Have you ever wondered what it REALLY looks like when someone says they turned their anxiety around and it’s no longer as big of a deal as it used to be? Do you wish you could just sit down with them and ask them to explain in more detail how that worked for them? If so, you’re going to love my conversation with today’s guest on the show, Kate Skinner...
Today’s episode is a must-listen because you’ll gain powerful insights on what to do (and not do) to take back your life from anxiety, to ignite your creative pursuits, and learn how a battle with cancer didn’t stop my guest from showing up for life with courage and vulnerability, which helped her heal.
In this wisdom-packed episode, a top-loved university professor of jazz piano studies joins me to share candid truths about overcoming challenges, being a mom with a demanding career, healing anxiety, and battling cancer all while honoring her creativity and authenticity.
Kate Skinner shares with us how anxiety can be minimized and take a backseat, and she is here to share how she learned to write music and record in the studio without worrying what other people think, to let the creativity flow from within, and to honor her creativity and let it out with joy - not easy to do when you have tendencies toward people-pleasing. This conversation is going to make you think differently about anxiety, from panic attacks to playing small - it’s all covered today.
I ask some hard questions and today you get to learn from a brave, vulnerable, woman who when it comes to life dealing you some hard things, you’re getting sincere answers, no fluff, just the real truth.
And you’ll also want to listen all the way to the end for one of the most beautiful, inspiring endings to any episode of the Dare Greatly Podcast.
For more of Kate’s music, including links to Kate’s Etsy shop and website, see the following for the links:
Kate Skinner Website:
Kate’s Etsy shop - Blue Bird Peak:
Find Kate’s music and stream on Spotify:
Kate on Apple Music:
Connect with Danielle:
Get your Word of the Year cards here.
Follow Danielle on Instagram
Sign Up for Danielle’s Dare Greatly Newsletter
Listen to Danielle’s music on Spotify
In today’s episode, you’ll learn how one activity can set your new year up for the best it can be.
Your next chapter is going to be beautiful. It’s going to be just what it needs to be. Not because of what happens to you. But because you know how to be a co-creator with how you respond to the world around you and the people in it, regardless of what they do or don’t do.
And the way to do that is to be intentional and choose a Word of the Year or a theme as your guiding principle.
This one exercise will help you navigate your new year more empowered, more intentional.
It’s our ability to respond, our response-ability to use our power for good that gives us our personal power.
There are things that are going to happen in the coming year you will have no control over. This simple activity is what I’ve used over and over in my life to be empowered and face any challenge with more confidence.
We’re talking about more freedom. More success.
And so what does that look like? How do we do that?
You choose ahead of time your theme or mantra, or word of the year for this next chapter. You decide ahead of time and let it anchor you back to your vision of who you want to be when things get messy.
Anytime someone is frustrating you, or a situation is weighing you down, you come back to your theme or word of the year.
I will walk you through how I’ve used this activity in my own life, including how to have fun with it and brainstorm, and I share specific insights that will help you find just the right word for your current needs.
By the end of this episode, you’ll feel ready to start taking action and inspired to find your own word of the year so you can have the best possible year it can be.
Connect with Danielle:
Get your Word of the Year cards here.
Follow Danielle on Instagram
Sign Up for Danielle’s Dare Greatly Newsletter
Listen to Danielle’s music on Spotify
Have you ever wondered how to juggle being productive while also being present with the people you interact with? - Or, are you so into your To Do list, you overlook the people you love in your day-to-day life? My guest today, Maria Reid, is here to remind us that even our To Do lists can be more heart based and less check-box based.
Maria, known in her community as one with a heart three sizes too big - who knows how to Make Life Sweet, has built a company that thrives on leading with the heart, taking women to Italy with her sister and showing them a great time, she’s known for being an excellent cook, seamstress, gardener, friend, and master of the side-hustle while also making people feel valued, seen, and loved.
In her new creative project, a beautiful spiral-bound journal called the Make Life Sweet Journal/Planner, it's a great tool that helps you, anyone with creative ideas and To Do Lists floating around in your head, this book gives you a place and the space to organize your day leading with what matters most, in her words, “people to be loved.”
Maria shares how to never let a job to be done become more important than a person to be loved - proving that you don’t need to be so focused on productivity you forget why you’re being productive in the first place.
Today, we discuss the lessons from over the years juggling motherhood, entrepreneurship, To Do lists, all the creative ideas and inspiration that life offers, and how to honor those dreams that also call to you inside - how to create the space to listen to what your heart needs most. If you’ve ever felt like your To Do list is hard to juggle with being present with your children, your family, your friends, the clerk across the checkout counter, and you’re looking for ways to feel more connected to why you do what you do, you’ll love this conversation! So click play and enjoy.
What You’ll Learn on this Episode:
How putting people first, to-do lists second, will skyrocket your productivity.
Why morning routines of centering yourself is a gamechanger for setting up your day for success.
The true definition of the ‘three sizes too big’ measure of the heart, and why it is a powerful place you want to operate from.
How journaling makes a difference with managing anxiety.
My favorite ways to think about to-do lists, how focusing too much on checking boxes is problematic, and what to do instead.
Mentioned on the Show:
Order Maria’s book/journal/planner, click here.
Come to Italy with Danielle, Maria and Gina - spring of 2025, click here for more info.
Stream more of Danielle’s music on Spotify
To work with Danielle for coaching, follow this link to learn more.
If you’re wanting support for your older teen, young adult, or for yourself as a parent, you want to join our three month private coaching program, The Dare Greatly Coaching Program. Click here to sign up for private mentoring from Danielle.
We all have that innate tendency to be hard on ourselves sometimes, and the concept of Grace can be confusing if we don’t understand what it is or how it works. We know it’s important to take personal responsibility, but we also know it’s important to invite Grace into the process of personal growth. So how to do that?
This is what I call the Middle Path.
Join me this week as I explore insights into Grace in the hopes that it illuminates how generous Grace really is and what it looks like. You’ll hear why the real skill of giving yourself (and others) the benefit of the doubt can be difficult, but necessary, how judgment makes personal growth harder, and how you can begin being more generous with yourself and others to build a better world, starting with you.
If you’re ready to bring that dream in your heart that lives inside of you out into the world and you’re wondering how you can get support, you’re in luck! The Dare Greatly Creator 10-week program is happening this fall, starting soon, where you’ll learn tools and strategies applicable to artists, creatives and entrepreneurs who also run a household, you can click here to register.
If you’re wanting support for your older teen, young adult, or for yourself as a parent, you want to join our three month private coaching program, The Dare Greatly Coaching Program. Click here to sign up for private mentoring from Danielle.
What You’ll Learn on this Episode:
Why grace is one of the most useful skills you can cultivate.
How judgment and holding yourself accountable are not the same things.
The true definition of the Middle Path and why it is a powerful place you want to operate from.
How grace makes you better at everything you want to accomplish.
My favorite ways to think about grace and how focusing too much on earning it is problematic.
Mentioned on the Show:
Stream more of Danielle’s music on Spotify
Come to Italy with Danielle spring of 2025, click here for more info.
To work with Danielle for coaching, follow this link to learn more.
Join the Dare Greatly Creator Mastermind, fall semester ten week group starts soon. Click here to join.
If you're a parent who is wanting your teen or young adult work with Danielle, check out Dare Greatly Coaching.
This is one of the hardest topics and most emotional episodes that have ever been on the Dare Greatly Podcast, the topic of men’s mental health and suicide.
Today’s episode is special because it is so real and honest. My guests I am sharing with you have been through a really difficult time losing their husband and father to suicide. As you listen, you will gain insights on how to help your loved ones who are struggling. They are doing important work to minimize stigma with finding help and hope when you need it.
If you’ve ever felt alone, you don’t know where to find help, Gina’s foundation, Stay Mentally Strong will help you find resources and more answers of where to turn.
Today, Gina and Ellie Oliverson join me to share their incredible story of Sean and their powerful wisdom they’ve learned since his passing.
Sean was the last person in the world anyone would ever think would take his own life. Top of his class in college, a well-beloved orthodontist in our home town of Ogden, Utah, handsome, super fit, financially successful, just all the things, but very few knew how much he was suffering from anxiety, OCD, and not sleeping.
Gina and Ellie share what they’ve learned about men’s mental health and how they feel called to make a difference in the space of making men’s mental health more accessible, more easy and affordable for men to reach out before they are in crisis.
They’re teaching us what it means to honor your loved one’s memory while also turning heartbreak and grief into something that can help others who are going through similar hardships. Let’s Stop waiting to get the help you or your loved one needs and thinking you need to be strong all the time by yourself.
It’s time to disarm all the shame that keeps our men from seeking the support they need and take back the sense of control and the healing they need, if they feel like they’ve lost that.
For more resources, including links to connect with Gina and Ellie and the Stay MENtally Strong Foundation, see below:
Learn more about the Stay MENtally Strong Foundation here.
Follow Ellie’s podcast, Her Horizon podcast on Apple Podcasts.
To learn more about retreats to Italy with Gina and her sister, click here.
To work with Danielle for coaching, follow this link to learn more.
Join the Dare Greatly Creator Mastermind, fall semester ten week group starts soon. Click here to join.
If you're a parent who is wanting your teen or young adult work with Danielle, check out Dare Greatly Coaching.
We all want to feel like we are good enough. We all have an innate desire to feel confident, but Imposter Syndrome can keep us from feeling like we belong, no matter how hard we’ve worked or how accomplished we are. Why is that? What exactly is Imposter Syndrome? How do you know if you have it and if so, what can you do to minimize it?
One of the most important things you need to know on this journey from being blocked in your creativity to restoring your creative strength, vitality and inspiration is: you will feel like you don’t belong. You will see others who are further along, who are “more talented”, who seem to make it look easier, who have that special something you don’t have, who have more accolades, and knowing that those feelings are normal, and not making it mean that you don’t belong, it makes all the difference.
Join me this week to learn how to work with and heal Imposter Syndrome.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
the top five challenges many people believe about Imposter Syndrome
how to overcome those challenges and move forward instead of feeling blocked
The three vital Truths you need to know to overcome it
How to cultivate new versions of yourself, versus being Past focused.
How to become mentally and emotionally stronger
My favorite way to think about owning your true power and authenticity
Mentioned on the show:
Join the Dare Greatly Creator Mastermind, fall semester ten week group starts soon. Click here to join.
If you're a parent who is wanting to have your teen or young adult work with Danielle, check out Dare Greatly Coaching.
Book - The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
Song - Rocketship by Danielle Vaughn. download here
Follow Danielle on Spotify here.
Just in Time for Back-to-SchoolPRACTICE NEW SKILLS SERIES - ANXIETY with Dare Greatly Coaching LLC: Anxiety doesn't have to run the show! Want easy tools you can use immediately to help your loved one? In my Practice New Skills series, you can apply what you learn starting today. Applying what you know is the HARDEST part of relationships and family life! Especially in a fun way that is easy, positive, and builds connection. This series is made for families to give you tools to intentionally teach social and emotional skills while also building a stronger marriage and family. Download your practice skills here.
Would you describe yourself as someone who could use some healing given what you’ve inherited from the generations who’ve gone before you? Do your parents or grandparents have some unresolved trauma that you’re carrying?
This summer has been impactful for my family in that my cute dad recently passed away. My dad is really my biological uncle who adopted me when my mom passed away at a young age. Many of you have asked questions about my past, I’m sharing it here.
I’m so excited to dive into today’s episode all about what it means to take the good from your previous generations, and manage the challenges that come with it, even when it’s messy. Honoring your father and mother can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be really difficult if there’s generational trauma and the previous generations haven’t done the work of healing.
In this episode, I share some of my personal story with trauma to help you gain perspective of how generational healing works. You’ll learn how to identify the post traumatic growth you’ve gained along the way, the difference between PTSD, and Complex PTSD, and leverage your childhood as a strength.
If you’ve ever struggled with wanting to build a better legacy for your family you are creating versus the one you inherited, this episode will give you perspective to navigate those situations with more intention.
What You’ll Learn on this Episode:Why generational healing is useful but can be difficult to do on your own without the right kind of support.
How to reframe trauma and see where you’ve experienced Post Traumatic Growth.
The importance of understanding the difference between PTDS, and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Why building on the good you’ve inherited is important and how to identify your generational strengths.
If you worry about how to help your kids navigate today’s world and you’re wondering how to help them, you’re in luck. My Free Guide for Parenting Teens is my go-to resource, where you’ll learn tools and strategies applicable to children at any age, and you can click here to download.
Making decisions ahead of time is a powerful place to operate from. When you consider what you want your midlife years to look like, you have options that can open up fulfillment and joy. Midlife does not have to be hard or sad.
This quote stopped me in my tracks and will not leave my mind. Consider it for yourself: “Ten years from now, you’d give anything to be this age again, this healthy, this cute, and have this time again. Go do something that makes you proud of yourself today.”
If you’re a mom whose children are starting to become more independent, you might be wondering what life will look like ten years from now. It can be hard to imagine when you’ve lost yourself in mothering. But if you’re interested in still finding purpose, maybe it's overcoming loneliness, or setting yourself up for success with coping with empty nest syndrome, and embracing life to thrive after children leave, then you’re going to love this episode.
Stevie Nicks said it best… “well i’ve been afraid of changin’ / cause I built my life around you / but time makes you bolder / even children get older / and I’m getting older too…”
These lyrics speak to my soul. They did even when my kids were young. I can remember imagining how hard it would be to be at that place where your kids are no longer in your day to day, and it made me feel kind of melancholy.
But lately I’ve been thinking about the line “time makes you bolder.” Is that actually true? And if so, what does that look like?
Listen in and discover how to make your midlife your best chapter yet.
Website, Danielle Vaughn Coaching for parents, young adults and older teens wanting support in dating, marriage, and building that dream in your heart.
Come join us inside the Dare Greatly Society, my group coaching program.
Stream more of Danielle’s music on Spotify find more original music as well as new releases shared on the podcast.
Grab the Cheat Sheet for Parenting Teens and Young Adults here!
My journey in the Marriage and Family Studies world has been influenced by lots of amazing mentors, from John Gottman to William Doherty, to Brene Brown.
Through their teachings, reading all their books, and my own experience and introspection, I came to understand the importance of fighting for your marriage.
It's a powerful way to approach your relationships and explore where a consumer mindset may be undermining your marriage.
Fighting for your marriage will allow you to show up fully with your partner, and it can transform the way you experience fulfillment in the most important relationship you will take on.
In this episode, I share what getting support for your marriage looks like, how it works, and how being intentional of who you let into your inner circle is one of the most important decisions you will make.
Through getting the right kind of support, you can access your highest level of marital happiness and make choices that create the outcomes you've always hoped for. Tune in this week to learn how.
How to assess if family and friends are Marriage Builders or Marriage Underminers. Soft reasons for divorce and Hard reasons for divorce. The importance of building a community of good mentors, and how to be a life-long learner. How to assess your counselor or therapist if they are operating from a Personal Satisfaction bias or a Fighting for Your Marriage bias. What happens when you fully understand and practice self-reflection and the power of thought work in your marriage.FEATURED ON THE SHOW
Book, Take Back Your Marriage by William J. Doherty, PhD; offers practical tools for sticking together in a world that pulls us apart. A wise and timely book of advice on marriage from one of America's favorite therapists. Book, Atomic Habits by James Clear. An easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. Website, Italy Retreats for Women - Make Life Sweet trips to Tuscany, Italy with Maria and Gina.Website, Danielle Vaughn Coaching for parents, young adults and older teens wanting support in dating, marriage, and building that dream in your heart.
Come check out the Dare Greatly Society.
Stream more of Danielle’s music on Spotify find more original music as well as new releases shared on the podcast.
Grab the Cheat Sheet for Parenting Teens and Young Adults here!
Do you or someone you love live with a chronic illness or with chronic pain? Then you’re going to want to lean in and listen closely to Shelby Lives Vibrantly.
As a life coach, invisible illness warrior, and kidney transplant recipient, Shelby has navigated the waters of chronic fatigue and chronic pain for over two decades and can help you feel more energized and alive than ever before. Using a combination of nervous system regulation paired with mindset coaching, she helps moms who experience chronic conditions increase their energy, feel at peace with their diagnoses and body, and eliminate or decrease their physical symptoms without restrictive diets or costly supplements. She helps moms rewire their relationships with their bodies and their symptoms so that waking up can feel like the best part of their day again.
If you want to take what you’re learning on the podcast and apply it to your unique circumstances, you need to join the Dare Greatly Society! It has individualized support for your marriage, family life, and that dream in your heart. Click here for more details.
What You’ll Learn on this Episode:
How to live vibrantly even when you’re managing chronic pain or chronic illness
Where additional healing can be found and how to understand the emotional component to healing.
Insights of how chronic pain can be worked through with the nervous system, and what ‘pain reprocessing therapy’ is.
Why ‘acceptance’ isn’t the only approach to working with chronic pain.
What to do with Anger when it shows up due to a difficult diagnosis.
Tips for working through chronic pain in relationships with partners and how to better support each other.
How to face the fears of missing out when the body needs more rest than usual.
Mentioned on the show:
Book, Unlearn Your Pain by Howard Shubiner; offers cutting edge scientific information on the mind body connection and a complete guided program for recovery from mind body syndromes.
Book, The Way Out: A Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven Approach to Healing Chronic Pain by Alan Gordon
Website, Shelby K Hansen, the life coach for moms experiencing chronic fatigue and/or chronic pain, wanting to learn how to live vibrantly.
Come check out the Dare Greatly Society.
Stream more of Danielle’s music on Spotify find more original music as well as new releases shared on the podcast.
Grab the Cheat Sheet for Parenting Teens and Young Adults here!
Have you ever noticed the emotion of jealousy come up in your creative endeavors? Sometimes it can really wreak havoc with our creativity and ability to enjoy accomplishing our goals. Maybe you’ve been inspired by others who have gone before you, a successful artist or creator who has accomplished what you want to accomplish, and you find yourself wishing you had what they had.
If you’ve ever found yourself feeling jealous or less-than, wishing opportunities would come your way that other people seem to get, or even at a complete loss of what to do with the emotion of jealousy, you’ll want to learn and implement my framework of how to deal with jealousy in a healthy way.
Join me on today’s episode where I’ll show you how to tune into your jealousy, versus tune out so you can let its intelligence inform you how to create your own opportunities that will light you up.
If you want to take what you’re learning on the podcast and apply it to your unique circumstances, you need to join the Dare Greatly Society! It has individualized support for your marriage, family life, and that dream in your heart. Click here for more details.
What You’ll Learn on this Episode:
What to do with jealousy if you wish you had actionable tools to work with it.
Why resisting or avoiding your jealousy doesn’t work and usually backfires.
How to get instant relief from being jealous.
The key to creating your own opportunities so you can move from ‘wishing’ to making yourself proud.
If you’re wanting to have an antidote to the venom of jealousy - and get back into the joyful flow of creation without worrying about what other people are doing - today’s episode is for you.
Creating your dreams takes courage and the willingness to dare greatly. I’m cheering you on.
Don’t let jealousy stop you or slow you down.
Mentioned on the show:
Grab the Cheat Sheet for Parenting Teens and Young Adults here!
Coaching changed the way I enjoyed motherhood and honored my dreams in my heart, and I’ve witnessed it change the lives of hundreds of parents and young adults since. Click here to work with me for three months. (You’ll be amazed at what working with a coach for just three months can do.)
Come check out the Dare Greatly Society.
Book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Stream more of my music on Spotify where I share my original music as well as new releases shared on the podcast.
Show Notes Podcast
I am in the trenches of parenting older teens and young adults myself, and it is not easy. And many of the people I work with come to me wanting support in their parenting given today’s challenges. I’m teaching five skills you’ll want to adopt in your parenting tool kit no matter how old or young your children are, the skills your child needs in order to navigate the unique challenges of today.
If you’ve ever found yourself feeling worried for your teen, out of your element, or even at a complete loss of how to help your teen, you’ll want to learn and implement these five skills, it’s never too late.
I’ve boiled it down to five skills I believe teens and young adults need these days to face their future with more self-trust, and if they implement these skills, they will be far more prepared for the unique challenges and difficulties today’s world presents.
Join me on this episode to discover what to do with negative emotion, how to support your older child when they’re struggling, and how to apply all the concepts we learn here on the podcast and practice them in their everyday lives.
If you want to take what you’re learning on the podcast and apply it to your unique circumstances, you need to join the Dare Greatly Society! It has individualized support for your marriage, family life, and that dream in your heart. Click here for more details.
What You’ll Learn on this Episode:
5 vital skills your teen or young adult needs to navigate today’s world
How to be the Allower of emotions, versus the Judger, so you can build more confidence and self-trust.
What keeps us stuck in low self-worth and what to do instead.
Where real self-worth comes from and how to help your kids identify it in themselves.
How to assess what your unique strengths are and how to lead with them versus swimming in unhelpful comparisons
How you’ll have so much more confidence, peace, and clarity in your parenting when you use these skills as a foundation for guiding your children.
Mentioned on the show:
Grab the Cheat Sheet for Parenting Teens and Young Adults here!
Coaching changed the way I enjoyed motherhood and honored my dreams in my heart, and I’ve witnessed it change the lives of hundreds of parents and young adults since. Click here to work with me for three months. (You’ll be amazed at what working with a coach for just three months can do.)
Come check out the Dare Greatly Society.
Sign up for Coaching for Men by clicking here, six week coaching series special offer. (space is limited.)
Stream more of my music on Spotify where I share my original music as well as new releases shared on the podcast.
Today's episode is directed towards how life coaching benefits men, husbands and fathers. If I could go back and talk to my young-married self, learning what I've learned through studying Marriage and Family, I would have supported my husband a little differently over the years.
While being a husband and father in today's culture is full of more opportunity than ever before, it can also feel like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You might think you have to be strong all the time and not know who to talk to when you are feeling weighed down. You might feel awkward talking about what you're worried about and you might not want to be perceived as weak. Whatever you're worried about right now, coaching can help.
Tune in this week as I share some of the ways I help the men I coach. I'm sharing the three things men need to know as they learn how to self-regulate frustration, anger, and the fight-or-flight instincts they deal with as they move through their career and juggling marriage and fatherhood so they can feel more supported while knowing what to do with juggling it all.
I have room for three clients between now and the end of the year that you can sign up for right now! The Coaching for Men program is available for $349 for six weeks. Check it out by clicking here!
If you want to take what you're learning here on the podcast and apply it in your unique circumstances, you need to join the Dare Greatly Society three month group coaching program: We start our next group mid-January. Get into the program by clicking here. (space is limited)
The problem with growing up with an emotionally unavailable father and what to do about it. Why men struggle with knowing what to do with emotions and how to help them. My experience with helping my husband and how it's improved our marriage. What men want more than anything else, versus what women want. The importance of understanding our nervous system programming and how to reprogram it if it isn't serving us. How to self-heal if you are constantly in 'fight or flight' mode and how to use a diffferent fuel that doesn't push loved ones away.MENTIONED ON THE SHOW:
Coaching taught me how to self-heal without years of therapy (although we love all the good therapists!) and I've watched it change the lives of hundreds of women, teens, and young adults since. Are you wondering if it is right for you? Let's meet over zoom and see if it's right for you, click here to schedule a free consult. Come check out the Dare Greatly Society If you're a parent who is a self-learner and enjoys knowing how to best support your kids in today's challenging world, I want to help you take your parenting to the next level. Interested? Purchase the Dare Greatly Parenting course here. Grab the Preparing Teens Cheat Sheet for the five vital skills they'll need to navigate today's world and overcome ANY challenge. click here. Listen to more of my music on Spotify for streaming. -
What's the difference between those who struggle with finding inspiration for their art and those who are receiving new ideas regularly? Between those who are lit up by inspiration and those who can't find it? Artist Dates.
Perhaps your creative spark is simply suffocating beneath the weight of all your responsibilities.
For us to blossom and flourish, it requires taking the time to refill your cup, and we do this with what Julia Cameron calls Artist Dates.
Whether you have a packed full schedule, or are in a season with time on your hands, we all do better when we carve out a little space for new scenery, new stimulation for the senses, and a fresh perspective to clear our heads.
Julie Cameron is convinced that the Artist Date is the antidote to a lack of inspiration, and that the Muse isn't only for the smart, talented, or well-connected. She wants to support you when you're in the midst of your messy middle and life's responsibilities, and that's exactly what I'm sharing with you today.
What You'll Learn on this Episode:
How 5 famous artists from contrasting styles and mediums found their inspiration, and how you can too by following their lead. Why even the most successful, resilient people lose their creative edge and want to give up sometimes, and what to do about it instead. Where to start if you are new to Artist Dates. The secret to overcoming creative blocks and regularly connecting with (or reconnecting with) your Muse.Mentioned on the show:
If you'd like to join the Dare Greatly Creator Mastermind, then come join our fall semester ten week group. Click here to join. If you're a parent who is wanting to have your teen or young adult work with Danielle, check out Dare Greatly Coaaching. Book - The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity Song - Rocketship by Danielle Vaughn. download here Follow Danielle on Spotify here. -
In today's episode, we’re talking about when a child, and by that, I mean an older child - a young adult - is taking advantage of your kind nature. If you have young children, this will still be relevant to you, because I love to think about parenting with the end in mind - which is to raise happy, resilient kids who thrive out in the world and who we have a fulfilling, balanced relationship of give and take together as they get older and as we get older.
This topic is something that I’ve experienced as a sibling, as a sister, but not as a parent, and I want to be upfront about that because I’m speaking as a sister who’s seen this happen in the family, and I’m speaking as a coach who coaches parents on this dynamic, when a child is taking advantage of your good heart, your big loving heart, your kind nature.
I will always mourn the version of my brother I thought he’d be when we grew up. He never became that person. And so it’s sad to me. But it’s also okay, because I believe that this life isn’t the end and that broken things find healing even on the other side of heaven.
What I’ve decided is that I will always be kind to my brother. Sometimes, kindness looks different than being “nice.” In other words, I will always tell him the truth. I don’t pretend anymore that his choices don’t hurt me and that I’m not sad.
I used to pretend. He has a difficult time with regulating his emotions, so often what he’ll do if you even hint that you don’t like something he’s doing, like continuing to drink even though it’s ruining his health, he’ll yell and fly off the handle and swear and just have a big man tantrum. It’s not fun.
But I want to offer you a promise here. I feel that strongly about this, that as you learn to tolerate your child’s anger, it’s one of the kindest things you can do for yourself and for your child, and it is THE MOST powerful parenting skill you can build.
How to set better boundaries to help your child think through consequences, build emotion regulation eventually, and build self-trust. The difference between being 'nice' and being 'kind' in your parenting. How to identify and be honest with your emotions in order to take care of your heart. Why it's not personal when children choose unwisely. My favorite truth to anchor your parenting in: (hint - two things can be equally true at the same time.)MENTIONED ON THE SHOW:
When you’re ready to turn these insights from the podcast into action in your own life, come check out Dare Greatly Coaching with Danielle. If you’re a musician, an artist, an entrepreneur, a coach who is ready to create that thing you are wanting to create, I want to help you get your work out into the world. Interested? Join the Dare Greatly Creator 10 week coaching program here. Join the Dare Greatly Newsletter here. Download 'Old Man Moses' song by clicking here.I'm running a 10 week coaching program this fall! This is for anyone who wants to create that thing that is calling to them to create, but they want some support, guidance, and coaching to help them get it done. It's affordably priced, click here to join me. We start September 12th, 2023. Space is limited.
I've learned that if we better understand how to set our Future Self up for success, we can trust ourselves at every stage, build a friendly relationship with who we will become down the road, and that there is tremendous power in this.
This is why I love Future Focus and why I think you will too.
Many of us have some painful circumstances from our pasts and don't know how to keep the past where it belongs; we bring it into our future. If this is something you struggle with and you want a better idea of what you need to do, this episode is for you.
Tune in this week for a fresh look at how to get excited about your future. I'm sharing tips and mindset shifts so you can set your Future Self up for the best possible outcomes. Part of this will involve honoring your dreams for yourself and saying yes to them, even though you don't know how to make them come true, yet.
I'm running a 10 week coaching program this fall! This is for anyone who wants to create that thing that is calling to them to create, but they want some support, guidance, and coaching to help them get it done. It's affordably priced, click here to join me. We start September 12th, 2023. Space is limited.
What You'll Learn on this Episode:
Why, as humans, our brains don't like to think about our Future Self. How to help your teenagers and young adults when they are in the middle of an Existentail Crisis thinking about their future. How to stop wishing your past were different and make peace with it moving forward. Why even healthy humans have pitfalls and what to do about yours. How to build a healthy relationship with your Future Self and stop thinking of her as a stranger.Mentioned on the Show:
When you’re ready to turn these insights from the podcast into action in your own life, come check out Dare Greatly Coaching with Danielle.
If you’re a musician, an artist, an entrepreneur, a coach who is ready to create that thing you are wanting to create, I want to help you get your work out into the world. Interested? Join the Dare Greatly Creator 10 week coaching program here.
Join the Dare Greatly Newsletter here.
There's one tool I learned about when I first started to take my creativity and art more seriously, and it's still a foundational practice that grounds me every day. That tool is: Morning Pages, or as I call them, Artist Pages. You may not know what Artist Pages are, but this tool will help you tap into Spiritual Electricity and serve as a guidepost as you navigate your creative recovery.
Almost everyone I talk to who is creative doesn't seem to feel confident in their creativity all the time. However, when you don't feel grounded in your unique role, it slows you down and causes you to hide. So, if you want to know how to tap into your own brand of spiritual electricity, today's episode is for you.
Tune in this week to start being led by a creative force that wants to partner with you in your creative endeavors. I'm sharing why spiritual electricity is so powerful, how to implement a simple practice that puts your Inner Critic in her proper place, and I'm showing you where I recommend you start so you can enjoy more spiritual electricity with your creativity in a simple way.
What You'll Learn on this Episode:
Why our creativity can sometimes be hard to access and what to do if it is. How spiritual electricity helps you stay grounded and honor your authenticity. Where to start if you are new to honoring your creativity. The evolution of my spiritual electricity practice and how I've kept creating when feeling stuck.Mentioned on the show:
If you'd like to join the Dare Greatly Creator Mastermind, then come join our fall semester ten week group. Click here to join. If you're a parent who is wanting to have your teen or young adult work with Danielle, check out Dare Greatly Coaaching. Book - The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity Song - Rocketship by Danielle Vaughn. download here Follow Danielle on Spotify here. -
I'm excited to introduce you to today's guest. I've wanted to share her with you ever since she became my business coach last year and helped me organize my time and focus on my priorities in business and motherhood.
Hearing her perspective on leading with your strengths will give you new ways to think about what you are capable of, and it compliments the work we do as mothers. In fact, without knowing what your strengths are, there's a common pitfall of chasing success that isn't tailored to your unique purpose.
Sometimes, it can feel like you're spinning your wheels in motherhood and in business if you're juggling both. Time Management and Strategy Coach for Entrepreneurs, Ceri Payne, is here to help you understand where our pitfalls are coming from when feeling stuck, and how you can start to make powerful shifts in your beliefs that can help you move forward with more confidence.
Tune in this week to hear from the brilliant Ceri Payne. She's sharing everything you need to know about managing entrepreneurship and motherhood with more confidence. We're discussing how our beliefs shape our reality in both roles, what it feels like when you find balance in your schedule, and some of the ways you can lead with your strengths.
What You'll Learn on this Episode:
What leading with your strengths means and how to be more aware of yours. How Ceri's background as a special-ed curriculum creator has helped her in her work as a business strategy coach. Why Ceri saw a need to help mothers balance their dream businesses with motherhood. What changes when you understand what your own strengths are, and how to stop comparing yourself to others' strengths. How your Time Management is unique and can be tailored specifically to your needs. Why your brain's beliefs about being successful in motherhood AND business can set you up for success. How to work with Ceri if you are wanting help with Time Management and business strategy.Mentioned on the Show:
Ceri Payne on Instagram Coaching with Ceri for ambitious, high-achieving professionals wanting to balance work and family. Dare Greatly Coaching with Danielle Vaughn. Direct Message Danielle for getting on the waitliest for the Dare Greatly Artist Mastermind group coming fall, 2023. -
Have you ever found yourself confused about when to say Yes to something you don't really want to do, but feel you should, and when to say No? Have you ever said Yes and secretly hated it? Or said No and felt selfish? The truth is there are lots of good intended people who secretly wish they didn't say Yes all the time and there are good people who say no who aren't selfish.
In this week's episode, we're going to break down how to like your reasons for when you choose to take on the Giver role and when you choose to take on the Taker role. I'm helping you consider your intentionality behind each role so you can align your reasons with your values.
I'm also teaching how to teach your kids to be healthy Givers.
Join me as we explore how to be a healthy Giver versus an unhealthy Giver, and a healthy Taker versus an unhealthy Taker. I'll share common examples that illustrate how different intentionality can lead to different outcomes and offer practical tips for operating from reasons that help you feel empowered.
What You'll Learn on this Episode:
The hidden ways your reasons for Giving or Taking may be holding you back and making it harder than it needs to be. How to help your child get out of their comfort zone and be a Giver without manipulating or guilt-tripping them. Real-life examples of how to shift your intentionality if your reasons for being a Giver are causing resentment. Why getting crystal clear on your reasons for being a Taker matter, and how to choose intentions that align with your values.Do you wonder if coaching would really help you? Is coaching something you want to try, but you don't know if you're the right fit for it? Schedule a consult call with Danielle, completely free, you'll have the opportunity to ask Danielle your questions and get unstuck from whatever is needing some attention. So click here to schedule today!
Welcome to the first episode in a new series here at Dare Greatly Coaching: Artist Pep-Talk. These episodes are specifically for those of you who are interested in accessing more of your creativity. I'll be teaching concepts from Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way; A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, speaking to the topics that are most important to all the creative folks listening, whether you consider yourself as a Creator or wish you could be.
Whether you're a musician, a coach building a business like I have, a yoga teacher, a stay-at-home mom, a doctor, or any other kind of human, when you're in this society of ours, it can start to feel like your creative yearnings are frivolous. It seems like there isn't time to be creative or pay attention to your artistic dreams. But the more important question here is, is there such a thing as a non-creative human? And do I honor my creativity or do I dismiss it and therefor feel unfulfilled?
Tune into this episode to discover whether you are allowing yourself to say Yes to your creativity, or whether your brain is thinking too narrowly on what it means to be an Artist. I'm discussing the psychology behind the thought that your life is a work of art, why I believe this thought is so empowering, and how to be more open-minded in the way you think of yourself in terms of having more fun with your creativity. Life is meant to have to some fun and fulfillment. Saying Yes to your inner artist is the way.
What You'll Learn on this Episode:
Some of the reasons your brain is going to this idea you aren't creative or aren't really an Artist. Why I don't believe there's any such thing as a non-creative human. The reasons we generally dismiss our creativity. Why some Artists haven't succeeded in their art...yet. How to question yourself with a wider lens, so you can decide if you truly believe your life is a work of art. Why I believe we actually need more Artists who say yes to their creativity in the world.Mentioned on the show:
When you're ready to take what you're learning here on the show, and apply it to your own life, then come check out coaching with Danielle. If you're an Artist who is looking for support in creating what you were meant to create, I want to help take your contribution to the next level. Interested? Shoot a direct message to Danielle on Instagram. book, The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. Shawn Colvin official musician site. Purchase the song Rocketship by Danielle Vaughn. - もっと表示する