I've known Jane Mogel since we were freshman in college—50 years!!! And her smart, funny, charming husband, Peter Pitts for almost as long. I went to their wedding in the mid 80's. Jane has a successful business as an interior designer and Peter has a global trotting business as the co-founder of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest. His research, reporting and public appearances range from the New York Times to The Daily Show with John Stewart.
Though I don't usually have close friends on, (I'm trying to be a real shrink, remember?!!), I make an exception here so Jane and I can exchange some college stories and we can talk about Jane and Peter's parenting adventures with their two boys, Jeremy and Ben, now both in their mid-thirties and doing well.
Jane would invite me to stay with her family in New York City in the later 70's and her parents were a big influence on me. They were very sophisticated for a young person like me and they opened my mind to a lot of new things. Her father, Len Mogel was the publisher of the National Lampoon in it's heyday, so some fun stories from that time too. I moved to the East Village right after college and Jane had her own place in the city by then, so we had a lot of fun running around NYC in those years too! -
Miller is a comedian that exudes positivity. He has OCD and has struggled with depression which led him to ocd eating and at one point at 6'1", he was 400 lbs. In 2020, he suffered a series of strokes and took charge of his health—he's close to 1/2 the size he once was.
Art is healing. Millers journey through comedy has made him a happy man. He has a close circle of comedy friends and is producing a show of his friend @tahaakahn Halalarious It's coming to the @sohoplayhouse May9, 2025 Sohohttps://ci.ovationtix.com/35583/production/1228838.
Follow Miller HERE: @themillermark
Miller is obsessed with sports! Listen to his podcast HERE: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/miller-mark3 -
Originally from Morocco, Layla is a lovely young lady who recently moved to Bushwick from Park Slope a few months ago to find and nurture her creative side which she is pursuing seriously. We talk about the how's and why's she moved to NYC to Morocco, mostly through her career in finance.
She is thinking of playing in a black metal band eventually and as a trans woman, finding photographers and fashion designers to collaborate with and explore different sides of her identity in including androgyny. Personally I loved hearing Layla describe her hometown in Morocco surrounded by the beach. -
Roman is 18 years old lives w his mom in Stuyvesant town.
He’s studying sociology at Pace university and he also founded and fronts a band, Holiem. Roman is all about his music and his band. Dr. Lisa is a bit verklempt listening to a young person who has found his true love - and his excitement of starting out on his journey in music. He is also in love with his girlfriend-personally - I had a little counter transference of envy witnessing his excitement of the world that’s open to him at this phase in his life. He’s humble and grateful to his folks, his 2 brothers and his girlfriend.
Listen to his music on Spotify HERE: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5HQOT0L9FSN2ek1xiVJHpM?si=oiDsRZlBQy-Sx-G_XMvGig
Follow Roman on Instagram HERE: @holiem__ -
Nick Viagas is very talented comedian. You can hear me say in the beginning of this session that he is handsome, which he is. He also stutters a bit. That combo of funny, attractive and vulnerability (a stutterer!) makes him appealing to the ladies. It seems he doesn't have to try too hard to get their attention and truthfully, they mostly take the initiative with Nick.
Nick enjoys this of course! but he has reservations. Is he spending time (euphemism, you know what I mean) with them because it's what he wants or is it more that he's just not turning it down?
Nick talks about his childhood and his family (challenging) and where he is now. He is extremely forthcoming and if I wanted to I could make this summary into lascivious clickbait but I have too much integrity for that! Damnit!
Anyway, Nick is very articulate and self-aware with a great heart. You can learn a lot about how men see women from this session and maybe even a sexual health session. I know I did!
See Nick perform! Feb. 15, 7pm https://www.secondcity.com/shows/new-york/struggle-bus-nyc
Follow Nick @nickviagas -
Yoshi Sakai is a super talented artist who is showing at my gallery, @Dog_House_Gallery for funny artists at The Brooklyn Comedy Collective. She was here all week and we sort of worked together since I have to manage working with the BCC inside of their busy space.
So it was super cool to have gotten to know her and her work process before she came on the show. Yoshie is the first artist in her family and also (first) second generation. Yoshie trained as a professur in great and Latin, but at 30 took a turn and discovered art.
Yoshie is very self-effacing, but in my fake-shrink opinion—I think shes self-effacing mostly because she cant quite grasp how successful she is at something so unusual and personal.
I also think her humility is part of the secret sauce which makes her work so good.
See Yoshie's work and more HERE
Follow Yoshie on Instagram: @yoshie_sakai_studio
Yoshie's Artist Statement:
I create characters that respond and negotiate contemporary social issues of cultural identity, gender roles, and familial and personal relationships. As a subtly transgressive undercover cultural agent, I expose the absurdities of manipulative social structure while humorously struggling and reveling in those structures as a participant.
By staging my videos within intimate installations that become psychological and imaginative playhouses, I give form to our vulnerability and evoking, sometimes, nervous laughter. My sculptures are created from found objects and composed into imaginary characters and interior sceneries grounded in both tangible and fantastical domesticity. I use tropes including East Asian soap operas, Hollywood musicals, and the wellness industry to expose the anxieties of aspiration, model minority myths, and filial piety through the lens of the longstanding, yet under-represented Japanese American community in South Los Angeles.
My ongoing project has been an East Asian/Asian American hybrid soap opera video installation series called “KOKO’s Love,” where I challenge the “model minority” myth to reveal the guise of superficial “perfection” of being a 1.5 generation Japanese American woman—the “.5” feeling of not belonging to either the first generation or the second. Loosely autobiographical, I felt it was important to write, produce, direct, and play every character as a performative process.
My work is about accessibility while nurturing human connection. I plan to focus on grandparents and the challenges within a family structure of varying generations in order to encompass a wider audience beyond “KOKO’s Love.” My work can function as a a critique of capitalism’s production of space and ways of being, while also drawing on popular forms of entertainment and media to engage diverse audiences, especially those historically devalued, ignored, and seen as burdens.
People often ask, “Why are you so happy all of the time?” and my response is “It’s better than crying.” Ultimately, in my work I would like to continue the exploration of humor as a complicated intersection where hope, happiness, anxiety, and darkness reside much like our society, a tension-filled existence of both criticality and complacency. -
I had the great fortune of meeting Claire at an open mic in Bushwick. After they called my name she came up to me and asked me if I knew her parents. I did.
Claire Pelllegrino has known of me since she was born because I am a leading character in her parent's, Jean Galton and Ron Pellegrino's origin story.
I was really close to her mother bacaue we both worked for the same difficult boss at our first jobs in advertising. And I met her Dad while I was working at other agency freelance. I dated him for about 6 months. And as Claire already knows, they met at an apartment party I had. Ron and I had broken up by then and were good friends, and as was Jean and I, even though we were no longer working together. It seems like Jean and Ron were a case of love at first sight. And in my very own home.
And as I tell Claire-he traumatized me once on a date for not letting me to get off a bus in New Jersey to the bathroom. Looking back I'm glad he dissuaded me—we'd still be wandering around NJ.
Even tho I had nothing to do with shaping her now, I do take pride in her report that her parents were a good match and me cause of me. The weird thing for her I think is that even though, she's never seen me interact with her parents, I knew so m much about them. It made me so pleased to hear Claire discuss how happy and grateful for her parents doing such a great job in raising her which she describes beautifully.
Claire is a super talented comedian. Check her out on Insta! @pellegrino_claire -
Aamir Ashad is a stand up comedian who moved to New York from Rochester a year ago to pursue comedy. he's smart, funny and with a good work ethic, he is making great progress in reaching his goals.
When I met Aamir at an open mic a few months ago I invited him on to discuss arranged marriage, as that is how his parents met. We have a deep discussion about Aamirs view of arranged marriage as well as his own thoughts about dating and sex. Aamir is Muslim, 22 years old and has very set ideas about women, staying pure and marriage. As Dr. Lisa, I tell him he sounds like he might be repressing some important feelings that would help his personal growth. He then lays an unexpected bombshell on me which changes our whole understanding of the discussion right there and then. (Go to timestamp 51:23) Conflict ensues, but we finish as mutually respected friends. Follow @aamirdoesstandup -
Sarah and I met at an open mic and then bumped into each other again on the street in Buswick. Sarah is a objectively beautiful and sexy. Dr. Lisa is curious as to what it would be like to be so attractive, grounded and self-possessed, which is her idealize version of what she would have dreamed to be like at that age-20-30s. In turn Sarah sees Lisa as a role model—someone who makes being older ok, fun even. Dr. Lisa is pleasantly surprised to find Sarah to be so pragmatic and intentional about her life goals for someone who seems as fun as Sarah. Sarah is the real role model here.
Follow Sarah on Instagram + TikTok @sarahbarnitt -
Stephanie is an accomplished poet. She was not brought up to be a creative person, but that's who she was all along. I think she had some pretty cool experiences along the way! Check out her book #InternetBoyfriend @stephanie.athena
Poet, novelist, aesthete. https://stephanievalente.com/
Stephanie Athena Valente lives in Brooklyn, NY. Her published works include Hotel Ghost, waiting for the end of the world, Little Fang, and Spell Work (Bottlecap Press & Giallo). Featured writing includes Witch Craft Magazine, Maudlin House, and Hobart. She is the associate editor at Yes, Poetry. Sometimes, she feels human. stephanievalente.com
Stephanie Valente - Internet Girlfriend
56k dial-up. Ouija boards. Crushes.
Internet Girlfriend explores the intersection of the internet, the occult, and sexuality.
These poems mirror the abyss: divination, webcamming, myth, instant messages, queerness, witchcraft—all in the name of trying to feel something.
Praise for Internet Girlfriend
Stephanie Valente’s Internet Girlfriend oozes with style. In an age of Y2K nostalgia, this collection of poems somehow makes the dial-up days feel glamorous while also experimenting with form in such a way that makes me excited for the future, assuming it will contain more poetry like this. These poems are a mystical time warp, a sequined occult ritual, and a lip gloss kiss stain emoji all at once. Valente writes: “please make / everything feel / opalescent // now and / forever” & that is exactly what every single poem in this collection does. — Kailey Tedesco, author of She Used to be on a Milk Carton, Lizzie, Speak, and FOREVERHAUS -
Peter and his girlfriend have been together for 6 years, living together for 1/2 that time. Peter's really happy in the relationship, but doenst need to have anything change. Peter's girlfriend wants to buy an apartment with him. IS co-home ownership a red herring for a ring? Props to Peter he was open minded and willing to talk which I don’t necessarily take for granted in males.
Peter is an excellent artist! Check out his work HERE: https://www.peterschenck.com/
Follow him HERE @pbschenck -
Comedian Matt Ruby and I agree there is a lot Non—Trump voters missed (myself included) about how society views a large group of men. It's not simple, especially since we are all in our info silos. Matt put out a great substack opinion piece on this topic. Even discussing this shit nowadays is risky, but necessary for all of us to understand these issues. I was inspired to listen to this Joe Rogan episode after our chat and it was further illuminating. We MUST UNDERSTAND the other people!
Btw: Did you also know that Matt Ruby is an AWESOME COMEDIAN?? HERE'S PROOF
More Matt Here: https://www.mattrubycomedy.com/ @mattrubycomedy/
The substack we discussed here:
Incessantly calling men toxic is a bad way to get their votes
How to win 'em over: Less dunking, more persuading.
It’s my fault. As ambassador of the elites, I take full responsibility for this defeat.First off, let’s admit it: He’s the greatest con man ever. The first time around, people might not have understood what was happening. This time, everybody knew — and they went for it anyway. When you get the marks to volunteer for the duping, you’ve achieved true con mastery.
Am I mad? Nah. Frustrated, but this is just who we are. It’s the same way I feel about the rise in antisemitism. We act like something new is happening, but really we just moved the rock and are now seeing what was underneath all along. I’d rather stare it in the face than pretend it’s not there. This is who we are.
(Also, let’s be real: I’m a white dude who lives in NYC so I’ll probably be insulated from the worst of it.)
Plus, I kinda saw it coming…
#mattruby #mattrubycomedian
A post shared by @mattrubycomedy
“Butts in seats” is the comedy version of elections. It’s our way of saying, “Scoreboard!” The lesson we’ve learned: You can go on Colbert 15 times and it won’t have the impact of one Rogan appearance. Especially if you wanna reach dudes.
Ezra Klein explained this in the NYT:
She should’ve gone on Rogan, and much else besides…But Rogan is symbolic of something bigger. There is an alienation that’s grown between young men and much of the Democratic Party. For years, there’s been no real way of talking about masculinity in liberal circles that didn’t attach the word “toxic” before it. There’s been a reveling in growing female strength and a deep critique of male culture. You can have any view you want on the merits of that, but it’s had consequences.
The Republicans are the roast and the Democrats are the HR department. And America wants cruel jokes more than a DEI seminar.
If any/all of this annoys you, I return to this question: Do you want to win next time or nah?
Because what I’m really getting at…
It’s time to realize that incessantly calling men toxic is a bad way to get their votes.
The truth is men are suffering and retreating right now. Richard Reeves has been discussing this at length. Here's a taste.
I worry that we’re not signaling strongly enough to young men now we need you. We in very different spaces. We the families, we the mothers, we the labor market, we the community. Not just we need people, but we need you. And absent that sense of we need you, I think we see a lot of young men retreating. #mattruby #comedy #comedian -
I don't get the chance to meet people like Franklin Rossman often enough. Someone who had found a big part of his life of sharing his art to improve young people's lives who are too often overlooked by public education. Franklin shares a fascinating story of growing up and the role music played in his life which led him to the role of Regional Director, New York for Guitars Over Guns.
Check out Franklin's music HERE
@franklinrossman @guitarsoverguns
Franklin Rossman Bio:
Growing up, Franklin Rossman always knew one thing—he was going to make his mark in Hip-Hop! As a kid, the Brooklyn, New York native soaked up all of the culture and sounds around him. JAY-Z, the Notorious B.I.G. and Nas helped to inspire Franklin’s musical tastes and aspirations. With that, Franklin began creating, and his first works were a series of mixtapes under the stage name, The Incomparable Shakespeare.
Franklin established himself as a talented lyricist early on with appearances on Sirius XM’s Sway In The Morning, Showoff Radio with Statik Selektah, and MTV. He’s performed alongside Hip-Hop luminaries including Slick Rick, The Lox, and has collaborated with the likes of Kool G. Rap, Sean P, and others.
In addition to music, Franklin is intimately involved in education. He developed and piloted a Hip-Hop ELA curriculum. His work explores literacy through Hip-Hop, bringing a socially and culturally relevant approach to learning across schools and community organizations. For multiple summers, in partnership with Harlem Children’s Zone, he helped coordinate literacy-based programming at Columbia University. With over a decade of experience in the classroom and the entertainment industry, Franklin remains committed to youth development.
Guitars over Guns Mission Statement:
Kids are awesome. They’re creative. They’re fearless. They’re bursting with energy and hungry for knowledge. They know how to make the most of every opportunity.
But kids from our most vulnerable communities don’t always have the chance to discover just how awesome they can be. These kids are filled with promise. They have big dreams and bold stories to tell. And yet, due to circumstances and systems beyond their control, they don’t always know that they have the freedom to choose a path of their own.
At Guitars Over Guns, we’re changing that through music, because we believe that music, combined with strong, consistent mentorship, can reshape the trajectory of a student’s life. -
Accomplished painter and portrait artist and now curator! recently completed a 365 portrait a day project so we get to find out what the experience was like for her since they were all done from live subjects. Brenda is also the mother of a lovely teenage girl, Oona and it affected her too. A lot of unexpected stuff here! http://brendazlamany.com/
Loren Munk is an amazing painter and art world chronicler. His art and videos are an amalgamation of art history. The well-known painter, Katherine Bradford said he deserves a MacArthur "Genius" Award and I wholeheartedly agree. As James Kalm, he’s had over 2 million views of his web series covering art, galleries, artists, openings and even some street musicians. There is so much to learn about this former Mormon from Utah. Loren was talented as a child but art didn’t come alive for him until he was stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army during the 70’s. Loren was a highly active part of the art world in the 80’s. He never quit, but the art world went through it’s paces and he and his wife, Kate, focused on bring up two boys. In the meantime Loren, reentered the art world with a vengeance. This is genuine inside scoop, folks. There’s even a discussion of, “What’s more important for an art career,-the work or the relationships?” Find out more about Loren and see his work here: http://www.lorenmunk.com/ Enjoy his art world videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/jameskalm and here https://www.youtube.com/user/jameskalmroughcut
Max and Guillaume are two musicians from Massachusetts who work for Metro Art Collective, an organization hosting a variety of artistic events dedicated to showcasing underground local talent. As well as making their own music, they revel in the opportunity to meet and build relationships with the local artistic community.
Gulliame is a fellow RFB host-hes only 24 and hes been doing his show since April. He does his radio show with his cohost Max Randall. who today, unfortunately, had to work. Even though I've benn aware of his show,and met Max, this is the first time I've met Guillaume in person. He is studying to be an actual credentialed psychotherapist at the New School. He also has 2 part time jobs, one as a student crisis councelor and one as a substance- abuse councelor. He seems to have had a decent chilhood with some discussion around his father being a high-achieving workaholic. Guillame talks about his dad's influence in reference to how much Guillame values his relationships. At the end of the day Guiallame is concerned he is not focussing on him music enough to satisfy him and with a little digging, we find out his organization and discipline could be better. He's taken steps recently to improve so we agree to meet again in 6 months to chart his progress—stay tuned!
Metro Artcast
Hosted by Max Randall and Guillaume Mourere
LIVE every Friday at 2:00pm
LISTEN HERE!!!: https://www.radiofreebrooklyn.org/show/metro-artcast/ -
I met Elija Meshnick briefly at an open mic. We vibed instantly so I invited them on the show. They're a comedian, also pretty well-adjusted but still has some issues around popularity from being compared to her gregarious fraternal twin. They have ADHD issues—do they have it or not? Does a diagnosis matter? We were able to drill down and get a lot done while still having a blast!
unyielding force of good (silly)🪲
@bigquestionsshow 11/14 🎟️👇🏻
big-questions-comedy-show.eventbrite.com -
Tim Seeberger s his music. As founder/frontman of PopMusic his band is gatherering heat and opportunities. As he has transitioned from a devoted Christian to a devoted queer musician who is also Christian, Tim has experienced a lot of identity adjustments, starting in a new way when he went away to college. He has a good relationship with his family, lots of friends and above all, his music will always ground him. There’s still some work to do on intimacy but he’s only 27.
Also, on a personal level—I really like this music. It has a genuine uncynical authenticity just like Tim.
Listen to PMFD on Spotify
Watch their Another Screen video
Another Screen by Pop Music Fever Dream, from their new EP, "Songs For Emotion."
Starring T. Seeberger, Carmen Castillo, Domenico Bancroft, and Nicole Harwayne
Directed by T. Seeberger
Produced by T. Seeberger, Carmen Castillo
Cinematography/Vfx by Sam Blieden (Instagram: @s.r.b)
Edited by Sam Blieden, T. Seeberger
Acting Coaching by Carmen Castillo
Special thanks to @TheFilmMakersCooperative
Pop Music Fever Dream is a post-punk/no wave band from NYC.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pmfd.nyc/?h...
Bandcamp: https://pmfd.bandcamp.com/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0SZRh...
Apple Music: / pop-music-fever-dream
Here's some great interviews with Tim:
#timseeberger #popmusicfeverdream -
Justin Linville is a talented actor and improviser. He’s on a star improv team at the Brooklyn Comedy Collective where he works as the director of the BCC Dog House location. Justin seems to really enjoy growing up in his family and was encouraged to do what he chose to, so in fact, he’s actually pretty well adjusted. I think his being an “air force brat” and moving around a lot every few years made him a pretty chill guy — his secret weapon is his ability to handle hectic situations productively, which he did as Chris Gethard’s assistant for years as well as playing John Mulaney’s assistant on TV in “Crashing.” He’s been in a bunch of tv shows and movies too. As he’s young, he is deliberating his future….
Also WATCH Bob Denver:
Gilligan's Island: https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/gilligans-island https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilligan%27s_Island
The Many Loves of Dobie Gilllis: https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/the-many-loves-of-dobie-gillis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Many_Loves_of_Dobie_Gillis
More about Justin
Website @justinmlinville
This is the 3rd time I've had Lana on my show and we rocked it. Lana is a brilliant rapidly rising comedian whose doing the hard work it takes to get to where she is—performing at The Comedy Cellar and having her own special (shot—coming out soon) on DryBar comedy .We start talking about Lana's relationship with her mother and I suggest doing a "role-play" where I act as her mother and she says what she wishes she could say to her. I think we surprised ourselves on what came out of this. I know this sounds like a teaser, but it is seriously hard to describe. Absurd, hilarious and VERY REAL.Check out Lana at these spots:@drybarcomedy SPECIAL @amazonprime @nycomedyfest @comedycellarusa HEADLINING Peckville, PA 9/28; VA 11/1 ; MD 11/16 & lots more tbaInstagram @lanasiebelHear Lana talk about being a refugee from Ukraine to American at 7 years old. how she built her comedy career, her husband and now 11-year old son (destined for comedy, I think) on our previous episodes here: DLG277 Lana Siebel is a rare find in the comedy world: talented, hilarious, smart and KIND.DLG323 A funny/serious session with comedy mentor Lana Siebel.
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