Lil and Coach go into why he lifts, how he got into lifting, Coast Guarding and normal life, growth of the powerlifting program, and more :))))))
The final episode of the high school lifting podcast you've grown to love!
Eli, a super strong Freshman, comes back on the show with Lil to share his new PRs and what has changed in his lifting since the last show. They go into spotting, injuries and hopefully qualifying for states at the next meet :)
Lil, Avery and Sof (aka The Booty Bandits) go into meet excitement, what we look forward to in a meet, gyms and hiking journeys :)
Lil, Jake and Justin go into workout splits, lacrosse/lifting combo and more.
Anneliese and Lil go into college athletics, heavy arm days and more…
Lil, Luke and Jack talk about “pumping iron”, garage gyms, funny moments and more :)
Lil, Marc and Blake go into lifting, eating habits, Children’s TV shows and much more…
Lil, Ant, Sean and Brody go into multi sports/lifting, diet, silly stuff and more :)
We got Brady on the podcast! Lil and Brady clarify injuries, go into diet and more :)
Lil, Henry and Alex get into football and powerlifting comparisons, Nationals and more.
Lil and Kata (aka lil sis) get into cutting weight for competition, duel winter sports, maxes and more :)
Lil, The Gym Bros and Jacob go into workout splits, maxes and deadlift controversies.
Ava and Lil go into new lifting and the excitements of new PRs :)
Lil and Avery go into eating, lifting and gainz (of course).