
  • Come Follow Me Kids Podcast

    Come Follow Me Podcast for Children

    Mormon Primary Podcast

    LDS kids podcast

    Book of Mormon Podcast for kids

    This week we are reading about when the resurrected Jesus Christ visited the Nephites in the city of Bountiful. From the come follow me manual, it’s lesson: “

    Arise and Come Forth unto Me”

    3 Nephi 8–11

    This week we will learn:

    Jesus Christ is the Light of the World.

    When we are in darkness, Jesus Christ can be our light.

    He invites us to come to Him, repent, and gain a personal witness of Him, and as we do, he with gather us in and protect us.

    God wants me to have a broken heart and contrite spirit.

    This week we want to thank talking scriptures and teaching with power for their YouTube channels that provided the broken heart and contrite spirit horse metaphors.

    If you are new here: Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • Come Follow Me Podcast for Families

    Come Follow Me Podcast for Kids

    Come Follow Me for Children

    That’s us!

    This week we are studying September 16–22: “Lift Up Your Head and Be of Good Cheer”

    3 Nephi 1–7

    Children will learn:

    Becoming converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ requires patience and effort.

    Because of Jesus Christ, I can “be of good cheer.”

    The Lord will fulfill all His words in His time.

    I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

    Mormon declared, “Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ”

    A new star appeared when Jesus Christ was born.

    The prophets’ words are always fulfilled.

    Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! Some audio this week of the children listeners was taken from the friend magazine. We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • This week we are studying from the Come Follow Me Manual about Samuel the Lamanite. Samuel The Lamanite - Helaman 13-16 Glad Tidings of Great Joy. Children will learn: The Lord gives warnings through His prophets.In the scriptures, prophets are sometimes compared to watchmen on a wall or tower who warn of danger. God invites me to repent. Samuel’s warnings of the judgments of God consistently included a merciful invitation to repent. God sent signs and wonders to testify of the Savior’s birth and death.

    In Helaman 14, Samuel explained that the Lord provided signs of the Savior’s birth and death so that the people “might know of … his coming” and “believe on his name” Some of the verbiage and voices were taken from the friend magazine. Check it out. If you are new here, Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • Welcome to Come Follow Me For Kids!
    We are a come follow me podcast for lds children:
    This week in the scriptures we hear Nephi’s father, Helaman, telling his sons to “remember, remember.” He wanted them to remember their ancestors, remember the words of the prophets, and most of all, remember “our Redeemer, who is Christ”.
    This week the kids will learn Prophets testify of Jesus Christ and The Lord wants me to remember Him.
    “Remember the Lord”
    Helaman 7–12
    The gadianton robbers have taken over zarahemla. Nephi the prophet prays on a garden tower. The people hear him and he tells them to repent. Nephi prophesies that the chief judge will be murdered by his own brother. Nephi causes a famine to come to the land. The people repent.
    If you are new here, Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • Heavenly Father wants me to be humble.

    I will build my foundation on Jesus Christ.

    The Holy Ghost whispers with a still, small voice.

    Today we are going to start with a game called fortunately unfortunately. Listen to how our story starts, you will hear some good things and some bad things.

    Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

    The Rock of Our Redeemer - Helaman 1-6

    This week we are reading about Kishkumen and The Gadianton Robbers. We also read about Lehi and Nephi being protected.

  • Primary podcast for LDS kids. This week we are studying Helaman and the Stripling Warriors! In the for kids section of the come follow me manual titled:

    Preserved by His Marvelous Power”

    Alma 53–63

    Having faith in God helps me overcome fear.

    I can be faithful to God like Helaman’s young soldiers.

    I can be faithful to what my parents teach in righteousness.

    I can keep my covenants with Heavenly Father.

    Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. We play games and do activities so kids can learn to love the Book of Mormon. This week we are studying “Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ” Alma 43–52. This is a Captain Moroni Poscast. We learn about Captain Moroni vs Zerahemnah. Captain Moroni vs Amalickiah. Amalickiah vs Lehonti. And finally Pahoran and the Freemen vs Kingmen. We are also introduced to Teancum! Children will come away knowing; Satan tempts and deceives us little by little. I can be “firm in the faith of Christ” like Captain Moroni. I can find spiritual protection in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Unity brings safety. What principles are our Church leaders emphasizing in our day? You can look for them in the For the Strength of Youth: “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” and the Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood Quorum themes.

    Specifically; this is Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • In this episode we study “The Great Plan of Happiness”
    Alma 39–42 Alma teaches his son Corinaton about repentance and the Plan of Salvation. We are a podcast for primary kids who are members of the lds church. This week the kids should come away knowing: After we die, our spirits go to the spirit world until the Resurrection and Judgment. Because of Jesus Christ, I can repent when I make mistakes. My good example can lead others to Christ. Alma’s counsel to Corianton can help your children understand the importance of being a good example.

    If you are new here, we are an interactive game play podcast for lds kids. It’s lots of fun. Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Podcast for Kids! This weeks episode is Alma 36-38 “Look To God & Live” Alma Teaches His Sons Helaman & Shiblon. Children will learn: “Jesus Christ replaces sorrow with joy.”The scriptures have been preserved “for a wise purpose.”“By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”“Repentance brings me joy in Jesus Christ.” Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information. The story of the boy with the green cast comes from the friend magazine.

  • Alma and Amulek teach the Zoramites that are cast out. Faith is like a seed.“Plant This Word in Your Hearts” Alma 32–35. Some audio used in this episode was taken from the friend magazine. Come follow me for kids is a podcast where we play games and learn about scriptures. This week we are learning: I can worship God in prayer, anytime and anywhere.

    Alma and Amulek’s counsel about worship and prayer was meant to correct specific misunderstandings the Zoramites had. The Lord can teach me as I choose to be humble.

    Alma and Amulek had success teaching the Zoramites who were humble. We will learn what it means to be humble. grows as I nourish it.

    Seeds, trees, and fruit are familiar objects that can help children understand abstract principles like faith and testimony. Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information. This week we will learn the stories of Alma and Korihor & The Rameumptom “The Virtue of the Word of God” Alma 30–31. Children will learn Heavenly Father hears my prayers. This podcast that teaches your children to pray is very helpful. Kids will also learn The word of God is Powerful. When we discuss Korihor children will learn The Book of Mormon warns me against false teachings. True of false games will be played.

  • Come Follow Me Podcast for Kids! We are an LDS primary podcast. Aka a Mormon kids podcast. This week we are reading in the Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Manual for July 8–14: They “Never Did Fall Away” Alma 23–29 The No-Fighting Promise. We will learn about how the Anti Nephi Lehies Bury Their Weapons of War. In this Book of Mormon podcast for kids, Children will learn The Lord blesses me as I strive to keep my promises to Him. Jesus Christ brings me joy, and I can share this joy. I can help my friends live the gospel of Jesus Christ. This week the no fighting story By Myrna M. Hoyt (Based on a true story) is taken from the 2018 Friend. If you are new here…. Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information. This week we learn about the sons of mosiah, Ammon, king Lamoni, abish, and more! The kids will come away knowing When we show love for others, we can help them receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. I can share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. I can help others come unto Christ by showing my love for them.

  • We are still following Alma and Amulek this week. We will learn that Alma and Amulek Escape Prison through their faith in Christ, and Zeezrom is healed and cleansed. This is a primary podcast for Mormon Kids. The Come Follow Me Week is June 24–30: “Enter into the Rest of the Lord” Book of Mormon Chapters Alma 13–16. If you are new here, Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information. This week children will learn: The Lord invites me to enter into His rest. In times of suffering, we must trust the Lord. Priesthood power helps me come closer to Christ. Jesus Christ can make me clean. Heavenly Father strengthens me as I have faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Book of Mormon Podcast for Kids! Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information. In this weeks Book of Mormon for children podcast, we are learning about Alma and Amulek preaching to the people of Amoniha, and confounding Zeezrom. This is a book of morning podcast for children that teaches about repentance, angels, being a good friend, and being a good missionary. Some audio was taken from the Church’s Book of Mormon videos and from the Friend Magazine.

  • Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information. This weeks episode is all about Alma preaching to the people on Gideon and Zarahemla. He teaches about having a change of heart. Primary children will learn: The Savior took upon Himself my sins, pains, and afflictions. I can gain my own testimony through the Holy Ghost. The Savior took upon Himself my sins, pains, and afflictions. Some audio used was from the Talking Scripture Podcast. Some text used about testimonies was from the Friend Magazine. Children will also get to practice bearing their testimonies.

  • This is a come follow me podcast for children. This week we learn the stories of Nehor and Amlici. We are studying the come follow me manual chapter titled: They Were Steadfast and Immovable” Mosiah 29–Alma 4. In this episode kids will learn: I can be a positive influence in my community. the Lord wants you to be involved in your community. recognize false doctrine. Although Nehor eventually confessed that what he taught was false, his teachings continued to influence the Nephites for many years. We will talk about how to fight that. We also learn what Priestcraft is and how to recognize it and not fall for it. And finally we will talk about how The Lord can help me recognize false teachings. Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • Come Follow Me Kids Podcast - A primary podcast for LDS kids. Alma The Younger “They Were Called the People of God” Mosiah 25–28 This week we learn about Alma the Younger and that “Through Jesus Christ, I can change for the better.” “Jesus Christ helps me become more like Him.” “I can pray and fast for God to bless the people I love.” If you are new here, welcome! Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.

  • Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information. This week we are studying and learning about Alma at The Waters Of Mormon, the burning of wicked king Noah, the escape and deliverance of the people of limhi and the people of Alma Children will learn about their baptismal covenants and that God can make my burdens light. We Have Entered into a Covenant with Him : Mosiah 18-24

  • Hello! We are a come follow me podcast for kids! Aka an LDS primary podcast. Aka Mormon Kids Podcast. Aka Mormon Children’s Podcast. This weeks podcast tells the story of Abinadi and Wicked King Noah. In the Come Follow Me Manual we are studying May 13–19: “A Light … That Can Never Be Darkened” Mosiah 11–17. This week we feature music from the Strive To Be Album called “Eternal”. We also pull audio from the story of Abinadi and Alma from the friend magazine audio. If you are new here…. Welcome to the Come Follow Me Kids Podcast! This is a scripture study podcast for children. Specifically; this is a Come Follow Me for Kids - focused on helping your kids learn the gospel! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we create this podcast for primary aged children (ages 2-12) following along with the church’s Come Follow Me Manual. We are a game play podcast and engage and entertain children through fun interactive games and stories. This year we are a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me Study podcast for children. We hope you enjoy listening! If your children would like to be guests on our podcast email us at [email protected] and we will send you an assignment for a future week. We are also happy to give your child a baptism shout out as well! Just email us their name, city, and ward and we will give them a baptism way to go! We are not officially affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and refer you to their website for any questions regarding doctrine or gospel information.