
  • Dr. Steven Young, an expert in Ammortal healing modalities, delve deep into the world of holistic healing. They explore the power of Hermetics, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy, and Hydrogen Therapies in promoting overall health and well-being.

    Key Points
    ✅ How do we create a new identity through Hermetics
    ✅ What is Ammortal and how can these energetic technologies like PEMF and Hydrogen therapy improve our health
    ✅ What does the future of our species and planet look like? and what can we do to change course?

    Dr. Steven Young
    Dr. Steven Young's "moonshot" goal is to help all of humanity remember the sovereignty of their mental, physical, and spiritual evolution. He serves as a bridge to harmonize the old and new, East and West, internal and external, and Heaven and Earth. He’s the Chief Alchemist at Ammortal. He has directly supported the healing of over 9000+ patients directly in the last 20 years and over 80,000 people through his online courses. He’s a foodie with a goal to eat at the top 50 restaurants in the world and strives to live significantly in this insignificant life.

    Dr. Steven Young's Links

  • Bruce Lipton provides scientific evidence and practical insights to support the idea that we are not merely victims of our genes but active participants in shaping our biological destiny through our beliefs and perceptions in the following areas:

    1. The Intersection of Epigenetics and Consciousness: How our conscious and subconscious beliefs specifically influence gene expression.

    2. Bridging Science and Spirituality: How the principles from quantum physics, biology, and spirituality intersect in 'The Biology of Belief.’

    3. Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind: Discuss paradigm shift in understanding human biology, emphasizing the powerful role of the mind in influencing genetic expression and overall health

    Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D
    Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and lecturer, is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Bruce was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed groundbreaking stem cell research at Stanford University. He is the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, The Honeymoon Effect, and co- author with Steve Bhaerman of Spontaneous Evolution. Bruce received the 2009 prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony.


  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • In this captivating episode, we delve into the intriguing world of biological dentistry and uncover the secrets that your mouth may be holding to unlock your overall wellness. Join us as Dr. Jill Carnahan and special guest, Dr. Corbin Popp, explore the fascinating connections between your oral health and your body's resilience.

    Key Points
    ✅ Why cavitations or old root canals could be harming your health and what to do about it.
    ✅ Metal implants vs. ceramic or zirconium, what is the best option?
    ✅ How to optimize your gut microbiome with biological dentistry

    Dr. Corbin Popp
    Dr. Corbin Popp has been providing world-class Swiss biological dentistry to the Denver Community for over 10 years. In conjunction with his advanced clinical expertise, Dr. Popp exudes passion for helping his patients achieve systemic vitality. His supportive demeanor and positive energy elevates the patient experience, providing a comforting and transformative process. Prior to his dental career Corbin was a professional Ballet and Broadway dancer and continues to embody the act of excellent performance in with is dental team.


  • Welcome to Resiliency Radio with Dr. Jill Carnahan! In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of iron overload and its impact on our health. Joining us is the brilliant Dr. Christy Sutton, who will be sharing everything you need to know about this often overlooked condition.

    Key Points
    ✅ Hemochromatosis and iron overload are common and should be screened for by physicians
    ✅ Symptoms of iron overload can vary and be multi-system in nature
    ✅ A case of alopecia related to iron overload and treatment success

    👩🏻 Dr. Christy Sutton
    Dr. Christy Sutton, lives and practices in Dallas, Texas. She is an author, teacher, and clinician. She is a pioneer in the world of natural health, genetic testing, and nutrigenomics. She works to make complicated topics easy to understand, and promotes a realistic, hands-on approach to conquer and avoid health challenges. She created the Genetic Detoxification report and wrote the groundbreaking books The Iron Curse and Genetic Testing: Defining Your Path to a Personalized Health Plan. Currently, she teaches cutting-edge Labrogenomics educational workshops, which bring depth, insight, and clinical pearls to creating personalized health plans.


  • In this episode, join us as we discuss the critical topic of winning legal cases for clients harmed by toxic mold, featuring special guest Kristina Baehr, an experienced and dedicated lawyer specializing in mold-related cases.

    Key Points
    ✅ Why attorneys historically do not take on mold-related litigation cases and why this needs to change
    ✅ Kristina’s own personal story overcoming mold-related illness, being forced out of her home and becoming a hero and advocate for clients suffering from environmental toxicity.
    ✅ More on other environmental cases, such as the US Navy spill with jet fuel in Hawaii and how environmental medicine is reaching its way in to the legal system to help those patients who have been harmed

    Kristina Baehr
    Kristina is a national trial lawyer who represents sick people against the companies that made them sick. She founded Just Well Law to help clients recover financially so that they can rebuild their health and their lives.

    Kristina is used to high profile, high stakes litigation.

    As an Assistant US Attorney, Kristina then represented the United States in civil actions, including catastrophic personal injury. She defended Army doctors accused of medical malpractice, USPS drivers after catastrophic accidents, the Air Force in premises liability, and the VA and FAA in employment disputes.

    After tragedy hit her own family, she returned to the plaintiffs’ side and founded Just Well Law to help other families in crisis. She built the personal injury firm she couldn’t find for her own family. Health and wellness require financial resources, and Kristina is relentless in pursuing the maximum recovery for her clients because she has been there too.

    Kristina attended Princeton University and then Yale Law School. Committed to using the law as a tool of empowerment, she has helped people living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda find financial freedom, founded the domestic violence clinic at Yale Law School, and helped the Ministry of Justice of Liberia launch a sex crimes prosecution unit with the Carter Center. She served as a federal clerk for Nancy Gertner in the District of Massachusetts. And she teaches trial lawyers as an instructor for the National Institute of Trial Advocacy.


  • Welcome to another exciting episode of Resiliency Radio with Dr. Jill Carnahan! In this episode, Dr. Jill Carnahan sits down with the renowned Dr. Nathan Bryan to discuss the fascinating connection between beauty and health, with a specific focus on the role of Nitric Oxide (NO).

    Nitric Oxide, or NO, is a crucial molecule that plays a vital role in our overall well-being. It is not only responsible for regulating blood pressure and promoting cardiovascular health but also acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and neurotransmitter.

    Hope you enjoy this week’s episode! I’m beyond grateful for your support!

    👇🏼 Key Points
    Nitric oxide (NO) is a crucial signaling molecule in the body, especially for endothelial health.

    ✅ The endothelium, which lines the inner surface of blood vessels, plays a vital role in regulating vascular tone, blood flow, and vascular homeostasis. Here are some key physiological purposes of nitric oxide in endothelial health that I discuss with Dr. Nathan Bryan

    ✅ Vasodilation: Nitric oxide is a potent vasodilator, meaning it relaxes the smooth muscle cells in blood vessel walls, leading to the dilation of blood vessels. This dilation increases blood flow and reduces blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health.

    ✅ Blood Pressure Regulation: By causing vasodilation, nitric oxide helps to regulate blood pressure. It counters the vasoconstrictive effects of other molecules such as endothelin-1, angiotensin II, and thromboxane, thus maintaining vascular tone and blood pressure within healthy ranges.

    ✅ Prevention of Platelet Aggregation: Nitric oxide inhibits platelet aggregation and adhesion to the endothelium, thus preventing thrombosis and maintaining blood fluidity. This antiplatelet effect reduces the risk of clot formation and cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes.

    ✅ Anti-inflammatory Effects: Nitric oxide exerts anti-inflammatory effects within the endothelium by inhibiting the expression of adhesion molecules and cytokines involved in the inflammatory response. By reducing inflammation, NO helps to preserve endothelial function and integrity.

    ✅ Endothelial Cell Survival: Nitric oxide promotes the survival of endothelial cells by activating survival pathways and inhibiting apoptosis (programmed cell death). This ensures the maintenance of a healthy endothelial layer and supports overall vascular health.

    ✅ Antioxidant Properties: NO acts as an antioxidant within the endothelium, scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) and preventing oxidative stress-induced damage to endothelial cells. This antioxidant activity helps to maintain endothelial function and integrity.

    ✅ Neurotransmission: In addition to its effects on blood vessels, nitric oxide serves as a neurotransmitter in the nervous system, including the central and peripheral nervous systems. It plays a role in neuronal communication, synaptic plasticity, and neurotransmitter release.

    Overall, nitric oxide plays a multifaceted role in endothelial health, contributing to vascular relaxation, blood pressure regulation, antiplatelet activity, anti-inflammatory effects, endothelial cell survival, antioxidant defense, and neurotransmission.

    Dr. Nathan Bryan
    Dr. Bryan is an international expert in nitric biochemistry and molecular medicine. His more than 20 years in academic research led to many seminal discoveries and has resulted in dozens of issued U.S. and International patents. Products from his innovations are the most successful nitric oxide products in the market and responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue around the globe and have improved patient care for more than a decade.


  • Mold toxicity is a growing concern, and many individuals are unaware of the impact it can have on their health. In this eye-opening conversation, Dr. Pejman Katiraei sheds light on the connection between gut health and mold toxicity, explaining how a compromised gut can contribute to the development and exacerbation of mold-related symptoms.

    As a leading expert in the field, Dr. Pejman Katiraei delves into the mechanisms behind mold toxicity and its relationship with MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome), inflammation, and fungal overgrowth. He shares valuable insights into how addressing gut health can not only alleviate mold-related symptoms but also enhance overall wellbeing.

    Key Points

    ✅ Mold has a direct impact on the microbiome composition, decreasing diversity and increasing inflammation and leaky gut syndrome

    ✅ Mast cell activation (MCAS) is one of the reasons that mold can trigger dramatic inflammation in the gut and entire body

    ✅ Mold and fungal overgrowth are key components of why mold causes illness through the gut but a lessser known cause of toxicity is LPS or bacterial coatings causing endotoxemia or toxicity from the inside out.

    Dr. Pejman Katiraei (Dr. K)

    Dr. Pejman Katiraei (Dr. K) is a board-certified pediatrician who completed his undergraduate at UCLA and then obtained his osteopathic medical degree at Western University. He completed a pediatric residency at Loma Linda University, where he stayed on as teaching faculty for over 4 years. Dr. K has also completed two fellowships in integrative medicine and has over a decade of clinical experience helping children with severe learning and behavioral challenges. He feels we must do more to help all these children who are struggling, and that is why helped found Wholistic Minds, an AI holistic assistant to empower an army of healthcare providers to help families find and treat the root cause of complex health problems.

    https://wholisticminds.com/ https://wholistickids.com/
  • Welcome to Resiliency Radio with Dr. Jill Carnahan! In this episode, Dr. Carnahan is joined by the esteemed Dr. Evan Hirsch to discuss a topic that affects millions of people around the world: fatigue. Are you tired of feeling tired? Have you tried various methods to resolve your fatigue but to no avail? Well, you're in luck because Dr. Hirsch has developed a comprehensive 4-step program that can help you naturally resolve fatigue and regain your energy levels.

    Key Points

    ✅ Learn the 4 Simple Steps to Recover from fatigue

    ✅ What are the 5 Toxic insults that need to be addressed

    ✅ How important is mindset in recovering from mold

    Evan H. Hirsch, MD

    Evan H. Hirsch, MD, (also known as the EnergyMD) is a world-renowned Energy expert, best-selling author and professional speaker. He is the creator of the EnergyMD Method, the science-backed and clinically proven 4 step process to resolve chronic fatigue and Long Covid naturally. Through his best-selling book, podcast, and international online programs, he has helped thousands of people around the world. He has been featured on TV, podcasts, and summits, and when he’s not at the office, you can find him singing musicals, dancing hip-hop, and playing basketball with his family.

    The EnergyMD Programs: https://www.energymdmethod.com/work-with-us

  • In this captivating discussion, Dr. Carnahan and Dr. Brownstein shed light on iodine, one of the most misunderstood nutrients. They explore its vital role in supporting the health of various organs, including the breast, thyroid, prostate, uterus, ovaries, and pancreas.

    Key Points

    ✅ Diseases of breast, thyroid, prostate, uterus, ovaries, pancreas and other organs are often related to iodine deficiency

    ✅ Many exposures in our environment, including medications, flame retardants, pesticides adn other chemicals contain bromine and chlorine which compete with iodine in our body and contribute to illnesses related to iodine deficiency.

    ✅ Most people require higher doses than RDI for iodine in order to overcome toxic exposures in the environment and aid in optimal thyroid and ovary/uterus and breast health.

    Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.

    Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., is a board-certified family physician who utilizes the best of conventional and alternative therapies. He is the Medical Director for the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Michigan. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Wayne State University School of Medicine. Dr. Brownstein is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and serves on the board for the International College of Integrative Medicine. He is the father of two beautiful physicians, Hailey and Jessica, and is a retired soccer coach. Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally about his success using natural therapies. He has also authored sixteen books: Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, 5th Edition and his newest book, A Holistic Approach to Viruses.

    Dr. David Brownstein, M.D. Newest Book: https://www.amazon.com/Holistic-Approach-Viruses-David-Brownstein/dp/0984086978

  • As sensitive patients, it can be challenging to navigate the world of healthcare and find the right treatments that work for us. Dr. Neil Nathan shares his expertise on this topic, shedding light on the importance of intuition and the role it plays in our healing journey. During the conversation, Dr. Carnahan and Dr. Nathan explore the significance of listening to our bodies and the signals they give us. They delve into the intricate workings of our limbic system and its impact on our overall well-being. Furthermore, they discuss the vagal nerve's influence on our health and how it affects the chronic illness experience.

    Key Points

    ✅ Why conventional medicine ignores the intuition and importance of listening to the patient and how this can transform healing

    ✅ What is the order of treatment for the highly sensitive patient and how to start treatment with limbic system and vagal nerve.

    ✅ How to find a practitioner who may help you in the healing process if you are experiencing complex and chronic illness.

    Related Links

    PRIMAL TRUST - https://cathleenking.simplero.com/products/143239-Monthly-Membership-PRIMAL-TRUST-Academy?ref=48445-Dr-Jill-Carnahan

    Gupta Program - https://www.guptaprogram.com/aff/202/

    DNRS program - https://www.dnrsonline.com/?wpam_id=92

    Dr. Neil Nathan, MD

    Neil Nathan, MD has been practicing medicine for 48 years, and has been Board Certified in Family Practice and Pain Management and is a Founding Diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and a Founding Diplomate of ISEAI. He has written several books, including Healing is Possible: New Hope for Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Persistent Pain, and Other Chronic Illnesses and On Hope and Healing: For Those Who Have Fallen Through the Medical Cracks. He has hosted an internationally syndicated radio program/podcast on Voice America called The Cutting Edge of Health and Wellness Today. He has been working to bring an awareness that mold toxicity is a major contributing factor for patients with chronic illness and lectures internationally on this subject which led to the publication of his book, Mold and Mycotoxins: Current Evaluation and Treatment, 2016 and now to his most recent book Toxic: Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Chronic Environmental Illness.

  • Dr. Bongiorno's expertise in naturopathic medicine brings a holistic perspective to the conversation. He explores the relationship between diet, nutrition, and mental health, emphasizing the power of incorporating natural remedies and lifestyle changes to support emotional well-being.

    Key Points

    ✅ What led you to write this book?

    ✅ Sleep is a foundation for healthy mood, what are your top tips for optimal sleep?

    ✅ What about exercise and spending time in nature?

    ✅ What are some other tips that would be helpful as lifestyle factors

    ✅ How do our mobile phones and devices affect your mood.

    ✅ What key labs do you recommend patients have tested

    ✅ What are your top recommendations for nutritional supplements that may be helpful for both depression and anxiety

    Dr. Peter Bongiorno

    Dr. Peter Bongiorno’s passion is to bring effective holistic healing to the practice of mental health. He has thriving practices in New York City and Long Island established in 2004. Prior to earning his naturopathic doctorate from Bastyr University, he researched as a pre-doctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Mental Health and Yale University's Department of Pharmacology. Peter authored the first textbook on integrative medicine for depression in 2008 (Healing Depression by CCNM Press). Since then, he has also authored of numerous papers, textbook chapters, and books on the topic of integrative medicine and teaches the naturopathic and functional medicine community about how to effectively heal mood usual natural medicines. His newest text for practitioners is Holistic Solutions for Anxiety and Depression, published by Norton.


  • In this episode, Dr. Jill sits down with esteemed neurologist, Dr. Raymond Singer, to discuss an important topic that affects us all - protecting our brains from neurotoxins.

    Our brains play a critical role in our everyday lives, influencing our memory, concentration, reaction time, sleep, thinking, and even language abilities. However, due to various factors such as environmental pollutants, certain medications, and even everyday household products, our brains can be exposed to neurotoxins that can negatively impact their functions.

    Key Points
    ✅ Neurotoxicity is a cause of brain damage. Common symptoms can include problems with memory, concentration, reaction time, sleep, thinking, language, as well as depression, confusion, personality changes, fatigue, and numbness of the hands and feet. Many types of nervous system disorders could be caused by neurotoxicity, including numerous neurologic and psychiatric disorders.

    ✅ Applied neurotoxicology is a cross disciplinary study, requiring training, education, or experience in both toxicology and neuropsychology. An understanding of applied neurotoxicology is necessary for the correct diagnosis and treatment of neurotoxicity.

    Dr. Raymond Singer
    Dr. Raymond Singer is a board-certified forensic neuropsychologist, specializing in neurotoxicology. He has testified in several groundbreaking litigation cases, expanding the rights of people to get compensation for neuropsychological injuries from neurotoxic chemicals. He served as an expert witness in the landmark agentWitness in the landmark Agent Orange Vietnam Veterans Litigation, which resulted in the largest settlement at that time for toxic chemical injuries. He recently was featured in an opinion by the United States Supreme Court.

    👍🏼 Dr. Raymond Singer's Website: https://neurotox.com/

    📚 Dr. Raymond Singer's Neurotoxicity Guidebook

  • Welcome to Resiliency Radio with Dr. Jill Carnahan, where we delve deep into the world of chronic illness and discover groundbreaking insights to crack the code. In this episode, Dr. Carnahan sits down with the brilliant Dr. Nafysa Parpia to explore the complex landscape of chronic illness and its impact on our health and the immune system. As we navigate the post-pandemic era, we find ourselves facing the long-term effects of Covid-19, commonly known as Long Covid. Dr. Parpia, a renowned expert in chronic illness, sheds light on the connection between infections, the immune system, and the development of chronic illnesses.

    Key Points

    ✅ Complex chronic illness treatment starts with heart-based safe space and unconditional love

    ✅ Why you must start with immune system dysfunction before you treat infections and what is the importance of "pre-tox”

    ✅ The connection between long-term COVID symptoms and chronic complex illness and how to treat it.

    👩🏻‍⚕️ Dr. Nafysa Parpia

    Cracking the Chronic Illness Code: https://chronicillnesscode.byhealthmeans.com/?idev_id=1492

    The Gordon Medical: https://gordonmedical.com/

    Dr. Nafysa Parpia: https://drparpia.com/

  • Welcome to another episode of Resiliency Radio with Dr. Jill Carnahan. In this exciting episode, Dr. Carnahan invites Annette Verpillot, a leading expert in posture and jaw alignment, to discuss the mind-blowing science behind posture and its impact on our overall well-being.

    Key Points

    ✅ Supercharge your health by assessing your posture and correcting imbalances.

    ✅ Assessing foot mechanics and gait may have a massive impact on improving your overall health and level of chronic pain

    ✅ Recognize how jaw alignment affects athletic performance

    👩🏻 Annette Verpillot

    Annette Verpillot, the founder of Posturepro, is a Canadian entrepreneur, therapist, and internationally recognized Posture Specialist known for her expertise in restoring the brain-body connection. Her groundbreaking Posturepro Method, taught to professionals worldwide, incorporates advanced rehabilitation and injury prevention techniques. Annette's renowned postural evaluation system has a proven track record of eliminating chronic pain, enhancing strength, and improving sports performance. She has collaborated with elite athletes and prominent teams such as the 49ers, the Florida Gators, and State Police Officers. Annette actively contributes to posture, health, and performance research, presenting her work at prestigious conferences. Through industry events and media appearances, Annette advocates for good posture, leaving a lasting impact on global health.

    Annette's Links

    https://eu.posturepro.co/collections/frontpage https://www.instagram.com/posturepro/ https://www.facebook.com/Posturepro https://shop.posturepro.co/ https://www.tiktok.com/@posturepro?lang=en https://www.youtube.com/@Posturepro/featured
  • Pesticides are chemicals that are commonly used in agriculture to kill pests and protect crops. However, the effects of these chemicals on human health are often overlooked. In this eye-opening conversation, Dr. Jill Carnshan and Lyn Patrick, ND explore how pesticide exposure can potentially ruin your health and what steps you can take to protect yourself. One aspect they delve into is the connection between wildfires and pesticide exposure. With the increasing prevalence of wildfires and smoke damage, many people are unknowingly exposed to harmful chemicals released into the air. Dr. Jill and Lyn provide valuable insights on how this exposure can impact your health and what precautions you can take.


    ✅ Tips that may surprise you on the best way to clean up your home after wildfire exposure and smoke damage

    ✅ Everything you need to know about glyphosate toxicity and how best to avoid it

    ✅ Pesticides and organophosphates, and the most common places, you will find them in the food supply, and how to avoid exposure

    ✅ How do you take action to get Chlormequat out of our food supply.

    👩🏻 Lyn Patrick, ND Lyn Patrick, ND, graduated from Bastyr University in 1984 with a doctorate in naturopathic medicine and has been in private practice in Arizona and Colorado for 35 years. She is a published author of numerous articles in peer-reviewed medical journals, a past Contributing Editor for Alternative Medicine Review, and recently authored a chapter in the newly released textbook Clinical Environmental Medicine (Elsevier 2019). She speaks internationally on environmental medicine, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, endocrine disruption, metal toxicology and other topics. She is currently Faculty for the Metabolic Medicine Institute Fellowship in collaboration with George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences. She is also a founding partner and presenter at the Environmental Health Symposium, an annual international environmental medicine conference based in the United States. After the passing of her longtime colleague Dr. Walter Crinnion she is continuing to educate primary care providers in the area of environmental medicine through the EMEI Global platform and the EMEI Review podcast. In her spare time, she enjoys biking, hiking and kayaking the mountains, lakes, and rivers of southwestern Colorado.

    Lyn's Links

    Course: https://emei.thinkific.com/courses/emei-review

    Clinical training: https://emeiglobal.com

  • In today's episode, we interview Dr. Leonhard Weinstock on the topic of mast cell activation disorders and the gut, which are becoming epidemic in the population. Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a complex and often misunderstood disorder that involves the abnormal release of mast cells in the body. These cells are an essential part of our immune system, but when they become overactive, they can trigger a range of symptoms and health issues.

    Key Points

    ✅ How did you get into the study of medicine and gastroenterology and what led you to become an expert in MCAS?

    ✅ Describe in detail what symptoms are related to MCAS and how symptoms might manifest in the gut and other areas of the body?

    ✅ What do you think we've seen a rise in MCAS diagnoses?

    ✅ Let's talk more about TRIAD (EDS, MCAS, POTS) and how this can manifest together?

    ✅ What are some ways we can treat MCAS?

    ✅ What is the connection with MCAS and psychiatric symptoms/mental illness?

    Dr. Leonard B. Weinstock

    Dr. Leonard B. Weinstock is Board Certified in Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine. He is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Weinstock received his medical degree from University of Rochester School of Medicine and completed his postgraduate training and was chief resident in Internal Medicine at Rochester General Hospital.

    His Gastroenterology Fellowship was performed at Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Weinstock is an active lecturer and has published more than 140 articles, abstracts, editorials and book chapters. He has given lectures throughout the world.

    He is currently researching mast cell activation syndrome, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, restless legs syndrome, mold toxicity, and rosacea. Fifteen articles related to MCAS have been published within the last 5 years.


  • Welcome to another episode of Resiliency Radio, hosted by Dr. Jill Carnahan. In this insightful conversation, Dr. Carnahan sits down with renowned functional medicine practitioner, Dr. Tom O'Bryan, to decode the path to feeling your best.

    Key Points

    ✅ Inflammation is all around us, and it's our body's way of healing, but in excess it causes most chronic diseases

    ✅ Inflammation can come from toxic overload from our environment or even from toxic emotions

    ✅ Practical tips and tricks on how to start your day with love and gratitude practice

    Dr. Tom - https://theinflammationequation.com/

    When it comes to getting healthy, Dr. Tom O'Bryan’s goal for you is ‘Making It Easy To Do the Right Thing’. As an internationally recognized, admired and compassionate speaker focusing on food sensitivities, environmental toxins, and the development of autoimmune diseases, Dr. Tom's audiences discover that it is through a clear understanding of how you got to where you are, that you and your Dr. can figure out what it will take to get you well. Dr. O’Bryan is considered a ‘Sherlock Holmes’ for chronic disease and teaches that recognizing and addressing the underlying mechanisms that activate an immune response is the map to the highway towards better health. He holds teaching Faculty positions with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences.

    Website: https://theinflammationequation.com/

  • Welcome to Resiliency Radio, your go-to podcast for the most cutting-edge insights in functional and integrative medicine. I'm Dr. Jill, and each episode, we delve deep into the heart of healing and personal transformation.

    Today we’re talking with Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson, who specializes in complex cases, high-risk hormonal patients, and severe gastroenterological cases

    👍🏼 How is it that many socialized countries are giving hormonal therapies free to aging men & women and we no longer teach hormonal therapies for andropause / menopause in medical school

    👍🏼 With the exception of oral contraceptions, many physicians do not understand how to safely prescribe hormone replacement

    👍🏼 What do hormones do and why are they so misunderstood

    👍🏼 Why do women fear estrogen so much

    👍🏼 How does in-utero exposure to endocrine disruptors affect our young people

    👩🏻‍⚕️ Dr. Lindsey Berkson Links

    Homepage: https://drlindseyberkson.com/ Shop Berkson Products: https://drlindseyberkson.com/store/ Join Berkson Membership: https://drlindseyberkson.com/membership/
  • Welcome to another episode of Resiliency Radio with Dr. Jill Carnahan. In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of battling Lyme Disease in a moldy home with our special guest, Andi Hembroff. Lyme Disease is a complex and often misunderstood illness, and its connection to mold exposure is an area that needs more attention. Dr. Jill Carnahan, a renowned expert in functional medicine, shares her expertise on this important topic. Andrea Hembroff, a Lyme Disease survivor, joins us to share her personal journey of battling this illness while living in a moldy home. She opens up about the challenges she faced, the impact it had on her health, and the steps she took to regain her wellness.

    Key Points

    👍🏼 Mold related illness may significantly be impacting your mood and may cause depression or anxiety.

    👍🏼 It's important to assess the entire building and decide what you will do if you find mold in your home before spending money on testing

    👍🏼 All of our experiences have value if we view them as a teacher

  • Today, we’re talking with The Gene Queen Sarah Morgan about … Unlocking the Choline Connection: A Key to Alzheimer's Puzzle in Women - Decoding Its Impact, Genetic Factors, and Vital Strategies for Optimal Brain Health.

    Key Points

    Women may go into pregnancy choline deficient and have huge demand in pregnancy and lactation. In perimenopause. Estrogen levels decline. PEMT activity declines. Why? Estrogen is an inducer of PEMT activity. Low estrogen = Low choline production Memory declines, sleep worsens. We may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s over decades through choline deprivation. Key gene = PEMT (rs7946 and rs12325817)