
  • Maybe Gary is no longer wearing the clown suit, butI doubt that he is wearing a body bag. This is a desperate “who shot Jr?” moment.Please refer to “Dallas,” a classic night time soap opera from in the early 1980...possiblylate 70. Unclear. Gary is not dead or deceased. If so, Hayden is the only villainwe have left…and he isn’t quite as creepy as Gary. He had a lot of enemies. We will see. Sabrina is certainly apprehensive aboutRichard giving her a baby the old fashioned way. I kinda wonder how ready he isto take on the responsibility of a child…that deep of a commitment. He turnedas soon as he saw how comfortable things were getting with Damoni. It’s aboutto be a competition between the two. Who is she going to select? Is Richardreaching? Well, Andi Andi came through and saved the day and in doing so, shecracked Hayden’s head down to the white meat. Ms. Marie was ready for a snack, butshe changed her mind quickly. Hayden’s services are no longer needed. Did hereally try threatening her. Hayden was being sassy! Ms. Marie didn’t budge!Hayden must have been trash. You know, Ms. Marie might have had Gary stabbedfor Andi. Who knows? I was dead when she asked if she and Andi could have theroom. Too funny. I’m not sure why Ms. Marie and Pam are so closely connectedall of a sudden. It’s really time forboth of them to exit stage left. Pam has proven to be out for self. Andi madepartner but now, Robin has to show up because was her boss somehow. Why is Tamara still a factor? Hayden foundout about her and Gary. Poor thing. Histears though. So Fatima tells Zac that she was assault by Gary’s goon. Zac didn’treact the way I thought he would. I guess she called Madam. Tony shows up withflowers. I still love Danni and Toni together. Andi did not have to marry Gary.Yayyyy! It ain’t over though. Karen is still pregnant. Good grief! See you guysnext season.

  • Once again again again…Not every clown wears a suit! Spotlight on Gary. He has the be the poster child for WASTE OF SKIN! I said it before. Andy better not marry Gary to save Jordan. This week, she told him…I guess. And Jordan went to Gary to read him his rights. No comment on that part. Why couldn’t he have at least flipped the desk. I’m still antiicpating someone outsmarting Gary. His security laid hands on the wrong one because Madame is on the way. For now, he continues to stay winning. And Fatima will continue to show up for Andy. She embraced her the way a friend should. And she is going to rescue our girl!! Gary still sniffing panties!!!! Fpr shame. Again I say, He is playing that role because I have not heard not one person say that they like Gary. I think that episode 22 may be the last of this season. Not sure yet. Andi is going to have to stand up to Gary without the help of others to free herself of his reigns. The tyranny of living under Gary’s thumb? Good way to put it. Danni is going her thing! I’m proud of her growth. And Tony better get it under control with his ex wife. He seems to have his binders on. The old Danni would be looking for a new vibe. Very nice of Zac and Aaron to continue to collaborate with one another on preparing for these babies. Lisa was there to make sure that Zac could and would accept that. He’s on deck but not as level headed as Aaron. Karen uncovered a secret about Tae that he wasn’t concealing for real. I just wish Pam would make it her business to compensate Karen for the resources she is using to run her business out of Karen’s business. The business has crossed a line. Pam is so happy to have somebody, or shall I say? Half somebody. Cause they aren’t exclusive but in her mind, that’s her man. Am I the only one thought that Karen and Andi both wearing black might have some significance. This interviewer is going for the gold with Sabrina. He offered her his seed, and he might have just planted it. Richard might be too late to save the day. He needs to make a decision…a conscious decisions. Cause Damoni…He looking to play a role. Definitely is. Marie and Hayden still bumping uglies…and he has one up on Andi because she is so distracted. Tamara still all over it for some reason. I get it. She is the type that always has to be on top of things…like Hayden…like Gary. He number is about to be up because Hayden is about to uncover what they been doing under the covers. He thought Gary was his friend. And I feel bad for Hayden..honestly. Next week, he’s going to cry, and I’m sure I will too. Justice for Hayden!

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Once again again…Not every clown wears a suit! Unless you factor in the outfit Gary had on when he busted up the baby showe. I said it before. Andy better not marry Gary to save Jordan. It’s looking like she might, but something will intervene and turn it upside down. I’m anticipating someone outsmarting Gary. He stay winning. Jordan and Penelope’s phone conversation brought me to tears. Watching them both try to stay stron for one another touched me. I don’t particularly love them, but I felt that. was totally blindsided. Poor little things. Fatima is going to show up for Andi in the next episider And I’m here for it!!! Rescue our girl!! She looked so pitiful standing next to that salamander. He is playing that role because I have not heard not one person say that they like Gary. I believe that this time progresser of two weeks helps the story to make a little more sense. This means that Jordan and Andy broke up two weeks ago. This means that Andy has been estranged from the girls for two weeks. This means that Karen is closer to her due date. This means that we are getting closer to a season finale. Roots to Riches advertisement at the baby shower? What?! She needs to be stopped. Maurice was killing the game with that pink outfit. I would wear it! I wasn’t feeling Sabrinas outfit, but it matched the theme of the baby shower which I loved!!!!Fatima was a good sport nand went to the baby shower. Karen was a good sports and invited her. I loved that for them. I loved Danni and Fatima’s conversation at the shower. And Danni looks so good with the softer look. Awwwww. The gender reveal was cute. Fatima was sick about it but she held it together. Zac still over doing it just a little. The drinks in the baby bottles! So cute! Zac and the fellas stepped up when Gary strolled in the shower! Karen said Aaron was at work. Aaron used to serve as a support system for Gary ????? This interviewer is going for the gold with Sabrina. He offered her his seed. He looking to play a role. Bad idea!!! I like him, but he moving in a direction that is out of control. I’m not sure where he came from. Where did he come from again? Marie and Hayden still bumping uglies…and he has one up on Andi because she is so distracted. I get it. But why did Tamara find a gray hair in his mouth. What?!

  • Once again…Not every clown wears a suit! I said it before. Andy better not marry Gary to save Jordan. Looks like she’s headed in that direction. Jordan was totally blindsided. Poor loittle thing. Fatima did show up for our girl…just not in the way that we wished she had. In other words, her earrings were in tact, and her heels remained on the floor. Maybe she should have removed those things when she got home and Deja was in her house watching her “bonus’ son. Zac was so desperate to be in the room with Karen when she got the ultrasound that he found whoever he could to watch little Michael. I would have called Paul if I was her because Zac still making crazy decisions. It all worked and Zac and Aaron are doing well with accepting the fact that each of them will act as fathers to bother babies. That drama has ended. Very happy that Lisa was there to anchor the situation as usual. I love her. So big of Danni to go to Karen to try to salvage the relationship. I loved that for her. And she is so much softer this season. Her and Tony still bumping heads a little about the children and his relationship withthe ex wife wh acts like she wants to the next wife. She has my permission to go back to okey stokey where she came from. I hope Tony and Danni win.

    Should Sabrina give Rich the ax? I’m thinking so after what I saw this week. This interviewer is going for the gold with Sabrina. I’m not sure where he came from, but I wish he would stay for a minute. Where did he come from? And why is she inspiring? Not hating.just wondering what tht’s all about. We will see.

    Pam is still Pamming. I believe she does owe Karen some moneyfor using her resources to start her business. This could get very petty. I am with Lisa…Pam needs to pay up and ask for permission. Penelope lives..but she is killing me with her phone calls and attempts to get revenge on Gary. Let’s just get this thing over with already. And what is Hayden doing? Did you see when Gary was spitting game to Tamara and she spit it back at him. Hilarious! I didn’t know people still spit on one another!

  • Not every clown wears a suit! Andy better not marry Gary to save Jordan. Fatima! We need you to show up for our girl. Should Sabrina give Rich the ax? I have to chose my words carefully when speaking about Tony…you gotta listen for that one. Pam done snatched her a man even if he had eyes on Karen. Glad Zac and Aaron are cool with the fact that they both swam in the same pool. Penelope lives yall. And Gary has turned into an even bigger monster. Who is ths Nanny? I don’t trust her. How is Maurice going to be an ambassador for Roots to Riches? And did Pam run up the limit of the business card to invest in her business.

  • Last week, Danni said she fights pregnant women too. I am inclined to believe her, butttt she has become polished and I love it. I say it all the time. She handled things with Toni even after he flipped the script on her. She made sense, and lately...she has been right on with things. Her and Karen might have hit a brick wall for the last time. I like how she feels so comfortable with one another from day one. And Fatima has no problem with it. Yaaaaaayyy! Fatima is still overwhelmed with life and Zac and her bonus son. Please remove bonus mommy front the script. It shines a negative light on the role Fatima has taken. Where is Deja? They mentioned her today. Who is going to be this Nanny Zac and Fatima are going to hire? Interesting. Fatima is tired...call Paul. Is Pam really checking for Tay? And partially responsible for the planning of the baby shower? Ms. Karen needs to make better choices with the people she chooses to play huge roles in her life. I wonder how she will handle this thing with Pam and Tay. Is Jordan trying to break up with Andi? She almost looks out of place with him now. And his little freaky friend claiming to admire Andi. He's just setting up shop for Gary to run her life. Not ruin...run. And her case, they go together. Gary needs to go on ahead. How is her ...never mind. He's a mess and quite hilarious with some of thing he says. And little Hayden is going to get hip to the skip with Tamara and Gary. He is moving in on it and closer than he know. Are Sabrina and Kalvin about to reunite for the sake of her having a baby, or will Maurice donate the seed. His songs are crazy. Maurice will always make us laugh!

  • Gary is back up on his bs! I hope Jordan is not going to fall for his tough man act. Will he do away with you? Yes. Should Jordan watch his back? Definitely! Gary has gotten in his head about Andy. Now Jordan has to decide which way he wants to go with all of this, and figure how where Gary hid Penelope's body. He is trying to put up a good front in terms of him not knowing what he did with Penelope but is not shedding one tear. Andy is standing by watching but giving minimal information. Fatima is still pulled into different directions with her family life. I guess she forgot Paul’s number. Her life with Zac and these kids have her off her square, and she can’t find find a balance. Hayden is suspicous of Tamera, but he doesn’t know where to go ith things. Keep on talking to Gary, he will let you know. Tamera is not one who has learned that she has been used and disposed of by Gary. She misunderstand the rules of the game and followed up on services that have been rendered and are only needed when he needs them. Watch out Gary. She has more up her sleeve than her elbow. Tony done messed up brining his kids into the relationship with Danni. She changed for you, but she is dealing with accordingly. His apology fell on deaf ears, and the single rose was thoughtless. He better clean it up! Team Danni! Little Miss Karen still out here trying to check folks for what she is going through. The whole world knows about her double womb occupancy, and she has to move on from there. Aaron is excited and bringing gifts and making arrangements for lamaze classes. Karen ain’t feeling it but would gladly show up if it was Zac. Sabrina and Pam are planning a baby shower for Lady Karen. Sabrina and Richard do not make sense. The clinic is not going to need to hep her get pregnant..Richard got it! Maurice will always make us laugh!

  • I love Lisa! She is most certainly Karen's brain! So Zac us the father, but Aaron never got tested. He is soooo happy! Zac is a little happier than he should be. Let the baby be born before you start setting up trust funds. All the adult in the circle agree that the twins should be treated fairly. Fatima still has Andy's back, and she is still supporting Zac in all of his BS. Speaking of BS...Gary is back up on his. Seems he took a tough pill cause he is showing his butt from all angles. He has left proof that he deleted Penelope, but Andi seems to be afraid of Gary because the old new him has returned. Jordan is trying to find his sister and trying to learn who Gary is. From the looks of it, Gary is not an enemy that he wants to make. Tamera is still giving it away with a double coupon the both Hayden and Gary. Poor little Hayden. Sabrina is still on her quest to have a baby. Maurice is back at the bank and more colorful than ever. It's the adjectives for me. He and his new lover seem to be on a good path. Danny is trying to hang in there with Tony, but he is showing who he really is.

  • We are ready for the next episodes of Sistas! I hope you are ready to find out which baby belongs to Zac and which one belongs...! Was it ever confirmed that Aaron is the father of the other child? Or did we assume it? Well, we are sharing our perspectives, perceptions, misconceptions, and predictions on what's to happen next as we tie in with what has been happening for the past year. Karen child, have them babies before the teacher marks them absent. I know they got to be in head start at this point! I heard that Robin is coming back. At least that's what the internet streets have been saying. We chopping it up. We laughing it up! And we are excited for the plot twists, because we know they are coming. Check back in after the 29th!

  • Gone Girl…Girl Gone…Girl, Girl, Girl! This is the mid-season finale! What could possibly happen next!? Anything! Something! Everything!Penelope is no longer with us thanks to Gary who has a history of deleting people. (a double homicide) Andi tried to warn her, but she had to taste the fat meat to see that it was actually greasy. That magnifying glass, trench coat, and note pad wasn’t it! RIP!!! And Gary is still making diabolical plans with or without her. Stopping at nothing from day one. Andi is he prey, probably because he can’t get her. We always want what we can’t have. Still interfering in her life, he will stop at nothing to sabotage her relationship with Jordan. I am looking forward to Fatima putting away the switch blade, removing her earrings, and punching dead in throat. I want her to make him squirm. Better yet, call the boys on him like she did Hayden. Gary is not that bright!

    Hayden is not backing down from his ambitions. He is going to keep going and going until he has nothing left to go after. Honestly, Ms. Marie hired him as co-counsel, so now he gets to work along side of Andi. I think they make a good time as far as winning this case. Andi is not feeling it. You have to give it to him…he definitely did his homework, so that he could weasel his way into getting the bag and the position. But he will go lay down somewhere when he finds out that his wife is giving it away with a double coupon. Andi knows something is not right somewhere, some way, and somehow. The call from Jordan confirmed it. Gary is never going to confess…but will he get caught?

    Zac adjusting to fatherhood…may as well because Karen is having his baby. Let’s ignore the twin until we find out who the father is. A pure mess. Well, at least she got one of her wishes…she is officially a baby momma! I won’t blame her hormones. She had been angry at life but now, she will feel like she has one leg up on Fatima who ain’t going nowhere…call Paul! Definitely deserve it!

    Sabrina and Maurice are back in business. He is such a good friend to her…and she is such a sweetie. Good for them. I still got all four of my eyes on Rich. But that brief case was cute though. I am pushing and pulling for Sabrina. In celebration of Sabrinas promotion, all of the girls get together for mocktails, or shall I say, mock TAILS or mock Tales. Lots of tales were told and quite a few tails were about to be kicked And Fatima was about to be the administrator. Karen is not happy..in fact livid with the way the sistas have inserted Fatima into their circle. Things have gotten personal with Danni because Karen is trying to bully her into seeing her point of view. She was packing emotions punches and Danni is not the one or the two for any of that. Team Danni. Right is right! Danni is very outspoken, but Karen is not going to back down. And Pam is going to be on her side.

    I think this covers things for the most past! See you in the next of the season. Stay tuned! There is more to see!

  • Why is Marie calling Andi woman with loose lips?! Gary is always planting seeds. Andi is in love with Jordan (for whatever reason) so, we always have to support our sistas choices. Her outfit did not miss at all! Love it! I don't know where this thing with her and Jordan can possibly go. We support her but this relationship? not so much. Please don't tell me Penelope is still walking around trying to confirm what she has already been told to steer clear of. Maybe she rubbed the lion and he finally bit her hand for good. Why confront him if you are not prepared for the answer...whatever it might be. Gary has shown her a long time ago that she is not it! And she won't believe it. Maybe he offed her this week...not sure. I would have been fine if they both held hands and jumped. I am always sure that no one is cheering for them to win. So Hayden is co-counsel in a divorce war pairing with Andi? How could this be? What role with he pay? This...I have to see. Maybe they can work side by side for a minute. It could happen...couldn't it? Time will be the teller of all things. Speaking of time...How much longer will it be before Aaron makes it to the scene of things? Maybe he is an Uber driver and picking up folks along the way. I am going to Atlanta in two weeks, and I will probably beat him there. Dani is doing so well with everything. Yayyyyy! She says the kids are spawn, but she said it softly. Gotta love it. Poor Sabrina...sign. Lets just hold her up in prayer.Karen better hurry up and find out if Gary? Rico? Zac? or Aaron is the father of child. And yes! You read it correctly. Let's close the curtain on this thing. In the meantime, please let Karen bathe and change. Back used to be Tamikas favorite color. Me? Myself? I will never wear it again. We love you Karen!!!!!

  • Wait a minute! Zac...move around! You are too happy! Fatima needs to call Paul because she needs a balance.There is too much "playing in her face" going on out here. And she sees it but she is probaby going to stand by and watch him for all on his face. These twins in different sacs with possible different dads does not close the deal for Zac. There are still questions to be answered. Don't go buying diapers just yet. I was angry when he was so proud of him for planting two seeds. Go lay down! Andi is till trying to save Penelope from Gary when she needs to save herself and leave Penelope to process the information you gave her and let her do what she will with it. When she comes back with new information which is not any real meaning, Andi needs to close the door but not before saying that's a you problem...not an I. Gary is too upset and thinking diabolical thoughts to care about anyone's feelings. Penelope is going to learn ! I hope. I like how Dani and Fatima are bonding. Don't let Karen find out! Poor Sabrina toasting to Richard. I think he has a woman. I don't trust him. Jordan is in the clear. Andi's new clients is blind to Gary's BS. Too bad...so sad. He can forget her support.Stay tuned! There is more to see!

  • I will not! I shall not! Fault not! the dramatics of this episode! Pens and Needles definitely kept me on pins and needles from start to finish. Jordan is not guilty! And to think we thought he was hiding something underneath that seamless smile. Although sitting down at this moment, we stand corrected! Andi finally has a client or not. The wheels just keep on turning. And how did Hayden conjure up the nerve to ask who was in Andi's office? And was it any business of his. Neither one of them are going to make partner. Why? Because the office becomes too boring. At some point, Hayden would have to dethrone Andi. I don't think Tyler would allow that to happen. Somebody has to win in this tug of war. It won't be Gary. This much, I know...I think. lol Gary and Tamara need to just hold hands and jump. Is she the voice behind the call to the feds? Maybe she was investigating him while he was investigating her. And that Dani keeps showing up for herself. I love it!!! Zac, why can't you just let Uber Eats feed Karen if she needs a bite to eat? He was doing too much. Over a bottle of water and wait for your name to be called. And keep your hands to yourself. Yeah, we know the baby might be your child, but hold up yo! Fatima shows up to support her man...not sure how I feel about that. I think she should have kinda stayed out of this one this time and gave the entire situation space. But Fatima is gonna do Fatima and we all love her. Finally! Why would Andi confront Gary? She should have kept what she learned under wraps and used it for another time. Now he has ties with the new client and we just have to wait and see! Stay tuned!

  • Hayden has only one thing going for him at this point and it's not Tamera! It's could be his ads, but Tamera is clearly checking for Gary. Maybe she is just one of those girls that's giving it away with a double coupon. We will wait and see! Gary is a snake, and Hayden knows that, but he keeps letting it in his house. That girl was just growing on me..and Gary too apparently! Maybe Gary just wan't to destroy Hayden's reputation. We will wait and see! All that kissing after one another is the way folks get the kissing disease. Sabrina and Rich are not going to make it. The bracelet is the first indicator. He doesn't want children and she does. It's a recipe for disaster. Sabrina just keeps on licking the spoon. She's such good people, but it's time to get it together. He a likable guy but it's over. It will all come either to an end or a new beginning once they start the egg transfer. Chances are, she can't get pregnant. We will see! Jordan's past has come to haunt him. He says he was not innocent. I want to believe him so much. I just want Robin to come back with his cape and save the day. She is in a ball of confusion and getting even more confusing. Come through Robin! Is she dating the representative. Hold on Fatima, she has gone beyond the 90 day mark.Meanwhile, Fatima scooped Zac up and made him into the man we see today. Zac handled the acceptance letter well. He had no choice. Baby is now save and sound at the house with Zatima. the sound changed when Karen came through with her noise about the actual DNA test. The social media streets are all a buzz. Is she having twins by both Zac and Aaron. It's possible...rare, but possible. Her way of addressing Fatima would have been her punched in the throat if she wasn't pregnant. Come on test results before shes 13 months pregnant! Maurice's man is fine, but Maurice is in too much of an emotional hole to handle that. Paige needs to go on ahead find another job. I am loving Dani and Toni together. She's a new woman with her new man. Don't you love it! Stay tuned...there is more to see!

  • Danni did that with the bright colors. She was never so adventurous before. I think it has everything to do with her new love of self. Thanks to the therapist she is learning to lean quietly into herself. But the guilt of her telling Zac that Karen was giving it away with a double coupon in college is eating up the lining of her stomach. Unlike Karen, Danni is fully equipped to be a mother...at least not to Toni's kids. I like them together, but this "keep my kids for the summer" and ain't for Danni. Who knows? She revealing who she is sheet by sheet (thanks to her journal) and she may conform to being at least a helpmate for Toni and his little ones. I am here for it! Well, well, well...Andi mentioned Robin. Is he on his way back? Fingers crossed, toes crossed, eyes crossed too! I am here for it! The ladies had lovely meeting at Andi's and Fatima was not there...sure Karen enjoyed that. It was Sabrina's birthday. They had a round table about things they are going through on a high note. When it came down to Karen...she turned the moment until her moment to talk about all of stuff. Oh joy! I hope Sabrina gets her baby via frozen eggs. I also hope she knows that she will be exactly what she said.."Single but not solo." Boyfriend does not want any children! Pam is doing her thing bringing life to the salon. I love it! Karen is dragging along trying to convince herself and others that the baby she is carrying is father by Zac. The jury is still out. I'm not sure what will become of this visit to the hospital. Only time will tell! Why are the feds suddenly so quiet? Gary is walking around with blood trickling out of his nose because he is on that booger sugar. He is pissed that he can't have is way. But he is up to something. He has been watching Tamara since she got involved with Hayden. And now they are in a heated conversation that leads to a kiss. Gary is such a stain on my sole because go lay down in traffic. I kinda like Tamara though. And she's from my town. She's a D girl. "What up doe?" So Fatima has gotten accepted into law school just as Zac was receiving custody of his son. And she is now apprehensive about telling him in the midst of all this. Angie came to be her voice of reason. She's is such a sweetie...and who designs Angela's clothes. My hat goes off to him or her. Fatima is caught in a corner. I hope she does what is right for her while loving Zac and his child at the same time. But let's move away from that. Is Jordan who they allege that he is? We will see. Stay turned!!!

  • Did Danni say too much? (only the liquor will tell) Did Zac say too much?I think we all can agree. At the shop during her Grand Opening? Karen was none too less pleased with his line questioning and danced around the answer like she was Chris Brown! Hold on sister girl...Miss Mommas! Please don't end up on Maury Povich or Paternity Court. We are all tired of waiting! And Pam is your friend! Stop trying to dismiss her. And this delivery guy might just be the move for you! Sabrina, get out and move on. It's early and he has already told you what he doesn't want. He could change his mind. That would be great! If you want to freeze your eggs...freeze on! That's your private decision that does not belong to anyone else...not even the sistas. He has already had a run with children. Don't let that ruin your dreams. Besides, you have a more pressing matter like getting Paige to shimmy along so that you can get Maurice his position back! She a busy body!!! And so is Maurice. He is still trying to find love in the club. Danni broke down in therapy. She needed a good cry and to get into with Danni. I am proud of her. Hopefully this wrench that Tony is about to through in the game doesn't ruin things. She's not a step mother! He and his two children might have to find someone else that doesn't mind attending bar miztvahs and ballets. Danyella may not be the one to bake cookies. What is Hayden up too? He needs to salvage his make believe marriage and sit down. I think they could be happy together. Gary is not going to leave him alone. He has nothing else. Hayden just wants to destroy Andi. Gary wants Andi. Every wall around him has a crack in and it's only so long before the foundation gives way and they all come crumbling down. I will wait! I didn't know he was an entire drug addict out there hurting his own feelings watching Andi with Jordan. And Penelope is not smooth enough. She got caught snooping around for nothing. Gary is not thinking about her right now. Poor thing. Who called the FBI though? Zac and Fatima are still in love and making moves!

  • Let me stand corrected. Last week, I warned everyone about the pink dress assuming that Penelope was the women in the picture with Jordan in a compromising position. Not so fast Doris! That is a red dress and that woman is Andi having a playful moment with her. I am still trying to feel Jordan. He doesn't set well in my spirit...not this version of him. He is there, but he is not present! Andi seems to be doing well under the circumstances. Gary is in trouble, but she is showing little concern. Now that Leland has died, she's trying to make partner. Her eyes are definitely on the prize. His body isn't even cold yet! Go Andi! Hayden is not going for it. He wants he head on a platter, and has flipped on Gary. I wonder what that is all about. Hmmmm? Could he be the one to have contacted the FBI? Was it Jordan? Was it Penelope? Noooo Fatima wouldn't. Maybe it was my boy Robin. Let.s not forget that Hayden and Gary was trying to play him.Gary is desperate. And blowing things. I hope he won't BLOW things in the next episode. His affiliate actually REALLY did offer him some nose candy...looks like. He is seeing red every time he thinks about Andi. Penelope is still trying to gather evidence on Gary. She said that he was with also with someone else. This is not news. It's time for to accept his nonsense. I still think their is more to her. Time will reveal it all. Anyways...I forgot how tight Danni and Zac were/are. He needs to get the test, stop asking for advice, and move this thing along. Danni let it be know that games are being played. Was she right or wrong? She's dealing with that. Tony is her supporter. Love that. Sabrina is till trying to figure out her life. Maurice is still sprinkling his wisdom all over the place. Who is this delivery guy?Lisa stepped in! Love it! Pam is nosy, but she is a friend. Tune in next week for Did You See What I Saw and leave a comment if you did! Or didn't.

  • Ladies and Gentlemen...Keep your eyes on the pink dress! That's it and that's all. I believe the mystery woman that we will see over the next few weeks in a choke hold with one who I believe is Jordan!!! Not the old Jordan but the new Jordan! As the walls close in on Gary, we have a lot of perceptions. Who is behind this FBI raid? Could it be Penelope? Could it be Jordan? Could it be the man I always ask about...Robin? Only time will tell. Whatever it is...viewers will least expect it!!!! No Maurice this week. He was probably at work at "Man's Only" sister company to "Only Fans." Danni is still battling with seeing a therapist. Perhaps it's pride. Perhaps it's denial. Perhaps she's afraid of judgment. I think she should go ahead. Your thoughts? Love the dress!! Sabrina, surprisingly, did not scare her new Boo away with that request she made about getting his "male juice." She wants a family, but he feels overwhelmed with all of this nieces and nephews. I say that their is nothing like your own. Do I see a future between the two of them? They better get on the same page or someone is going to close the book! Hopefully, they use a bookmark because I like them together. Andi was working that black outfit. Did they really post a picture of them at brunch and Karen saw it? Poor thing. Well, at least her Grand Opening was grand. Thank God! Lisa stopped Zac from taking the congratulatory bouquet of flowers in the shop and causing an emotional tsunami. I hate to say it, but he looked like the old Zac who had been crushed by his childhood. Andi better be careful with what she tells the Feds. She wants to lie but that would be a bad idea. The firm gives her such a hard time. And Gary...this dirt bag is stealing from Penelope. Is he trying to alter her insurance policy or did we misinterpret that? He has been scamming all over the place. I want to regard Hayden as a friend, but could he still be a slithering snake. Tamara is back to distract him all over again! Somebody call Madam so she can clean house and get all this isht together!

  • Gary! You trifling son of a biscuit! How are you shaking hands with those same hands that was shaking your...! He is showing Penelope his true colors now. He definitely did the old bait and switch. Got em! She won't be sleep long. I got a strong feeling that she might have rang the bell on him and the FBI on em! I think maybe she and Jordan are on the same team. FBI! I wouldn't be surprised that shes just his business partner and not his sister. I could be wayyyyy off but this is something to think about. So he goes over to Hayden's house who has made it clear that he is not Gary's BFF. And good! For the first time, Hayden looks like a person to me. He told Andi of the harsh and cruel statements he was making about everything! He was probably drunk but definitely not in love. Gary and Fatima need to go on a bury that beef they have a let it die. Both of them have their backs up against the wall. Tamara has cleaned Hayden out all she can at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if Andi becomes his divorce attorney. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours! Andi has heard enough about Gary and his ways. But will she be excited that he still holds an interest in her and go back after he gets out of jail because FBI is at the office as I type. I kept saying that no one knows what he does for a living...except the FBI. BYYYYYYYYE! Sabrina tripping. She is not drunk in love...she's just thinking about Kalvin, I think. She has scared this dream guy away. How do you ask a man for his sperm? She's going to feel really dumb when she wakes up from this trance that she's in. Why didn't she give them sometime before trying to lock him in? And she going to lose her job if she keeps it up! Danni is doing fine! The end. Poor little Maurice. He is up her on Only Fans or shall I say?..."Only Mans." He can't catch a break. Karen is feeling left out after she sees the sistas...(including Fatima) at brunch getting liquored up. No one saw her except Fatima. I don't know they invited Fatima. She is never going to truly be the 5th sista! The conversation was inappropriate. Why is Fatima disclosing her issues with Zac with the other ladies? I smell trouble. Andi suggest Fatima and Zac get married so little Michael can have a two parent family. BS thinks Fatima. The coast is not clear with the situation because there Zac goes sticking his head where it doesn't belong...in Karen's business at the salon with congratulatory flowers on the reopening of her shop. He has discussed everything with Fatima but this. She is his backbone, and he can't make it with her. She needs a win. Call Paul! He will comfort you. And this will wake Zac up. What does he mean "Zac Junior?" He fell off with that one. Establish some concrete evidence that this is your child and then let's take it from there!

  • Wow!!!! So, you just going to replace Jordan like that? Already off to a bad start! Danni getting abducted was all a dream? Three months have gone and Penelope is still pregnant. Thank God that I have never been pregnant for 10 months. How did Karen almost catch up her? Shouldn't Fatima/Zatima be at least 4 months? I guess I spent more time being critical than I did actually enjoying the show. Well. Sabrina Kalvin and his panties have moved on and rightfully so. You didn't know what you wanted to do with him. Now you have this incredible young man in front of you. Please don't sleep with him on your job! No in a chair! Not anywhere. I am so glad that Toni caught that mess before it even happened. Gary, Gary! Put your hands where my eyes can see straight buck wildin' in the place to NOT be! Why are you sniffing that woman's underwear? And then doing unGodly things in front of your pregnant fiance'? My water almost broke and I haven't been pregnant in 13 years! Now what? Will Penelope blame Andi or keep accepting Gary back? I personally don't think she is pregnant, and she is FBI...but in the meantime, Hoping Zac gets his son back, and Karen never wears that monstrosity of an outfit again!