This is the official podcast for women flipping the script on struggle.
I believe there is power in exposing our struggles. When we surrender our struggles to God, we find light, His light, working through them. I also believe our stories are our personal testimonies to the true and unchanging character of God. At LYFS podcast, we want to raise up the voices of those women who are flipping the script on worldly struggle - and using it to bring LIGHT to the world around them. Join me on this journey as our guests speak truth in their struggles to inspire you to continue to see God at work all around you…especially in your own life. We talk with entrepreneurs, mamas, nonprofit leaders, and so many more who have made a big, bold choice to let their FIGHT SHINE.
Email [email protected] for guest inquiries or to join us for a conversation on the show. -
Kogu Valguse Tee Vabakoguduse audioarhiiv asub: https://sound.valgusetee.ee/
Inspireeriv Ülistus on vestlussaade, kus inspireerime koguduse ülistajaid mõtestama muusika tähendust ja praktikat koguduses ja isiklikus elus. Räägime, kuidas teenitakse ülistusmuusikaga erinevates kogudustes ja julgustame kõiki selles valdkonnas kasvama.
Saateid juhib Ragne Ülevain ja vestluskaaslasteks on erinevad pastorid, teoloogid ja muusikud üle Eesti. -
Haqq Dawah Media Presents: Rootimentary Islam
Rootimentry Islam is a week show that is about the fundamentals of this great Deen, Islam. During the episodes we will discuss the basic for new and future Muslims.
If you have any questions feel free to email us @ [email protected] -
HARD TO SWALLOW PILL: If your spiritual practice helps distract you from being human, it's not a spiritual practice. Welcome to the place and the people who can give you the tools and insight you need to actually deal with being human--because that is what Creation intended for you. Join professional Akashic Records reader and Soul Blueprint healer, Julia Wesley of Divine Realignment, as she interviews experts in the fields of mediumship, the Akash, psychology, relationships, and so much more to figure out how to be God as Human. (That's not nearly as impossible as it seems. Promise.)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
River Rock Church is a grace and faith teaching church led by Pastors Rick and Joann
The Vision of River Rock Church is to equip believers to fulfill the Great Commission through New Covenant Discipleship.
To find out more about River Rock Church or to visit our online store, go to www.riverrockchurch.net. -
Welcome guys to fountain of living waters podcasts series, this is a Christian based podcasts that would be helping young believers in faith to grow in regards their spiritual life and also balancing it with their everyday life . Join me on this wonderful series 💃💃💃💃
Support us by subscribing to our podcast with this link 👇🏻
Thank you 🙏🏼 -
«Gemeinde für Christus» ist Bekenntnis und Ausrichtung. Wir sind eine evangelische Freikirche in welcher Jesus Christus im Zentrum steht. Wir glauben an die Freiheit, welche wir durch Jesus erhalten haben und haben den Wunsch, so zu leben wie er. Wir beten, dass Menschen Jesus Christus begegnen. Deshalb wünschen wir dir, dass du mit diesen Predigten Gott erlebst.
Kogu Valguse Tee Vabakoguduse audioarhiiv asub: https://sound.valgusetee.ee/
Pereraadio saatesari. Saatesarja toimetas Kaili Tšernov
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