In this episode I am with Jenny Spain President of the Therapeutic Riding Association of Virginia (TRAV) and cofounder and Director at Simple Changes Therapeutic Riding Center in Northern Virginia. Today we talk about the Therapeutic Riding Association of Virginia, their mission, services, and upcoming events.
To find out more: http://travinc.org/
This is going to be more of a between-isode where I wanted to talk about the 5 biggest things I have learned from doing the last 15 episodes. I have now interviewed college professors, licensed therapist, business consultants, and equine experts. I’m wondering what you the listener is thinking and what subjects you want to hear going forward. Who should I interview next? What subjects do you want to learn about? Please visit the website at EquineTherapyPodcast.com or email me at equinetherapypodcast@gmail.com
Equine Therapy Podcast is on iTunes and Google Play, so check it out and subscribe.
Also, please check out the facebook group Equibliss, it is designed as a resource for anyone involved in Equine Assisted Therapy.
I hope you enjoy, thank you for listening, and live your best.
In this episode I am interviewing Nancy Paschall, Executive Director of Dream Catchers at the Cori Sikich Therapeutic Riding Center, where they offer a variety of Equine Assisted Learning and Therapy Services. They also recently had the PATH Int. annual conference, and they do PATH Certifications and Training.
In this episode we discuss some of the research she is involved with and if you want to find out more click here: http://dreamcatchers.org/research
You can reach Nancy at Dreamcatchers.org
Please consider donating at:https://dreamcatchers.org/donate
PATH Int. - http://www.pathintl.org/
In this episode I am interviewing Leana Bowman, who is the author of “Grant Writing for Equine-Assisted Therapeutic Riding and Learning Programs” She discuss the ins and of how to find, write, and get a grant. You can find her book on Amazon or her website at: easygrantwriting.com
Where to find Leana Bowman:
In this episode I am interviewing Kate Naylor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy Associate in Austin, TX; and a trainer of the Natural Lifemanship Trauma-Informed Equine Assisted Psychotherapy.
Where to find Kate Naylor:
Natural Lifemanship Model: https://naturallifemanship.com/
In this episode I am interviewing Rebecca Wong, LCSW in New York, who specializes in couples therapy, building relationships, and consultation. She is also doing Equine Retreats for therapist with Kay Trotter, who you might recognize from podcast episode 10.
Rebecca’s Podcast: Practice of Being Seen
Find out more about the 2017 Equine + Eco Healing Retreat for Therapists: https://connectfulness.com/retreats-for-therapists
In this episode I am interviewing Dr. Sheila Kilbane. Sheila is a Medical Doctor, Pediatrician, and horse enthusiast. She runs a private practice in Charlotte, NC and has a wonderful website, online classes, and blog; found at http://www.sheilakilbane.com/
In this episode we talk about Sheila’s journey with horses and how this has helped her better relate with parents and patients within her medical practice. Sheila completed training with Linda Salinas, from episode 4. We also talk about the powerful effects of Grounding or Earthing.
Where to find Sheila Kilbane:
Sheila’s Blog: http://www.sheilakilbane.com/barefoot-happy/
Website: http://www.lindajsalinas.com/
For teletherapy services, such as online- counseling or distance-counseling by webcams or messaging, visit JoshSchubertLPC.com
In this episode I am interviewing Dr. Kay Trotter. Kay is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Registered Play Therapist, and Certified Equine Assisted Counselor. She runs a private practice in the Dallas Texas area and is the author of “Harnessing the Power of Equine Assisted Counseling: Adding Animal Assisted Therapy to Your Practice”
I own this book and I know Universities use this in their Equine Therapy classes. I can tell you it is extremely thorough and easy to use. And luckily for us, she is working on a second book.
Where to find Kay Trotter:
Website: http://www.kaytrotter.com/
Website: https://naturallifemanship.com/
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/equine-therapy-podcast/id1179466968?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/I7i5i7d424nguwwoyrnoczjyjqq
In this episode Dr. Candice Ackerman and I discuss her research on the effectiveness of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy for the treatment of OIF/OEF Veterans with PTSD (Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)).
Dr. Candice Ackerman is a licensed Psychologist in Austin Texas specializing in Equine Therapy and treating individuals with anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, and PTSD. She is also an adjunct Professor at St Edward’s University.
Where to find Candice: www.flourishcounselingcenter.com
Interested in making a tax deductible donation before the end of the year? Consider donating to Dr. Ackerman’s study; help out the Veterans, the horses and staff!
For gifts being made online go to: https://securelb.imodules.com/s/1713/1-Alumni/simple.aspx?sid=1713&gid=1&pgid=450&cid=1106
Select "Other" and write "EDPTSDRES" which is the funding code.
For checks, the fund code is EDPTSDRES and can go in the memo section.
For gifts to count during the 2016 tax year, per IRS guidelines, they must be received by December 31st.
In this episode I am interviewing Pebbles Turbeville. Pebbles is a Professor and Chair of Equine Studies and Therapeutic Horsemanship at St. Andrews University. She is also a PATH Intl. Advanced Instructor, Lead Evaluator. In this episode we discuss Equine related terminology and the educational programs offered at St. Andrew’s University in North Carolina. What I was impressed with was an option that people could get a bachelors in therapeutic horsemanship and then go to grad school for counseling, psychology, social work; and their undergrad would really prepare them for equine therapy both as a therapist, but also some of the business stuff.
Also, all show notes and links can be found at EquineTherapyPodcast.com. Please check out the site if you haven’t and remember that Equine Therapy Podcast is now on iTunes and Google Play, so please sign up and subscribe. Thank you for listening, and live your best!
Google Play
In this episode I am happy to be interviewing Sue Adams. Sue was the CEO and founder of Atlantic Riding Center for Health for 22 years. For the last 5 years she has been a riding instructor at Hearts Therapeutic Riding Center in New Jersey. She is also a PATH Advanced Instructor, Chairperson of the PATH Certification Subcommittee, and a PATH Accreditation visitor. She also does private consultation for equine activities and programs. In this episode we discuss some of the ins and outs of the business end of non-profit equine related programs. We talk about Board development for Equine Therapy Programs, what is involved with choosing members, their roles, terms vs. no terms, committees, insurance, and bylaws.
Also, all show notes and links can be found at EquineTherapyPodcast.com. If you have any questions, comments, or think YOU would be a great guest please email me at Josh@EquineTherapyPodcast.com I hope you enjoy, thank you for listening, and live your best!
~Josh Schubert
With Elaine Davis's combination of growing up with horses, majoring in psychology, and her faith; she looked for a way to put them all together and found theOK Corral Series with Greg Kersten. After attending several workshops with Greg she developed the Faith-Based Equine Assisted Philosophy (FBEAP). She currently runs Unbridled Faith, which offers certification in FBEAP, retreats, and one-on-one private sessions.
Shelley Green is an LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family therapist) and Professor of Family Therapy at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. You can learn more about Dr. Greens work at: http://cahss.nova.edu/faculty/green.html
WHERE TO FIND VALERIE JUDD:Valerie Judd is the Executive Director of Stable Place, which offers equine assisted clinical services, education, and training in Fort Lauderdale, FL. You can learn more at: http://www.stableplace.org/
WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM EQUINE THERAPY: Counseling, psychology, and family therapy students can enhance their clinical skills and understanding; maybe in the future there will be "Equine Assisted Clinical Supervision;" Medical Students can learn communication skills, improve their patient/ physician-relationship style, and increase emotional intelligence; Foster Care and At-Risk youth, People with mental health or substance abuse issues, Couples and families dealing with conflict, stress, and life transitions such as divorce, new relationships, grief and loss, children leaving home, school issues, etc. Agencies interested in building their Team, such as Corporations, Police/SWAT, School Staff, and Church Staff, EQUINE PROGRAMS MENTIONED:Shelley Green offers graduate level Equine Assisted Family Therapy classes at Nova Southeastern University, School of Family Therapy: http://cahss.nova.edu/doctoral/family-therapy-phd/index.html
This is a great option for college kids looking for a Counseling, Psychology, Social Work, or Family Therapy major, but also have a love of horses and would be interested in Equine Therapy. College students don’t just take a class in Equine Therapy, but get experience doing equine therapy with Shelley at Stable Place.
Stable Place, offers a variety of Equine Assisted Therapy and Services in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
RESEARCH:Shelley and Valerie both discuss how colleges and universities are in a great position to pioneer research on Equine Therapy. Their program, Stable Place, offers a great opportunity for research because all staff are trained in the same theoretical model of Family Therapy based Equine Therapy.
Currently, Shelley and Valerie are working on a 2 year research project supported by a grant through the Florida International University and the Ware Foundation. The research is focused on Equine Therapy working with kids in Foster Care.
BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS FROM SHELLEY GREEN:Harnessing the Power of Equine Assisted Counseling: Adding Animal Assisted Therapy to Your Practice, by Kay Sudekum Trotter
Zen Mind, Zen Horse: The Science and Spirituality of Working with Horses, by Allan J. Hamilton MD
Riding Home: The Power of Horses to Heal, by Tim Hayes
In this episode I with Linda Salinas. Linda is best known as a horse-whisperer and animal communicator. She is the only person in the world to be certified in both animal communication* and The Carolyn Resnick Method** of Horsemanship. She has a great Podcast called Horse Tales and offers clinics on building relationships with your horse using the Waterhole Rituals.
In this episode she breaks it down how counselors can use equine therapy to build communication skills, become more present, more aware of their energy, and grow emotionally.
Where to find Linda Salinas:
Facebook: Linda J. Salinas, Horsewhisperer/Animal Communicator
Podcast: Horse Tales
Linda’s Blog
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DrDoLinda
Greg is the President of the OK Corral Series and Founder of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP), Equine Services, Inc., and EAGALA. Greg is as authentic as it comes when you think of an American cowboy. He talks about his unique experiences and how he was able to combine his work with at-risk youth and horses. He realized the benefit horses could offer struggling individuals, and began to formulate the basis of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. Greg has over 20 years experience training professionals and giving seminares on Equine Assisted Learning and Psychotherapy.
Davorka “Dada” Suvak Founder/Executive and Program Director, PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor. She has more than 30 years of experience in work as coach and educator in Equine Assisted Activities, and 15 years as Therapeutic Riding Instructor, with an international recognition, 10 years of Para equestrian international experience and success. She talks about her experience opening Spirit Therapeutic Riding Program.
First interview is with Dr. Ioana Mărcuș. She is a Professor at Marymount University in Arlington, VA. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Virginia and has an active counseling practice. She discuss her views on Equine Therapy using experiential and Gestalt techniques.