
  • Script for this episode's vocabulary:

    * most of the definitions and examples are taken from dictionary.cambridge.org

    1) perpetrator (perp) - someone who has committed a crime or a violent or harmful act

    Example: the perpetrators of the massacre must be brought to justice as war criminals

    2) fasten - to (cause something to) become firmly fixed together or closed

    Example 2.1: seat belt is securely fastened

    Example 2.2: this shirt fastens at the back


    canvass (GET SUPPORT) - to try to get political support or votes, especially by visiting all the houses in an area

    Example 3.1: I've been out canvassing for the Labour Party everyevening this week

    canvass verb (ASK) - to try to discover information or opinionsby asking people

    Example 3.2: the council has been canvassing local opinion/localpeople to get their thoughts on the proposed housing development

    canvass (SUGGEST) - to suggest an idea or plan to be considered

    Example 3.3: wind and wave power are now being seriouslycanvassed as the solution to our energy problems

    4) evict - to force someone to leave somewhere

    Example 4.1: tenants who fall behind in their rent risk being evicted

    Example 4.2: he was evicted from the bar for drunken and disorderly behaviour


    slam (verb) - to close or shut with great force, that action is often accompanied by a loud noise

    Example 5.1: the wind made the door/window slam (shut)

    Example 5.2: close the door carefully, don't slam it

    slam (verb) - to criticize

    Example 5.3: Although the reviewers slammed the play, the audience loved it

    slam (noun) - a sudden loud noise

    Example 5.4: the door shut with a slam


    testament - proof

    Example 6.1: the detail of her wildlife paintings is (a) testament to (= proof of) her powers of observation

    testament- will that someone makes, saying what should be done with their money and property after they die

    Example 6.2: this article will give clear instructions for making a last will and testament

    7) stakeout - the continuous watching of a building or area, especially by the police


    disregard - the fact of showing no care or respect for something

    Example 8.1: what amazes me is her complete disregard for anyone else's opinion

    disregard - to ignore something

    Example 8.2: he told us to disregard everything we'd learned so far and start again

    9) mumble - to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand

    Example: she mumbled something about being too busy


    molest (ATTACK SEXUALLY) - to touch or attack someone in a sexual way against their wishes

    Example 10.1: the girl had been molested frequently by her stepfather from the age of eight

    Example 10.2: the man had previously been arrested several times for molesting young boys

    molest (ATTACK) - to touch, push, etc. someone violently

    Example 10.3: United Nations premises were looted and personnel were molested by demonstrators

    To contact me: [email protected]

  • Script for this episode's vocabulary:

    * all the definitions and examples are taken from dictionary.cambridge.org


    pole - a long, thin stick of wood or metal, often used standing straight up in the ground to support things

    Example 1.1: a telegraph/electricity pole

    pole - either of the two points at the most northern and most southern ends of the earth, around which the earth turns

    Example 1.2: the North/South Pole

    Example 1.3: most weather satellites are stationed over the Equator or travel over the poles

    pole - one of the ends of a magnet (= an object that both attracts and pushes away iron and steel objects) where the magnetic force is strongest

    Example 1.4 :Like poles repel and unlike poles attract

    pole - one of the two points on a battery (= a device that produces electricity) where a connection can be made in an electrical circuit. One point is negative and the other positive

    Example 1.5: a wire ran from the clock to one of the poles of the battery

    2) turnstile - a device that controls the way into or out of a building, room, or area of land, especially one that you have to pay to enter. It is a post with a number of short poles sticking out from it that have to be pushed round as each person walks through the entrance

    Example: the number of spectators going through the turnstiles is up from last season

    3) to relegate - to put someone or something into a lower or less important rank or position

    Example: she resigned when she was relegated to a desk job

    4) a suave man is very polite, pleasant, and usually attractive, often in a way that is slightly false

    Example: he's very suave and sophisticated.


    steep (of a slope) (adj)- rising or falling at a sharp angle

    Example 5.1: the castle is set on a steep hill/hillside

    a steep (adj) rise or fall is one that goes very quickly from low to high or from high to low

    Example 5.2:there has been a steep increase/rise in prices

    steep(especially of prices) (adj) - too much, or more than is reasonable

    Example 5.3: they are having to face very steep taxes

    to steep (v) - to cause to stay in a liquid, especially in order to become soft or clean, or to improve flavour

    Example 5.4:leave the cloth to steep in the dye overnight

    Example 5.5:We had pears steeped in red wine for dessert

    6) gorge - a deep, narrow valley with steep sides, usually formed by a river or stream cutting through hard rock

    not in the audio but you should keep in mind too: to gorge - to eat until you are unable to eat any more: If you gorge yourself on snacks like that, you won't eat your dinner

    7) beverage - a drink of any type

    Example: hot beverages include tea, coffee, and hot chocolate


    flair - natural ability to do something well

    Example 8.1: he has a flair for languages

    flair - a situation in which something is done in an exciting and interesting way

    Example 8.2: he played with great imagination and flair


    intent (adj) - giving all your attention to something

    Example 9.1:an intent stare

    Example 9.2:she had an intent look on her face

    intent (noun) - the fact that you want and plan to do something:

    Example 9.3: I spent half the morning on the phone, which wasn't really my intent

    to be intent (steady expression) - to be determined to do or achieve something

    Example 9.4: I've tried persuading her not to go but she's intent on it


    to squirm (v) - to move from side to side in an awkward way, sometimes because of nervousness, embarrassment, or pain

    Example 10.1: nobody spoke for at least five minutes and Rachel squirmed in her chair with embarrassment

    Example 10.2:the fish squirmed on the ground for a few moments and then lay still

    to squirm (v) - to feel nervous or embarrassed about something

    Example 10.3: he would occasionally squirm at his parents' behaviour

    squirm (noun) - a side to side, awkward movement, sometimes made because of nervousness, embarrassment, or pain

    Example 10.4: his squirms of discomfort were hilarious to watch

    To contact me: [email protected]

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  • Script for this episode's vocabulary:

    * all the definitions and examples are taken from dictionary.cambridge.org1) dainty - small, attractive, and delicate

    Example: dainty feet2) swerve - to change direction suddenly, especially when you are driving a vehicle Example: He swerved to avoid a cyclist and hit another car

    3) to cease - to stop

    Example 3.1: He ordered his men to cease firing. Example 3.2: Her behaviour never ceases to amaze me4)

    forge verb (COPY) - to make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive:

    Example 4.1: a forged passport or forged signature Example 4.2: a number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine

    forge verb (CREATE) - to make or produce something, especially with some difficulty

    Example 4.3: she forged a new career for herself as a singer

    forge verb (MOVE) - to suddenly and quickly move forward

    Example 4.4: just 100 metres from the finishing line Jackson forged ahead Example 4.5: she forged through the snow

    forge noun- a working area with a fire for heating metal until it is soft enough to be beaten into different shapes


    abrupt - sudden and unexpected, and often unpleasant

    Example 5.1 (abrupt end): our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room

    Example 5.2 (abrupt change): there was an abrupt change in her attitude towards me when she heard that I was Alan's girlfriend

    abrupt - using too few words when talking, in a way that seems rude and unfriendly

    Example 5.3: he is sometimes very abrupt with clients

    6) diligence - the quality of working carefully and with a lot of effort

    Example 6.1: she hoped that her diligence would be noticed at work

    Example 6.2: the exhibition has been researched with extraordinary diligence

    7) superfluous - more than is needed; extra and not necessary

    Example: the report was spoiled by a mass of superfluous detail


    queer adjective (STRANGE) - strange, unusual, or not expected

    Example 8.1: what a queer thing to say!

    Example 8.2: I'm feeling rather queer (= ill), may I sit down?

    queer noun - a person whose gender identity or sexuality does not fit society's traditional ideas about gender or sexuality queer verb - to change something so that it does not relate only to one gender, either male or female, or so that it no longer fits traditional ideas about gender or sexuality

    Example 8.3: teenage boys with Instagram accounts are queering the cosmetics industry

    9) brisk - quick, energetic, and active

    Example 9.1: a brisk walk

    Example 9.2: he set a brisk pace and we struggled to keep up

    Example 9.3: her tone on the phone was brisk (= she spoke quickly and used few words)


    soar - to rise very quickly to a high level

    Example 10.1: all night long fireworks soared into the sky

    Example 10.2: emperatures will soar over the weekend, say the weather forecasters

    Example 10.3: house prices soared a further 20 percent

    soar - to reach a great height

    Example 10.4: the highest peak in the range soars 15,771 feet into the sky

    soar (FLY) - (of a bird or aircraft) to rise high in the air while flying without moving the wings or using power

    Example 10.5: she watched the gliders soaring effortlessly above her

    To contact me: [email protected]

  • Script for this episode's vocabulary:

    * all the definitions and examples are taken from dictionary.cambridge.org

    1) moisture (~humidity) - a liquid such as water in the form of very small drops, either in the air, in a substance, or on a surface

    Example: These plants need a rich soil that retains moisture

    2) to derive - to get or obtain somethingExample: The institute derives all its money from foreign investments3) figurehead - someone who has the position of leader in an organization but who has no real power

    Example: The president of this company is just a figurehead - the Chief Executive has day-to-day control

    4) perilous - extremely dangerous

    Example: The country roads are quite perilous

    5) reminisce - to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with pleasure

    Example: My grandfather used to reminisce about his years in the navy


    endorsement - the act of saying that you approve of or support something or someone

    Example 6.1: The campaign hasn't received any political endorsements

    Example 6.2: He hoped to secure quick endorsement of the plan from the president

    endorsement - the fact of a famous person appearing in an advertisement saying that they use and like a product

    Example 6.3: products that carry an endorsement from a celebrity

    endorsement - a mark on a driving licence that shows the driver is guilty of driving in an illegal way

    Example 6.4: He's got a couple of endorsements on his licence already

    7) deterrence - the action or the fact of holding people from doing something

    Example: They believed in the principle of nuclear deterrence

    8) Allege - to say that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof

    Example: The two men allege (that) the police forced them to make false confessions

    9) Adverse - having a negative or harmful effect on something

    Example 9.1: They received a lot of adverse publicity about the changes

    Example 9.2: I had an adverse reaction to the injection

    10) soothe - to make someone feel calm or less worried

    Example: to soothe a crying baby

    To contact me: [email protected]

  • Script for this episode's vocabulary:

    * all the definitions and examples are taken from dictionary.cambridge.org

    1) Influx - the ⁠fact⁠ of a ⁠large⁠ ⁠number⁠ of ⁠people⁠ or things ⁠arriving⁠ at the same ⁠time⁠

    Example: Turkey⁠ is ⁠expecting⁠ an influx of several thousand ⁠refugees⁠ over the next few ⁠days⁠

    2) Retention - the ⁠ability⁠ to ⁠keep⁠ or ⁠continue⁠ having somethingExample: 2.1 The ⁠ability⁠ of a ⁠company⁠ to ⁠keep⁠ ⁠its⁠ ⁠employees⁠ and ⁠stop⁠ them from going to ⁠work⁠ ⁠somewhere⁠ ⁠else⁠

    2.2 The retention of ⁠old⁠ ⁠technology⁠ has ⁠slowed⁠ the company's ⁠growth⁠

    3) Jeopardy ~ hazard, risk

    Example: 3.1 The ⁠lives⁠ of thousands of ⁠birds⁠ are in jeopardy as a ⁠result⁠ of the ⁠oil⁠ ⁠spill⁠

    3.2 The 1.2 ⁠billion⁠ ⁠euro⁠ ⁠investment⁠ ⁠programme⁠ was being put in jeopardy by the ⁠strikes⁠

    4) Tangible - real⁠ and not ⁠imaginary⁠; ⁠able⁠ to be ⁠shown⁠, ⁠touched⁠, or ⁠experienced⁠Example: 4.1 We need tangible ⁠evidence⁠ if we're going to take ⁠legal⁠ ⁠action⁠

    4.2 Other tangible ⁠benefits⁠ ⁠include⁠ an ⁠increase⁠ in ⁠salary⁠ and ⁠shorter⁠ ⁠working⁠ ⁠hours⁠

    5) Designate - to ⁠choose⁠ someone ⁠officially⁠ to do a ⁠particular⁠ ⁠job⁠

    Example: Thompson has been designated (as/to be) ⁠team⁠ ⁠captain⁠

    Designate - to say ⁠officially⁠ that a ⁠place⁠ or thing has a ⁠particular⁠ ⁠character⁠ or ⁠purpose⁠Example: This ⁠area⁠ of the ⁠park⁠ has been ⁠specially⁠ designated for ⁠children⁠

    6) Dissipate - to ⁠gradually⁠ ⁠disappear⁠ or ⁠waste⁠

    Example: 6.1 The ⁠heat⁠ ⁠gradually⁠ dissipates into the ⁠atmosphere⁠

    6.2 His ⁠anger⁠ dissipated as the ⁠situation⁠ ⁠became⁠ ⁠clear⁠

    7) Ambience - the ⁠character⁠ of a ⁠place⁠ or the ⁠quality⁠ it ⁠seems⁠ to have

    Example: Despite being a ⁠busy⁠ ⁠city⁠, Dublin has the ambience of a ⁠country⁠ ⁠town⁠

    8) Wit - the ⁠ability⁠ to use words in a ⁠clever⁠ and ⁠humorous⁠ way

    Example: a woman of ⁠great⁠ ⁠intelligence⁠ and wit

    9) Auxiliary - giving ⁠help⁠ or ⁠support⁠, ⁠especially⁠ to a more ⁠important⁠ ⁠person⁠ or thing

    Example: 9.1 Auxiliary ⁠staff⁠/⁠nurses⁠

    Auxiliary - A ⁠verb⁠ that gives ⁠grammatical⁠ ⁠information⁠ not given by the ⁠main⁠ ⁠verb⁠ of a ⁠sentence9.2 In the ⁠sentence⁠ "she has ⁠finished⁠ her ⁠book⁠," "has" is an auxiliary

    10) Extrinsic - coming from ⁠outside⁠, or not ⁠related⁠ to something

    Example: Extrinsic ⁠forces⁠ were ⁠responsible⁠ for the ⁠breakdown⁠ of the ⁠peace⁠ ⁠talks⁠

    To contact me: [email protected]

  • Script for this episode's vocabulary:

    * all the definitions and examples are taken from dictionary.cambridge.org


    whine - to make a long, high, sad sound, if you whine, especially as a child, you complain or express disappointment or unhappiness


    Example: Alice, if you keep whining I won't take you - do you understand?

    whine (n) - an unpleasant high sound or voice


    demise - the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, industry, or system

    Example 2.1: the demise of the company was sudden and unexpected

    sb's demise - the death of a person

    Example 2.2: much has been written about the circumstances surrounding her demise

    3) coercion - the use of force to persuade someone to do something that they are unwilling to do

    Example: he claimed the police had used coercion, threats, and promises to obtain the statement illegally

    4) incentive - something that encourages a person to do something

    Example: tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to save and invest more of their income


    implication - an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly

    Example 5.1: she accused the party and, by implication, its leader too

    implication - the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future

    Example 5.2: what are the implications of the new law?

    implication - an occasion when you suggest or show that someone is involved in a crime

    Example 5.3: the case depended upon his implication of his co-workers in the fraud


    concede (verb) - to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true

    Example 6.1: the government has conceded (that) the new tax policy has been a disaster

    concession (noun) - something that is allowed or given up, often in order to end a disagreement

    Example: both sides involved in the conflict made some concessions in yesterday's talks

    7) fallacy - an idea that a lot of people think is true but is in fact false

    Example: it is a common fallacy that women are worse drivers than men

    8) rebut - to argue that a statement or claim is not true

    Example: He appeared on TV to rebut the charges against him


    disposable (adj) - a disposable product is intended to be thrown away after use

    Example 9.1: disposable cups/plates

    disposable (noun) - a product that is intended to be thrown away after use

    Example 9.2: paper/plastic/medical disposables

    10) feasible - able to be made, done, or achieved

    Example with the extra resources, the project now seems feasible

    To contact me: [email protected]