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    Have you ever felt your blood pressure rise when receiving feedback? That urge to defend yourself or shut down completely – it happens to the best of us.

    But what if we could learn to embrace feedback as a catalyst for growth?

    In this episode, we explore the triggers that can derail you when receiving feedback.

    I'll uncover their root causes and provide practical strategies to manage those intense emotional reactions.

    What You'll Learn:

    Understand the main types of feedback triggers that can derail you.Explore the underlying reasons behind those triggers.Discover how to shift your perspective and see feedback as a gift, even when it's tough to hear. Hear inspiring stories of women who turned feedback triggers into stepping stones on their path to success.

    Share your experiences with feedback triggers on LinkedIn and Instagram using #CommunicateToLead.

    Don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with other leaders in your network!

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://calendly.com/kele-thetailoredapproach/leadership-clarity-call

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Are you a leader who speaks more than you listen?

    This is a tough question, but one every leader needs to ask.

    In today's episode of Communicate to Lead, I explore the critical role of active listening in effective leadership. I challenge you to examine your communication habits and provide practical steps to become a better listener.

    Here’s what you can expect from the episode:

    Discover how dominating conversations stifle innovation and decision-making.Understand what active listening truly means and the benefits it brings to teams and organizations.Reflect on your communication style with key questions to identify areas for improvement.Learn simple yet powerful techniques to shift your behavior and prioritize listening.Hear a real-life story of how one leader's commitment to listening transformed his team.

    Leadership isn't about having all the answers; it's about creating a space where the best answers can emerge. And that starts with listening.

    Don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with other leaders in your network!

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://calendly.com/kele-thetailoredapproach/leadership-clarity-call

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Even the most seasoned leaders among us can experience a wave of self-doubt or even a full-blown case of imposter syndrome when stepping into the spotlight.

    That little voice in your head whispering, "Do I really belong here? Am I truly qualified for this?"

    Today, we're discussing the world of promotional interviews – those exciting yet often nerve-wracking opportunities to showcase your expertise and leadership potential.

    In this episode, I reveal the three phrases that could sabotage your interview – and the powerful alternatives to use instead.

    What you'll learn:

    The power of words: Discover how your language can make or break your professional image during an interview.The 3 phrases to avoid: I discuss the common phrases that can sabotage your chances and what to say instead.Confidence is key: Learn how to project authority and self-assurance through confident language and highlight your accomplishments.Overcoming imposter syndrome: Get actionable tips on managing self-doubt and shifting your mindset to one of strength and capability.

    Ready to ace your next promotional interview?

    Put these strategies into practice and watch your confidence soar.

    Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with other leaders in your network!

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://calendly.com/kele-thetailoredapproach/leadership-clarity-call

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Have you ever had to make a tough call at work, knowing it was the right decision but fearing the backlash? True leadership isn't about being everyone's best friend; it's about making those tough choices, even when they're unpopular.

    In this episode, we confront the hard truths of leadership and discuss why authenticity, not popularity, is the key to building trust, respect, and a truly successful team. We'll discuss the importance of making tough decisions, delivering constructive feedback, and holding people accountable.

    What You'll Learn:

    How to stand firm in your convictions and make choices that benefit the organization as a whole, even when they're met with resistance.Strategies for providing honest and direct feedback that fosters growth and development, not resentment.How to create a culture of ownership and responsibility where everyone understands their role and is empowered to deliver their best.Why showing your human side and admitting you don't have all the answers actually builds trust and strengthens your team.Setting boundaries and prioritizing your time and energy to avoid burnout and focus on what truly matters.

    Reflect on your own leadership style and embrace the challenges of authentic leadership. Focus on authenticity over popularity, and you'll build a team that's truly committed to your vision.

    If you enjoy the episode, subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with other leaders in your network.

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://calendly.com/kele-thetailoredapproach/leadership-clarity-call

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Want to know the secret weapon of highly successful leaders?

    It's not some hidden talent or stroke of luck. It's their strategic use of feedback. In this episode, I reveal the 3 types of people they turn to for invaluable insights.

    What You'll Discover:

    Why feedback is crucial for leadership growth, even when it feels uncomfortable.How to unlock honest and actionable insights from your team, peers, and mentors.Specific tips on asking the right questions and creating a safe space for feedback.Actionable steps you can take right now to start receiving transformative feedback.

    Remember that feedback is a gift, not a criticism. Embrace it, learn from it, and watch your leadership soar!

    Challenge yourself this week to ask for feedback from one person from these three groups. Take that first step towards becoming an exceptional leader.

    Additional Podcast Episodes on the Power of Feedback:

    Episode 7 - Two Ways to Foster a Culture of FeedbackEpisode 20 - Building Trust Within Your Team Starts With You as the Leader Episode 25 - The Power of Leadership Accountability

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://calendly.com/kele-thetailoredapproach/leadership-clarity-call

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Imagine standing on a stage, all eyes on you, feeling confident and in control, knowing that every word you speak will captivate your audience. That feeling of empowerment is exactly what we’re diving into today.

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Adriana Baer, a dynamic communicator and coach who helps individuals step into their power and command the stage. We have a fascinating conversation about the essence of claiming your center stage and how you can engage your audience in a way that leaves them wanting more. Adriana shares invaluable insights and practical tips that you can start implementing immediately.

    Here’s what you can expect from the episode:

    Understand the importance of storytelling in public speaking.Discover strategies to overcome nerves and build confidence.Master effective communication techniques to engage your audience.Tailor your presentation content to suit different audience needs.Implement practical tips for managing unexpected events during speeches.

    Adriana Baer is a public speaking coach who helps clients claim their stage, boost their confidence, and enhance their impact. With over 20 years as a theater director and arts leader, Adriana offers a unique perspective and practical tools for effective communication. She has lectured at theaters, colleges, and universities nationwide and offers coaching through her company, Claim Center Stage.

    Adriana shared valuable tips in this episode, so I encourage you to revisit the episode and implement her insights. You’re so ready to take center stage and captivate your audience!

    Connect with Adriana Baer:

    Website: https://www.claimcenterstage.com/guest Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adrianabaer LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrianabaer/

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download the free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/ Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com
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    Tired of watching your audience's eyes glaze over during your presentations? Have you ever wondered how some speakers effortlessly captivate a room while others fade into the background?

    In this episode, I unpack the three proven strategies that can completely transform your presentations from forgettable to unforgettable. These aren't your typical tips and tricks; they're the secrets that truly set exceptional presenters apart.

    If you're ready to ditch the boring bullet points, break free from the podium, and deliver talks that leave a lasting impact, this episode is a must-listen.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    Crafting stories that stick: Learn how to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impact by weaving compelling narratives into your talks.Creating visuals that captivate: Say goodbye to boring bullet points and hello to engaging visuals that enhance understanding and keep your audience glued to their seats.Delivering your message with confidence: Unleash your inner star and learn how to use your voice, body language, and presence to command attention and inspire action.

    Get ready to unlock the secrets of unforgettable presentations and become the speaker your audience can't wait to hear from.

    Tune in now and transform your next presentation from 'meh' to mesmerizing!

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Ever had a coaching conversation that felt like a missed opportunity? Maybe you left feeling unheard, misunderstood, or simply frustrated. The problem might not be what you're saying, but how you're saying it.

    In this episode, we explore the sneaky communication mistakes that even well-intentioned leaders make when coaching their teams. We're not talking about the obvious stuff – this is about the subtle slip-ups that can derail progress and stifle growth.

    Get ready to discover:

    Why you might be unintentionally shutting down your team's ideas (and how to truly listen instead)The "quick fix" trap that's actually making your team less capable (and a better way to empower them)How feedback can become a gift instead of a weapon (and why most leaders get it wrong)The secret language your team is speaking that you might be missing (hint: it's not just words)Why a one-size-fits-all approach to communication is a recipe for disaster (and how to tailor your approach for maximum impact)

    If you're ready to transform your coaching conversations from frustrating to fulfilling, this episode is packed with actionable insights you can use immediately.

    Additional resources mentioned in the episode:

    Episode 27: Active Listening - A Leader’s Essential SkillEpisode 16: Coaching Questions that Elevate Your Team’s ThinkingEpisode 7: Two Ways to Foster a Culture of Feedback

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    In a world where career paths often seem predefined, it can be transformative to find the courage to align professional endeavors with core values and personal identity.

    Louise Neil, the founder of Pivoting Point Career Solutions, teaches women how to be back in the driver's seat of their own careers and how they can be the designers of their professional journey so they are empowered, engaged, and successful on their own terms.

    With a career spanning over two decades in product and project management, Louise deeply understands continuous improvement and analytics. Her personal journey of embracing a late-life transition and taking control of her professional trajectory is a testament to her expertise.

    Join us for a dynamic conversation about career transitions, courageous conversations, and the power of communication in leadership.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    Exploring the importance of aligning professional endeavors with your core values and identity.Understanding effective communication strategies for leaders when having career conversations.Prioritizing curiosity and self-awareness in career transitions.Valuing courageous career conversations as catalysts for growth and fulfillment.

    The journey to professional fulfillment starts with aligning actions with values and engaging in open, courageous conversations. Embrace curiosity, prioritize self-awareness, and harness the power of effective communication in leadership.

    Explore Louise Neil's framework for meaningful career conversations, a resource designed to facilitate introspection and clarify goals. Begin your journey toward fulfillment now. Click here for access.

    Connect with Louise Neil :


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mylife.project/


    Career Resources: https://bio.site/louiseneil

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/ Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

    Resources for continued growth with Kele:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free leadership clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall
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    What if you could transform your most important workplace conversations with a simple, daily practice? Discover the surprising power of rituals to boost your confidence, clarity, and connection.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    The science behind rituals: How these seemingly small actions greatly impact your brain chemistry and mindset.How to create your own professional rituals: Step-by-step guidance to design practices that fit your personality and goals.Real-life examples of leaders who use rituals: Get inspired by the routines of successful communicators.Specific rituals for common challenges: Discover rituals to overcome presentation nerves, improve focus in meetings, and more.Why consistency is key: Make your rituals a powerful habit that enhances your daily communication.

    Plus, I share examples of how rituals have transformed my professional life.

    Get ready to unlock the hidden power of rituals and elevate your professional conversations to the next level.

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free leadership clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Have you ever wondered why some people just have that "it" factor? It's not always about what they say, but how they say it.

    In this episode, we're diving into the secret language of confident leaders: their body language. Discover how subtle shifts in your posture, eye contact, and even hand gestures can make a massive difference in how you're perceived.

    We're breaking down the fundamentals, sharing real-life examples of how body language can make or break your presence, and giving you actionable tips to master your own nonverbal communication.

    Get ready to unlock a whole new level of influence and leadership – just by changing how you use your body language.

    Tune in to learn:

    The five key elements of confident body language and how to use them to your advantage.Common body language blunders that could be sabotaging your message (and how to fix them).Real-world scenarios where mastering your body language can boost your career.

    Ready to command the room without saying a word?

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Think back to a time when your plate was already full, yet you still said "yes." Maybe it was taking on an additional project when you were already working overtime, agreeing to lead another initiative despite your jam-packed schedule, or even accepting a last-minute meeting request that threw off your entire day.

    How did it feel in the moment? And how did it play out in the end? Did it lead to late nights, missed deadlines, compromised quality, or even burnout?

    Saying "yes" can feel good in the moment, but the long-term consequences of overcommitment can be detrimental.

    In this episode, I explore the vital leadership skill of saying "no." Learn why setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, and fiercely protecting your time are non-negotiable for effective leadership.

    Discover practical strategies to overcome the fear of saying no, set boundaries like a pro, and prioritize tasks that align with your values and goals.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Power of "No": Why saying "no" is essential for self-preservation, setting healthy boundaries, and leading with intention.Setting Boundaries Like a Pro: How to define your values, identify your priorities, and communicate your boundaries assertively and respectfully.Graceful "No" Scripts: Practical phrases to use in various situations when declining requests.Prioritization Strategies: The Eisenhower Matrix and the 80/20 Rule as tools for focusing your energy on high-impact tasks.Building a Supportive Team: Creating a culture that values time management and respects boundaries.

    Remember, saying "no" isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strength and self-respect. It's about taking control of your schedule, your energy, and your impact. So, start practicing saying "no" with confidence, and watch as your leadership effectiveness soars.

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Have you ever faced a significant career setback? A missed promotion, a project gone wrong, or maybe even a layoff? It can feel devastating, but what if I told you these moments can be your greatest catalysts for growth?

    In this episode, I explore the power of resilience and grit—essential qualities that empower women leaders to survive setbacks and thrive in them.

    What You'll Learn:

    Understanding Resilience vs. Grit: Discover the subtle yet crucial differences between bouncing back and staying the course.Why Women Leaders NEED This: Uncover how resilience and grit are your secret weapons against the unique challenges women face in the workplace.Building Your Resilience Toolkit: Learn practical strategies for developing a positive mindset, reframe challenges, and silence your inner critic. This will equip you to face any setback with confidence.Cultivating Unstoppable Grit: Learn how to embrace challenges as growth opportunities, maintain your passion, and build mental toughness.Actionable Tips: Get step-by-step guidance on setting realistic goals, prioritizing self-care, and developing healthy coping mechanisms.

    Take a moment to reflect on your own experiences. When have you demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity? What goals are you passionate about that require grit to achieve?

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Are you ready to change your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are not serving you?

    Today, we're discussing an approach that promises to reshape the very core of your leadership effectiveness. In this episode, I sit down with Alina Nikishina, a remarkable coach in subconscious change work, to explore how leaders can harness the power of Core Transformation to unlock their true potential and drive profound impact in their spheres of influence.

    In this episode, we cover:

    Embracing Core Transformation: How to dissolve your inner barriers and change your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.Unraveling Limiting Beliefs: Alina discusses techniques for reframing limiting beliefs and fostering growth.Cultivating Empathy: Core Transformation promotes self-awareness and understanding for empathetic leadership.Inspiring Alignment: You’ll learn how to align your personal values with organizational goals for collective success.Nurturing Resilience: You’ll get strategies for building leadership resilience and adaptability.

    Alina Nikishina, a certified coach and subconscious change expert, brings a wealth of experience. Her unique blend of holistic business coaching and subconscious change work has helped countless entrepreneurs and leaders dissolve inner blocks and achieve soul-led success.

    My conversation with Alina Nikishina has been eye-opening, introducing me to the transformative potential of Core Transformation. As we navigate the leadership challenges, knowing we have tools like Core Transformation to overcome overwhelm and unlock our true potential is empowering. I encourage you to explore how Core Transformation can help you as a leader.

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Alina Nikishina:

    Website: https://alinanikishina.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heyalinan/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heyalinan/

    Connect with your host, Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/ Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com
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    Did you know that according to recent LinkedIn research, 94% of hiring managers believe a person with strong communication skills has a better chance of being promoted?

    In today’s episode, I’m tackling a critical topic for anyone ready to take the next step in their leadership journey: mastering the art of communicating effectively in their next leadership interview. More specifically, I’m unpacking the five essential communication tips to help you showcase your potential, inspire confidence, and ultimately nail that upcoming leadership interview.

    In this episode, I cover:

    The power of effective communication in leadership interviewsWhy projecting confidence and being clear when communicating is the foundation of powerful communicationHow to adapt your communication style to resonate with those interviewing youWhy telling compelling stories with the STAR method is a game changer for your showcasing your leadership impactHow being an active listener and asking insightful questions will passion and preparednessHow you can show your passion and enthusiasm during the interview

    Listen in and stay focused on how you want to show up during your next leadership interview. Remember that interviews are two-way conversations: you are interviewing the organization as much as they are interviewing you.

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and what’s holding you back from confidently nailing your next leadership interview - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Today's episode features Brenda Wollenberg, a renowned expert in analyzing and interpreting genetic profiles to design personalized holistic wellness programs. With decades of experience as a social worker, faith community co-leader, and nutritionist, Brenda brings a unique perspective to her work.

    Her mission is to help clients understand the science of their genetics and to identify and transform behavior patterns that may positively impact gene expression.

    Here’s the episode at a glance:

    We discuss the concept of epigenetics and its relevance to leadership.We explore the influence of lifestyle factors on gene expression.Brenda discusses practical applications of epigenetics to enhance leadership performance.

    This episode is perfect for you if:

    You're curious about the intersection of epigenetics and leadership.You want to learn how lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and stress management affect leadership qualities.You're interested in practical tips for applying epigenetics to improve leadership performance.

    Leaders can improve their performance and well-being by understanding how lifestyle factors influence gene expression. Brenda Wollenberg explains how small changes in behavior can significantly impact gene expression and overall health. Epigenetics is a fascinating field that sheds light on these connections. By adopting new strategies, leaders can positively impact their lives.

    Connect with Brenda Wollenberg:

    Website: https://www.inbalancelm.com

    Instagram: @inbalancelm

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/InBalanceLMWellness/

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    If you’ve ever been in a situation where you have to make a difficult decision and take quick action, but you wanted to wait until you had all the information, you’ll love today’s podcast episode!

    Today, we are discussing how to make quick decisions and take decisive action, which can be difficult for women in leadership. We'll explore ways to navigate these challenges and step into your power as a leader.

    Here is the episode at a glance:

    We will discuss the difficulties of indecision, particularly in leadership positions.We will explore the advantages of making confident decisions for leaders and their teams.We will introduce the CLEAR framework, which helps make quick and effective decisions.We will talk about strategies for communicating decisions with clarity and confidence.

    This episode is perfect for you if you:

    Often struggle to make decisions, particularly in leadership positions.Want to enhance your decision-making skills to make more confident and swift decisions.Want to learn practical frameworks for improving your decision-making abilities.Are searching for strategies to communicate your decisions within your team effectively.

    Making quick decisions and taking decisive action is a valuable leadership trait. Embrace it!

    Quickly making intelligent decisions is not about being perfect but confidently moving forward.

    Use the CLEAR framework to guide your decision-making process, and always communicate your decisions with clarity and conviction.

    Thank you for tuning into Communicate to Lead. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it and follow for more leadership and communication tips.

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and build unshakeable confidence - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Leadership isn't just about holding a title or giving orders; it's about guiding, inspiring, and empowering others to reach their full potential.

    Today, we're diving deep into a crucial aspect of leadership: different leadership styles. From commanding and controlling to waiting and observing, we're exploring the two ends of the leadership spectrum leaders can take to navigate their teams and organizations.

    Here’s the episode at a glance:

    Explore the dynamics between command and control and wait-and-see leadership styles.Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each style to become a more adaptable and effective leader.Unpack the impact of both leadership styles on leaders and their teams.Reflect on personal leadership tendencies and learn how to flex between styles as needed.

    This episode is perfect for you if:

    You're curious about different leadership styles and how they impact team dynamics.You're a leader seeking to refine your approach and become more adaptable in various situations.You're interested in understanding your own leadership tendencies and learning how to leverage them effectively.

    Remember that you get to decide how you show up as a leader. You can choose to lean into the philosophy that when a situation changes, you can adapt your style.

    Thank you for tuning into Communicate to Lead. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it and follow for more leadership and communication tips.

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and build unshakeable confidence - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

  • Send us a text

    Are you tired of feeling like you need to fit into a predetermined mold to succeed as a leader?

    Today, we're breaking down some of the common myths that hold women leaders back.

    From being told to "lean in" to the pressure to prioritize likability, I'll dissect these myths and offer empowering alternatives.

    Here’s what you can expect from the episode:

    Why "leaning in" isn't the only solution for women, and how to leverage your strengths strategically.How you can use vulnerability as a leadership strength instead of hiding it.The importance of emotional intelligence over ignoring your feelings.How to address bias in the workplace while staying focused on your goals.Why aiming for respect is ultimately better than focusing on likability.

    Remember that great leadership embodies strength, compassion, strategy, and empathy. It's a beautiful, complex thing. Own it!

    If today's episode resonated with you, spread the word! Share this podcast with your friends, colleagues, or anyone seeking valuable insights on leadership, communication, and mindset.

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download your free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and build unshakeable confidence - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com

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    Feeling discouraged that you didn’t hit your Q1 goals?

    You're not alone.

    In the fast-paced world of leadership, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of what truly matters. But here's the secret: it's not about having more strategies or working harder. It's about your mindset.

    Join me on this episode as we explore the mindset of impactful leadership and discuss strategies to overcome common obstacles. Together, we'll explore the core elements that shape a leader's mindset and uncover actionable techniques for navigating challenges with resilience and confidence.

    Here’s what you can expect from the episode:

    What a leader’s mindset is and why it matters. Understand key mindset elements: growth, resilience, self-awareness, and focus.Debunk myths about mindset work and its impact on leadership.Identify and overcome common mindset obstacles, especially for women leaders.Learn actionable strategies to shift limiting beliefs and cultivate a growth-focused mindset.

    Who would benefit from this episode?

    You're a driven leader tackling challenges.You aim to unleash leadership potential with mindset shifts.You're keen to conquer mindset obstacles like imposter syndrome.You seek practical ways to boost confidence and resilience.You're set to cultivate a growth-oriented mindset.

    Remember: The mindset transformation is a journey, not a destination. Celebrate your growth, embrace the process, and know that you're not alone on this path to becoming an exceptional leader.

    Spread the Word! If you enjoyed today’s episode, don't keep it to yourself! Share this podcast with your friends, colleagues, or anyone who could use some valuable insights on leadership, communication, and mindset.

    Resources for continued growth:

    Free Guide: Download my free "Own Your Worth" guide for extra tips and insights on using your achievements to land your next leadership promotion - https://thetailoredapproach.com/ownyourworth/ Want personalized help? Book a free clarity call with me to tackle imposter syndrome and build unshakeable confidence - https://thetailoredapproach.as.me/leadershipclaritycall

    Connect with Kele Belton:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kele-ruth-belton/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetailoredapproach/

    Website: https://thetailoredapproach.com