Is your consciousness more than just being aware? All human beings have consciousness, although there are times when we forfeit access to our consciousness. It is the ability to comprehend the form of the self. Does consciousness fit into one of the 3 faculties of our soul? The idea that made-up stories can have meaning is uniquely human. We take the question of consciousness in a lot of directions and cover a lot of ground in this episode.
Also in this episode: Banter about hard candies, whiskey sours, the steepest street in America, rivers, (bad) Detroit geography, and ASMR.
What is the human form? How does humanity work? And what is theosis? Who has lived a sinless life? Let's explore these questions as well as what the East and the West have to say about the state of our souls upon our creation.
This episode is shorter because it does not contain banter.
How many colors do you have? Do you have more or less colors than anyone else? Does the language we speak influence the way we perceive colors? Which colors are more basic than others? How do you get more? We explore these questions and more.
Also in this episode: An ancient festival tradition, harvest festivals, Stanford Pork Days, Amaretto, Glencairn glasses, and please and thank you/salutations in other languages.
Special Guest: Matthew Davis
Here's a shorter episode than usual. We recap Pt. 1 and discuss The Four Causes.
Also in this episode: Banter about how copyright infringement works.
Special Guests: Eric Karl II and David Cao
Principles of Nature is a work by a theologian/philosopher from the 13th century named Thomas Aquinas. It is primarily a glossary of terms. He is going to define of a bunch of philosophical-jargon terms so that when you read anything else that he ever wrote you know what words he's using, and you know what his philosophical premises are about these words. In this episode we cover the first nine paragraphs of the 40-some-odd paragraph work. We also focus on defining five specific terms from these paragraphs.
Also in this episode: Banter about deep fried food, sleep schedules, and bears.
Special Guests: Philip Hanigan and Eric Karl II
This episode is a casual conversation covering a wide range of topics including: Spanish word choice in Mass parts, the French word for potatoes, Ecclesiastical Latin, Books in the Bible, Revelation and The Four Horsemen, Latin word choice from a scene in the movie The Passion, C.S. Lewis' The Four Loves as it applies to John 21, what we can know about God, the Seven Transcendentals, and a discussion about Philip's capstone paper on Beauty.
Your body is a container. Ideas are food. The stock market is a building. We use conceptual metaphors accepted by our culture everyday without thinking about it. Let's discuss some of them and ones from different cultures in this installment of Deep Thoughts on the Rocks!
Also on this episode: Badminton, Speech Jammers, Fidget Spinners, and more on Gricean Maxims.
How does language influence thought? In this episode we discuss humans that have no language, tip-of-the-tongue syndrome, and the Gricean Maxims.
What does Fr. Tanquerey have to say about Magnanimity and Ambition? What do they have in common, and what makes them different? Find out in the first installment of Deep Thoughts on the Rocks!
Also discussed in this episode: Group petitions and St. Thérèse of Lisieux.