
  • Embracing your superpowers of nurturing, empathy, and vulnerability can take your sales content to the next level.

    In this week’s episode of Creative Magic Club, I dive into the transformative power of Cancer season to elevate your content’s selling power.

    Being vulnerable in my writing hasn’t always come easily but it’s a skill I’ve learnt. It has definitely paid off!

    Creating emotionally resonant content that attracts your soulmate clients is the key to reaching 6-figures in your business.

    Cancer season is the perfect time to dig deep, tell powerful stories and attract client relationships that will change your business forever!

    Tune in to learn 3 super powerful content prompts that will take your sales to the next level in Cancer season!

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • You know that feeling when you ‘should’ be sitting down to write and create on that project that’s so near and dear to your heart… but then your brain acts like it's on crack, you start procrasti-cleaning, end up in a scroll-hole on socials and just like that your time window passed…?!?!

    If this feels like it has become waaaay too established in your daily routine you’ll definitely want to listen to this week's Creative Magic Club episode where I interview Lorena Martinez on the magic of understanding how to get your creative flow back.

    With 10 years of acting experience, Lorena found herself in a pinch when she was under a lot of pressure to succeed creatively in order to get a visa to stay in the US. She shares how this led her to discover what DOESN’T work to access creative flow, and how she learned what’s truly important to nurturing our creative genius.

    She shares the importance of play and having time away from technology, along with how she creates rituals to connect to divine inspiration and nourish her feminine creative energy.

    You’re going to love it!

    Lorena Martinez is an actor, writer, speaker, and coach who is all in on the magic of Creative Joy. She launched her company, Bien Creative with a mission to raise joy, inspire courage, and ignite creativity. A professional actor for over 10 years, Lorena has performed on Hollywood sets, Tony-Award-winning stages, and legendary comedy houses. She has a BFA from NYU and an MFA from UCSD. She created and wrote a sitcom based on her immigration woes and recently signed a shopping deal with a major production company. As a Speaker, Lorena developed a program called “Hey Genius! Unlock your creative power” designed to help corporations and organizations ignite a culture of Creative Genius and effortlessly stay at the forefront of Innovation.


    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • I started out like so many in the coaching industry - creating content with a call to action to book a free call, selling on the call and enrolling people into my offers over the phone.

    While there’s SO much about sales calls that really sucks (the no shows, the last minute cancellations, the ‘no’s, the SCREENTIME) I believe it’s very valuable to get good at this process, because no matter what your sales process is, you have to understand how to successfully navigate a sales conversation.

    Beyond that, if your offer is new, it’s super valuable to have conversations with the people who are resonating with your content to get that direct feedback on who it’s attracting (so you can make changes if it’s not attracting soul mate, ready-to-buy clients).

    BUT sales calls aren’t necessary because you can have this conversation IN YOUR CONTENT.

    When I learnt how to do this I started having 5-figure months purely from my social media content combined with some kind of free training. I started experiencing having dream-come-true clients reach out to me ready to sign up and buy. No sales conversation needed.

    I'll have 2, 3, 4, 5+ clients enroll into my high ticket offers in one month while I'm travelling, road tripping and camping. No calls on my calendar, just a few quick questions in the DMs before they sign up. $10k, $15, $18k months thanks to scheduling a daily piece of content.

    What does it take to start experiencing consistent easy sales from clients into your high ticket offers? Here’s how I do it.

    I do the work to position my offer in a very intentional and clear way by building the messaging around the top 1-3 desires of my client.

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • You know that feeling when you know it's time to post some sales content, then your mind goes blank and you suddenly think of 10,000 things you NEED to procrastinate on??!

    Then maybe you go ahead and post anyway but you KNOW you missed the mark on your storytelling and call to action...?!

    Maybe you sit staring at a blank screen for hours wondering if everyone else finds copywriting this hard or if there must just be something wrong with you?!?

    Please hear me when I tell you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. And there are some very real and good reasons why selling your brilliant work kicks up allll kinds of resistance.

    It's imporant we talk about this and all the reasons why it feels so hard sometimes.

    In this week's episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast I break down exactly what it took for me to get good at making $1000s from my content AND I share the very common causes of resistance that I see in pretty much all of my clients when it comes to having sales breakthroughs in your content creation.

    Let's just say it's not you... it's the patriarchy. And YOU are a part of the solution (which isn't easy always work!) ;)

    You're definitely going to want to tune in on this one if you're ready to find deeper self-compassion and more ease in your ability to make sales from your content!

    Magic Mind Mental Performance Shot Limited offer that gets you up to 48% off your first subscription or 20% off one time purchases with code CMC20 at checkout. You can claim it at: https://www.magicmind.com/cmc

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • Have you every wondered which phase of the moon cycle is best to launch or begin a new offer? Do you ever wonder why some launches don't go as well as others, even though you did all the same things that worked well last time...?!

    If you're excited by the idea of using astrology to your advantage to increase your sales in business then you're going ot LOVE this interview I did with astrologer, copywriter and online business strategist Sophia Pallas on the Creative Magic Club podcast this week!

    She shares so many juicy nuggets of wisdom on how she uses her clients' charts to prioritize in their business strategy. Plus she shares the insights she noticed about how lanching on the new moon can affect sales!

    You're going to want to tune in to learn more about:

    How your chart ruler gives you a lot of great information to inform your brand strategy.

    How you can use mercury retrogrades to be more productive in your business.

    How paying attention to your midheaven transits can give you helpful insights about what to prioritize in each phase of life and business.

    And so much more!

    Whether you're new to astrology, or a seasoned expert, you'll want to take a bunch of notes to learn from Sophia's approach to making money with more ease!

    Sophia Pallas is an astrologer, copywriter and online business strategist. She’s also the host of the award-winning podcast Cosmic Business BreakthroughⓇ.

    After spending 15+ years working with big brands and entrepreneurs to improve their copy and marketing plans with mainstream strategies – Sophia flipped the script.

    Now, she uses the ancient wisdom of astrology to help online entrepreneurs dig deep, understand themselves, and crystalise their message for more growth and satisfaction in business.

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • Bringing more astrology into my brand strategy has been expanding my business in CRAZY ways!

    I share more about it and how YOU can find those next expansive moves for you in my podcast episode this week, including some POTENT content prompts for expanding your client community with this potent gemini season energy!

    Gemini season is all about communication, experimentation and following our curiosity! So it's the perfect energy to be engaging with new clients and growing our community in ways that excite us!

    I find that whenever I pursue a business or content strategy because it's exciting to me, that's how I foster the most meaningful client relationships!

    It's SO important to be showing up in ways that make it easiest for us to be our authentic selves, otherwise how are our people supposed to connect with us enough to want to buy from us?!

    So for gemini season allow yourself to:

    WONDER - indulge in your curiosity and let your mind roam, Full permission to change your mind once something becomes boring or dull (though be wiling to move through resistance towards what you REALLY desire!)

    COMMUNICATE - cleary ask for what you want! Not hitting your sales or enrollment goals? SELL MORE! Ask and keep asking until you get what you want! Don't give up!

    Tune in for the full scoop on how to do these things with power in your content over the coming weeks! Save this post for insiration when you create content! Click the link in my bio to listen to the full episdode.

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • Have you been getting in your head about your visual brand identity? Haha - ME TOO!! If you've been overthinking your rebrand, or getting distracted by online business tasks that aren't DIRECTLY leading to sales, you're going to love this week's episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast!!

    I share MY personal process in a recent identity shift and how I've been using my astrology chart to develop a new visual identity to reflect the new work I've been doing with my clients using astrology!

    If you have questions like why rebrand? Or you're wondering how to freshen up the visual elements of your brand without breaking the bank, or getting distracted from your sales-generating activities, you'll want to tune in!

    Imagine you could feel fully expressed and authentic in your brand, without having to drop thousands on a new website or photoshoot.... well, it's easier than you might think when you tap into the creative ideas in your astrology chart!

    Tune in to this week's episode of the podcast to learn how I've been navigating some big identity shifts behind the scenes of my business and how I've been rebranding and uplevelling my business, one step at a time, using my astrology chart to develop a rebranding strategy and new visual brand identity!

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • If you've been wondering how to use a free event to generate 5-figures in sales and fill spaces in your coaching offers - you're gong to love this week's epsisode of thee Creative Magic Club podcast. I'm giving you a breakdown of behind the scenes and what I did to generate 5-figures in sales within a few weeks.

    Ths process I'm sharing with you is one that I've used over and over in my business to successfully generate 5-figures in sales, no matter if I'm selling private mentorship, or group coaching programs. I've learnt a thing or two about what makes these kinds of events successful and, importantly, FUN and accessible to follow through on (yes, even if you have low bandwidth from life stuff like health, travelling, or relationship challenges!)

    If you're curious how I did it ths time (slightly different than anything I've done before!) and want to glean some nuggets that wll inspire you to have more success in your next launch - you're going to want to tune in and take notes!

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • My Freedom Business Formula: The Paid Sales Call Strategy

    Do you ever wonder why other people's strategy advice doesn't seem to work for you?

    Are you forcing yourself to take action that doesn't quite feel right then left feeling frustrated when it doesn't even lead you to the results you've been dreaming about?

    What if instead you could do business in EXACTLY the way that feels right for you... and imagine if that was the way that was ALWAYS going to work out for you anyway...!!??

    In this week's episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast I share how I created a strategy where I get paid for my sales calls, my clients get tons of value and it easliy fills my longer term higher ticket offers.

    I also share which part of my astrology chart gave me the confidence to innovate and do things in my own way - and how it has been REVOLUTIONIZING my business!

    If you're like most creative entrepreneurs, you just want to help more people with your work without the frustration of feeling lke you have to jump through 50 hoops to reach them in your sales and maketing process.

    Whether you're sales strategy has been working but you don't love it, or you're wondering what the missing pieces are to successfully do things dfferently, you'll love this episode!

    You can sign clients with ease and hit your income and enrollment goals without filling your scheudle with free sales calls!

    Tune in to the latest episode on Spotify, iTunes, everywhere else and via the link in my bio!

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • Are you ready to make the most of the good-money vibes this Taurus Season? Taurus is a material girl in a material world and she wants YOU to live your most luxurious, comfortable and well-resourced life. Are you into it?

    I sure as hell am, so I decided to share some deeply transformative money mindset journalling prompts for self-disovery and transformation in your relationship with money.

    What if you knew that your sense of safety, security and abundance was all in your hands? Would you be willing to put your rubber gloves on, look at what’s NOT feeling totally scrumptious and plug a NEW destination into your GPS?

    The real question here is are you willing to do the work to create real CHANGE in your financial reality? I am. And I HIGHLY recommend it. This is the kin dof work that quite literaly PAYS, and transforms your present and future.

    If you answered YES, then you’re in the right place! Listen to this week’s epsiode of the Creative Magic Club podcast to take a deep dive into your money ish this Taurus season!

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • Are you feeling like your audience keep coming to you for inspiration but it’s not leading to actual sales?

    Are you sharing your heart in your content but feeling weighed down and disheartened that you’re not filling your offers up?

    What if instead you knew exactly what to focus on in your brand storytelling to quickly build the kind of trust and connection that makes your people so CONFIDENT to pull out their credit cards and BUY your work?

    It’s possible when you know how to focus your content using astrology for business success!

    If you’re like most creators, just being able to publish SOMETHING is a major win, and putting in the extra thought and intention to make sure that content is actually landing with people is where you need support.

    Good news is I’ve put together some timely copywriting prompts to guide you to the parts of your story that will instantly build that necessary trust and connection with your new clients. These 3 prompts tap into the themes everyone will be feeling this Taurus season, making your content irresistable to your audience by using astrology for business success.

    Whether you’re feeling resistant to getting vulnerable online, or you’ve just been getting bogged down with overthinking what to write – you are going to LOVE this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast where I break down and give you ideas to take these prompts to create money-making value for your audience using astrology for business success!

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • Do you ever feel like you don’t have the connections or skillsets to really thrive as a creative?

    Do you wish it felt WAY easier to monetize your talents so that you can get on with creating to your heart’s content while getting paid VERY well for your efforts?

    Whether you’re a musician, artist or creative entrepreneur, you will LOVE what this week’s podcast guest, music producer Kris Bradley, has to say about building your own success.

    Kris went from underpaid bar gigs, to building her own thriving music production company, to scaling to 7-figures within just a few years as she started to coach other artists how to succeed financially by producing your own music.

    Whether you're struggling with resistance to sales or feeling overwhelmed by multiple projects, you’ll love Kris’s down to earth strategies to thrive as a multi-passionate and highly ambitious creative.

    She shares how she manages multiple projects without losing focus, along with how following her Human Design was the path to incredibly fast income growth.

    If you’re ready to take your creative-entrepreneurship game to the next level, grab a pen and take notes while you tune in!

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • Are you wondering what you could be doing differently to have more perfect-fit clients reaching out to buy your offers? Well you are in luck today because I’ve boiled down THE most important things to focus on in your content to help the right people feel SO confident about buying from you!

    In today’s training inside the Cosmic Attraction Copywriting free series, I share the top 3 things that I see missing in my client’s content that when we shift it, leads to an immediate increase in sales!

    It’s sooooo easy to get distracted by trying to reach more people, go viral, get likes and engagement on social that sometimes we forget why we’re REALLY here…. To change lives by WORKING with our soul mate clients inside our offers – not just prancing around in front of them in pretty pictures and fabulous captions!

    So stay FOCUSED my friends… keep your copy targeted on what matters MOST – how you can really help others through your incredible work.

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • Want to learn my writing process prompts to share your story in a powerful way that stands out to the RIGHT people and leads to ready-to-buy clients popping up in your DMs asking to work with you?

    Tune in to learn the 5 most important elements of a social media post that sells effectively!

    I share the most common mistakes I see coaches and healers making and clearly breaksown how to write with more specificity that will lead to SIGNIFICANT changes in the results you're getting when you apply these techniques.

    Clients have used this aproach to make more sales within a matter of hours! You're going to love this training!

    The copywriting prompts:

    1. Name your client’s desires in the way THEY think and talk about them + put it in the opening line of your post.

    2. What’s a top valuable result that you have created in your own life (that your clients have named as their desire)? Name it clearly.

    3. What’s one of the most important moments in your story that led you to having that result? Share this as a teaching moment. Use your core themes from your chiron and other related placements in your astrology chart to tell different parts of your story – and let people learn about you from different angles.

    4. How does your work help them to integrate this transformation to produce this desired result for themselves? Be expllicit (this is exactlyhow I help clients – to go from this to that so that they can have this clear desire)

    5. What’s the clear invitation for them to take action towards creating what they desire – pitch your offer, what their next action step is to get into it. E.g. DM me for more info, click the link to buy / apply, join my free masterclass next week, download my free resource.

    In a 90-minute private coaching intensive together, we’ll focus on the most important changes you can start making in your messaging to attract more paying clients into your offers. During our time together we’ll make sure your offer is actually targeted at the kinds of clients you REALLY want to be working with, we’ll tighten up your messaging (or write it from scratch if we need to), and we’ll map out a feel-good launch plan to start filling it up with amazing clients. 

  • Do you want to know the messaging tweaks that take my clients from attracting people who ‘can’t afford it’ to easy sales into 5-figure offers with no sales calls?

    You do this by getting good at attracting REAL DEAL soul mate clients. What is a soul mate client anyway? What are they like? How are they different from other kinds of clients? Soul mate clients are the people who are actually going to value your work, feel excited about paying you $1000s, show up to do the work and create real results from your mentorship. They are the people who are the perfect match for you personality and skillset who are SO grateful that you showed up to help them.

    In this training I break all of this down to help you understand how you can start speaking to these kinds of buyers in your content.

    Whether you're attracting clients who aren't a great fit, or experiencing a lot of 'I can't afford it right now' messages from potential clients - this episode will help you understand the tweaks to make in your content and positioning to start making more sales.

    This is training 3 in a 5 part series on Cosmic Attraction Copywriting. Sign up via this link for additional bonus resources: https://withsarahmac.com/cosmic-attraction-copywriting/

    Want my insights on your astrology placements to guide the most magnetic brand message to stand out to your soul mate clients? Book a Cosmic Brand Story Private Intensive + Astrology Reading with me: https://withsarahmac.thrivecart.com/private-intensive/

    Ready to start booking high ticket soulmate clients with ease every month? Apply for my 3 month private mentorship: https://withsarahmac.com/high-ticket-soul-clients/

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

    Sales Rising Masterclass + Prompts: UNCOVER YOUR SELLING SUPERPOWERS USING YOUR RISING AND DESCENDENT SIGNS https://withsarahmac.com/rising/

    Instant access to the Cosmic Attraction Copywriting Free Training Series: https://withsarahmac.com/cosmic-attraction-copywriting/

    Book your spot in Money Making Content with Astrology for personalized feedback + action steps to easily sign more soul mate clients Click this link to sign up!

    Want my insights on your astrology placements to guide the most magnetic brand message to stand out to your soul mate clients? Book a Cosmic Brand Story Private Intensive + Astrology Reading with me: https://withsarahmac.thrivecart.com/private-intensive/

    Ready to start booking high ticket soulmate clients with ease every month? Apply for my 3 month private mentorsh...

  • Do you want to know how to interpret one of the most POWERFUL parts of your chart for magnetic stand out brand storytelling?

    In this training I'll reveal the astrological placement that unlocks a new level of depth in your storytelling that builds trust 10x faster with the clients who are genuinely a very aligned fit to work with you.

    I share how you can use your insights form this placement to create confidence and clarity on your brand storyetlling topics and values that make your dream clients want to buy your shit.

    Access your journal prompts here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rAeMA2McSJ-cP9dZJvWQO8Yy8rd3cPAQpevp90kZows/edit?usp=sharing

    If you're not already signed up for the Cosmic Attraction Free Training Series sign up here for all 5 trainings and additional bonus resources: https://withsarahmac.com/cosmic-attraction-copywriting/

    Want my insights on your astrology placements to guide the most magnetic brand message to stand out to your soul mate clients? Book a Cosmic Brand Story Private Intensive + Astrology Reading with me: https://withsarahmac.thrivecart.com/private-intensive/

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

    Sales Rising Masterclass + Prompts: UNCOVER YOUR SELLING SUPERPOWERS USING YOUR RISING AND DESCENDENT SIGNS https://withsarahmac.com/rising/

    Instant access to the Cosmic Attraction Copywriting Free Training Series: https://withsarahmac.com/cosmic-attraction-copywriting/

    Book your spot in Money Making Content with Astrology for personalized feedback + action steps to easily sign more soul mate clients Click this link to sign up!

    Want my insights on your astrology placements to guide the most magnetic brand message to stand out to your soul mate clients? Book a Cosmic Brand Story Private Intensive + Astrology Reading with me: https://withsarahmac.thrivecart.com/private-intensive/

    Ready to start booking high ticket soulmate clients with ease every month? Apply for my 3 month private mentorsh...

  • Weclome to the Cosmic Attraction Copywriting Free Training Series! I'll be teaching you to write a sales post for your soul mate client using you astrology chart!

    You’ll learn:

    The mindset switch that takes my clients from feeling confused about their content, or not feeling fully safe to share their story online, to making sales more easily and naturally than ever before. The astrological placement that unlocks a new level of depth in your storytelling that builds trust 10x faster with the clients who are genuinely a very aligned fit to work with you. The messaging tweaks that take my clients from attracting people who ‘can’t afford it’ to easy sales into 5-figure offers with no sales calls. Clarity on the 3 things your soul mate clients need to hear from you consistently in your message to feel confident and excited to buy your offer. My writing process prompts to share your story in a powerful way that stands out to the RIGHT people and leads to ready-to-buy clients popping up in your DMs asking to work with you.

    Join the Cosmic Attraction Copywriting Free Series for full access to all trainings and resources: https://withsarahmac.com/cosmic-attraction-copywriting/

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

    Sales Rising Masterclass + Prompts: UNCOVER YOUR SELLING SUPERPOWERS USING YOUR RISING AND DESCENDENT SIGNS https://withsarahmac.com/rising/

    Instant access to the Cosmic Attraction Copywriting Free Training Series: https://withsarahmac.com/cosmic-attraction-copywriting/

    Book your spot in Money Making Content with Astrology for personalized feedback + action steps to easily sign more soul mate clients Click this link to sign up!

    Want my insights on your astrology placements to guide the most magnetic brand message to stand out to your soul mate clients? Book a Cosmic Brand Story Private Intensive + Astrology Reading with me: https://withsarahmac.thrivecart.com/private-intensive/

    Ready to start booking high ticket soulmate clients with ease every month? Apply for my 3 month private mentorsh...

  • Do you regularly navigate intrusive thoughts that question your worthiness to become abundantly wealthy doing work you adore?

    And are you also feeling fired up and READY to make this your best year yet in business?

    It’s Aries seson and no better time to ramp up your confidence and boldly claim the version of you who finally gets what she desires.

    What if you could be attracting the clients, making the sales and creating the big impact you KNOW, deep down, you’re capable of… with less drama and more POWER?!

    If you’re like most magical entreprerneurs you have big dreams, an even bigger heart and a deep desire to be financially successful in a business that makes you truly happy.

    Whether you’ve been overthining your prices, flaking out on your latest lauch, or simply not quite landing the clarity that makes results happen… you can flip the switch today and make bold, impactful moves with confidence.

    Tune into this week’s Creative Magic Club podcast episode for some epic and transformative money mindset prompts that will shed your old identity and fill you with the energy to make your business more profitable. Plus I share some of the most impactful money mindset affirmations that support my clients to start making more money in fun ways!

    Join my free training series - Cosmic Attraction Copywriting https://withsarahmac.com/cosmic-attraction-copywriting/

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

    Sales Rising Masterclass + Prompts: UNCOVER YOUR SELLING SUPERPOWERS USING YOUR RISING AND DESCENDENT SIGNS https://withsarahmac.com/rising/

    Instant access to the Cosmic Attraction Copywriting Free Training Series: https://withsarahmac.com/cosmic-attraction-copywriting/

    Book your spot in Money Making Content with Astrology for personalized feedback + action steps to easily sign more soul mate clients Click this link to sign up!

    Want my insights on your astrology placements to guide the most magnetic brand message to stand out to your soul mate clients? Book a Cosmic Brand Story Private Intensive + Astrology Reading with me: https://withsarahmac.thrivecart.com/private-intensive/

    Ready to start booking high ticket soulmate clients with ease every month? Apply for my 3 month private mentorsh...

  • Are you ready to fire up your sales copywriting and magnetize new clients through your content but you’re wondering how to channel your energy into a powerful, clear message?

    The March Equinox just passed and Aries Season is here, which means that spring is coming, there’s fresh bold energy in the air – can you feel it?

    I’ve been reflecting on where to focus all of this new creative energy I’m feeling and I’m making some big exciting moves!

    If you’re like me and sometimes you have the tendency to get overexcited and take on too many projects, or you find your content starts to sound like it’s all over the place – then you’ll love this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast where I share some super juicy copywriting prompts to help you build a stand out brand tone of voice.

    Authentic, clear messaging is key to building a brand identity that’s attracting the right kinds of clients for your offer.

    Get ready to feel inspired, clear and ready to write some content that will stand out to your soul mate clients by buildng a brand strategy that confidently brings the best parts of you forward!

    Book your Money Making Content with Astrology Reading:


    Join my Free Training Series - Cosmic Attraction Copywriting:


    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

    Sales Rising Masterclass + Prompts: UNCOVER YOUR SELLING SUPERPOWERS USING YOUR RISING AND DESCENDENT SIGNS https://withsarahmac.com/rising/

    Instant access to the Cosmic Attraction Copywriting Free Training Series: https://withsarahmac.com/cosmic-attraction-copywriting/

    Book your spot in Money Making Content with Astrology for personalized feedback + action steps to easily sign more soul mate clients Click this link to sign up!

    Want my insights on your astrology placements to guide the most magnetic brand message to stand out to your soul mate clients? Book a Cosmic Brand Story Private Intensive + Astrology Reading with me: https://withsarahmac.thrivecart.com/private-intensive/

    Ready to start booking high ticket soulmate clients with ease every month? Apply for my 3 month private mentorsh...

  • Are you wondering how to create a brand identity in a way that feels truly authentic in your online business as a soulful entrepreneur?

    Do you wish you had a proven process to translate your magic into branding that magnetizes your dream clients for you 24/7 after hitting publish?

    When you use your astrology chart to translate your message and work to your ideal clients, hitting those income goals becomes a while lot easier! Nothing stands out more than truly original, authentic content, messaging and branding by a soulful entrepreneur.

    In this week’s episode of the Creative Magic Club podcast, I interview Tonie Zamora, a business astrologer, brand coach, and founder of an astrology-based creative studio.

    Her work has helped clients to reach $100k months with surprising speed after going through her astrology-informed re-branding process. After working in corporate brand management for companies like Oprah, Tonie has developed a genuis method for translating your uniquness into branding that speaks to the hearts of your dream clients.

    Tune into this juicy interview for the scoop on how she does it!

    Tonie Zamora is a business astrologer, brand coach, and founder of an astrology-based creative studio, helping entrepreneurs create soul-aligned brands with an emphasis on originality. Tonie’s approach to business, strategy, and branding incorporates your divine cosmic map (the astrology birth chart), which helps unlock genius that only you can possess. Instead of seeking influence outside of yourself to create the business of your dreams, what if the key to your ultimate success was turning inward to your own inner divine magic?

    Loved this episode?! Let’s keep playing together!

    Say hey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/creativemagicclub/

    Check out the Freebies tab on my website: https://withsarahmac.com/

    Sales Rising Masterclass + Prompts: UNCOVER YOUR SELLING SUPERPOWERS USING YOUR RISING AND DESCENDENT SIGNS https://withsarahmac.com/rising/

    Instant access to the Cosmic Attraction Copywriting Free Training Series: https://withsarahmac.com/cosmic-attraction-copywriting/

    Book your spot in Money Making Content with Astrology for personalized feedback + action steps to easily sign more soul mate clients Click this link to sign up!

    Want my insights on your astrology placements to guide the most magnetic brand message to stand out to your soul mate clients? Book a Cosmic Brand Story Private Intensive + Astrology Reading with me: https://withsarahmac.thrivecart.com/private-intensive/

    Ready to start booking high ticket soulmate clients with ease every month? Apply for my 3 month private mentorsh...