A follow up conversation with Chezzi Denebeim, unpacking some of the discussion in the previous episode.
Intro/Outro Music
Dovid Leider
Frank-the Tank-Fleming
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What if what we're looking FOR, we're actually looking WITH?"
Chezzi Denebeim shares some of his journey and insights found along the way.
Recorded on January 12th, 2020
Intro Music
Outro Music
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A recording of ‘A Nakht in Shtetl’ Yiddish music recital from September 22, 2016 at Chevra Ahavas Yisroel in Crown Heights
Preformed by Chaim Kohn, Cantor Yanky Lemmer, Cantor Ayeh Leib Hurwitz, Isaac Tiefenbrun, and special guest Zalmen MlotekMusical by Avremi G, Zisl Slepovtich, Deborah Strauss, Taylor Bergren-Chrisman, and Laura Melnicoff
Produced by Chaim Kohn -
A conversation with Rabbi Shais Taub recorded on March 3rd. It was just before Corona got real, but we discuss a lot of the issues that seem so very relevant now.
Can we find our own stories within the experience of another?
Is it possible to draw spiritual meaning from all the suffering around us without becoming deplorably selfish in the process?
Soulwords by Rabbi Shais Taub
Intro Music
Outro Music
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Gittel Follman shares some of her experiences as a single girl in the big city, her journey and work as a social worker, self care, and family life.
Gittel Follman is the wife of Moe Follman and the mother of two wonderful children, Nash and Leora. Gittel is the Director of Social Work at Brooklyn Defender Services, where she has worked for the past 20 years. She also serves as the Associate Director of The Living Room NY, since 2003.
Intro Music: Hey Zhankoye
Outro Music: A Meidl In Di Yoren
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwsKOf3ofZ4Questions/comments & sponsorship:
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An alternative perspective to replace the fear of "outside ideas" with a confidence in finding commonality. Postscript from previous episode (And Where's Your Normal Card?)
Key facts of AA history
The Jung letters
Outro music - Ki M'tzion
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An honest conversation with Rabbi Meir Kessler about addiction, recovery, and the spiritual principles that make one man’s ‘dubious luxury’ another man’s poison.
Note: Contains some Yiddish & Hebrew that isn't translated.More about Rabbi Kessler and the JRC:
https://www.jewishrecovery.com/Intro Music: Hishbati
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTDJOW0mzcsOutro Music: B’cha Botchu (Shlomo Carlebach) by Mordechai Gottlieb
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfX_3z-SEJAQuestions/comments & sponsorship:
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To close out this first season of Extra Sauce, here's a nice selection of five Yiddish Chanukah songs as well a short introduction to my own interest in Yiddish music.
Wishing you all a Zissen Chanukah and a Happy New Year!
Intro music:
Oy, Ir Kleine Lichtelech:
Tzint On Lichter:
Hot a Gut'n Chanukah:
Drei Dreidel:
Questions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
An honest, open, and free flowing conversation with Meilech Kohn.
Get a glimpse into the riveting journey of Meilech Kohn. From the highs to the lows and everything in between, there's one soul-stirring question that cuts through it all: "U'mi Yodea"? Who knows? Perhaps it was for this very reason that you were brought here. (Megillat Esther)
More about Meilech:
Intro Music: L'kvod Shabbos
Outro Music: Mi Yodea
Questions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
Yehudah DovBer Zirkind is a spiritual seeker and an academic of the first order. I sat down with him for an impromptu conversation about many issues related to his growing up and journey within the Chabad Chassidic community and the Yeshiva system.
Yehudah DovBer Zirkind grew up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York and studied at various Chabad Yeshivos around the world before making Aliya in 2006. He is currently a senior research fellow at David Cardozo Academy in Jerusalem. In addition, he is a researcher, writer and lecturer on a wide range of topics in the field of academic Jewish studies. Yehudah is currently a graduate student of Yiddish literature at Tel Aviv University. The topic of his forthcoming thesis is entitled "The Sacred, the Secular and the Sacrilegious in the Life and Literary Works of Chaim Grade" His research interests include: contemporary Jewish thought, Yiddish and Hebrew literature, neo-Chassidism, Yiddish music and folklore, and Jewish bibliography.Some of his papers are accessible online at: https://telaviv.academia.edu/YehudahZirkind
Yehuda can be contacted at: yehuda.zirkind@mail.huji.ac.il.
Intro Music: Oyfn Veg Shtayt a Boym
Outro Music: Kanfei Ruach
Questions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
Yehudah DovBer Zirkind is a spiritual seeker and an academic of the first order. I sat down with him for an impromptu conversation about many issues related to his growing up and journey within the Chabad Chassidic community and the Yeshiva system.
Yehudah DovBer Zirkind grew up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York and studied at various Chabad Yeshivos around the world before making Aliya in 2006. He is currently a senior research fellow at David Cardozo Academy in Jerusalem. In addition, he is a researcher, writer and lecturer on a wide range of topics in the field of academic Jewish studies. Yehudah is currently a graduate student of Yiddish literature at Tel Aviv University. His forthcoming thesis is entitled "The Sacred, the Secular and the Sacrilegious in the Life and Literary Works of Chaim Grade" His research interests include: contemporary Jewish thought, Yiddish and Hebrew literature, neo-Chassidism, Yiddish music and folklore, and Jewish bibliography.Some of his papers are accessible online at: https://telaviv.academia.edu/YehudahZirkind
Yehuda can be contacted at: yehuda.zirkind@mail.huji.ac.il
Intro Music: Mai Ko Mashma Lon
Outro Music: Golus Golus (Kaliv)
Questions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
Shmaya Honickman just got married to the lovely Yocheved Turner. Mazel tov!
Here's a conversation I had with Shmaya back in August about two of his first loves; comic books and The Grateful Dead. As well as his own story, which is truly a hero's journey. From the pain of existence itself, to the discovery of his own electric self.
Intro Music: Der Yold Iz Mir Mekana (The fool is envious of me)
Outro Music: Z'man Hageulah - Aaron Razel
Questions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
Meet Malka and Mendel Groden...the most real parents I've ever met.
I sat down with my friend Mendel Groden and his wife Malka for an up close and honest conversation about their journey together as a couple and as parents.
Hear their unique story of navigating the rollercoaster of emotions that come with fertility treatments, adoption, race, and discovering the miracle that already is.
Mendel and Malka are so refreshingly honest, wise, and fun to listen to.
Oh if only more parents were as real as these two...More about Malka and Mendel:
https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/12/malka-groden-adoption-making-room-in-our-hearts/ -
Part 3/3 of a Farbrengen with Rabbi Shmuly Metzger, Chezzi Denebeim, and Baruch Thaler. Recorded in Crown Heights on June 3rd, 2019.
In this episode we circle back to the theme of coming home. Coming home to discover a new meaning and experience with the texts and narratives of our youth. Reb Baruch shares more of his own journey and a special song on the theme of renewal.
Referenced Material:
The world is a Garden:
Audio engineered by Paladin Studios:
Bumper music:
Shlomo Carlebach - Gevalt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSKjOl5GTVMYehuda Green - Hashiveinu Hashem
Questions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
Part 2/3 of a Farbrengen with Rabbi Shmuly Metzger, Chezzi Denebeim, and Baruch Thaler. Recorded in Crown Heights on June 3rd, 2019.
Did Lubavitch abandon Avodas Atzmo? The danger of living in a state of opposition to the world rather than in unison with it, and we explore the degree to which the Rebbe really desired autonomy amongst his Chassidim.
Referenced Material:
Hayom Yom:
Audio engineered by Paladin Studios:
Bumper music:Adir Hu
Rudy Tepel - Lubavitch Wedding
Questions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
Part 1 of a Farbrengen with Rabbi Shmuly Metzger, Chezzi Denebeim, and Baruch Thaler. Recorded in Crown Heights on June 3rd, 2019.
In this episode each guest shares some memories and feelings on the theme of coming home and we explore the possibility and challenge inherent to coming back home, to a place you never really left.
Audio engineered by Paladin Studios:
Bumper music:Toshev Enosh
Rudy Tepel - Lubavitch Wedding
Questions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
I sat down with Aryeh Buchsbayew to hear some of his reflections on Shtisel. It quickly escalated into a four hour conversation about Nazi’s, self loathing, self acceptance, The Hero's Journey and a story about his son that left me fighting back tears.
Audio engineered by Paladin Studios:
Sponsored by:
instagram.com/mushie_coBumper music:
Shtisel clip
Just Dropped In
Hotel California
Joseph Campbell
Stepping Out of the Abyss
How Does the Czar Drink Tea sung by Paul Robeson
Questions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
Velvel shares fascinating stories from his early years of recording and transcribing Jewish music. This recording is from an event at Chevra Ahavas Yisroel in April of 2016.
Check out the links below to learn more about Velvel and his tireless work spanning over 50 years of recording, publishing, collecting, and preserving these treasures for generations to come.
Velvel passed away on Tuesday, June 11th 2019. It is my hope that the sharing of these stories helps bring comfort to Velvel's beloved wife Goldie and the entire Pasternak family.
Original recording:
Velvel Pasternak:
Tara Publications:
Velvel & Goldie:
Shira Pasternak Be'eri:
Nicoach (Lubavitch Nigunim) volume 1:
Songs of the Bobover Chassidim volume 1:
Velvel Pasternak Memorial page:
Audio editing by Paladin Studios:
For questions, comments & advertising:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
What started as a late night pipe smoking and ‘remember when’ jam in the garage quickly escalated to a discussion about Chabad elitism, Mormons, and the possibility that we’ve been approaching the game of Limbo (aka life) all wrong.
With Aaron Huebner, Moishy Goldberg, and a bit of Sholom Wircberg (more Sholom coming soon)
Audio engineered by Paladin Studios:
instagram.com/paladinstudiosnycSponsored by:
instagram.com/mushie_coBumper music:
Socalled - These Are the Good Old Days
youtube.com/watch?v=ADV3avf7K2YPet Shop Boys - Go West
L’chatchila Ariber
chabad.org/multimedia/media_cdo/aid/140689/jewish/Rabbi-Shmuels-Melody.htmMr. Vertigo
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._VertigoQuestions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com -
Chanan Rose is a serious man who doesn't take himself too seriously. We sat down for an open-ended conversation about a range of topics including; our collective redemption as a personal calling, his dad, resistance as a teacher, conscious separation as the root of all our problems, and his passion for audio.
Audio production by Chanan Rose at Paladin Studios:
instagram.com/paladinstudiosnycSponsored by:
Bumber music:
Books referenced:
Diagram referenced:
Episode photo credit:
Alexa Drew Photography
Questions/comments & sponsorship:
extrasaucepodcast@gmail.com - もっと表示する