
  • Ok I am feeling all sorts of feisty and one of my favorite things to do when I am in this energy is hop on and do a live Q&A with you.

    I put up a story on Instagram asking you all what you wanted me to answer and HOLY MOLY - You were all over the place with your questions today which made it SO FUN.

    I loved answering every single one of them & had to share this as a podcast episode as well!

    Q&A’s with you are truly one of my absolute favorite things because I get to give you tools to help, we get to know each other better and it’s so fun to share pieces of my life with you.

    So thank you for your FAB questions and without further adieu, here is what we are getting into in today’s Q&A session.

    1. What is your fav lipstick brand?

    2. Tell me more about the challenge next week (ps: if you haven’t registered yet – tap here)

    3. What beauty company did you like working for the most?

    4. How do you manage your time so well when you have so many things going on?

    5. Can you describe your coaching style?

    6. What you do in your program is so unique – how did you land here? (learn more about what we do inside the CAN Program HERE)

    7. What was your first girls night out after having your baby?

    8. What’s your favorite thing to do for self care?

    9. What is your best success advice?

    10. What’s the most money you think you can make?

    11. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever coached on?

    12. What is your favorite country that you have been to?

    ​Tap here to watch our Q&A replay.​

    Have any more FAB Q's for me?

    Shoot me a message on Instagram @yoursoulmakeup & I will feature your question in our next Q&A! WOO WOO!

  • Have you ever taken a moment to truly visualize your most confident self? If not, get ready because we are going to do that in a very POWERFUL way right now.

    I invite you to sit back, relax and open the portal of possibility as you meet your most confident you.

    PS: If you loved this experience then you will be OBSESSED with everything I have coming for your during the Confidence Catalyst Challenge which kicks off on Monday 5/13 at 9am PST.

    REGISTER FOR FREE HERE: https://www.soulmakeup.com/confidencecatalystchallenge

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Confidence is not just meant for some of us - It is meant for all of us and today, I want to share with you 4 POWERFUL ways to begin confidence right now. Because in my world, we do not wait. We make our growth our priority and shift into taking confident action NOW.

    So many women tell me they want to feel confident andyet – working on their confidence falls to the bottom of your priority list.

    Either they don't know where to start or find themselves confused, overwhelmed and spinning out at which point our mind loses focus and moves onto the next thing.

    I am here to help you get out of your head and figure this all out.
    Because no matter where you want to focus your growth, the same fundamentals apply.
    And the things that are keeping you from feelingconfident are the same things keeping you from feeling confident are same things keeping you from:

    Getting paid what you want Feeling secure in your relationships Loving who you see in the mirror Showing this world who you truly are Making the bold decisions Feeling good enough exactly as you are Having the time and energy to enjoy your life Growing into who you and I both know you are meant to be.

    So let's shift this and make this the month of MORE.

    I want you to look back and think "OMG - this was the month that changed EVERYTHING"

    Because it can be.

    So let's get you the tools you need to make it happen for yourself right now.



  • Did you know that you can fail with confidence? Yes - I said fail with confidence.

    Now, I know some of you might be raising your eyebrows, thinking, "Elyse - What on earth are you talking about?"

    Women give me the side-eye like I've sprouted a second head when I mention failing with confidence.

    But trust me, there's method to this madness.

    Stick around, and I'll break it down for you.

    For years, I've been teaching this concept, especially to women struggling with low self-confidence who hold themselves back because they are scared to fail.

    In today's episode, we're diving deep into:

    1. Why so many women are scared to fail

    2. Inspiring examples of women who failed EPICALLY and used this a fuel to achieve MAJOR success

    3. A revealing question to uncover the truth behind why you personally fear failure

    4. Practical ways to support yourself as you embrace the concept of failing with confidence

    5. Creating your fail safe plan to navigate failure without the fear

    So get ready to bid adieu to the "failure is not an option" mindset (PS: This mindset is a major growth limiter) and instead, make room for failure because, spoiler alert: it'sinevitable.

    Now – let’s not waste one more second getting you the valuable insights you need so you can start failing with confidence.


    Ready to start failing with confidence? That is exactly what I will show you how to do in our 1:1 work together inside the CAN Program. Tap HERE to get started today.

  • Discover the Life Changing Hack to Conquer Fear of Judgment.

    Join me as I unveil this secret weapon I’ve used to help empower hundreds of women to overcome their fear of judgement and shift into confidence.

    Plus, I am giving you 15 transformative thoughts to combat fear-based thinking & give you all of your control back so you can release the worry of what other people think about you.

    Let’s dive in so we can get you the tools you need right now.

    PS: Ready to start overcoming your fears so you can put yourself out there free from the weight of other peoples opinions of you? Jointhe CAN Program & we will get started working on the fears that are keeping you stuck right now. Get ready to rewrite your narrative, get control over your mindset so you can finally overcome the fear of judgment and embrace your true self.

    Your journey to confidence starts now.

    Get started here.

  • Ever felt like you're just faking it 'til you make it? If so - You're not alone...

    Studies suggest that around 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives.

    But what exactly is imposter syndrome and how do we overcome this?

    Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where we doubt our accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud," despite evidence of our competence.

    It can manifest as feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and a fear of being unable to meet expectations.

    In today's episode, I am offering you 4 crazy ways to start overcoming this phenomenon right now.

    I love to hit you with unexpected was to make overcoming the hard things FUN.

    So get ready to open your mind to a few unique ways you may or may have not ever heard before.

    I am so excited to hear your thoughts about this...

    Let's get into it.


    Work together inside the CAN Program

  • If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen me share about my girls nights out.

    These are something I do for myself 1-2 times per month because these nights bring me back to me.

    And every time I talk about these nights, my DM's blow up.

    So much so, that I did a poll on IG asking if you wanted me to do a podcast on the value of a girls night and how I intentionally plan these in a way that leaves me feeling connected, energized and full of so much love.

    This was the most popular poll I've ever posted so guess what - the time has come to dive deep into the value of girls nights out.

    Because the reality is - we are going through a loneliness epidemic as women.

    The pandemic truly changed the way we connect.

    I know for me, this year I finally felt ready to reemerge back into the world.

    I went from starting my business > to my mom being diagnosed with cancer > to losing a baby > straight into the pandemic > to having a baby - OMG.


    Needless to say, these last few years have been A LOT as I am sure they have been for you too.

    After navigating the pandemic, becoming a caretaker and having my son, I really struggled with feeling disconnected.

    I was operating in full on survival mode which left me feeling alone with 0 fuel left in the tank to do anything.

    At the end of last year after my son turned 1, I felt myself gaining the capacity to socialize again which was SO REFRESHING because I am an energetic extrovert who definitely recharges through spending time with people I love.

    As crazy as it sounds, one of the things that brought me back to life and helped to remind me of who I was on the other side of so many massive life changes was my girls nights out.

    Girls' nights offer a valuable opportunity for us to connect, de-stress, express ourselves, receive support and encouragement, and feel empowered, ultimately contributing to a significant increase in confidence levels.

    I definitely felt that and my hope is that you will too.

    Today we are going deep into why girls nights are one of the most valuable forms of self care.

    I am breaking down the direct correlation between confidence and girls nights out (you will not believe these stats I am about to drop for you ) I am telling you how I plan my nights and why I am so intentional about who I include (hint - no negative Nancy's or energy vampires allowed at Girls Night 😝) I am telling you the 3 specific things that will KILL the vibe of your girls night in an instant (needless to say - you don't want to do these things if you want to have a good night out)

    You want to feel more fulfilled, confident and connected to you?

    Start here by planning your GNO with me.

    Let's get into it.




  • Whether you love her or hate her, there is no denying that Kris Jenner is a global success creator.

    Last week I had the honor of attending the LA Magazine Women of Influence Luncheon where got to see the queen matriarch speak live on her journey to the top.

    Her grounded, tangible tips make creating success drama free because she keeps it simple.

    I am so excited to share her powerful advice with you along with other inspiring words from the panel that included:

    Kamie Crawford – Sports Illustrated Model and cohost of MTV’s Catfish

    Christine Divine – Local LA News Anchor and overall iconic woman in Los Angeles

    Gillian Zucker – LA Clippers Executive who is building the dream team with a new venue to match

    Their words + a few power tips of my own that I sprinkled in for you have the potential to motivate you to take your next in elevating your success.

    Tune in to hear these golden nuggets from these power house women and then, I invite you to start taking confident action now to make your potential success your reality.

    Let’s get into it.

    LINKS:Tap here to start working together on your success inside the CAN Program

    Tap here to learn more about the LA Magazine Event Honoring Kris Jenner

  • I have recently been getting a lot of questions on how I made my mid-life career pivot creating a business from scratch all while continuing to live my fairytale life.

    People tell me they wish they could do the same.

    I have good news – you can.

    My life is not a coincidence.

    It is intentional.

    I am the woman who gives myself everything I’ve ever wanted.

    You can be too.

    I truly believe we are all limitless beings who are 100% capable of having everything we have ever wanted.

    Your dream can be your reality.

    But a lot of us get stuck believing our dreams and having what we want is impossible.

    We talk ourselves out of our dreams vs. talking ourselves into them.

    Fear and doubt spins us out and keeps us on the starting line.

    I want to help shift this.

    In today’s episode, I am offering you the 3 simple steps that empowered me to make all of my personal & professional dreams my fairytale reality.

    These same steps also supported me when I launched my business from scratch after spending almost 20 highly successful years in thebeauty industry.

    I will share with you how I applied these steps in real time so you can start implementing the same strategy to make career pivots & buildyour fairytale life.

    I also have 7 Prompts to offer you that will serve as dream starters to open up the portal of potential in your mind to help you get clear on your vision, what you really want and where to start.

    Lastly, I have a quick hack to help you get out of your own way so you can fall in love with the journey as you create your fairytale life vs. thinking you are behind or need to work harder to get there.

    Let’s get into it.


    To work together inside the CAN Program so you can startapplying the DVA formula like a pro, tap here: https://bit.ly/CANstrategysession

  • Has there ever been a point where fear stopped you from doing what you really want to do in your life? If so - today's episode is for you.

    I am going to keep it 100 with you - The fear of putting myself out there has cost me BIG when it comes to my time, energy, confidence and money. I have done a TON of work to overcome this fear and want to share how this recently came up for me again and what I did to overcome it in a few simple steps.

    Knowing this one quick process has the potential to set you free from the fear that is keeping you in hiding right now.

    Tune in here to start overcoming your fears now.


    Get your free Stress Melting Toolkit Here (this includes the breathing exercise I referenced): https://bit.ly/stressmeltingtoolkit

    Apply to work with me inside the CAN Program here: https://bit.ly/CANstrategysession

  • Who is the most successful version of you? I want to help you figure this out today.

    This episode was inspired by a convo I recently had with afriend who launched her business the same year as mine.

    She has been struggling to create the success she knew she was capable of and through a quick conversation, we identified why.

    It all came down to the a few things that I will be sharingin today’s episode.

    Here is what we are getting into:

    The effect of uninvestigated thoughts andfeelings & why these will always subconsciously impact your success (PLUS - 4 questions to ask yourself that have the potential to change your ENTIRE LIFE) Why creating success has less to do with whatyou are doing and everything to do with who you are being Why staying in your struggle story will alwayskeep you from thriving The reason why 80% of women have experienced notfeeling good enough & how to make sure “not enoughness” does not limit your success What staying in confusion is really keeping yousafe from (and why confusion has no place in business) A powerful exercise to help you get intentionalabout designing your most successful self + action steps to collapse time & become her that much FASTER The work I am personally doing on myself to overcome fears & doubts that are coming up as I am about to host my first ever booth at an expo for International Women’s Day

    Let’s dive in.



    Work together inside the CAN Program: https://bit.ly/CANstrategysession

  • Ever find yourself wondering about what it really takes to get hired with ease in today’s chaotic job market? Let’s answer that.

    Today I have partnered with Caro Perez to have a powerful conversation about how to navigate getting hired with confidence.

    When I thought about the expert that I wanted to support me with this topic, Caro was the first person that came tomind.

    Caro has done recruiting and talent development for one of the biggest tech companies in the world and has a wealth of knowledge to offer you.

    She is such a powerhouse that has been one of the brightest lights within my elevation squad (ps: I cannot wait for you to hear how we met) and I am so excited for her to share her incredible light, her brilliant mind and all of her mind blowing expertise with you today.

    Here is what we are covering in our chat:

    We are breaking down why are so many people struggling to get hired right now. We are covering the most underrated qualities, bankable qualities and what specifically recruiters look for when hiring. We have a sure-fire strategy to help you present yourself with confidence and wow every room you walk into without having to “fake it” or “try to be something you are not” We will introduce you to a mindset to embrace that will help you use no’s & rejection as fuel that redirects you to exactly where you are supposed to be. We will show you why vulnerability & authenticity arekey in getting hired (I know you just cringed but don’t worry – we are going to walk you through how to manage the cringe. We’ve got your back on this because once you learn to embrace the cringe – this will be one of your most powerful success generating skills) And – we will be putting this to bed how to answer the dreaded question “tell me about a weakness you have”. Don’t worry – after this you will know exactly how to answer this with certainty & ease.

    Let’s get into it.


    Connect with Caro on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cpgrissom/

    Book your Professional DevelopmentSession with me: https://bit.ly/pdsessionwithElyse

  • One of the things I get asked the most is “how do I present myself with confidence”.

    Today – I want to offer you 6 power tips to help you do exactly that.

    These tips are the difference between:

    🔹Being the woman who walks into a room, confidently taking up all the space with energy so powerful that leaves everyone wondering “WHO IS THAT?” without you ever having to say a word vs. walking into a room and instantly looking down to reach for your phone because you feel so uncomfortable wondering – OMG, do I look ok? Is everyone staring at me? Where can I hide?

    🔹Standing on a stage with confident authority prepared to slay fueled by devout knowing you are about to kill it because you were made for this moment vs. getting so in your head that you are on the verge of a panic attack, fumbling with your notecards, wondering what everyone will think when you fall apart because you aren’t good enough to even be on the stage to begin with.

    🔹Wearing something that magnetizes people towards you adorned with confidence as your most powerful accessory, feeling so secure & valuable in your own skin vs. letting something wear you, minimizing yourself because you feel so uncomfortable while your subconscious discomfort is unknowingly repelling people away from you because they can feel something is off with you.

    My goal with these tips is to help you:

    1. Let go of the idea you need to fake it until you make it (because for most of us, this mindset leads to crippling imposter syndrome and compare & despair)

    2. Get out of your head so you are no longer weighed down by the heavy doubt, pressure, insecurity and anxiety that comes along with feeling you need to be perfect or get it right all of the time

    3. Disempower the fear of judgement so you can do what you want to do without worrying what anyone else thinks about you

    4. Be aware of what your body language is actually saying to people

    5. Dress in a way that helps you shine and attract people towards you vs. helping you hide and unintentionally repelling people away because your energy is off

    6. Feel so prepared that no matter what situation you walk into, you don’t need to get ready because you are ALWAYS ready.

    Alright – Now that we have covered the focus of today's episode, I am so excited to pump you full of today’s confidence injection.

    AND - I invite you to start applying these tips right away. Do not sit on these because the sooner you apply what I am about to teach you, the sooner you begin presenting yourself with confidence.

    Let’s get into it.

  • Have you ever heard the saying “you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with?” – Well its true.

    And this is why the friends you surround yourself with have the potential to make or break your success.

    Some people were not put here to evolve. They are here to remind you of what it looks like when you don’t.

    In today’s episode, I want to show you which relationships will help you get to the next level and which ones will keep you exactly where you are at.

    Here is what we are covering today:

    1. The 5 friend archetypes that will hold you back in life & why we need to normalize outgrowing these types of relationships

    2. The reasons behind why I let multiple 20+ year friendships years go and why this instantly elevated my success

    3. Why you need an elevation squad & how having this add so much value to your life

    4. What healthy friendships are supposed to look and feel like

    5. Signs of unhealthy friendships and the toll these will take on your mental + emotional health & your success

    6. Why the length of your relationship is not a good reason to stay in a friendship

    7. 10 questions to ask yourself to determine which friendships are with keeping and which ones you need to let go of

    8. How you will feel once you let these toxic friendships go

    So let’s dive into talking about your friends and see if it is time to lose the weight of relationships that are no longer serving you.

    PS: Inside the CAN Program, I teach you how to assign your elevation squad. So many of my clients found this exercise beyond valuable and asked me to create a workbook on this.

    I included this inside my free confidence generating toolkit because I wanted every woman to have access to this tool.

    If you want me to send you this workbook, message on Instagram @yoursoulmakeup and I will email this right over to you.

  • Get ready to celebrate because your Week 5 Live Your Best Life Challenge is HERE 🥳 It has been SO FUN spending the past month with you and I am so incredibly proud of you for doing this work on yourself.


    In our final challenge together, I am going to help you craft your anti quit plan to squash any desire to quit on your goals & dreams.

    I am also revealing the exact reasons driving we quit and how to break this habitual cycle once and for all.

    So if you find yourself in a place where quitting is your norm and you struggle to follow through, this will be an extremely valuable listen.

    Alright - Let’s get an extra dose of commitment and motivation in your tank to ensure all of your goals and dreams become inevitable as you take one more step towards becoming the woman who made her best life her reality 💝

  • In Week 4 of the Live Your Best Life Challenge, we are going to check in and evaluate your progress thus far.

    Evaluations are KEY in creating both personal & professional success so in today’s challenge we will be approaching your results from 3 angles.

    First – I will walk you through a guided visualization that will empower you to see your life in a way that will evoke a strong visceral response revealing whether you are satisfied or unsatisfied with your results thus far this year.

    This alone gives you back all of your power over living your best life.

    Next – I will offer you a simple, 3 step evaluation designed to uncover the perfect next step to get you where you want to go.

    Lastly – I have 4 deep dive questions to help you go within to reveal every opportunity you have available to you right now & reveal any blocks that are keeping you from moving forward.

    This is the week where we see where we are at, focus and realign and double down on your commitment to showing up as future you now.

    Let’s get one step closer to the you who is already living her best life everyday.


    Work Together 1:1 Inside The CAN Program: https://bit.ly/CANstrategysession

    Get Today’s Workbook: https://bit.ly/SMlyblc

  • Ready to bring your best life to life?

    In Week 3 of the Live Your Best Life Challenge, we are taking steps to book your best life & make the things you want to do your priority.

    So let's get some fun scheduled.

    Let's get self care time scheduled.

    Let's get something from your 2024 bucket list scheduled.

    And - I also encourage you to calendar anything serving as a focus/energy leak that you find yourself overthinking on a daily/weekly basis (ie: doctors/dentist appt, car service, calling a credit card company, cleaning out a closet, etc.)

    By calendaring the action items, this drastically increases your ability to follow through for yourself.

    Plus - doesn’t it feel fabulous when you always have something on your calendar to look forward to?

    TIP: If you find yourself putting something off or dreading something on your list, focus on how you will feel once it is done. Stay attached to how you will feel once it is completed when the dread, resistance or procrastination comes to help yourself stay committed to following through.

    Alright - let's take your next step to make the vision of your best life your reality.

    GET YOUR FREE WORKBOOK HERE: https://bit.ly/SMlyblc

    PS: I am dying to know - how is this challenge going for you? Tell me everything.

    Has this been fun?

    Are you getting the most fabulous taste of what your best life looks and feels like?

    Or has this been harder than expected?

    Are you feeling a lot of resistance?

    Are doubt & excuses creeping in?

    Is old sh*t coming up that is keeping you stuck?

    If yes - Do you need more support?

    I am here for you.

    Let's talk about it.

    ​Book your time with me here.​

  • I teach women how to take confident action now. We don’ttalk about it. We are about it. We put action behind our growth to step into being the woman who says what she is going to do.

    In today’s challenge we are going to take steps to start showing up as the version of ourself who is already confidently living her best life.

    Showing up as her now is how you collapse time to become this version of you that much faster.

    Get ready to shine the light on:

    Your look Your space Your friends

    Because these are 3 fundamentals of living your best life.

    When you look good, you feel good.

    When your space is clear, so is your mind.

    When your friends are high vibe, their vibe lifts you up.

    In this weeks challenge, we are going to elevate your style by developing your power look.

    Then we are going to cleanse your space.

    And finally, we will create your elevation squad.

    You are about to take such a powerful step to become your future self in real time.

    See you on the inside.


    PS: I want to cheer you on! Make sure to tag me on Instagram ​@yoursoulmakeup​ to share your progress! I cannot wait to celebrate you every step of the way!

  • Welcome the the Live Your Best Life Challenge!

    We are going to start 2024 in the most beautiful way and that is getting intentional about creating your best life.

    In less than 31 days, you will become the woman who is confidently living her best life.

    Is that what you want?

    Then let’s not waste one more second getting you every tool you need to make it happen for yourself.

    Come experience the most beautiful evolution of self as we work to bring your goals to life.

    First - I want you to do your Annual Review to create a fresh start.

    Start by listening to this podcast episode and then fill out the workbook I included to support you.

    Once you have completed your Annual Review, it is time to dive into your first challenge to create the vision of what your best life looks and feels like.

    Listen to this episode and then complete the 24 questions I have included in your workbook to support you in creating your clear & secure 2024 vision.

    In our Week 1 Challenge, we are covering:

    1. 15 things we are leaving behind in 2023

    2. Your top 3 goal blockers

    3. 3 step process to get anything you want in yourlife

    4. Creating the vision of your best life – 24 questionsto inform your 2024 vision

    5. Developing your 2024 bucket list

    And one last thing. Make sure to GET YOUR FREE WORKBOOK HERE: https://bit.ly/SMlyblc

    Now let's get this party started! WOO WOO!

    See you on the inside.

    PS: I want to cheer you on! Make sure to tag me on Instagram ​@yoursoulmakeup​ to share your progress! I cannot wait to celebrate you every step of the way.