In a recent podcast episode, Stjepan Mikulić, founder of "AI in AEC," discussed the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. He highlighted how AI has evolved from a nascent technology to a pivotal tool that enhances productivity and efficiency. Before AI's integration, AEC professionals relied heavily on manual processes, which were time-consuming and prone to errors. The advent of AI has automated repetitive tasks, allowing professionals to focus on more creative and strategic aspects of their work. Mikulić emphasized that AI enables firms to accomplish more with fewer resources, leading to streamlined project design and delivery. He also shared his journey from working at prominent firms like Sweco and BIG to establishing his own venture aimed at educating AEC professionals about AI's potential.
In this episode, we had the honor of speaking with Melicia Planchart, a visionary in the field of computational design. We delved into the fascinating journey of a computational designer
One of the key themes of our discussion was how we shift our thinking process when developing design solutions. Traditional design methods often rely on intuition, experience, and manual iteration, whereas computational design introduces algorithmic logic, parametric modeling, and data-driven approaches.
If you want to know more about her expertise contact in linkedin
Dive into the thrilling world of computational design with us! This episode features the fascinating journey of Marina Sminorva and her groundbreaking thesis. Discover how Marina has developed a unique workflow that transforms how we analyze interior spaces in both existing and new buildings through the power of computational design.
Highlights Include:
Unpacking the fun and creativity behind computational designA deep dive into Marina Sminorva's innovative thesisPractical insights on using computational design for spatial analysisPlus, hear firsthand how Marina carved her extraordinary path in this dynamic field! Don't miss out on the chance to connect with her and explore her incredible work. Links below!
We are back with more episodes for our podcast happy to share ideas, thoughts and technology
In this episode we talk with Laurent Lescop, who has been teaching, sharing, learning and most important exploring the world of AI in universities, helping a new generation of architects to become familiar with technology and innovative ways to approach architecture.
Linkedin Profile:
This episode has been such an exciting conversation, where we discuss an issue that we may see as a "risk or dangerous" but should be completely opposite safe and health in our projects is highly recommended, we talk with Valentin Noves he has an incredible perspective about this topic
Get involve in a brilliant discussion about security.
To contact Valentin Noves: https://www.linkedin.com/in/novesvalentin/
We have an amazing conversation with Dominik Zauzinger about the future and how automation is conceived, wondering and reviewing aspects for the best approach to find the opportunity to automate the best possible solution, and how this journey is becoming more important, day by day, in the field of AEC
Definitely check the amazing work Dominik has develop and join this conversation to keep up with the ideas that will help you to understand the advantages of technology in your projects.
In this episode we talk with Anande Bergman about automation strategies and the main concepts you and your team can identify before implementing a workflow in order to achieve faster and better results.
We have also discuss about Viktor app which can help you to automate your ideas, considering your type of project, depending on the characteristics of your project.
If you want to know more about this type of technology you can contact Anande in linkedin
https://www.linkedin.com/in/anande-bergman-a9488776/ or
En el nuevo episodio platicamos con Alejandro Grajeda, arquitecto que ha desarrollado e implementado el uso de programación para poder facilitar operaciones de trabajo.
Por medio de estos procesos de tecnología se busca mejorar e incrementar la eficiencia de análisis, obtención de datos y operaciones, donde Alejandro nos platica acerca de su experiencia y recomendaciones para familiarizarse con esta metodología.
Contacto a través de Linkedin
How can we improve collaboration and which tools can we use to improve our quality to deliver and solve the problems we can fade in the AEC industry.
Know more about this and listen more from Sebastien Lucas, to know more about the type of developments he has built to simplify and engage with the collaboration of a project. This can be use by the use of bricks.
Know more about him in the link:
In this episode we talk with Oana Taut about the benefits of AI, important to acknowledge the use and implementation of this technology to your projects, also good to know how build flow and product that incorporates the use of AI can benefit Real State, architects and others to improve the quality of your projects but more important assist you to make the best decision according to your needs.
Get involve in everyday progress with AI tech
New Episode with Alexandra Nelson, really happy to talk with brilliant people who is always looking at the latest technologies and more important wondering how can we use and apply them for AEC projects.
Technology might give us a lot of potential but there's much more that requires inspiration, teamwork, and many more, listen to great advice and tips you may implement or even share vision on the great value of using AI for AEC.
Alxandra Nelson is an amazing Design Technology Specialist, great work, vision and mindset for the transformation AEC needs
In this episode we talk with Gabriel García about how computation is changing the way we work and how we use technology to bring new methods to improve the quality of our work as a product.
This conversation is full of great insides and new perspectives, get familiar with the concept of Data Driven design and how can you implemented, we talk about how important will be to think out of the box for projects and how the use of technology will increase the value of your workflow.
Gabriel is a great professional which can help you and assist you to understand the world of computation in AEC.
Amazing conversation with Matt Wash future is here is all about using it.
Matt Wash is a Principal Digital Consultant at Bimbeats and Autonomation (part of the Bad Monkeys group). Matt is part of the Bimbeats team led by Adam Sheather (CEO and Co-Founder) and Konrad Sobon (CTO and Co-Founder).
Matt has over 25 years of experience in the AEC industry. In the last 10 years of his career, Matt has been replicating lean manufacturing principles in Engineering and Architecture. When Matt first saw Bimbeats and the chance to work with Konrad and Adam his eyes lit up with the opportunity to grow a tool to help eliminate waste and add value at every step of project delivery. What he didn't realize from the beginning were the benefits Bimbeats would bring to people as well as projects.
En este episodio platicamos con Antonio Gonsales sobre puntos importantes para el desarrollo y el crecimiento que posiblemente existirá dentro de los próximos años para el desarrollo de software.
Las herramientas en multiples ocasiones buscamos que se ajusten a nuestro mercado y la manera en la que desarrollamos los procesos de construcción, se vuelven cada día mas significativas y tener puntos clave que nos den automatización y libertad se convertirá en un punto clave para el desarrollo de producto.
Si quieres saber mas de Antonio dejamos un par de links que pueden ser de tu interés.
Great conversation with Mahdi Fard about AI and how can you implemented in your projects, how can you use it, we share some ideas on how it works and how can you use it for your projects.
If you want to know more about Mahdi and his work don't hesitate in contact him
I had the pleasure to talk with Riccardo Piazzai from Italy this time about the strategy and how does BIM requires to be in the projects from an early stage for the health of the project.
We discuss the importance of bringing BIM since the beginning as well as the gap we still have between disciplines and participants to incorporate this technology on a daily basis.
As we have seen progress, an as Riccardo mention "we have the tools already" so we can use them to have better benefits in our projects.
If you want to contact Riccardo don't hesitate on contact him.
In this episode I had the honor to talk to Victor Sanchez another BIM and Dynamo scripter from Guadalajara, Mexico, a city where we both start our journey in technology and development of BIM.
We discuss about how to operate, as well as the importance of companies to embrace new methodologies and always look into innovation as the best advantage of a company.
Great episode, thanks Victor Sanchez for sharing this amazing vision and experience.
In this episode we talk about education, had the pleasure and honor to talk with Ekko Nap, to know more about his career and how he has been building and sharing with others the advantages of computational design for AEC.
There are so many ways to share and education is one of them, quoting Ekko "Try to encourage people to try new things".
Enjoy this conversation and don't hesitate in contact Ekko in case you have an AEC issue or a programming one.
In this Episode we talk with Francisco Pestana Ceia, about the importance of coding and organize the vision of a project. Experience the challenges and finding solutions is not dictate in the books, that is when we apply creativity and research.
In this episode we talk about our daily experiences and what was the challenge for each one of those.
You can contact Francisco in the following link:
Link for great article that proves the power of coding for Big Scale projects
En este episodio platicas con Luisa Cypriano respecto a su experiencia y un libro que esta trabajando con distintos expertos de la industria para fomentar el uso de la data en los proyectos, así como la importancia de siempre buscar y explorar nuevas alternativas, propuestas y oportunidades.
Luisa nos platica y brinda consejos que pueden resultar útiles para emprender en el mundo de la tecnología, con una visión amplia de los retos que podemos encontrar.
Puedes contactar con ella a través de LinkedIn:
Link para "Managing and Visualizing Your BIM Data"
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