Screenwriters Talk Screenwriting - In this episode, Deadline Junkies Marisa Dzintars, Gloria Garayua, Jordan Imiola, Gloria Tsai, and David Wingert talk about what they're grateful for in their careers over the past 10 years.
Screenwriters Talk Screenwriting is for new and professional screenwriters.Join host Jordan Imiola for laughs, tips, and behind-the-scenes tales from pro screenwriters. Providing insightful writing tips and tricks for film and TV. Practical advice, and in-depth interviews with blockbuster screenwriters, showrunners, and TV Writers. Whether you're polishing your first screenplay or navigating the Hollywood maze, This podcast is your backstage pass to mastering the art and business of screenwriting. -
Malik S talks about writing for The Neighborhood, #BlackAF, and how being a stand-up comedian led to his TV writing career. #theneighbourhood #tvwriting #TVWriter #standupcomedy #MalikS #screenwriting #screenwriters #ScreenwritingInterview #DeadlineJunkiesPodcast The Deadline Junkies Screenwriting Podcast is hosted by Jordan Imiola, Kerstin Porter, & Rund Shami.
Dan Gregor and Doug Mand talk about their new film, CHIP 'N DALE: RESCUE RANGERS, and writing for CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, and a lot more! #RescueRangers #Screenwriters #HowIMetYourMother #ChipNDale #CrazyExGirlfriend #DeadlineJunkies #DisneyPlus #ScreenwritingInvterview #DeadlineJunkiesPodcast The Deadline Junkies Screenwriting Podcast is hosted by Jordan Imiola, Kerstin Porter, & Rund Shami.
Micahel Jamin talks about writing and producing on "King of the Hill," "Tacoma FD," "Just Shoot Me," "Maron," "Wilfred," "Beavis and Butt-Head," "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" and more on this episode of The Deadline Junkies Screenwriting Podcast. #KingOfTheHill #TacomaFD #MicahelJamin #JustShootMe #BeavisAndButthead #Maron #Wilfred #Screenwriting #ScreenwritingPdcast The Deadline Junkies Screenwriting Podcast is hosted by Jordan Imiola, Kerstin Porter, & Rund Shami.
DEXTER: NEW BLOOD staff writers, Marc Muszynski & Alexandra Franlink talk about their experience being staff writers on the Showtime reboot. The Deadline Junkies Podcast is hosted by Jordan Imiola, Kerstin Porter, & Rund Shami. #Dexter #DexterNewBlood #TVWriting
HORRIBLE BOSSES, BECKER, and DUCKMAN writer, Michael Markowitz talks about his classic feature comedy and his years on TV shows. The Deadline Junkies Podcast is hosted by Jordan Imiola, Kerstin Porter, & Rund Shami. #HorribleBosses #ScreenwritingPodcast #Screenwriter #Becker
ETERNALS writers, Kaz and Ryan Firpo talk about Marvel's newest film. Ryan and Kaz wrote ETERNALS for Marvel Studios with Chloe Zhao directing. They talk about their experience with Marvel's newest film. The Deadline Junkies Podcast is hosted by Jordan Imiola, Kerstin Porter, & Rund Shami.
An interview with Hugh Fink known for his writing on Saturday Night Live, Last Comic Standing, The Drew Carey Show, The Showbiz Show with David Spade, The WGA Awards, and much more.
The Deadline Junkies Podcast is hosted by Jordan Imiola, Kerstin Porter, & Rund Shami. Check out a new episode next Tuesday.
#TVWriters #SNL #TVwriting