
  • Today, Loretta Sayers, the creative behind the inspirational TheCountdownto60.com, joins Catherine to share the lessons she has learned as a woman who is getting ready to turn 60.

    Loretta's story will inspire you to look at vulnerability in a whole new way.

    Join Catherine and Loretta in a powerful and intimate conversation that will shift the way you think about the process of aging.

    On todays show you will learn:

    How to use the power of vulnerability to change your life.
    Why what you are most afraid to reveal is where your power lies.
    How vulnerability impacts every relationship in your life.
    What you can learn from letting your #ShieldsDown.
    Why our culture has it all wrong when it comes to aging.
    How writing can change your life.
    Why vulnerability makes us stronger

    You can connect with Loretta at TheCountdownto60.com and on social media at @lorettas_countdownto60 on Instagram and Lorettas Countdown to 60 on Facebook.

  • Today, Loretta Sayers, the creative behind the inspirational TheCountdownto60.com, joins Catherine to share the lessons she has learned as a woman who is getting ready to turn 60.

    Loretta's story will inspire you to look at vulnerability in a whole new way.

    Join Catherine and Loretta in a powerful and intimate conversation that will shift the way you think about the process of aging.

    On todays show you will learn:

    How to use the power of vulnerability to change your life.
    Why what you are most afraid to reveal is where your power lies.
    How vulnerability impacts every relationship in your life.
    What you can learn from letting your #ShieldsDown.
    Why our culture has it all wrong when it comes to aging.
    How writing can change your life.
    Why vulnerability makes us stronger

    You can connect with Loretta at TheCountdownto60.com and on social media at @lorettas_countdownto60 on Instagram and Lorettas Countdown to 60 on Facebook.

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  • Can Social Media be used in a way that fosters community and connection, leading to an increase in well being?

    Dr Melissa Hunt, a prominent psychologist and Associate Director of Clinical Training at the University of Pennsylvania lead a recent study on social media that showed the very first causal link between social media and anxiety and depression.

    On today's show, Catherine challenges Dr. Hunt and the UPenn study to view social media in a different light, in a way that fosters community and connection and builds self esteem.

    As a woman at Midlife, Dr. Hunt, shares the results of the UPenn Study and engages in an enlightening conversation surrounding the pros and cons of social media.

    Join us today to learn:

    1. Why social media can be both a pro and a con when it comes to well being.

    2. The importance of awareness in monitoring your time on social media.

    3. How social media is impacting younger generations both positively and negatively.

    4. How to use social media to build self esteem.

    5. What social comparison theory is and why it's important not to compare ourselves with others on social media.

    6. Why she encourages limiting the time we spend on online platforms.

    7. How to view social media as simply a tool and how to use it effectively.

    You can find the details on the UPenn Study in the original article here: penntoday.upenn.edu/news/social-media-use-increases-depression-and-loneliness

    Dr. Melissa Hunt is a clinical psychologist with a private practice that specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. You can connect with her here:melissahunt.net

  • Can Social Media be used in a way that fosters community and connection, leading to an increase in well being?

    Dr Melissa Hunt, a prominent psychologist and Associate Director of Clinical Training at the University of Pennsylvania lead a recent study on social media that showed the very first causal link between social media and anxiety and depression.

    On today's show, Catherine challenges Dr. Hunt and the UPenn study to view social media in a different light, in a way that fosters community and connection and builds self esteem.

    As a woman at Midlife, Dr. Hunt, shares the results of the UPenn Study and engages in an enlightening conversation surrounding the pros and cons of social media.

    Join us today to learn:

    1. Why social media can be both a pro and a con when it comes to well being.

    2. The importance of awareness in monitoring your time on social media.

    3. How social media is impacting younger generations both positively and negatively.

    4. How to use social media to build self esteem.

    5. What social comparison theory is and why it's important not to compare ourselves with others on social media.

    6. Why she encourages limiting the time we spend on online platforms.

    7. How to view social media as simply a tool and how to use it effectively.

    You can find the details on the UPenn Study in the original article here: penntoday.upenn.edu/news/social-media-use-increases-depression-and-loneliness

    Dr. Melissa Hunt is a clinical psychologist with a private practice that specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. You can connect with her here:melissahunt.net

  • What would it have been like to survive the Holocaust as a teenager and how would that affect the course of your life?

    Today's show is a rare opportunity to hear from Magda Brown, a 91 year old survivor and passionate speaker, who is one of the few remaining survivors of the Holocaust. Magda is on fire to keep the story of the Holocaust alive with a powerful message of love.

    Magda vividly recalls her time at Auschwitz and shares her greatest lessons and what she hopes will be a legacy of peace and understanding through love, forgiveness, empathy and compassion.

    You'll want to make sure to tune into today's show to learn:

    What it was like to be 17 and to lose almost your entire family in an instant.
    How positivity can transform suffering and why we must stay positive.
    Why it's so important to find meaning in your suffering.
    How empathy and understanding are the antidote to hatred.
    Why it's so important to leave a legacy of love for younger generations.
    How focusing on the future is the key to our happiness.
    How to let go of the past and forgive.
    What we must learn from the Holocaust to make sure it never happens again.
    How to empathize with people who have caused you to suffer.
    Why true love isn't the romantic love we've been taught to believe.

    Magda is a true survivor. She is the epitome of goodness and grace. Her wisdom is ageless and timeless. Her legacy of love is a powerful one. Make sure to visit MagdaBrown.com to hear her entire story and to be filled with inspiration, compassion and hope.

  • What would it have been like to survive the Holocaust as a teenager and how would that affect the course of your life?

    Today's show is a rare opportunity to hear from Magda Brown, a 91 year old survivor and passionate speaker, who is one of the few remaining survivors of the Holocaust. Magda is on fire to keep the story of the Holocaust alive with a powerful message of love.

    Magda vividly recalls her time at Auschwitz and shares her greatest lessons and what she hopes will be a legacy of peace and understanding through love, forgiveness, empathy and compassion.

    You'll want to make sure to tune into today's show to learn:

    What it was like to be 17 and to lose almost your entire family in an instant.
    How positivity can transform suffering and why we must stay positive.
    Why it's so important to find meaning in your suffering.
    How empathy and understanding are the antidote to hatred.
    Why it's so important to leave a legacy of love for younger generations.
    How focusing on the future is the key to our happiness.
    How to let go of the past and forgive.
    What we must learn from the Holocaust to make sure it never happens again.
    How to empathize with people who have caused you to suffer.
    Why true love isn't the romantic love we've been taught to believe.

    Magda is a true survivor. She is the epitome of goodness and grace. Her wisdom is ageless and timeless. Her legacy of love is a powerful one. Make sure to visit MagdaBrown.com to hear her entire story and to be filled with inspiration, compassion and hope.

  • It's not every day that you have the opportunity to connect with a true Meditation Master. Join us on today's show with Davidji, an inspiring and deeply spiritual man who apprenticed under Deepak Chopra and lead the Chopra Center Meditations for over 10 years.
    If you've been curious about meditation or want to know how it could impact your health and well being, you won't want to miss this edition of The Forever Fierce Show.
    On today's show, you'll learn:

    What is mindfulness and how to connect to the present moment.
    How meditation can help you access your own creativity.
    How a regular meditation practice can help you achieve your dreams and desires.
    What is fear and how meditation can help us with anxiety and stress.
    How you can find true presence in 16 seconds.
    Why self care is vital to serving yourself.
    How meditation nourishes your body and soul.
    Why meditation isn't the answer but a tool to find your own answers.
    How a regular meditation practice can slow life down and reduce stress.
    How to find your own guru within.

    Isn't it time you gave yourself the gift of meditation? Trust me, by the end of today's show, Davidji will have inspired you to give it a try. He's not only a Meditation Master. He's making meditation fun!

  • It's not every day that you have the opportunity to connect with a true Meditation Master. Join us on today's show with Davidji, an inspiring and deeply spiritual man who apprenticed under Deepak Chopra and lead the Chopra Center Meditations for over 10 years.
    If you've been curious about meditation or want to know how it could impact your health and well being, you won't want to miss this edition of The Forever Fierce Show.
    On today's show, you'll learn:

    What is mindfulness and how to connect to the present moment.
    How meditation can help you access your own creativity.
    How a regular meditation practice can help you achieve your dreams and desires.
    What is fear and how meditation can help us with anxiety and stress.
    How you can find true presence in 16 seconds.
    Why self care is vital to serving yourself.
    How meditation nourishes your body and soul.
    Why meditation isn't the answer but a tool to find your own answers.
    How a regular meditation practice can slow life down and reduce stress.
    How to find your own guru within.

    Isn't it time you gave yourself the gift of meditation? Trust me, by the end of today's show, Davidji will have inspired you to give it a try. He's not only a Meditation Master. He's making meditation fun!

  • Allison Keating is a renowned psychologist and the author of "The Secret Lives of Adults: Your Seven Key Relationships." She's a relationships expert, beginning with the most important relationship, the one we have with ourselves.
    Tune into today's show along with my co-host, Michael Castagna (who channels Billy Joel), to learn:

    The difference between your public self and your private self.
    Why we get into trouble when the chasm becomes too great between our public and private selves.
    How we can become more aware of our unconscious triggers to heal them.
    What is our shadow and why it's so important to understand.
    Why we all wear masks and how to feel safe enough to let them go.
    Why true connection is vital to emotional and mental health.
    Why it's important to cultivate the relationship with yourself through self awareness.
    How our belief systems develop and how to let go of beliefs that may be holding you back.

    If you're ready to let go of some old beliefs, self doubts or patterns that aren't serving you and resulting in creating your best life, Allison has some wisdom to share culled from almost two decades studying psychology. She's refreshing and candid with a brilliant understanding of what goes on the secret lives of adults.
    You can find her book here on Amazon.

  • Allison Keating is a renowned psychologist and the author of "The Secret Lives of Adults: Your Seven Key Relationships." She's a relationships expert, beginning with the most important relationship, the one we have with ourselves.
    Tune into today's show along with my co-host, Michael Castagna (who channels Billy Joel), to learn:

    The difference between your public self and your private self.
    Why we get into trouble when the chasm becomes too great between our public and private selves.
    How we can become more aware of our unconscious triggers to heal them.
    What is our shadow and why it's so important to understand.
    Why we all wear masks and how to feel safe enough to let them go.
    Why true connection is vital to emotional and mental health.
    Why it's important to cultivate the relationship with yourself through self awareness.
    How our belief systems develop and how to let go of beliefs that may be holding you back.

    If you're ready to let go of some old beliefs, self doubts or patterns that aren't serving you and resulting in creating your best life, Allison has some wisdom to share culled from almost two decades studying psychology. She's refreshing and candid with a brilliant understanding of what goes on the secret lives of adults.
    You can find her book here on Amazon.

  • What’s it really like to experience FierceCon? It’s a can’t miss show with the Fierce & Fabulous Cat Coluccio and Sophie Davies, two of the most engaged Fierce sisters from around the globe.

    Learn what inspired Cat to join the FierceCon celebration and to take a risk both emotionally and financially? Today’s show is filled with heartfelt vulnerability. Cat is the leader of the her own Rocking Midlife Community in New Zealand and believes that collaboration over competition is the answer.

    Join both Cat and her UK Forever Fierce Sister, Sophie Davies, as they open their hearts and share their fears, their dreams and their journeys from two different corners of the globe.

    On today's show you’ll learn:
    1. Why both Cat and Sophie were terrified to join FierceCon.
    2. What went on in Cat and Sophie’s inner world both before, during and after their FierceCon experience.
    3. What they learned about themselves through this journey pushing through their fears.
    4. What were their highlights of the weekend?
    5. How they grew by pushing through their natural fears and resistance.
    6. What surprised them most about the experience and why they would do it again.
    7. What made FierceCon unique from other conferences.
    8. What is was like to join the speaking team with a group of accomplished women with powerful stories.

  • What’s it really like to experience FierceCon? It’s a can’t miss show with the Fierce & Fabulous Cat Coluccio and Sophie Davies, two of the most engaged Fierce sisters from around the globe.

    Learn what inspired Cat to join the FierceCon celebration and to take a risk both emotionally and financially? Today’s show is filled with heartfelt vulnerability. Cat is the leader of the her own Rocking Midlife Community in New Zealand and believes that collaboration over competition is the answer.

    Join both Cat and her UK Forever Fierce Sister, Sophie Davies, as they open their hearts and share their fears, their dreams and their journeys from two different corners of the globe.

    On today's show you’ll learn:
    1. Why both Cat and Sophie were terrified to join FierceCon.
    2. What went on in Cat and Sophie’s inner world both before, during and after their FierceCon experience.
    3. What they learned about themselves through this journey pushing through their fears.
    4. What were their highlights of the weekend?
    5. How they grew by pushing through their natural fears and resistance.
    6. What surprised them most about the experience and why they would do it again.
    7. What made FierceCon unique from other conferences.
    8. What is was like to join the speaking team with a group of accomplished women with powerful stories.

  • Why would a former criminal lawyer leave that world behind and begin to pursue a path of grounded spirituality and “Soulshaping?”Join me and my Co-host, Michael Castagna, to learn the powerful awakeneing story of Jeff Brown, Author of 5 popular books, including Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation along with his latest book, “Grounded Spirituality” newly available for presale on Amazon.Jeff has written articles for Good Morning America and appeared on hundreds of radio shows and offers a refreshing perspective in the new world of #metoo and TimesUP. Jeff will help you to learn: What it really means to be fully conscious and present. Why the Ego has received and a bad rap and how it’s fundamental to being spiritually grounded. Why it’s critical for both men and women to be able to tap into their emotions and process them in a healthy way. Learn what “Grounded Spirituality” is and why it’s important to be grounded when going deeper in your process of awakening. What is a “Spiritual Bypass” and why it’s important to know. Why we need to build a bridge between men and women and bring them into the conversation for greater understanding. Why Jeff feels it’s time to turn the reigns over to women to lead the way forward. Why you must be discerning of the “New Age” world and teachings. Why it’s important to be conscious of our thoughts and the language that we use.Be prepared for some deep conversation. You can find Jeff on his social media channels, Facebook and Instagram as well as his websites, soulshaping.com, enrealment.com and soulshapinginstitute.com. You can order his latest book, Grounded Spirituality on Amazon.com.

  • Why would a former criminal lawyer leave that world behind and begin to pursue a path of grounded spirituality and “Soulshaping?”Join me and my Co-host, Michael Castagna, to learn the powerful awakeneing story of Jeff Brown, Author of 5 popular books, including Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation along with his latest book, “Grounded Spirituality” newly available for presale on Amazon.Jeff has written articles for Good Morning America and appeared on hundreds of radio shows and offers a refreshing perspective in the new world of #metoo and TimesUP. Jeff will help you to learn: What it really means to be fully conscious and present. Why the Ego has received and a bad rap and how it’s fundamental to being spiritually grounded. Why it’s critical for both men and women to be able to tap into their emotions and process them in a healthy way. Learn what “Grounded Spirituality” is and why it’s important to be grounded when going deeper in your process of awakening. What is a “Spiritual Bypass” and why it’s important to know. Why we need to build a bridge between men and women and bring them into the conversation for greater understanding. Why Jeff feels it’s time to turn the reigns over to women to lead the way forward. Why you must be discerning of the “New Age” world and teachings. Why it’s important to be conscious of our thoughts and the language that we use.Be prepared for some deep conversation. You can find Jeff on his social media channels, Facebook and Instagram as well as his websites, soulshaping.com, enrealment.com and soulshapinginstitute.com. You can order his latest book, Grounded Spirituality on Amazon.com.

  • Are you looking to find your voice or begin sharing that story that’s in your heart? Today’s guest, Kim O’Hara, an Intuitive Book Coach will inspire you to begin writing that story.
    Kim shares her powerful and vulnerable story of awakening at Midlife. Kim's memoir, Kicking Abuse In The Ass (A Brutally Honest Memoir), from Waterside Press, is available on Amazon. She unfurls the denial of sexual abuse that held her hostage for her whole life, and with an open heart, provides the writing prompts she used to heal.

    Two decades as a movie producer and screenwriter in Hollywood taught her the art of story development and artistic collaboration. Through her company, A Story Inside, Kim has coached over twenty-five authors in the last three years through the writing of their memoirs and self-help books. She works with ambitious women to powerfully turn their words and stories into books with passion, purpose and urgency. The time is now to have your voice.

    If you’re inspired to begin writing, today’s show will leave you with:
    1. A simple process to put pen to paper and begin crafting your story.
    2. How to use the metaphor of film and screenwriting to keep you out of overwhelm and get you moving forward.
    3. What is a writing prompt and how it can help you share your story?
    4. How writing can help you to heal emotional wounds and overcome adversity.
    5. How tapping into your intuition can make you a better writer.

  • Are you looking to find your voice or begin sharing that story that’s in your heart? Today’s guest, Kim O’Hara, an Intuitive Book Coach will inspire you to begin writing that story.
    Kim shares her powerful and vulnerable story of awakening at Midlife. Kim's memoir, Kicking Abuse In The Ass (A Brutally Honest Memoir), from Waterside Press, is available on Amazon. She unfurls the denial of sexual abuse that held her hostage for her whole life, and with an open heart, provides the writing prompts she used to heal.

    Two decades as a movie producer and screenwriter in Hollywood taught her the art of story development and artistic collaboration. Through her company, A Story Inside, Kim has coached over twenty-five authors in the last three years through the writing of their memoirs and self-help books. She works with ambitious women to powerfully turn their words and stories into books with passion, purpose and urgency. The time is now to have your voice.

    If you’re inspired to begin writing, today’s show will leave you with:
    1. A simple process to put pen to paper and begin crafting your story.
    2. How to use the metaphor of film and screenwriting to keep you out of overwhelm and get you moving forward.
    3. What is a writing prompt and how it can help you share your story?
    4. How writing can help you to heal emotional wounds and overcome adversity.
    5. How tapping into your intuition can make you a better writer.

  • My guest is the amazing Cheryl Richardson, New York Times Bestselling Author who’s latest book, "Waking Up In Winter," is an inspiring and empowering heroine’s journey through Midlife. I have followed Cheryl for over 20 years and this is truly a dream come true to interview this centered and powerful woman!

    On today’s show, you’ll learn:

    Why women need extreme Self Care
    Why it’s important for women to be Self aware.
    Why it's OK to be OK with being bitchy and impatient sometimes!
    Why raising consciousness is the key to a fulfilling life.
    What the difference is between a Midlife crisis and a Midlife Awakening.
    How the journey of a Midlife woman is a true Heroine’s journey.
    Why it’s so important to be real with ourselves!

    It’s a rare opportunity to join Cheryl, an Oprah regular and long time collaborator, in an intimate conversation dedicated to the Midlife woman. She's also a proud and fierce member of the Forever Fierce Revolution!

    Thank you our sponsor, The Essex Street Inn in Newburyport, MA for hosting today’s show and to Beach Plum Floral in Newburyport, MA for the beautiful flowers on set.

  • My guest is the amazing Cheryl Richardson, New York Times Bestselling Author who’s latest book, "Waking Up In Winter," is an inspiring and empowering heroine’s journey through Midlife. I have followed Cheryl for over 20 years and this is truly a dream come true to interview this centered and powerful woman!

    On today’s show, you’ll learn:

    Why women need extreme Self Care
    Why it’s important for women to be Self aware.
    Why it's OK to be OK with being bitchy and impatient sometimes!
    Why raising consciousness is the key to a fulfilling life.
    What the difference is between a Midlife crisis and a Midlife Awakening.
    How the journey of a Midlife woman is a true Heroine’s journey.
    Why it’s so important to be real with ourselves!

    It’s a rare opportunity to join Cheryl, an Oprah regular and long time collaborator, in an intimate conversation dedicated to the Midlife woman. She's also a proud and fierce member of the Forever Fierce Revolution!

    Thank you our sponsor, The Essex Street Inn in Newburyport, MA for hosting today’s show and to Beach Plum Floral in Newburyport, MA for the beautiful flowers on set.

  • Did you know that 50 percent of companies are founded by women but only 2 percent receive funding from Venture Capital? My guest today, Tracy Chadwell, Founder of 1843 Capital has 19 years of experience in the world of Venture Capital and private equity. Her philosphy is refreshing. Tracy and her team will only invest in companies with a female founder at the helm. Join us today to learn: 1. Why businesses with a female founder make better investments?2. How your own beliefs may be holding you back from asking for what you want.3. How asking for what you want, be it in business or in life, can be difficult for women and how to overcome that.4. Why clarity and vision of your idea or mission are critical to success.5. Find out what “Silver Investing” is and why it’s good business. This is a show for all women as Tracy believes that being financially secure is not only smart, but sexy!

  • Did you know that 50 percent of companies are founded by women but only 2 percent receive funding from Venture Capital? My guest today, Tracy Chadwell, Founder of 1843 Capital has 19 years of experience in the world of Venture Capital and private equity. Her philosphy is refreshing. Tracy and her team will only invest in companies with a female founder at the helm. Join us today to learn: 1. Why businesses with a female founder make better investments?2. How your own beliefs may be holding you back from asking for what you want.3. How asking for what you want, be it in business or in life, can be difficult for women and how to overcome that.4. Why clarity and vision of your idea or mission are critical to success.5. Find out what “Silver Investing” is and why it’s good business. This is a show for all women as Tracy believes that being financially secure is not only smart, but sexy!