Luke Clayton has been an outdoors writer for almost four decades and his byline appears in many different outdoor publications. Luke also pens a weekly outdoors column that runs in 41 Texas newspapers. For the past 15 years, Luke has hosted his radio show, CATFISH RADIO with Luke Clayton and friends which currently airs on 32 terrestrial radio stations and now as a weekly podcast right here on your favorite podcast app! Larry Weishuhn, aka “Mr. Whitetail” has shared a segment of the show with Luke since shortly after the show first aired. Topics are varied each week with four guests talking about everything from catching stripers at Lake Texoma on the Texas/Oklahoma border to hunting wild hogs to shooting and hunting with big-bore airguns. So each week, it’s a good bet Luke and his guest will hit on your favorite topic or discuss something you will be interested in. Luke frequently wraps up the show with “A visit with Luke” where he gives an account of a recent outdoor adventure. There’s always a bit of outdoor cooking talk in every show.
Luke has enjoyed camp cooking and especially using his Dutch Kettles outside over embers from a campfire for most of his adult life. For several years, Luke wrote an outdoor cooking column for a major Texas newspaper and he weaves outdoor recipes into many of his newspaper columns as well as here on his podcast. So, settle back, turn the volume up, and see where Luke and his guests take you this week. A new radio show airs each week and the current show will be hosted right here.