E255: Desire / Paper Straws / Been There Done That by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E254: Manipulation / Atonement / Pipes by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E253: Disappointment / Not Perfect / That’s me by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E252: Suffering Together / Theology of the Body / Self Indulgent Preaching by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E251: Pope stuff / Politics / Bar Fight by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E250: Ordination / Bourbon / Photos by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
Preaching Tips / Eucharistic Processions / ASL Mass by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E248: Origin Story / Other Nick / Teaching the faith by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E247: Governance / Gifts / Stupid Birds by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E246: New Priest Advice / First time hearing Confessions / Encouragment by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E245: Mid-Life Crisis / Vocation Analyzation / We back by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
RETVRN by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E244: Bonus episode and update Pod from Father Harrison by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E233: Extra Mysteries / Being human / Self reflection by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E232: Work / Labor Day / X-Communications by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E231: Vulnerability / Church Hopping / Church Wounds by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E230: Formula / Scuples / Nice people? Nahhhh by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E229: World Youth Day / Thunder & Lightning / Online stuff by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
E228: Desire / Habbits / Liturgy by Fr. Harrison & Fr. Anthony
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