but over time we begin to see that there is no avoiding truth because what tends to happen is instead of avoiding that thing we are pretending doesn't exist, we end of fixating on it. Instead of avoiding the thing, it begins to run our lives in so many unproductive ways. This meditation aims to help gain perspective on this and reminds us that recognizing and acknowledging, much like acknowledging thoughts while in meditation, makes moving on with our lives so much easier.
We can get so bogged down and heavy with stress and worry about things that have and have not happened in our life that we lose sight of that never ending path to joy. Gratitude. It's so easy to forget that there is so much in our life to be grateful for. Gratitude leads to abundance. Abundance leads to joy. Joy leads to loving your life. This meditation hopes to help the meditator get back to that place. One breath at a time.
Meditation imitates life in so many ways. When we face set backs, road blocks, or failures in our path, so often the only thing left to do is begin again. Just as in meditation when we find our mind wandering, we have to be mindful of it, acknowledge it and return to our breath. Begin again. This meditation aims to remind us that no matter what, there is no such thing as failure, so long as we keep going.
We get stuck in moments of being upset, let down, depression, anxiety and in those moments we start to think of our current situation as just how we are or "this is just who I am" and we get used to seeing ourselves that way and forget that may be true now but doesn't have to be true in the future. Visualizing our future can be a powerful way to see another version of ourselves that may be true now but can be true tomorrow. How do you see your future self? What are they telling you about yourself? What is the secret that future version of you holds that you have yet to learn? This meditation hopes to help you get closer to that future self, one breath at a time.
Often times we place so much pressure on ourselves to achieve the goal, whatever it may be, that we for get that one step forward is better than no steps forward. There is no such thing as failure, unless you quit. Everything in life is practice. Athletes practice to compete and then consider the competition practice for the next competition. Thinking this way can actually bleed over into life as well. Everything we do is just practice for life. Persistence, dedication, discipline, learning to deal with setbacks. Meditation is the same way. We are practicing for life. Mindfully. One breath at a time.
We spend most of our lives afraid. We spend most of our lives worrying about what has been or what could be. We spend our life thinking about all the bad things that are possible. But we very often forget the other side of possibility. All the good things that could happen. Good or bad, neither are true, unless we say so. This meditation hopes to help remind us that we have the universe inside of us and to ask the question how much better could things get? One breath at a time.
When we are feeling low, our vibrations are low. Those feelings of fear, sadness, depression, anxiety, boredom are all sucking our energy and keeping us vibrating at a lower level. All while disconnecting us from the present moment. Connecting to the present, raises our vibration. We start to feel joy, gratitude, inspired, optimistic, and enthusiastic for what is to come. The present moment is there, always singing in a perfect pitch, waiting for us to tune in to it. This meditation hopes to help the meditator practice that connection with the present moment so we can be more in unison with our life. One breath at a time.
Life doesn't always go to plan. In fact, life rarely seems to go to plan. We can't let those little bumps in the road, or even huge obstacles keep us from moving forward in our life. We need to be able to shift into another gear, change lanes, or take another route. This meditation hopes to help remind us that there is always another way. There is always plan B. One breath at a time.
Self discipline is the only way to form new habits and achieve new goals. Keeping your word with yourself is the first step towards being able to keep your word with others. Many times we can get swept away by the daily struggle and days, weeks, months can go by in between steps towards progress. Meditation can help form new patterns of behavior, to break free of unproductive thoughts and habits. One breath at a time.
When we are overcome with emotion it is very easy to lose sight of the fact that the pain is temporary but if we can learn that our pain and emotions come and go in waves, perhaps we can gain some mindfulness and perspective as we experience those things in the moment. This meditation aims to help the meditator remember to ride the wave of the present moment. One breath at a time.
Negativity can pile up on us through out our life. So much so that it is very easy to start to believe that nothing good will ever happen. People will suggest affirmations and law of attraction and many are skeptical that those things will ever work for them. The trust is that they will work only if we believe they will. They won't work, if we believe they won't. We have to retain ourselves to not feel silly thinking positively. That silly feeling is resistance and cynicism creeping back in. This meditation aims to help the meditator regain some peace and balance while reminding them that good things can happen, if only you just believe they can. One breath at a time.
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