Our mission is to provide listeners with interesting, informative, thought-provoking interviews featuring individuals involved in myriad realms of mysticism, spirituality and magical theory and practice: authors, sorcerers, academics, entertainers. We’ll be looking into everything except inter and intra organizational politics as that’s ground very thoroughly tilled by other programs.
(Opinions expressed on this program by interviewees and interviewers are theirs alone and do not necessarily represent those of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O), Ordo Templi Orientis U.S.A. (O.T.O.-U.S.A.), or any of their officers or directors.) -
What is truth? This has become the defining question of our time. But while everyone has an opinion, truth, it seems, is getting harder and harder to find. Join New York Times best-selling author Lisa Bevere as she engages with leaders who will help you become adamant in pursuit of truth. For more information visit IAmAdamant.com.
Note: The views expressed by guests in this podcast are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the views of Lisa Bevere or Messenger International. -
Dr. Deborah Adamy has conversations with everyday people who inspire, uplift and who are living their lives with vitality and joy. She admires people who can weather adversity and hardship without becoming cynical and bitter; who actually choose to learn, grow and find meaning and purpose in what they have experienced.
There are countless ordinary people living pretty extraordinary lives and Deborah wants to shine light on them! Enlighten: Uplift and Inspire includes conversations with a wide variety of people: activists, musicians, shiatsu therapists, circus arts performers, playwrights, directors, psychotherapists, dancers, film makers, yoga teachers, educators, actors and photographers, just to name a few. May you feel inspired and uplifted listening to this podcast. Visit www.enlighten.nyc for more. Enjoy!! -
Dwight Gefferie en Mariëtte Ruggenberg geven je met hun podcast een nieuw perspectief op de liefde, relaties, seks en erotiek. Je komt erachter dat jouw vreemde gedachten en gevoelens niet zo vreemd zijn. En dat taboes gebroken mogen worden. Graag zelfs. Wil je meer weten over de topics die we bespreken? Check www.makelovework.nl voor ons retreat. Of bekijk www.deupstarter.nl voor opleidingen. Wil je met ons samenwerken? Volg en contact ons via instagram: @make.love.work, @dwight.gefferie, @marietteruggenberg. Of check: www.dwightgefferie.com
Discomfort Zone, is dé podcast over zingeving voor de nuchtere luisteraar. Iedere aflevering begint op een keerpunt in het leven van een gast, zo'n ongemakkelijk moment waarvan je denkt: Hoe ben ik hier in hemelsnaam beland? Journalist en auteur Rachel van de Pol gaat op zeer persoonlijke wijze in gesprek met gasten over de lessen en inzichten die vanuit dat ongemak werden gevonden. Een spirituele zoektocht ontstaat niet uit het niets. Achter alle 'zweverige' gekte schuilen menselijke verhalen die gaan over de ups en downs van het echte leven.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In 'Er is iets vreemds gebeurd' verzamelen Tom Hofland en Pascal van Hulst ontnuchterende ervaringen van nuchtere mensen. Geesten, vorige levens of bezoek van buitenaardse wezens doen we vaak af als fantasie. Onzin. Maar of het nu echt is of niet, de gebeurtenissen hebben vaak een grote impact op de betrokkenen.
Elke woensdag en zondag verschijnt er een nieuwe aflevering!
In de podcastserie Van God Los gaan schrijfster en columnist Lale Gül, bekend van de bestseller 'Ik ga leven', en journalist Ronit Palache samen in gesprek met mensen die zich van god los hebben gemaakt. Een – vaak onzichtbare – strijd achter Nederlandse voordeuren. Hoe is het om als kind naar bed te gaan met het idee dat God al heeft bepaald of jij naar de hel of hemel gaat? Hoe voelt het om door mensen die je dierbaar zijn als afvallige te worden bestempeld? In vijf afleveringen komen geloofsverlaters (soms anoniem) en experts aan het woord. Volg de podcast en blijf automatisch op de hoogte van nieuwe afleveringen. Elke donderdag een nieuwe aflevering.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tune in with Mohamed and Ameen giving you the perspective you've not heard yet on timeless topics relevant to young Muslims like: marriage, mental health, media, mindset and gender roles.
Available on all major podcast platforms!
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Email: mindheistpodcast@gmail.com
Questions: curiouscat.me/mindheistpod
Twitter/Instagram: @mindheistpod
Stay blessed! -
Bring to light your cherished principles, values, hopes and dreams into a personal plan for authentic living. This is the counter concept to "the purpose-driven life." There is an art to making meaning that isn't taught in any school, church, boardroom or home.
Get weekly lessons that help you turn your passion into action and your principles into a life plan you can sustain. Learn how to fill your days with meaning, stop procrastinating, and bring new richness to everything you do.
Join Eric Maisel, family therapist, creativity coach and bestselling author, as he spells out the art of making meaning. Life is as worthwhile as you make it. Banish meaninglessness by working some existential magic! If the atheist, rationalist, secular-humanist, skeptical, free-thinking, or existential tradition appeals to you, you will especially appreciate Maisel’s insights.
Learn how to invest meaning, where to put it, how to withdraw it, and what returns you should expect from this practice. Picture one of your typically busy days, where a lot gets done with no sense of accomplishment. Now picture that day transformed, artfully redesigned so that you experience islands of meaning in a sea of hurry.
Get your values and your life aligned!
Open up to new meaning opportunities!
Understand the language of meaning and the dynamics of meaning and learn how to avoid going down the tubes when bad luck strikes.
Consciously decide what you want to value and keep on top of your meaning priorities.
Meaning is a lens through which to view life: focus your lens on an intentional life. -