Deep Talks is a podcast dedicated to exploring the integral relationship between religion, culture, philosophy, and science. Fostering nuanced, non-combative dialogue about theology and culture, science, the arts, entertainment, and philosophy within a broad, historic Christian perspective.
Paul Anleitner is a cultural theologian who writes and speaks on religion and culture. He has degrees in history from the University of Michigan and a Master of Christian Thought from Bethel Seminary, where he graduated with highest honors. -
Religion is the driving force behind much of what happens in the world today -- particularly when it comes to the "big three" religions -- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Religious differences have and continue to spark wars, create nations, and spawn ongoing conflict down through the centuries. No matter what religion you adhere to (or even if you claim that you don't adhere to any religion at all), you need to have a basic understanding of the world's religions in order to understand what is happening in the world today so that you can be better informed and a more useful citizen of your nation and of the world. Without some knowledge of religion, you will not understand the underpinnings of what is happening in an increasingly global society.
ธรรมะเพื่อการเจริญสติ รู้กาย รู้ใจ ตามความเป็นจริง ด้วยจิตที่ตั้งมั่นและเป็นกลางโดยพระปราโมทย์ ปาโมชฺโช วัดสวนสันติธรรม A collection of the Lord Buddha's teachings conveyed by the venerable Luangpor Pramote Pamojjo, a master teacher of mindfulness for the modern world and Vipassana meditation.
Wisdom Daily is for anyone looking for wisdom, inspiration, and philosophical and thought provoking words and advice to help you on your journey. Produced by Motiversity and T&H Inspiration, this podcast features audios that will change the way you view yourself and the world around you.
We are on a mission to share inspiring wisdom. The goal is to have you pause, think, and reflect. Many of our videos revolve around the extraordinary teachings of Alan Watts that we produce with permission from the Alan Watts Electronic University. We also interview popular authors and thought leaders including recent interviews with Daniel Pink, Best Selling Author of DRIVE and WHEN, Natalie Imbruglia, Vishen Lakhiani, Stephen Hacker and many more.
Our hope with these audios is to push your thinking. As Alan Watts said “No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge without flexibility, and the order of his life is rigid and brittle.” – Alan Watts.
If you’re ready to push your thinking and become wiser every day, or just need some inspiration and perspective on life, tune in to the Wisdom Daily by Motiversity.
Follow on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/tradgedyandhope
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
What happens when you lock an Old Testament, New Testament, and Theology professor in a room to discuss provocative topics related to bible and theology? Find out as you listen to the podcast of three professors from Great Lakes Christian College engage the sorts of questions students ask ... after class.
Featuring (from left to right in the logo) Samuel C. Long, Ronald D. Peters, John C. Nugent -
The Prepping Academy Radio Show is a live broadcast aimed at discussing various topics related to prepping, survival, and self-reliance, while also serving as a platform for preppers to unite. Our ultimate objective at The Prepping Academy Radio Show is to broaden your perspectives and inspire you to take action, as we strongly believe that preparedness is of the essence. We welcome preppers of all levels to join us on preppingacademy.com and PrepperNet.com.
Welcome to The Alchemy of Ascension Podcast with your host, Waxela Sananda. Here we explore the multidimensionality of BEING Divine Presence embodied at this pivotal time between the old paradigm and the New Earth.
As we raise our consciousness, our awareness, and anchor higher frequencies into the body, we Alchemize- we transform- we activate- we ascend. This ascension practice is what I call IN-scension, as we bring more light and awareness into the body through the awakened heart, we become infinitely connected to.
http://waxelasananda.com/ -
How we see the world is a lot about how we treat ourselves. It's kind of like our personal relationship with ourselves is a bit of a mystery for many. But here's the interesting part: finding peace, joy, and love in our lives often starts with understanding and improving this self-relationship.
I'm Aileen—a mom, daughter, sister, friend—and I'm excited to be there for you as you explore and discover more about yourself.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
YourTorah is designed as an introduction to the 63 tractates (books) of Mishnah and is taught by women.
In each 18 minute podcast you'll find the overview of one tractate, with a sample mishnah and a practical take-away.
YourTorah is a project of JOFA UK designed as a special invitation to women & girls to make Torah study ‘their thing’ -
though men are of course welcome to join too. -
WorkingPreacher.org now features the "I Love to Tell the Story," a weekly podcast that invites you into a conversation on the Narrative Lectionary Scripture passages for the coming Sunday. The conversations will be fun, informative, and creative--and will help you and your congregation become "fluent in the first language of faith."
The Practical Magic podcast is a weekly dive into helping us live a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL Life on our own terms with Kate Taylor, life design and empowerment coach. Practical Magic is Kate's blended melting pot of goodness to align mind, body and soul.
Each week on the podcast will be a voyage of discovery through the mind-body connection to uncover the buried treasure we have within each of us. Kate will be joined on the Practical Magic sofa by special guests from the worlds of creativity, wellness, modern spirituality, and those who live for unlocking the wisdom which lies in our experiences.
Find out more about Kate and her work at www.katetaylor.co, and the Practical Magic Activation Deck (your personal life coach in a box) at www.practicalmagicliving.com.