Evan Wickham shares his insights as a pastor with us about developing a Biblically based theology of disabilities drawing from both the old and new testament. Evan is the lead pastor at Park Hill Church in San Diego, CA as well a worship song writer for the greater Church.
This month we hear from Ericka Anderson on the topic of drinking, sobriety and addiction all within the context of christian community. Ericka Andersen is a freelance writer and mom in Indianapolis, Indiana. She's the author of Reason to Return: Why Women Need the Church & the Church Needs Women. Ericka is a columnist at WORLD Magazine and a contributor to Christianity Today. She's been published in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and more. You can get her sobriety toolkit for Christian women at SobrietyCurious.com
What does Jesus have to do with your politics? Well, if you are a follower of Christ....everything! Today we hear from Joshua Ryan Butler about his latest book The Party Crasher and the implications that Jesus has on all of our lives wether you subscribe to politics or not. From liberal leaning Gen Z to Boomer Conservatives to Anabaptist Millennials, there is something in this conversation for everyone.
You can find Josh's book here on Amazon!
Today we hear from Ashley Abercrombie about how christians can engage well with the struggles of having broken bodies.
Today we ask the hard questions about christian content. Why is there so much shallow and theologically anemic content being circulated? How can we grow as listeners and as teachers? How can we balance rich theology with teaching that will be accessible to all learning levels? We hear from Jackie Hill Perry on the subject.
Brenna Blain preaches on John 15:1-6 at Shine Conference in Vancouver Washington. The question we are asking today is "what keeps followers from remaining"? If you have an event or Sunday service you'd like to bring Brenna in for you can reach out at www.Brennablain.com
This episode we ask Aarti about being a christian in the secular world of TV, how food and faith have intersected in her life and what keeps her grounded in the lights of fame.
Today we hear from Dr Preston Sprinkle about empathy surrounding the gender and sexuality conversation, the arguments in his latest book and some hard truth about denying the Biblical commands
Today we hear from Jeremy Jenkins about the main differences between Mormons and Christians, how we can witness well to Mormons and what it looks like to talk with people who have a different faith.
How should christians talk to children and youth about sexuality? It can feel like an overwhelming task but today we hear from Amber Carroll who works to equip christians to have Biblically and well informed conversations surrounding sex and sexuality with kids ages 2-12.
What are Spiritual Rhythms and why do they matter? Is partaking in them simply a suggestion or a Biblical Command? How can we help others without making it a point of legality? Today we hear from Amy Gannet, founder of Tiny Theologians, about the impact that these practices can have in our lives.
What is it like to be a christian who identifies as transgender? As more and more individuals are able to recognize incongruences in their own life with their gender identity, it is important that followers of Christ learn how to care for and engage well with those wrestling. Today we hear from Kat LaPrairie, a trans* christian who is eager to share about her own experience with Jesus and gender.
Do followers of Jesus struggle with anger issues? How can we repair the damage that our anger has done against our kids? How can we come alongside someone else who struggles with anger without getting emotional ourselves? Today Lisa Bevere shares her own story about anger and how God worked through it in her life and what that can look like for us as well.
How can the Church support LGBTQ teens? What if they are non-affirming....is that even possible to support them? If so, how? In this episode Laurie Krieg shares with us how to pursue meaningful relationships with sexual minorities in our places of faith and answers some of your toughest questions on the subject.
Should followers of Christ use the enneagram? Is it harmless or harmful? Does it give us an excuse to continue with bad habits or does it point out ways we need surrender to Christ? Maybe you're just asking WHAT IS the Enneagram anyways?? Today we talk with Christian Dawson, young adults pastor from Bridgetown Church in Portland Oregon. He shares how he has seen the enneagram at work in the lives of young people today.
Why does the evangelical church historically focus so much on the sensual and sexual aspect of modesty? How has this specifically affected women? What about men? What does the Bible say about modesty? Today we talk with Kat Harris, author of Sexless in the City to get her view on modesty and the christian faith.
Should christians still identify with the term "American Evangelicalism"? Or is it too engrossed with Christian Nationalism? Are we letting a younger generation have too much say over what some people have seen to be a "tried and true" movement? Today we talk with Sho Baraka to hear his thoughts on the term, how politics have impacted it and wether or not we should seek to redeem what some are calling a stained identity.
Is doubting a sin? What even does the term "doubt" me in relation to the faith world? Why do churches struggle with welcoming doubt in their spaces? How can we work through doubt with ourselves and others well? This episode we hear from Dominic Done about the complexities found within the topic doubt and how to wrestle well.
How can christians become the non-anxious presence of Christ in this world? Are there spiritual practices that can lead us away from anxiety and fear? Can either of those be helpful ever? We ask Trillia Newbell all these and more on this timely episode of "Can I Say That?".
Today we are talking about online church vs in person community. Are both beneficial? Is there a clear Biblical mandate for followers to gather together in person? Is technology changing the way we do community? What are the downsides to only meeting online? We ask all these questions and more as we talk with Chris Cruz from Bethel Church in Redding, California.
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