Rev Daniel explores the core idea of Christianity that the problems of the world run through each of us, that we share responsibility and are never immune from the troubles and sins of the world. The System may be bad but unless we sincerely examine our hearts and repent we will never know the Kingdom of God.
Rev Daniel French continues his series Awake for Lent with episode 4, where he reflects that though it is right to be worried about the power of survelliance today the Christian should be more focused on the Divine survelliance. It is the gaze of God upon each of us which should concern us. For all our faults God sees us as gloriously made, where as the System sees as a product or a number on a spreadsheet.
Rev Daniel French continues his series 'Awake Lent' with episode 3 looking at how the choice has always been between the System or the Kingdom of God. We might give the System all sorts of titles and names, but its the same thing that belittles us and reduces our humanity.
Rev Daniel French continues on his series, Awake to Lent. In this short talk he argues that to combat the new world order before us we are going to have to re-learn the old ways of inhabiting the Christian faith. Many are now seeing that only Christianity stands in the way of a Brave New World. To understand why this is the case we need to go back to the basics of the faith and why Jesus came to save us.
If Christianity is no longer tolerated in the West how can Christians become more resilent? In this short introduction Father Daniel French introduces a new series for Catecomb FM relevant to Lent. He begins by asking how much are we ready to suffer and sacrifice for our faith?
"The Gospel is Divisive" says Calvin Robison as he talks to Rev Daniel French about the culture wars in the Church and society along with the story that hit the news last week about his personal struggles to getting ordained in the Church of England.
Brandon is back with Rev Daniel to discuss a common question, "Why should I bother with church?" Here we are minded that a lot of people are writing in to us and the Irreverend podcasters to with a reawakening to the Christian faith BUT are shy of belonging to a church.
This week Rev Daniel gave a talk in Cambridge on the urgency of supporting faithful Christians and raising new ones. Here's a repeat of the same speech.
Rev Daniel French reflects on part of the apocalyptic discourse of Christ in Matthew 24. 4-14, "wars and rumours of wars." This short talk is also a summary of the the first Lent talk that Daniel gave last Thursday. The podcast is going out also on the Irrreverend podcast. How can raise Christians resilient to this difficult age?
Whereas most of human history believed in demons, devils, and evil spirits, people nowadays tend see this is goofy and unmodern. However, recently there's been a change in the air and old beliefs are coming back. Rev Daniel and Brandon explore this with special reference to the temptation in the wilderness which is the Gospel reading for the first Sunday of Lent (Luke 4. 1-13)
Rev Daniel French and Brandon LeTourneau explore how since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1988 an opportunity to unite East and West in the Church failed to be realised. What a missed opportunity! They also delve into Eastern Christian spirituality using Sunday Gospel reading of Luke 9. 28-45, the transfiguration and the subsequent failure of the disciples to heal the possessed boy.
Daniel French and Brandon LeTourneau explore a dynamic Christian vision of freedom and how developing inner freedom can help us resist authoritarianism. What can we learn from prisoners who have turned to Christ along with saintly mystics who have deepened in their intimacy with God.