Joelle covers several steps of the cancer process in her book Crushing the Cancer Curveball. These include - prevention, diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and recovery. This is helpful for both the person dealing with cancer and the person who is showing support. With the high odds of developing cancer of any kind, the information Joelle presents is helpful for everyone.
Joelle Kaufman’s life has been shaped by breast cancer since age 13, culminating in her own 2023 diagnosis—the fourth in her immediate family. As CEO and Founder of GTM Flow, she combines cancer-forged resilience with cutting-edge go-to-market leadership strategies. Joelle’s expertise spans healthcare and business, earning her positions on the UCSF Patient Experience Council and the Advisory Board of USC’s The Pink Test. Her insights have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Fortune Magazine. You can learn more at www.joellekaufman.com.
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In this Life Lesson Friday episode, I share why having a team around us in our personal lives is so important to our overall health and success.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Rick Olderman, MSPT comes back to discuss his new book Pain Patterns: Why You Are in Pain and How to Stop It. He helps us understand how he connected the dots between the following concepts to create a healing treatment plan for chronic pain.
The Connection Between Movement, Fascia and Reflexes in Pain: Most people don’t realize that their daily movement habits—how they walk, sit, or stand—is connected to strong lines of fascia (connective tissue) running through the body and deep reflex patterns we’re born with.
"Functional Linking" – The Link Between Past Injuries and Current Pain: Many of us have old injuries that we may have forgotten but still seem to haunt us. I’ve introduced the concept of "Functional Linking," which explains how these past injuries can silently contribute to current pain, offering new paths to healing.
A Potential Pathway by which Psychological Trauma or Stressors Might Manifest as Physical Pain: This has to do with a little known type of fascia that is triggered to contract by hormone-like molecules released during stress or trauma.To learn more go to rickolderman.com, follow him on Instagram @fixingyouclinic, and subscribe to his YouTube @RickOldermanPT
Check out Rick's previous episode #162
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Being grateful for the things people have done for us is important. Communicating that gratitude with them in a random, unexpected moment can lift their spirits and remind them of how successful they have been. Take the time today to let someone know the positive impact they made in your life.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Dr. Dan Richard PT, DC, a passionate veteran whose mission is to help people find the root cause of their symptoms and injuries, is the owner of Muscle Geek. Dr. Richard utilizes Chiropractic, Physical Therapy and Muscle Activation Technique Principles to assess the body's kinetic chain from head to toe to accurately identify underlying issues. He then re-educates the neuromuscular system to restore balance and harmony to the body. His commitment to educating the clients and athletes about their bodies ensures that they have the knowledge and tools they need to achieve their goals.
Learn more at muscle-geek.com and follow on Instagram @drichardmgeek24
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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It's one thing to understand that life is hard. It's another thing to be prepared for those hard moments and not try to avoid them. Avoid the things we know are going to be in the way won't get us where we want to go.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Michael Toledo shares how his mother overcame several obstacles to not only have a highly successful career, but raise five highly successful children. Had she believed the limits those around her wanted to place on her, it's likely none of that would have happened. Michael is hoping to help others find the belief in themselves that they can do anything and we are all worthy of self-love.
Michael Toledo, a mental health advocate, former social worker, and author of Be Limitless, Be Love, has crafted a unique hybrid of fiction and self-help for teens, young adults, and their parents. The book features captivating short stories that tackle relatable challenges like academic struggles, bullying, substance abuse, body image, and social pressures, offering actionable solutions to help readers thrive. Each story includes a symbolic element, such as a star or a heart, designed to help readers identify and address their personal needs. Drawing from his career in social work and his own upbringing as the eldest of five children in a low-income Mexican-American household in Topeka, Kansas, Toledo shares how he overcame adversity to achieve success and independence. Toledo hopes to inspire readers to embrace their potential and live with love and purpose, and he’s eager to discuss topics like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, fostering communication with teens, and the power of self-love.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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The most effective way to make a change in habits is to address why you aren't getting the results you want. What's the driving force that is keeping you stuck and preventing the life you want to live each day? When you identify those things and start to move away from them, life can reward you with the happiness and joy you have been looking for.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Chef Brian Lewis has always enjoyed a life filled with athletic and fitness endeavors. At 13 years old, he found a passion for working in the kitchen and has used that to create a life full of success.
Chef Lewis believes that engaging in a healthy lifestyle provides us the foundation to be able to adapt to and overcome the challenges that we face in life.
Chef Brian Lewis of Full House Hospitality Group is a leader of a team of dozens and a visionary behind acclaimed restaurants OKO and The Cottage, Chef Lewis demonstrates how prioritizing fitness, mindfulness, and nutrition fuels success in and out of the kitchen.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Our feelings are generated from how we interpret the experiences we go through from the knowledge we have. No one else shares that same level of knowledge combined with the same life experiences. When we forget that about other people, we open our relationships up for failure.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Juraj Kocar shares how his personal story of battling the beginning of chronic disease led him to discover a natural way of healing and thriving. He now applies that knowledge to empower others to find their own healing.
Juraj explains how the adaptogenic properties of different mushrooms work together with honey to give our cells the support they need to heal, grow stronger, and fight inflammation.
In expanding Wyse Earth into the United States, Juraj looks to help combat the chronic inflammation issues faced by so many Americans. Combining the antioxidant properties of honey and adaptogenic mushrooms, Wyse Earth is utilizing these natural sources as it has been done in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years.
To learn more go to www.wyseearth.com and Instagram @wyse_earth and follow Juraj on Instagram @juraj.kocar
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Being able to see yourself attain your goals is a very important piece of getting where you want to be. If you can't visualize it happening, the likelihood of success drops.
Visualizing what your life will be like after you have met your goal can be a powerful addition to the process. It also gives you a good idea of whether or not the goal is worth it for you to achieve.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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While Cliff Beach may not be a traditional health expert, he is someone who has lived the unhealthy experience and learned how to reverse that lifestyle. He shares his approach of finding the thing that is killing me today, working to correct that issue, then moving to the next one. Eventually nothing is left to attack you, the body can heal, and you can reach levels of success you might never dreamed of.
Cliff Beach is a musician, author, and the VP of operations for Beautytap. He's just released his newest book Side Hustle & Flow: Shape Up! Follow him on Instagram @cliffbeachmusic to find out what he is up to next.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Setting goals is a great practice to get into. Understanding that placing limits on what is possible or not has a definite effect on what we can achieve. This Life Lesson Friday is all about doing the things we or others might think are impossible.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Lower back pain, specifically sciatica pain, is one of the most common issues we develop as we age. Unfortunately, as Dean Volk shares, most health professionals that are trying to help relieve this pain are only successful 25-30% of the time. Many people are told they simply have to live with the pain.
Dean shares how going to one specific training class 15 years ago opened his eyes to a new treatment possiblity. With the 3 step method Dean created, he's getting far better results with clients all over the world.
He explains how his method is different from the traditional treatment plans and why it is getting such better results. We also talk about the importance of using the pain we feel an the indicator for help.
Learn more at www.SciaticaReliefNow.net and follow on Instagram @sciaticareliefnow and YouTube @SciaticaReliefNow
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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I think deep down, everyone wants to make a difference with their life. Many times though, we hear about people getting to the end of their lives and having regrets about not doing the things they really enjoyed and thought were worthwhile. We all have something worthwhile that we enjoy and we can use it to make a difference. What a great combination when we find it.
Visit ConfidenceThroughHealth.com to find discounts to some of our favorite products.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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Scott Hanley was living a busy, productive life like most of Western society when his body started to show signs of Parkinson's Disease. As he shares, early on he decided he wasn't going to be defined by the disease but rather would find a way to overcome the odds. Seven years down the road now and he's almost completely symptom free.
Scott talks about how his success with his mental and physical approach to treatment was a bit shocking to the traditional medical approach. You'll hear in Scott's story the common thread of resiliency that we all have inside us. He also provides us with several tips for how to increase the health of our body, mind, and spirit.
You can follow Scott's journey on Instagram @thrive_happens.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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The outcome at the end not only lets you know if you've won/reached your goal, but it can also show you where you failed in the journey. When we don't get the result we desired it's often because we failed a part of the journey. We may not be able to avoid all the failures, but we can stop the self-sabatoging behaviors.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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How we react when our world seems to crumble around us plays a huge role in our overall health. Brigette Panetta shares her amazing journey from becoming a new mother during a time when her family business was attacked with lawsuits at the beginning of the pandemic to helping women across the world find the health, strength, and courage they need to handle the struggles they are facing.
Brigette talks about the emotions she had to walk through during such a trying time and how she is preparing her daughter to handle stress. She offers several practical tips to try when dealing with the stresses that life throws at us.
Follow Brigette on Instagram @brigettepanetta and Media.com @brigettepanetta
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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A personal mission statement is an important starting point for knowing that we are achieving the things we want in life. There are a lot of ways to guage if society says we are winning or losing, but a mission statement gives us the feedback that really matters - are we living to our personal values.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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