I’m your host Lauren Brown and on today’s show how an elementary school teacher from Georgia recorded a CD and turned it into a successful meditation business.
Nowadays with the heightened intensity of work, school, and other obligations, everything moves incredibly and sometimes a little too fast. Our brains are so well trained to maximize efficiency that even taking a few minutes to stop, breathe, and reset can seem like a waste of precious time. But we’ve all have had those daily moments where we take a step back from what we’re doing take a deep breath and close our eyes. According to Harriette Mandeville that simple moment–no matter how short–is indeed a form of meditation: so simple in fact, that she made a business out of it. Oh, and did I mention she’s my grandma?
For over 30 years Harriette–or Lotus Hawk as she calls herself in spiritual settings–has provided life coaching and meditation guidance to her clients as an intuitive consultant. She channels her work and knowledge through CDs, books, and workshops and her early career as a teacher and actress put her on the path to become a meditation guru and an entrepreneur.