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Device Nation heads Down Under for an inspiring conversation with a real "Bonzer of a Box-Opener", Chad Everard. You do not want to miss this episode, make sure to check out the video links below!
We talk about his incredible medical device rep career arc, culminating in starting his own Disasterplasty shop in Melbourne, Australia. A lot of great stuff here, we touch on:
-How his experience as a male stripper would convert business
-How to market in a memorable way
-How to train reps
-ADHD as a Super Power
-Branding through artwork
-"COR"-Family Style
...and so much more!!
Every kite needs a string, and every string needs a kite!
Do you have one?
Reconnaissance Orthopedics: https://www.rcon.co/
Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chad-everard-0b614617/
Chadimus Prime Viral Birthday Party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpJGpCsW0jE
How to demo to a Surgeon in 2024: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2qntpdb92mcjkxs22g0km/WhatsApp-Video-2024-07-10-at-23.09.18.mp4?rlkey=8ctrv4p1627xwhlnjq29kg0cf&dl=0
How to ask a Surgeon for their business in 2024: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jsz978e1h0fdw522vb55d/WhatsApp-Video-2024-07-10-at-23.10.47.mp4?rlkey=9ijijm1tsg7fc361wrorjm7ic&dl=0Support the show
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A conversation with Dr. Michael Meneghini, incoming President of AAHKS! We talk about the bundle (or is it a boulder?), functional alignment, enabling technology in the OR, the Dual-Pivot Knee, partnering with hospitals, ASC strategies, the porous Triathlon Knee and so much more!
Indiana Joint Replacement Institute: https://injri.com
Lateral Pivot paper: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18313060/
Messin' with Sasquatch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUmAETde2jU
Mr. Beast: https://www.youtube.com/@MrBeast
AAHKS: https://www.aahks.org
When everything is changing around us, and we do nothing, we are most likely out of alignment! What does that corrective pivot look like for you? Will choosing to fear keep you from making that "caps lock decision" that could positively change the trajectory of your career?Support the show
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Device Nation is committed to bringing you BMP's (Beyond Metal and Plastic) to get you ahead of the changes this year!
On this episode you will learn:
-How offsite sterile processing will change everything...for everybody
-Why many reps and surgeons will not be working for the same company 24 months from now
-"Fresh Tracks" as a selling strategy
-"Alignment' as a tactical strategy
-Weird behavior exhibited by my cat Hattie and my dog Zeke...and so much more!!
Instrumentum Offsite Processing: https://www.instrumentum.com/Support the show
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Device Nation sits down for a most inspiring conversation with Dr. James "Hutch" Huddleston, current President of AAHKS. We talk about his amazing career, his experiences lobbying on behalf of surgeons, IQR, the future of joint reconstruction, why AAHKS has been so successful, and so much more!!
We then pivot to Vernon, New Jersey to visit "Action Park." This waterpark during the 1980's was considered the most dangerous amusement attraction in the US, are there any teachable moments we can apply to our industry??
Lastly, what about offsite sterile processing for the ASC? I believe it be the future, as it's one of those rare services that brings value to every single stakeholder....especially reps. Device Nation visits the beta facility in Boca Raton, to give you a backstage glimpse of what's on the way!
Dr. Huddleston Clinic: https://stanfordhealthcare.org/doctors/h/james-huddleston.html
Dr. Huddleston's inspiring Father: https://alumni.centre.edu/s/285/bp20/interior.aspx?sid=285&gid=1&pgid=526
AAHKS Spring Meeting: https://www.aahks.org/aahks-spring-meeting/
Class Action Park: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B0B8L1DKZ2/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r
Instrumentum: https://www.instrumentum.com/Support the show
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Multiple streams of revenue are the future in our industry for reps AND surgeons. What if one of those streams was....YOU? Pitchsink is where ideas meet talent, so if you have a device idea you want commercialized, if you have a talent to serve our community, monetization could very well be in your future!!
Steven Flutie has such an incredible story as a former box opener, to now full-time entrepreneur. You will walk away inspired!
We also talk to Barry, a former employee in South Florida at Sears and Roebuck...remember their catalog? Widely regarded by industry insiders as one of the most monumental collapses in business history. What can we learn from this case study that can help us personally and professionally?
Which of the following is the primary driver of your team, practice or company??
PitchSink: https://pitchsink.com/
News Release: https://orthospinenews.com/2024/02/19/denver-co-pitch-sink-launches-to-drive-medtech-innovation-with-elite-talent-community/Support the show
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A big part of every National Sales Meeting is to cast vision and get everyone excited for the upcoming year. Device Nation has sought out and solicited the thoughts of Reps, Surgeons and Industry Leaders to do just that, asking all this simple question:
"2024....What's on Your Mind?"
Their answers will hopefully empower, equip, and inspire you to a 2024 for the record books, as I truly believe this will be a BREAKOUT year for many Reps, Surgeons, and Companies in the Device Nation audience!!Support the show
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Device Nation goes north to Oklahoma City for a most festive conversation with Dr. Paul Jacob. The first known podcast to utilize conversational haptic feedback as we talk about his amazing career, his service to the community, his robotic journey, a truly inspiring surgeon!
On this installment you will get answers to:
-Why wearables?
-What can reps do to help their surgeon that may be a difficult ask?
-What is a "Gentleman's Fellowship?"
-What IS a robot?
-"Christmas-palooza" at Fort Wilderness?
-How has this Surgeon Santa lost so much weight?
.....and so much more!
Dr. Paul Jacob: https://www.drpauljacob.com
In the News: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/paul-brian-jacob-do-becomes-first-in-oklahoma-to-achieve-srcs-master-surgeon-in-joint-replacement-and-robotic-joint-replacement-accreditations-301666114.htmlWe take you on our Christmas vacation road trip to CCJR. What a trip, what a brisket sandwich, what great content as they really put the "meat" in meeting!
Hope to see YOU in Orlando next year: https://ccjr.comSupport the show
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The One Tray EZ Tray system is something you should consider as an OEM, Distributor or Rep. I use it all the time now, and can say firsthand it's a winner!
In this episode you will learn about:
-Why you should care about IFU's
-Validations...what are they?
-Why dry times?
-How the One Tray was invented
-How you can be a hero in CSS and the OR
-How this tray can help YOU
.....and so much more!!
EZ-TRAX Tray Information: https://onetray.com/products/eztrax/
Email to request free trial: thetotalsolution@onetray.comSupport the show
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Device Nation goes back across the pond for a conversation with a name you need to know....Mike Tuke! Mr. Tuke, along with Mike Freeman and Vera Pinskerova, were instrumental in bringing to market what is now a ubiquitous articulation, the medially-stabilized knee. We talk about his storied career involving Finsbury Orthopedics, Delta Motion, Corin, MatOrtho, as well as learning about the new Recerf COC hip resurfacing system and the unique Saiph knee!
"If you don't have a go, you'll never know"
ReCerf: https://www.matortho.com/news/recerf-ceramic-hip-resurfacing
Saiph Knee: https://www.matortho.com/products/saiph-knee-system
Looking for marginal gains in your OR or ASC? Check out the One Tray EZ-Trax system! https://onetray.com/products/eztrax/
Email Inquiries: thetotalsolution@onetray.comSupport the show
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Grapevine, Texas is officially in the rearview mirror!
Device Nation shares thoughts from the trip, the floor, and presents quite possibly the least prestigious awards of the entire meeting...."Best Pitch" and "Purple Cow!"
We take the mic into some of the booths to share what industry is excited about. What excited you?
This is officially a "don't miss" meeting in our space, look forward to seeing you there next year!!
Official Site: https://meeting.aahks.org
Poster Exhibits: https://aahks.apprisor.org/epsWelcome.cfm?CFID=2220476&CFTOKEN=aa8195db8979e1c1-29F453CC-0254-9A02-1CB99B8D7DD25BC5
Dr. Parvizi Keynote Address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y23Tex8heSYSupport the show
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Centennial Celebration! 100 episodes is a special milestone, so today we bring a very special guest for a very special audience.....an inspiring conversation with reconstruction legend Dr. Bill Harris!!
Introducing him is but another very special guest, current President of the Hip Society and Harris Hip Fellow, Dr. Bill Jiranek!
You will learn:
-The origin of the modular acetabular shell
-Osteolysis, and how it was eradicated
-The genesis of cross-linked polyethylene
-The eventual prevention of DVT
And much, much, more!!
LifetimeAchievement Award: https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2022/09/28/2524382/0/en/94-Year-Old-Orthopaedic-Surgeon-William-H-Harris-M-D-World-Renowned-Medical-Pioneer-Inventor-Mentor-Receives-Lifetime-Achievement-Award.html
Q & A: https://blog.oup.com/2018/01/dr-william-h-harris-reflects-career-advancing-orthopedic-surgery/
Harris Hip Score: https://www.physio-pedia.com/Harris_Hip_Score#:~:text=The%20HHS%20is%20a%20measure,and%2090–100%20%3D%20excellent.
Marginal gains....Getting better by 1% every day can payoff exponentially over time!!Support the show
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Device Nation travels across the pond for a cuppa and a sit down with Consultant Surgeons Derek McMinn and Ronan Treacey! Pioneers in the hip resurfacing procedure, we talk about the BHR, MOM, NIH, Purple Cows and Polymotion! So much respect for these bright as a button blokes, their passion and belief in this procedure (in spite of significant headwinds) will inspire you!!
You will learn:
-Why "Mister" instead of "Doctor"
-Does volume matter as an NIH surgeon
-What role do reps play in the UK
-The pitfalls and pearls of MOM
-The development of their solution...the BHR
-The newest flavor: Polymotion
.....and so much more!!
Mr. Derek Mcminn: https://www.mcminncentre.co.uk/derek-mcminn.html
Mr. Ronan Treacey: https://www.ronantreacy.co.uk/
Birmingham Hip Resurfacing: http://www.losmdfw.com/bhr/implant.htm
Polymotion: https://www.jointmedica.com/thepolymotionhr
Mentorship and Sponsorship:
How are they connected? Are we "Sponsor Worthy?"Support the show
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A truly inspiring conversation with the COO of Zimmer-Biomet, Ivan Tornos! Truly a successful summiteer of so many mountains in our industry, what can we learn from this accomplished climber to help us on our journey?
Nearly 3 decades of success in the medical space delivering on commitments at every turn, you'll want to take notes on this episode as he shares:
-Device Rep predictors of success
-What are the 4 ways in which we approach problems
-The difference between "mentorship" and "sponsorship"
-The value of thinking beyond the Operating Room
.......and much, much more!!
Health Care Technology Award: https://thehealthcaretechnologyreport.com/the-top-25-healthcare-technology-leaders-of-new-york-for-2023/
Careers at Zimmer Biomet: https://www.zimmerbiomet.com/en/about-us/careers.html
"I say buy ZMH" https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/25/cramers-lightning-round-zimmer-biomet-is-a-buy.html
"Belief" eventually affects "Destiny"....what belief systems aid us in our summit attempts, and which have the potential to keep us stuck at basecamp?Support the show
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Part Two of an inspiring conversation with Greg Paul, the only known person to have summited Mt Everest sporting bilateral knee replacements….just an incredible story!
You'll learn which implant company has the bragging rights, the storm that almost ended everything, Krakaur's book "Into Thin Air", what's up with the trash pile on the summit, and much more!!
We continue our "Summit Series", as we learn from Greg Pauls experience on how to summit these personal and professional mountains, both safely AND successfully! What do YOU really believe about yourself, others, and the tasks in front of you?
If you hold a Belief,
You think a Thought,
If you sow a Thought,
you reap an Action
If you sow an Action,
you reap a Habit
If you sow a Habit,
you reap a Character
If you sow a Character,
You reap a DESTINY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greg.paul.777
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gregclimbing/?hl=en
The Story: https://www.deseret.com/2016/6/11/20590191/how-a-61-year-old-utah-man-made-history-by-summiting-everest-with-two-artificial-kneesSupport the show
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Prontosan is a great wound irrigation solution that can potentially take the wound from "clean enough" to "more than enough."
JOEI publication: https://journaloei.scholasticahq.com/article/72787-novel-intra-operative-wound-irrigation-solution-to-manage-infection-prevention-in-patients-undergoing-primary-joint-arthroplasty-retrospective-revie
More information: https://www.bbraunusa.com/en/products-and-therapies/wound-management.html
What's in YOUR bag?Support the show
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You might need supplemental oxygen on hand for this episode as we’re going 30,000 feet up talking with Greg Paul, the only known person to have summited Mt Everest, the highest mountain above sea level, with not a microfracture, not a pfj, not a uni nor a TKA, that would be too easy! He got his 44,250 steps in with bilateral knee replacements….just an incredible and inspiring story!
So what do YOU want to achieve personally, relationally, professionally this week, this month, this year and what are the obstacles in the way? Today marks the launch of our "Summit Series", as we learn from Greg Pauls experience to how summit these personal and professional mountains, both safely AND successfully!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greg.paul.777
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gregclimbing/?hl=en
The Story: https://www.deseret.com/2016/6/11/20590191/how-a-61-year-old-utah-man-made-history-by-summiting-everest-with-two-artificial-kneesSupport the show
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Device Nation leaves the OR suite and heads to the C-Suite for an inspiring conversation with Francesco Siccardi! We talk about his current role as CEO at Medacta, "bikinis", Geisinger, KA, sphere, even a little guitar!
Mr. Siccardi joined Medacta International in 2002 and served as a Member of its Board of Directors since 2003. He then served on the Board of the Company from its incorporation until March 21, 2019. Following the retirement of the Company’s Chairman, Mr. Siccardi was appointed Chief Executive Officer as of November 1, 2018. Prior to becoming CEO, he served as Executive Vice-President and Medical Affairs Manager (from 2013 to 2014) and as Executive Vice-President (from 2014 to 2018). He further served on the Board of various Medacta Group companies internationally.
Medacta is an international company specializing in the design, production, and distribution of innovative orthopaedic products, as well as in the development of accompanying surgical techniques. Established in 1999 in Switzerland, Medacta is active in joint replacement, spine surgery, and sports medicine.
Through the M.O.R.E. Institute, Medacta supports surgeons with a comprehensive and tailored program dedicated to the advancement of medical education. Medacta is headquartered in Castel San Pietro, Switzerland, and operates in over 50 countries.
Website: https://www.medacta.com
Career Opportunities: https://www.medacta.com/EN/careersWe explore the "N" in our PAIN mnemonic, as we conclude our Joy and Pain series...."Nventory!" Since manufacturing more implants for ourselves isn't an option, what ARE our options???
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A conversation with Orthopedic Surgeon, Hospital CEO, former AAHKS President and healthcare consultant Mark Froimson, MD, MBA!
Mark I. Froimson, MD is the past President of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS). Prior to that, he was the Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer of Trinity Health, a major national non-profit Catholic healthcare system comprising 93 hospitals in 22 states. Before his executive leadership position at Trinity Health, Dr. Froimson was president and chief executive officer of Euclid Hospital, a Cleveland Clinic Hospital. Dr. Froimson served as a staff surgeon in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic for over 16 years, during which time he held a variety of leadership positions including president of the professional staff, vice chair of the Orthopedic and Rheumatologic Institute, and member of the Board of Governors and Board of Trustees.
Dr. Froimson received a B.S. in philosophy from Princeton University, an M.D. from Tulane University School of Medicine and an MBA from the Weatherhead School of Business at Case Western Reserve University. The author of book chapters, abstracts and review articles, his work has been published in many scientific journals including the Journal of Arthroplasty, the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine and the American Journal of Orthopedics. He also serves in the editorial capacity for a number of scientific publications.Consulting Site:https://riversidehealthadvisors.com
Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-froimson-md-mba-78840914/
We explore the "I" in our "Pain" mnemonic as part of our Joy and Pain series...."INCOME!" Is it possible to make more than last year in a climate of declining ASP?Support the show
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A conversation with Orthopedic Surgeon, Healthcare Innovator and LinkedIn Top Voice Benjamin J. Schwartz, MD, MBA!
Dr. Schwartz is fellowship trained in adult reconstruction of the hip and the knee with over 13 years of experience in private practice. The focus of his career has been delivering high quality, evidenced-based musculoskeletal care with an emphasis on fostering the doctor-patient relationship. As a result, he has received awards for Excellence in Clinical care and was a top performer in the CMS BPCI-A program in 2019. As part of his commitment to quality and evidence-based medicine, he has served both nationally and locally on a variety of committees.
In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Schwartz has extensive experience in digital health, currently serving as Chief Innovation Officer for Healent, an early stage healthcare technology company. His experience in health tech also includes several mentorship positions with incubators, accelerators, and hack-a-thons including MassChallenge, MATTER Health, and MIT Hacking Medicine and advisory roles with Osteoapp.ai, QuadrantEye, and Enhatch.
Also, Dr. Schwartz was named a Castle Connolly Top Doctor for Orthopedics for 2022.
Clinic Site: https://www.benschwartzmd.com/adult-hip-knee-reconstruction-specialist-peabody-beverly-essex-ma-benjamin-schwartz-md.html
Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-schwartz-md/Healent Medical: https://healent.com
MIT Hacking Medicine: https://www.hackingmedicine.mit.edu
OsteoApp: https://osteoapp.ai
We explore the "A" in our "Pain" mnemonic as part of our Joy and Pain series...."Atmosphere." Own the Air!!!Support the show
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A conversation with former President of the Knee Society, Dr. Gil Scuderi! We talk about his pioneering work as an implant design surgeon, working alongside Dr. John Insall, MIS, technology, making revisions as simple as 1-2-3!!
As a board certified orthopedic surgeon for over 20 years, Dr. Scuderi has an abundant experience in adult knee reconstruction and sports medicine with surgical techniques that include arthroscopic, minimally invasive and full open procedures. While he specializes in all disorders of the knee, he has pursued innovative developments in total knee replacement, gender specific knee designs and revision total knee replacements. Dr. Scuderi was the first orthopedic surgeon on Long Island to implant the first knee replacement specifically designed to fit a woman s anatomy.
His contributions to the orthopedic literature are extensive with over 100 published scientific articles and book chapters in orthopedic medical journals and textbooks. He has also edited several textbooks on total knee replacement, sports medicine and knee surgery, and continues to lecture worldwide on reconstructive knee surgery. Dr. Scuderi is a member of several orthopedic and medical organizations, has served on numerous committees, and was the president of the Knee Society from 2012 -2013. Committed to education, he is the Adult Knee Reconstruction Fellowship Director at Lenox Hill Hospital.Clinic Site: https://www.northwell.edu/find-care/find-a-doctor/orthopaedic-surgery/dr-giles-r-scuderi-md-11317635
We explore the "P" in our mnemonic "Pain"....the people in charge making some decisions that we, as reps, would never make. What do we do with that and how do we minimize the distraction?Support the show
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