
  • This “first” episode and one filling the spot of a “trailer” to give you an idea of what the show is about is actually the last of over 100 episodes previously recorded.

    Take 15 minutes, press play, and if so moved enjoy the treasure chest until we restart the search for these amazing gems.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

  • We were invited by the Hosts of the Nomad Podcast to participate in Pod March which is based on a vision of numerous podcasts releasing a single episode that they’ve created in regards to reacting and addressing the global and local impact of Climate Change.

    One of the most amazing and beautiful things about being involved in the podcast world is connecting with other people on such deep and personal levels. Sometimes you become very fortunate and get a chance to know them personally with the ultimate reward of referring to them as friend.

    No other podcast over the past couple of years has had a greater impact on me personally than the Nomad Podcast. Tim, David, Jemimah, Nick and Dave have a special place in my heart and mind. Tim and David have also become friends and we even had David on this show previously.

    When invited we quickly said yes.

    In regard to the content I haven’t listened and no doubt would not agree with 100% of everything that is said but the very essence of this show and what has been the first step in transformation is to, stop, and listen. So we invite you, regardless of your position, to hear this chorus of voices (actual show notes below) within the motto of our show:

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    Everybody Now

    Climate Emergency and Sacred Duty

    We’ve caused a turning point in the Earth’s natural history. Everybody Now is a podcast about what it means to be human on the threshold of a global climate emergency, in a time of systemic injustice and runaway pandemics. Scientists, activists, farmers, poets, and theologians talk bravely and frankly about how our biosphere is changing, about grief and hope in an age of social collapse and mass extinction, and about taking action against all the odds.

    On 19th October 2020, Everybody Now is being released by podcasters all over the world as a collective call for awareness, grief and loving action.

    With contributions from:

    Dr. Gail Bradbrook - scientist and co-founder of Extinction Rebellion

    Prof. Kevin Anderson - Professor of Energy and Climate Change at the University of Manchester

    Dámaris Albuquerque - works with agricultural communities in Nicaragua

    Dr. Rowan Williams - theologian and poet, and a former Archbishop of Canterbury

    Pádraig Ó Tuama - poet, theologian and conflict mediator

    Rachel Mander - environmental activist with Hope for the Future

    John Swales - priest and activist, and part of a community for marginalised people

    Zena Kazeme - Persian-Iraqi poet who draws on her experiences as a former refugee to create poetry that explores themes of exile, home, war and heritage

    Flo Brady - singer and theatre maker

    Hannah Malcolm - Anglican ordinand, climate writer and organiser

    Alastair McIntosh - writer, academic and land rights activist

    David Benjamin Blower - musician, poet and podcaster

    Funding and Production:

    This podcast was crowdfunded by a handful of good souls, and produced by Tim Nash and David Benjamin Blower


    The song Happily by Flo Brady is used with permission.

    The song The Soil, from We Really Existed and We Really Did This by David Benjamin Blower, used with permission.

    The Poem The Tree of Knowledge by Pádraig Ó Tuama used with permission.

    The Poem Atlas by Zena Kazeme used with permission.

    The Poem What is Man? by Rowan Williams from the book The Other Mountain, used with permission from Carcanet Press.

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Inspired by an upbringing of highly conservative theology coupled with a transformation into anything but Seth Price was inspired to start the Can I Say This At Church Podcast. As the 100th conversation we could think of anyone better to talk about our parallel but different journeys.

    You can find Seth’s podcast HERE.

    We also want to recognise and thank Seth for his time given he had recently lost his Dad prior to recording. He still wanted to talk and are humbled by his grace and strength. God speed to him and his family.

    This episode was recorded and published during the COVID-19 Pandemic and published during it.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Darian Parker shores up the two "Brothers Parker" episodes with his perspective on race relations, culture, power and faith. Like standing under a waterfall there is a force, a depth to what he says but a softness and kindness only humility and grace can bring to the surface.

    You can find Darian’s Podcast, Dr.D’s Social Network, HERE.

    This episode was recorded and published during the COVID-19 Pandemic and published during it.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Music feeds our souls. What message do you let nourish your heart and mind? Anthony "Wordsmith" Parker comes to the table to talk about his journey to become the motivational artist and amazing human being he is now.

    You can find his music, videos, news stories and links to his social media accounts HERE.

    The following is a brief sample from his website linked above.


    This episode was recorded and published during the COVID-19 Pandemic and published during it.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

    Enjoy the 60-second audiogram below from the episod

  • When I was given the chance to interview Uzma Jafri and Zaiba Hasan, the hosts of the Mommying While Muslim Podcast, I jumped at the opportunity. After listening to the podcast, finding out I grew up 4 years apart and in the same school district as Uzma and getting the chance to talk to them my perspective is no longer the same. This conversation and their spirit are why podcasts go beyond a place to learn stuff. You get to hear the hearts and minds of your fellow human beings.

    You can find the Mommying While Muslim website and links to their podcast and videos HERE.

    Thanks to my friend and supporter of the show Eric Nevins for the introduction.

    This episode was recorded and published during the COVID-19 Pandemic and published during it.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Neil has gone from a fellow podcaster with a similar show to a close and dear friend. When you find that resonance with someone I've found that typically happens and what helps find that harmony? Walking in their shoes. So have a seat at the table, take a deep breath and find the joy in being in other people's shoes.

    You can find and listen to his podcast HERE.

    This episode was recorded and published during the COVID-19 Pandemic and published during it.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • My friend Luke comes to the table to talk about his revelations around his faith, social issues, podcasting and why the number 222 has such a profound meaning in his life.

    You can learn more about all the amazing podcasts that Luke manages, creates and hosts on the Milieu Media Group website HERE.

    This episode was recorded and published during the COVID-19 Pandemic and published during it.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • When Meg & Mike Glesener's son Josiah headed off to college out of state they never imagined they'd end up in a medical tug-of-war with the state of California. Josiah suffered from encephalitis which is an infection in the brain that he got not once but twice. This is a conversation about the journey to bring him home.

    You can listen to Meg on her wonderful podcast Letters From Home here. She has been an incredible supporter of the show and our host Sean McCoy. We are eternally grateful for her heart and action!

    This episode was recorded and published during the COVID-19 Pandemic and published during it.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Michael and Cici met in jail. There unconventional beginning was par for the course as they navigated their past with the amazing present and future of a harmonious and complimentary love for each other. From the early days of the podcast I would get an email from Michael after each show with commentary. I really loved hearing from him and after learning more about he and Cici nothing made more sense to me than having them on to talk about it.

    This episode was recorded in the early days of the COVID-19 Pandemic and published during it.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Transformation is a constant aspect of our lives. It is mysterious, radical, painful and sometimes subtle. Nora Sophia comes to the tablet to talk about her transformation which includes perspectives ranging from growing up in a traditional Catholic home in Texas, to time living on the street homeless to the challenges of playing collegiate tennis. As transformation is continuously happening you may notice an element of it with the use of Nora Speakman during the conversation or in previous contexts. Transformation is.

    You can hear more from Nora on her podcast Nora Talks with Nora Sophia here.

    You can also find her on her website where you will find other links to social media and the other work she is doing.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    You can also follow us on Instagram.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Danielle Kingstrom is unapologetic in her pursuit of understanding, discussing and talking about physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy both with herself and others. Her motivation is fueled by compassion not a sense of rebellion or desire to sensationalize. We talk about intimacy, the winding road that got her to where she is today and what lies on the other side of these trans-formative journeys.

    You can hear more from Danielle on her podcast Recorded Conversations here.

    Follow Danielle on Twitter and Facebook.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • After years of living the life of successful upper middle class Americans a series of events stirred and awakened my friends Doug and Kimberly Bennett to step into the unknown world of full-time international mission work. This is a conversation of what led up to their decision to start in 2016 and what they've learned since then.

    You can find information about Indonesia Aid and can direct support for the organization through the following: website, Instagram and Facebook (click on the hyperlink to connect to each).

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    This episode was recorded before the COVID-19 pandemic and released during it.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Author, editor and President of the Octane Literary Partners, James Timberlake, sits down to talk to us about both the written publishing industry as well as how his own faith journey is a story of its own as well.

    Find Octane Literary Partners here.

    Connect with James on LInkedIn here.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    This episode was recorded before the COVID-19 pandemic and released during it.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Gabriel Gordon sits down for an honest discussion around his childhood, his multifaceted journey of faith and how it lead to the creation of The Misfit Theology Club.

    Catch up with all the Misfits on their website which you can find here.

    Find them on Facebook here.

    Listen to their podcast here.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    This episode was recorded before the COVID-19 pandemic and released during it.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    You can also follow us on Instagram.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Can someone be addicted to pornography? Joshua Shea comes to the table to discuss his experience with pornography addiction, its impact on his life and how he sees his situation not just as a chance to change himself but using his story to help connect with others.

    You can find Josh’s website HERE.

    You can find and buy Josh’s book HERE.

    Also thanks to Brent Basham and Poddit for helping me find this guest. Connect with podcasters and/or guests by joining the site HERE!

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    You can also follow us on Instagram.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Sexual Abuse started for Nancy Legere at the age of seven. She graciously comes to the table to discuss how she made her way through trauma, addiction and suffering. Her undeniable strength and courage bring us face to face with the potential impact we have on our fellow human.

    You can find and buy Nancy’s book HERE.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    You can also follow us on Instagram.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • As Todd Vick walked his path as a Pastor of a church he found himself living and believing in two different lives. The pressures of decades of life and unresolved issues resulted in him having a true mental breakdown. The resulting experience pushed him to come face to face with the beauty and need for grace, not just for him but for all people.

    You can find Todd’s book on Amazon HERE.

    You can find him on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    You can also follow us on Instagram.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • You meet your soulmate during a vacation trip with friends by utter and complete chance. Your heart sings with joy but just eight weeks later they tell you they have been diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma; a rare and difficult cancer. You love them but what do you do? After over two years of fighting the cancer is in remission and they ask your hand in marriage. Then just six months after saying “yes” the cancer returns. Fabi Powell joins us to have a conversation around these questions.

    Love. Never. Fails.

    Special thanks to last weeks guest and our friend Charles Kirk for the introduction.

    You can find links to the Josh Powell Foundation at the following: Website, Instagram and Facebook.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    You can also follow us on Instagram.

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!

  • Charles Kirk served in the US Army and during his time he was deployed to many places including Iraq. While fighting to protect his fellow soldiers and friends there was always a good chance the enemies he was fighting would become clear. What he wasn’t prepared for was those he would have to fight that could not be seen. He not only fought that fight as well but took it to social media to encourage others to seek help. That act inspired this conversation.

    Special thanks to my old colleague and friend Mark Vose for liking Charles’ post on LinkedIn which led to me seeing it and reaching out to him.

    You can find Charles’ post on LinkedIn HERE. God Bless him for his courage.

    Love in action is listening to understand, not to react.

    You can find us on different mediums to listen and subscribe such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, PodBean, Cast Box and more by clicking here.

    We are very anxious to hear YOUR feedback at our first jump into this and want to hear the good and bad so we can keep doing the right things correctly and correct the things we are not.

    Please contact us at [email protected] for any and all feedback, comments, show suggestions and the like.

    You can also like our Facebook Page as well as follow us on Instagram & Twitter

    A special thanks to the musical talent of our friend and guest of the show David HaLevy for writing and performing the sound to our intro and outgoing music. Check out the Ruach Guitar Facebook Page he makes by hand and plays as well as on Instagram. We are very humbled and grateful for this personal touch to the show and cherish it greatly. תודה David!