Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! Because you are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode. So, here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today
1 – In the first segment you’’ll learn why we struggle to say NO
2 – Then in the second segment you’ll learn the correlation between yes and NO
3 – And in the last segment you’ll learn tips to say NO
So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s dive right in, shall we.
I know that some of you don’t struggle with saying NO, and that is awesome. Give yourself a pat on the back!
But for the rest of us, especially those of us who suffer from the disease to please, saying NO is a muscle that we have to build. And what is the best way to build a muscle?
a) Avoid using it at all costs
b) Use it all the time, no matter how scared you are, no matter how messy it is and focus on building the behaviour not being attached to the results.
I hope you guessed B, and that’s a little Tough love for you today. I know when we’re scared or when we don’t like doing something, we avoid it at all costs. But sadly this doesn’t get us anywhere. When we avoid something we NEVER, ever ever get better at it, right? Do we? But if we try it, and keep trying it, we’ll get better at it, and it will get easier, I guarantee it. Remember that wayne gretsky quote, we fail at 100% of the shots we don’t take.
Do you remember when we talked about the Hard Epidemic? The Hard Epidemic happens when we label something “Hard” in an excuse to avoid doing it. Well I think this is a good time to remind ourselves about the epidemic, because I think it really applies to this example of saying NO. It’s not hard, it’s just new. Saying NO is a perfect example of mindset, and how we need to master ours.
So there’s a few reasons why we struggle with saying NO:
- First the disease to please. We have that image consultant saboteur worrying about what people are thinking about us. But I guarantee you, they’re not thinking about you anywhere near as much as you think they are. Chances are, they’re just thinking about themselves. So, you’ve gotta let that go.
- Second, It’s a little hit of happiness. we really authentically want to help and say the Yes, because it feels good. We’re going to do something new and exciting, maybe we’re going to make someone else happy in the process. It just feels good. But I’m going to let you in on a secret. Saying NO can also feel equally good and very powerful. I promise you!
- Thirdly, We’re in a routine or don’t know we have an option. And this is really simple and obvious but sometimes we’re just completely in a routine of saying yes right away or we’re in a rut of saying Yes, and we don’t realize we have options. So this is a good opportunity for you to check in, take an inventory and see if there’s anything you are doing out of obligation.
- Lastly, We lack the tools. If saying NO is an underdeveloped muscle for you, then I’m going to help you out and give you some great tools that will help you dive in and get started. Don’t you worry, I’ve got you covered.
We’ll look at the relationship between yes and no.
I want you to think about Yes and No as being 2 sides of a coin – and they are directly correlated, because remember,...
Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! Because you are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode e. So, here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today
1 – In the first segment you’’ll learn what the dip is
2 – Then in the second segment you’ll learn how to avoid it
3 – And in the last segment you’ll learn tips to get out of the dip
So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s dive right in, shall we.
You see, the DIP is kinda like quicksand. Once you’re in, it’s really hard to get out on your own, and the more you struggle and panic and fight it, the deeper you go into the quicksand.
What exactly is the dip? It’s that really dark place we go to when it feels like everything is going wrong. Work is wrong, relationships are wrong, our health is wrong. And it feels like we’re on a one-way ticket to blowing up. But see that is the tricky thing with being IN the dip, we lose all perspective and we don’t even really know that we’re there. We can’t see how deep we are and how much it is impacting us, only people outside of the dip can see that and they can help give us the perspective that we really need. So, I recently watched a tech insider video titled, how to escape quicksand. Don’t ask me why, it just showed up, it was a good looking animated video, and I remember scrolling through it and thinking, yeah – that might actually be useful, you never know when you’re going to find yourself trapped in quicksand, right? And in the video that actually say, don’t feak out because humans can’t actually drown in the stuff, as humans we actually float in it, and we’ll only sink up to about our waist. Really? I guess it’s just an urban legend that you can drown in quicksand. Although I feel like I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it happen in an Indiana jones or other action movie at some point, but whatever. I’m not going to challenge it. One thing they do say in this video is DON’T ask your friend to help pull you out.
OK, so then the dip is similar to quicksand, but that might not be the perfect analogy, because if you are in the DIP I know 100% that you can and SHOULD ask for help. And I promise that just the simple ask of telling someone that something is going on, but you don’t actually know exactly what it is. And that is totally ok.
So remember, the Dip is perfectly normal
There is No shame in being there. It’s just a natural part of the process.
And you don’t need to figure out WHY you’re in the dip, or understand How you got there, you only need to figure out HOW to get yourself out of there, and sometimes the easiest way to do that, is to ask for help. And the Dip this is the perfect thing to put into your relationship, to be able to say to your friend, and design, I may get in the dip, if I do I need to know that I can reach out to you for help at any time. And this has to be a two-way street, its kind of like making a pact, where you can both ask for help when you need it. No questions asked. Maybe you have a code word, or a code phrase you can use, instead of “the eagle has landed”, it could be “the eagle is stuck in the quicksand” , or maybe you can use this language of The Dip, as this place that we find ourselves in sometimes. But as part of the designed alliance, pls make sure you pick some sort of language you can use to quickly reference it, so the other person knows this is serious...
Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! Because you are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode on change and discovering how it impacts you. So, here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today
1 – In the first segment I’ll explain the difference between inner and outer change
2 – Then in the second segment you’ll learn how to lean into change
3 – And in the last segment you’ll learn about the change adoption curve
So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s dive right in, shall we.
You either love change or hate it. There’s no in between. I learned this years ago doing my personality workshops – some of us are just wired for change and things to be different. We embrace it and it comes naturally to us. To best understand change we need to learn the difference between inner and outer change. Inner change is change we initiate on our own, for example a change in job, a change in where we live, whereas outer change is change that happens to us, that we didn’t sign on for. For example losing a loved one that’s a shock losing your job having to move halfway across the world losing money unexpectedly, losing your health losing a friend these are types of change that are unexpected and we don’t adapt well to them because like I said they happened to us not us initiating them that’s the biggest difference here is whether we initiate a change or the change happens to us. It’s important to understand that there are these two different types of changes, and if we don’t do well with change to start, external change can be really, really hard. So really think about external change in terms of your life and I want you to right now think of three changes that you didn’t initiat, three internal changes. Can you think of them??? _____ How did they come about? How did you handle them? Did you feel in control or not? Now I want you to think of 3 internal changes, things you chose and quite simply three changes that you initiated. Can you think of 3? ____ Was it easier to come up with these ones? Those in the internal changes versus the external changes or the changes that happened to you that were initiated by someone else or were outside of your control. Not that you initiated so go ahead right now and think of three things got it OK all right now we’re gonna think about the extra time to think about the external changes and what are the changes that you had happened to you. over you it’s not change you initiate it’s typically not change that you want but sometimes it ends up being we usually are able to look over our shoulder after we’re through a lesson and see that the change was actually good for us…… but let’s be honest there are some changes that just are really crappy and stay crappy like the loss of I loved one is a really good example of an external change,
However, let’s not get carried away and make these two types of changes mutually exclusive. Sometimes external changes are exactly what we need for a kick in the but, or to deal with our analysis paralysis and we have to trust the process, bc we wouldn’t have made the change ourselves. This concept has been named by my clients as the trampoline effect. I love this term and wish I had come up with it. Let me share a story where it all happened. I was working with this awesome team at RBC, and they started to notice a pattern with an exercise they were doing. As they plotted out a retrospective of their...
Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! Because you are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode on the that leaders make. So here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today
1 – In the first segment we’ll introduce you to powerful questions and when to use them
2 – Then in the second segment we’ll explain the main categories to use them
3 – And in the last segment I’ll share the best powerful questions to ask in certain situations
So, get out of your head and into your heart, and let’s dive right in shall we?
Do you ever wish you had a truth serum pill that would get people to tell you what they really want, reveal their truth. Well you do and it’s asking powerful questions. They will get people to reveal their truth. You can use them when you want people to open up, be more introspective and consider aspects of themselves they’ve never done before. So what distinguishes a regular question from a powerful question? A Powerful question will get people to stop and think. It disrupts them from unconscious thinking and patterns and makes them think deeply about their answers. Powerful questions have these 3 qualities or aspects: 1 – they’re short. The shorter the better in fact. We sometimes have the bad habit of wanted to use these questions to make ourselves sound really intelligent, so they end up getting long and complicated. 2 They should be simple, dare I say, bordering on dumbed down, only one dimensional. 3 they should be neutral and not leading and not specific to our target.
How do we ask them in a way that we have success with them?
Be confident when asking, sometimes they don’t have an answer right away, and that’s ok. Allow for silence and space after you ask so your employee can reflect.
Don’t have an agenda and predetermined answer you’re hoping to hear. Don’t be leading or make it about you. Use them in “real-time during the conversation and ask them one at a time. This is an advanced use case if you’re real-time solution finding.
Why do powerful questions work so well? There’s a few reasons. They give the power to the other person, let them be the expert for a turn. They also force them to get in their head and think and reflect. And because they’re so simple, it gives them a chance to be in the drivers seat for a change. There are two main reasons to use them, First in a premeditated state and second is in the moment. Let’s start with the premeditated situation. This is a situation that you know is going to happen and creating a powerful question helps to prepare you. It’s like. It’s like a situational blueprint – like a job interview, or if their unfulfilled at work, or want to have a conversation about their career planning or finding their life purpose. What makes this scenario unique is you usually have a SET series of questions that you ask all the time. So for a career planning discussion you would ask them where they want to be, what is important to them, what makes them feel fulfilled? For a job interview you might ask the same series of boring questions – what are you good at? Where have you failed? What are you proud of. The other situation with powerful questions is where the situation is a surprise and you just wing it. An example would be conflict at work, or disengagement, or your employee has a death in the family....
Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! Because you are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode on the biggest mistakes that leaders make. So here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today
1 – In the first segment I’ll reveal the 3 biggest mistakes
2 – Then in the second segment we’ll talk about your leadership legacy
3 – And in the last segment I’ll give you a 3 step process to start defining your leadership brand
So get out of your head and into your heart shall we?
For those of you who are managers I know you’re striving to be the best manager you can be. There’s no end to the number of articles, blogs and books about Leadership, but most of them are overwhelming and theoretical. So today I wanted to do something different. I wanted to give you real advice from my real clients about what they really want from their managers. No theory today, just real world practical advice you can translate into action immediately. And we’re going to start off by talking about the biggest complaints that people share about their managers. Remember every day all day, I’m working with clients and I get to hear what they really want and what they’re most frustrated by. Do you have an idea or a guess about what it could be? OK I won’t leave you in suspense any longer, here they are, the top 3 mistakes that managers make. Starting with #1 not giving enough feedback, the 2nd is not having proper career conversations, and the 3rd is Lacking vision and confidence. How did those land with you? Any surprises in there. Well there shouldn’t be. At the end of the day people just want to be seen and heard. They want to know you’ll stand up for them and they want to know you care. Great leadership isn’t complicated, but it is time consuming and it does require consistency. Before we dive in deeper to each of these 3 I want to check in with you. Do you feel like you’re guilty of any of them? What about your employees, what would they say? Would you have the courage to check in and ask them? OK let’s start by talking about feedback, it’s a delicate balance of how to give it just right. So I’ve gathered a long list of ways we screw up when we give feedback. Buckle your seatbelt bc this is a list of 5 ways we screw up when we give feedback, then at the end I share a couple tips of how to give feedback correctly – OK< the first way we screw up when we give feedback is - We don’t give enough feedback. Our team members want to hear from us, they’re craving feedback and they want lots of it. Feedback helps them to know if they are on track with their goals. It helps them know if they are delivering in alignment with what is expected of them. It helps them to know if they are growing in the right ways. We also screw up with feedback when we don’t give the right context or situation of what happened. Brene Brown is famous for saying being clear is kind. So that means be really specific about the environment our employees were in, and the circumstances they were in and the people they were with. We screw up with feedback if we don’t give both positive and negative feedback. Usually we’re hard wired for one or the other based on what our manager did with us. It’s just as important to deliver the constructive feedback as it is the positive feedback. So be thorough and use the full spectrum when you give feedback. We also screw up if we are not authentic...
Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! Because you are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode on Micro Cultures and discovering whether or not you have one or maybe even need one. So here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today
1 – In the first segment I’ll explain why you would build one and what it actually is
2 – Then in the second segment I’ll explain the advantages of building one.
3 – In the third segment I want to make a note about loyalty
4 - And in the last segment I’ll explain how to build one
So, get out of your head, into your heart and let’s dive right in, shall we.
I think the best way of describing a micro culture is explaining why you might want to build one. Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong to the rest of your organization? Ever felt like the Black Sheep, or the rebel. Maybe you felt like the one person who constantly viewed things through a different lens. These feelings of not belonging may have led you to define your own team brand, core values, purpose, and vision that feels different from your boss and the greater company. This could have been caused by many different reasons. Your boss doesn’t respect or appreciate you or the work your team does. Or vice versa because you don’t feel like you respect them or their work. It could be because you feel like you value and appreciate things that aren’t really important to them, or they’ve taken actions that you don’t respect. Either way, over time, in order to survive or thrive you and your team have developed your own code of conduct and no longer want to be dictated by the typical company culture and be stuck with values that don’t align with you. This is building a microculture, and it serves two purposes. First, you’re responding to the fact that you don’t agree with what they’re pushing as culture and second, you are organically creating something that fits more with you and your team. It create the type of environment that allows them to thrive, be the best version of themselves and contribute to creating the most fulfilling environment to do their best work. Whereas the main company may find it difficult to attract an employee or retain an employee, a microculture allows them to thrive, which results in you establishing a very loyal and hardworking environment. In many instances a microculture is established by a team that is disenchanted with their greater company at large, thereby creating an environment whereas a microculture retains them and makes them stick around. Another scenario when a micro culture may be created is through a merger or acquisition. I had this experience years ago when we were acquired by a large corporation. I remember the day when the announcement was made, and the CEO looked me in the eye, then proceeded to scan the rest of the room and said he was excited to work with us because our cultures were exactly the same. That couldn’t have been further from the truth. We had flexible hours and casual work from home culture. He did a 9:00am walk around to make sure that everyone is at their desk for core working hours. It couldn’t have been further from our culture. So we unintentionally kept our company culture and traditions alive to honour this great business we had built, we were creating a microculture. We held on as along as we could, then they eventually just consumed us. That wraps segment 1 on explaining what a micro culture...
He really just got me - he knew that travel was my love language and it was the ultimate thing he could do to motivate me at that point
Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! Because you are a brilliant and powerful being, I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode on employee motivation and how to apply this to your team. So here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today
1 – In the first segment I’ll explain the biggest mistake leaders make
2 – Then in the second segment I’ll explain the AMP model
3 – And in the last segment I’ll share the motivation model I share with all my clients
So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s dive right in, shall we.
One of the most common requests I get from leaders is that they want their teams to work harder. They don’t want to make any changes themselves or do anything different. But they want their employees to be more engaged. I hear it all the time, “Julie I don’t want to do any of that touchy feely stuff or change anything, but I want my team to deliver more.” I find this really strange, because A – I love the touchy feely stuff. And as a leader part of your responsibility is to be involved with your team, so how can you possibly get them to change their behviour without you being involved in some way? As a leader it’s always important to be authentic, and never ask your team to do anything you wouldn’t do. But this isn’t the big mistake that we see leaders make. The big mistake is trying to motivate their employees with financial incentives. You see, many studies have proven that employees don’t actually respond to financial incentives, and it can actually have the opposite impact we want it to. The London School of Economics found that financial incentives can actually demotivate employees and have the opposite impact we want them to have. Let’s see how this played out with Amanda. She had very aggressive career goals and had many conversations with her boss about building out a team and getting to the next level to be a manager. Whenever she brought it up with her manager, he was very dismissive about the whole thing. He said he’d get back to her by the next promotion cycle. This was really important to her, she trusted him and just assumed that because he made that promise, that he would follow through on it. This my friends is a heartbreaking mistake I see over and over again. Assuming that promotions will just happen bc we want them or we deserve them. I wish we lived in a world where promotions were just handed out to people who were deserving of them, wanted them and were ready for them but sadly we don’t live in that world. There are a few organizations I’ve come across where HR initiates this, but it’s very rare. If you want a promotion, it’s up to you to initiate it and make it happen. Long story short, when it came time for Amanda to be promoted, she actually wasn’t included in the promotion cycle, and she was very disappointed. Recognizing this, her boss put a proposal forward to top up her salary and stock options. And although she was really flattered, she was really disappointed, bc it wasn’t money she was after, it was about furthering her career. So Amanda said she appreciated the salary increase, but it really wasn’t what she was after. She tried many times over 2 months to have this conversation with her boss, but he didn’t make himself available to meet or make it a priority. In the meantime, while Amanda’s boss had his head in the sand, Amanda received a call...
Intro Teaser
Today I want to tell you about Kate and her Fear Fantasy. She was an IC at a large mortgage company, had been there for years, she worked hard, harder than her colleagues and at most times harder than her boss. And every year when it was time for her performance conversation, she would pump herself up to have a conversation with her boss. She knew she deserved the promotion, BUT she was consumed by the fear, potential rejection and judgment she thought her boss would have waiting for her if she brought it up. This perceived fear consumed her and held her back from getting what she truly deserved. Welcome to Kate’s Fear Fantasy.
Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! Because you are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode on Fear Fantasies and discovering whether or not you have one. So here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today
1 – In the first segment I’ll explain exactly what a Fear Fantasy is
2 – Then in the second segment I explain how they are so paralyzing
3 – And in the last segment I’ll share how to overcome your Fear Fantasy, so it doesn’t completely keep you stuck
So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s dive right in, shall we.
Fear fantasies are stories we create that allow us to stay small and stay stuck. They justify us not acting and allowing our fear to be greater than our desire. I want to start by telling you a story about Kate and her Fear Fantasy about asking for a promotion. You see, Kate was in her role for years. She was an IC at a large mortgage company and had been there for years. She worked hard, so very hard, harder than her colleagues and at most times even harder than her boss. And every year when it was time for her performance conversation with her boss, she would START with the same excited thoughts running through her head. This is the year that I am ready for a promotion. I know I’m ready, I deserve it, I can do the work and I’m ready to break through to the next level. And yet every year, no matter how much she pumped herself up, she never actually went through with it and initiated the promotion with her boss. She never had the conversation with her boss about getting promoted, or if she did, it was watered down and lacklustre and she didn’t even really try. She was consumed by the fear, potential rejection and judgment she thought her boss would have waiting for her if she brought it up. This perceived fear consumed her, and she held onto it so tightly. This was her Fear Fantasy. It’s as if the disappointment of being stuck and not asking for what she wanted became more familiar and more comfortable to her, it was part of what kept her stuck. Fear fantasies are normal and more common than we think. It’s so easy to spot them in other people and call them out, but when they’re our fear fantasy, they feel real and all consuming, we don’t feel like we have any other options.
Common fear fantasies happen around promotions and career, around pitching or sharing an idea in a meeting, around asking for people to be our champion or advocate on our behalf. It boils down to advocation on our own behalf or asking someone else to advocate for us. As leaders it’s so easy and second nature for us to champion our team members, but when it comes to self-promotion, we often struggle, and haven’t always built the same...
So this is the story of Sean and her high profile career as an IC at a high-profile law firm. She wanted so much to become a people manager but as with all people taking that step there were two major barriers standing in her way – one was actually getting herself into the role, and the second, more challenging barrier is learning how to be the great leader you envisioned yourself actually being. I’ll be the first to confess that eadership is so much easier on paper. We all know WHAT we need to do, but the actual doing of it, getting out of the weeds and giving away the LEGO – that is always the hardest part of being a new leader. Little did she know it – Sean helped me create the perfect model to master the skill she needed most, and now clients around the world, now including this podcast, will benefit from her brilliance and creativity.
Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, this is your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and in your other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! You are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode on the Circle of Control model and learning about other models that are easy to use. So here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today
1 – In the first segment I’ll introduce you to the powerful world of models
2 – Then I share my favourite models that I use all the time
3 – In the last segment I’ll share how to use the Circle of Control with your team and others
So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s dive right in, shall we.
The other day I was walking a client through a model and I realized that this is something I really want to do more of because she was really grasping it quickly and excited to use it with her team. Models are powerful and share an outside perspective to understand our current situation, which inspires us to take action in new ways. I want to use them more and knew that you’ll benefit not only from understanding HOW to use them more, but walking away with a couple really good ones in your pocket you can use right away. There are so many different types of models, some are really complex and have a number of components and some just contain 2 components and are really easy to use and teach. But let’s start by talking how they work. Models give us an outside perspective of looking at our current situation. So often when we’re looking at a difficult situation, we get in the habit of trying to approach it the same way we always have – it’s like that great Einstein quote, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” We have to bring in fresh information perspectives and ideas. To be honest this is a big part of what we do in coaching, we challenge people to look at their situation differently. This can be in real-time where we look at different options available us. It can also be done as a tool, in advance of the situation where we create a variety of different perspectives and call upon them on an as needed basis. Let me share a few personal examples. We’ll start by talking about using the real-time options available to us in the moment. I talked a few episodes ago about being given the archetype of the Dominatrix, and while it is primarily something we would use as an archetype, it really offers us a perspective of how to approach things in a different way. Examples of this would to be more confident, stronger, demanding and louder. Other examples of common archetypes we turn into perspectives to really open people minds are Motivational Speaker – which puts people into the mindset of being more...
Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and in your other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! You are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode on creating intimacy at your next team offsite with a Designed Alliance. So here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today
1 – In the first segment I share a story of why this is such an important tool to use at your offsite and what can go horribly wrong if you don’t have one
2 – in the second segment I’ll share what a Designed Alliance is and how it works
3 – in the third segment I’ll share the 5-step process to create one
4 – and in the last segment I’ll explain exactly what you want to build into yours
So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s dive right in, shall we.
I wanted to create this episode for you because we are in the peak of offsite season right now and as a facilitator I have so many resources that I’ve developed over the years, and this one in particular is a very simple, yet very valuable one to use. I personally use it at every single offsite I run and it has never let me down. But before I dive in to sharing it with you, I want to tell a story about a time when it wasn’t used and the dumpster fire that ensued without it. If I had to name this story it would be – Here’s everything NOT TO DO at your next team offsite. So let me back up and set the tone here, we’re rewinding back to 2010 when I was working for my last company as Director of Marketing. Our CEO wanted to organize a team offsite for the senior leadership team– which we did at least once a year. I’m always surprised how teams function without doing doing offsites. I wanted to start by saying I am so grateful for all the experiences I had in this last role, which was my last full time gig before becoming a coach and setting up my own business. This was such a transformative chapter in my life and I learned so much in those 3 years I lived in England. I learned about the culture, about doing business globally and also about myself. As head of Marketing some of the cool events I got to organize were client events spending time with Gold metal Olympian sailors, I also held a massive launch event in the city of London and a splashy cocktail party in the top floor of the Gherkin building. We took clients to Cowes sailing week in the Isle of Wight for a VIP client day out on a massive 72 foot yacht, we also went to a high-performance car racing of luxury cars on the track. My employer was an enterprise software company, so we had deep pockets and it was always my job to make sure we had the best of the best. It was a good life. Aside from the splashy client events, we also did the best team building events with our employees and senior leadership teams and I really valued this bonding time with peers. The specific event I wanted to share with you today was a team event with a navy simulation exercise for team bonding, which was hosted by Britain’s Royal Navy. Hands down, this was the most unique event of my life. I would give this one a 12 out of 10. The gist of the event was that it was a simulated experience where we made contact with an enemy ship, started to take on water and had to work together to prevent our ship from sinking. The day started with a debrief with the Naval officers. They walked us through the exercise, how the simulation would work and what to expect. And as I scanned the room, I could see half of my teammates were excited and ready to go and the other half with the fear of god on their face. Either way, it
Hey, it’s Julie Zuzek and welcome to the Corporate Yogi podcast. How the heck are you? I am very excited to be back in action with the podcast for this special episode to kick off the new year. For you regular listeners you know I had to press pause on the podcast during my maternity leave and there were a number of personal things that took all my time and attention. I’m happy to report, I’m back in action, have a wealth of new content to share and will be publishing bi-weekly episodes going forward. And really, what better way to start a new year than starting back with fresh new energy and inspiration to share with you. I have to confess, I’ve missed the podcasting. My daughter is almost 2 years old now, and while I’ve enjoyed spending every single moment of being at home with her and transitioning her into daycare, I’ve really missed this time dedicated to curating my best ideas and content from clients into regular episodes for you. New episodes will be available every other Tuesday, on your usual podcasting platforms, the format will remain the same, and for those of you who are keeners and want the episode early, be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter on my website where you’ll get access to that month’s episodes in advance.
When it comes to goal setting you’re either in 1 of 2 camps. You are a firm believer like me of investing the time and energy to gain clarity around what you want, you drink the Kool-Aid so to speak and you don’t need any convincing at all about why this is important. And for those of you in the other camp, you’re somewhat skeptical about why you should invest the time to do all this work and you’re not quite sure how it will add value to your life. If you’re a member of camp Kool-Aid you’ll be happy to know that my 2024 Goal Setting Program is now live and available for download. It includes all the great features from before, but this year I’ve added in something NEW that will take your goal setting to the next level. I’ll share what that is in the last segment today. For those of you skeptics, I guarantee that by the end of this episode you will be inspired and ready to set goals for the new year and understand why this process is such a critical game changer
So here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today:
1) First, we’ll talk about the biggest mistakes people make when goal setting
2) In the 2nd segment I’ll explain why exactly it’s so important to set goals if you want to live a fulfilled life
3) And in the 3rd segment I’ll share a somewhat vulnerable perspective on my top goal for 2024
4) and in the last segment I’ll explain the HOW of goal setting. I’ll walk you through my program, what makes it unique different and why it’s designed to deliver big results.
So get out of your head and into your heart and let’s talk about goal setting.
I want to share with you now the biggest mistakes people make when setting goals. I see these mistakes all the time and want to make sure you avoid them.
Mistake #1: They set too many goals
They take a “more is better” approach and bite off more than they can chew. They take on too much instead of getting clear about what really matters. Think of the analogy of watering plants. If you only have one dedicated watering can, do you really want to split it across 100 different plants? If you do this, none of them will thrive, none will get the time and attention they really deserve to make it. A better approach is to be more selective and just pick 5 plants to water – 5 goals, this way you’ll ensure they get enough water, love and the right attention. When it comes to goals, more is not better, more is just more. Focus and alignment are key here – you need to pick things that will make you feel fulfilled. So that’s mistake #1 – setting too many goals.
Mistake #2: Setting Should Goals or OPGs – Other people’s goals.
This one might...
This episode is dedicated to all growth junkies who love to learn and grow. There is a downside to growth though, when we spend all our time learning we start to feel a little burned out or exhausted. I call it a growth hangover and it happens when we spend a disproportionate amount of time outside of our comfort zone. So, get out of your head, into your heart and let’s talk about growth hangovers.
This episode is dedicated to doing less and achieving more. In our culture of hyper consumerism and excessive consumption we are a society that loves to have more, acquire more, do more, be more and collect more. But is more always better? Find out the answer in this episode. So, get out of your head, into your heart and let’s talk about the art of subtraction.
This episode is a personal one, it’s not business related and there aren’t any leadership tips for you to take away. Today we are talking about having BIG dreams and bringing them to life. I want to share a really, really exciting announcement that I’ve been working on for years. So, get out of your head, into your heart and let’s talk about making our big dreams come true.
This episode is dedicated to empowering women and helping them up level to play a bigger game. You’ll learn about the specific speech patterns women use that hold them back and discover tips to be more empowered in the workplace. So, get out of your head, into your heart and let’s talk about playing a bigger game.
Trust is the root of all relationships, and if trust isn’t present then you can’t have a meaningful relationship. You’ll learn what a breach of trust looks like and how to handle it when it happens. So, get out of your head, into your heart and let’s talk about trust breakers in a relationship.
If you’re a woman working in business you’ve likely encountered this problem at some point in your career. I’ve encountered it, most of my female clients have experienced it and whenever I bring it up to other women, they’re quick to confirm that it has happened to them in the past. So, get out of your head, into your heart and let’s talk about your voice being heard.
Being indecisive is one of the most frustrating leadership habits. It impacts everyone you work with, and colleagues may start to lose confidence in your leadership. In this episode you’ll learn tools to become more decisive and be less of a fence sitter. So, get out of your head, into your heart and let’s talk about this annoying leadership habit.
Listening is one of the most powerful things you can do as a leader, yet very few people invest the time and energy to do it right. In this episode you’ll learn about the 3 different levels of listening and when to use each one of them. So, get out of your head, into your heart and let’s talk about the three levels of listening.
Did you know that believing in the confidence fairy holds us back from being courageous and doing things we deeply desire to do? It’s like a catch all excuse and I watch it attack many of my clients in all different circumstances. In this episode you’ll learn who is responsible for promoting the confidence fairy and 4 ways to stop waiting around for it to show up. So, get out of your head, into your heart and let’s talk about the confidence fairy.
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