Marketing for community colleges is tough! But after 25 years of working solely with two-year, technical, and community colleges, we’ve learned a few things. Now, we want to share them with you! Join the Interact team as we discuss and share actionable, time-tested strategies on topics directly related to community college marketing, such as branding, leadership, career education, public relations, graphic design, enrollment pipelines, targeted campaigns, media buying, demographic research, student media preferences, social media, viral videos, and more! If you’re looking for expert insights from industry experts, you’ve come to the right place.
Seminggu sekali setelah pulang kantor, 3 litigators Brian Manuel (@kickinitreal), Hillman Sembiring (@hillsembiring), dan Kenny Macallo (@kmacallo) berkumpul di sebuah barbershop melepas lelah, ngobrol2 rileks soal hukum dan hal2 tak substantif lainnya.
taktis, praktis, realistis!
tarik kursi dan silahkan bergabung!
siapa tahu dapat sedikit manfaat.
kalo belom, dengerin terus tiap episode nya! Jangan menyerah! -
Budidjaja on Air is a podcast curated by Budidjaja International Lawyers, an international, independent law firm located at Jakarta, Indonesia. Budidjaja on Air will discuss the current and upcoming trending legal & amp; business issues, and so much more. All contents are not to be constituted as legal advices, and the laws and issues discussed are as per the time the episode was recorded.
Social Protection Podcast is brought to you by socialprotection.org. We’re a knowledge sharing and capacity building platform, open to social protection practitioners, policy-makers, and experts, as well as academics and students.
Social protection is a large and growing field, that has also achieved increased profile and salience since 2020 due to COVID-19. From building delivery systems and protecting People with Disabilities, to social protection financing and school feeding – there is no shortage of topics for Social Protection Podcast to tackle.
Each month we will aim to bring you rich, interesting and different content. Through interviews, discussions and debates with experts and practitioners, Social Protection Podcast will illuminate new research and bring a range of perspectives to debates and controversies as well as areas of growing consensus. -
Inspired by the "Humans of.." concept of sharing stories originated by photoblogger Brandon Stanton in New York, Humans of ID is a podcast where students in the LSE Department of International Development sit down with classmates, instructors, and alumni to learn about their stories and how they are interacting with issues in, and approaches to, development.
In these informal discussions, the Career and Professional Development team engages with guests, learning about their journey in the development field and discussing some pressing contemporary issues in international development. New episodes drop every Tuesday and are a great way to delve into the world of development whilst you are on the go! -
Terimakasih telah memilih podcast kami untuk anda dengarkan. SITKom adalah program kerja dinas kominfo Himakom Universitas Riau bekerja sama dengan dinas lain dan orang orang keren lainnya, banyak info yang menarik seputar ilmu komunikasi FISIP Universitas Riau yang sangat menarik. Yuk langsung disimak podcast kami.
Album podcast ini adalah salah satu bagian dari tugas mata kuliah Masyarakat, Budaya dan Bencana.
Bermula pada tahun 2020, dari rumah masing-masing mahasiswa memproduksi podcast tentang pelbagi narasi berdaya untuk bertahan bersama pandemi COVID-19 serta narasi tentang pelbagai isu kebencanaan lingkungan sekitar. -