
  • The Seekers Chronicles Paranormal Historians is a three person Paranormal team out of New Jersey. They have a fantastic Podcast of the same name on YouTube every Tuesday Evening from 8 until 10 est. The Seekers Historians consist of Anthony Simonelli, Jennie Colluccii and Kimberly Guyer. This is part one of our interview.

    Seekers Club Of The Paranormal

    Seekers Chronicles Paranormal Historians

    Ghost History Medium

    Ghost History Medium on YouTube

    Ghosts of Somerville TouTube

    Anthony Simonelli Seekers Club of Paranormal Instagram

    Anthony Simonelli Facebook

    Jennie Collucci Instagram

    Ghost History Medium Facebook

    Contact Ghosts In The Valley Podcast or get a copy f my book, "Spencer's Ghosts, or to listen to all past episodes at www.authoralcooley.com

    Music by: Energetic Music

    Podcast Artwork: Al Cooley

  • It is great to have Nicole Gaspard back on the show. Ncole is an author of muliple books along with being a Psychic, a Seer, a Empath, Podcast Host of Haunted Real Connections and Mystic Whispers. Nicole is also a Paranormal Investigator.

    Nicole Gaspard Readings Instagram

    Nicole Gaspards Books:
    Cursed Playthings: Haunting of the Dolls

    Through the Veil: Unvailing the the Secrets of the Unkown

    Dark Pathways: Paranormal Diaries of Nicole Gaspard

    The Curse of the Psychic Seer: Haunting Visions

    Please check Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Goodreads for other great reads by Nicole Gaspard

    Nicole Gaspards Podcasts
    Mystic Whispers

    Haunted Real Connections Podcast

    Al Cooley's Book, Spencer's Ghosts and Ghosts In The Valley Podcast, Contact INFO:

    Music: Energetic Music
    Podcast Artwork: Al Cooley

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • It is my pleasure to have Eric Fereeman Sims back on the show. Eric is the host of The Unseen Paranormal Podcast, the author of Small Town Haunts and Legends of Tenn.and the event coordinator for the GoblinCon UFO and Paranormal Expo celebrating the 70th anniversary in Hopkinsville KY on Oct 17th and 18th 2025.

    Eric Freeman Sims on Facebook

    The Unseen Paranormal Podcast

    The Knight House

    Eric Freeman Sims new book, Small Town Haunts and Legends of TN

    GoblinCon UFO and Paranormal Expo

    Links to Gosts inthe Valley Podcast, Links to Al Cooley's new book, Spencer's Ghosts, and contact page for info and being a guest on the show

    Music by: Energetic Music
    Pocast Cover Art: Al Cooley

  • Holly Faust is a Sychic Medium, Podcast Host, Writer, Paranormal Investigator, Founder of Dead Time Tales. Holly is also the Author of 'My Journey Out Of The Darkness.'

    Holly's links are below:

    My Jouney Out Of The Darkness



    Al Cooley's Book 'Spencer's Ghosts'

    If you would like to come on the show contact Al @
    [email protected]


    Artwork: Al Cooley
    Music: Energetic Music

  • Mark E. Drotos is a suspense author and a Detective in law enforcement. Mark is a past guest and is returning to tell us about the release of his newest book, 'The Spirits of Demaine's.' This book is the follow up to 'The Haunting of Crimshaw Manor.'

    Mark E. Drotos's Books:
    The Haunting of Crimshaw Manor




    The Spirits of Demaine's




    If you would like a signed edition, contact Mark E. Drotos at:

    If you would like to appear on the show, contact Al Cooley at [email protected]

    To listen to past episodes or pickup a copy of Al Cooley's book, 'Spencer's Ghosts,' please go to www.authoralcooley.com

    Please rate and review 'Spencer's Ghosts' on:


    Artwork: Al Cooley
    Music: Energetic Music

  • Lesley Robertson is an author from Scotland. She is also a cardiac nurse and mother. Lesley's first book is a fiction fantasy about mythical creatures and vampires. You will come to love Sarah and Conner, Once you start reading 'Fear Liath, Immortal in Scotland,' you will not want to put it down, it's that good.

    L. D. Robertson's Links


    [email protected]

    Fear Liath, Immortal in Scotland Book
    Barnes & Nobel


    tik tok

    Spencer's Ghosts - The Guardian by A.L. Cooley

    Catch all Ghosts In The Valley Episodes and Spencer's Ghosts at;

    Music By Energetic Music
    Podcast Artwork By Al Cooley (Total Eclipse 2024)

  • Thank you all for your support and downloads this past year. Today is a short bonus. I'll be back next week with my first guest of 2025 kicking off season 7 of Ghosts In The Valley Podcast

    To catch all the episodes and to pick up a copy of my book, Spencer's Ghosts, go to:

    Also if you have a paranormal story to share, go to www.authoralcooley.com or contact me at [email protected]

  • Bill Little is the CEO of Scotfilms. Bill is from Glasgow UK but resides in the Phillipines. Bill Little is an actor, director, producer, cinamaphotographer, stuntman, stuntman cordinator, a four time world kick boxing champion, writer and so much more. Bill is currently wrapping up production on 'The Uninvited Spirit.' We talk about Bill's career and so much more. What got Bill interested in doing a horror film. I'm honored to have Bill Little on my season ending episode of 2024.
    Email/Help For Investment/Distribution: [email protected]: https://scotfilmsuk.wixsite.com/websiteFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialBillLittle/IMBd: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2063933/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@scotfilmsuk/videosTraned To Kill Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELGak4mg7_U

    All of Ghosts In The Valley's episodes can be found at www.authoralcooley.com

    Al Cooley's book, Spencer's Ghosts - The Guardian can be found on Amazon:

    If you would like to appear on Ghosts In The Valley or have a parnormal story to share:
    [email protected]

    Artwork: Al Cooley
    Music: Energetic Music

  • Close Encounters is Warren Agius's follow up to Evidence of Extraterrestrials. Both books are excellent reads. Warren does intense research into the cases he investigates. Warren then comes to his conclusion of the case. Warren Agius lets his readers come to their own conclusions. This is Warren's second time on the show. Quite frankly, I can't wait for his return.

    Warren Agius's Books:

    Evidence of Extraterrestrials - Over 40 Cases Proove Aliens Have Visited Earth

    Close Encounters - Exploring The Mysteries Of Alien Abductions



    A.L. Cooley's book, Spencer's Ghosts - The Guardian
    BookBaby Bookshop - 20% off code (Print Book) NMA4P9 - $1 off code (eBook) SD5N4A


    Barnes & Nobel


    A.L. Cooley's Website

    Do you have a paranormal story, book, podcast, team etc to share?
    [email protected]

    Podcast Artwork - Al Cooley
    Music - Energetic Music

  • Linda Meris is the author of "Hypocrisy vs Mysticism, Wisdom, and Morality." Linda learned how to channel Lenny Bruce plus other great comedians. Linda came into contact with Lenny Bruce's personal items for a reason. This lead her on her jouney of channeling. A must read. If you love Lenny Bruce as I do, then you must add this book to your collection.

    Linda Meris's book - -Hypocracy vs Mysticism, Wisdom, and Morality





    Al Cooley's Book - Spencer's Ghosts - Available on Amazon

    Podcast Artwork: Al Cooley
    Music: Energetic Music


  • Coming to you from the UK, John-Paul Newlands is the founder of Spooks and Ghouls International Podcast. John also leads an investigation team with his partner Daniel. They investigate the most haunted spots in the U.K. John-Paul gets into the heads of some of the most brutal killers.

    Spooks and Ghouls International Podcast:

    Spooks and Ghouls Tik Tok:

    Spencer's Ghosts Paperbabk and eBook on Amazon:

    Contact Al Cooley at:
    [email protected]

    Music: Energetic Music
    Artwork: Al Cooley

  • I welcome back Paranormal/Romance Author Wendy M. Kok to the show. It's always a pleasure chatting with Wendy. On this episode we talk about Wendy's new audible book just released, A Grey Resort. A Grey Resort is also released in paperback and eBook as well. An Awakening is the second book in that series released also. I've read both and I must say they are in deed worth the purchase. Wendy is currently putting the final touches on the third and final book in the series that will be released in the spring of 2025.

    Along with Wendy's books, she also has a fantastic podcast called The Juicy Pair. The Juicy pair touches on the paranormal along with many other interesting guests and topics that keep you coming back for more.

    We also touch on Wendy's latest adventure of jumping out of a plane. I guess when you're the mother of two sets of twins, this comes quite easy and less dramatic :)

    Wendy's Books:
    A Grey Resort

    An Awakening

    A Juicy Pair Podcast

    A. L. Cooley's Book
    Spencer's Ghosts - The Guardian

    Please rate and review Wendy M Kok's Books and my book on Amazon.
    Also please rate and review our podcasts on Apple.

    Ypu can check out my book, podcast, and leave me a message or if you would like to be a guest on my show at www.authoralcooley.com

    Music: Energetic Music
    Podcast Artwork: Al Cooley

  • The Cry Baby Bridge in Newton Falls Ohio is also known as The Arlington Bridge and The Old Covered Bridge. The Bridge was erected in 1831. They added an outside sidewalk in 1921 for the children to use to cross the East Branch of the Mahoning River. It is the second oldest covered bridge in the state of Ohio. It is also the oldest active covered bridge with a covered sidewalk.

    The bridge has been shut down for flooding, ice jams, a car crash on the bridge, and most damaging was a F5 tornado that roared through Newton Falls with upper winds of 300 mph.. There was extensive damage throughout the town but the covered bridge survived with some damage.

    Many years ago, it is said that a young unwed mother tossed her baby into the murky waters of the river below. The mother regretted that decision and jumped into the waters to save the baby. Both mother and baby died. On any given night after sunset and before sunrise, you can hear the sound of a baby crying and some have heard the screams of the mother. I recently traveled to the bridge and heard nothing. As I was there, a severe thunderstorm rolled through which made it hard to hear through the rain, hail and thunder. I've been there many times and yet to hear the baby cry,

    You can go to my website, www.authoralcooley.com to listen to all of my episodes on Ghosts In The Valley Podcast and also pick up a copy of my book, Spencer's Ghosts.

    Please rate and review Ghosts In The Valley Podcast on Apple:

    Links to my book, Spencer's Ghosts

    Music By: Energetic Music
    Cover Artwork: Al Cooley

  • I am excited to announce my book, "Spencer's Ghosts" is a worldwide release today, Oct 1, 2024. Afew of the retail stores are listed below in the links where you can pick it up.

    This is my (A.L. Cooley's) first book. Spencer's Ghosts is based on a true story with a touch of fiction. Targeted for Young Adult Fiction, but really all ages older will enjoy it just as well. The story is told through the eyes of Lee Spencer (me) whose family moves into a haunted house. The haunted adventures take place in and outside of that house. Even as far as New York when Lee and a couple of his friends hop a freight train to take a short ride but end up a few states away where they come into contact with Boxcar Billy Baxter. Is Boxcar a ghost or of the living?

    You can also purchase Spener's Ghosts on my website, www.authoralcooley.com along with links to my podcast episodes. Get up to date events as well with contact information.

    I will be signing books at the Warren Ohio Ghost Walk in downtown Warren on October 11, 12, 18,19
    Warren Ghostwalk link:

    I will also be guest speaker and signing copies of my book, Spencer's Ghost at the
    Fleetwood Church Paracon on Oct 26 in Brandy Station Virginia. Get tickets at:
    The Fleetwood Church Paracon link:

    A.L. Cooley's website:

    Spencer's Ghosts Book Links:


    Barnes &Nobel


    BookBaby Book Store:

    If you could leave me a review on Amazon I would truly appreciate it.

    Music: Energetic Music

    Artwork: Al Cooley

  • Today I want to welcome Donnie Parker and Denny O'Rourke from the Spirit Guides Paranormal to the show. We talk about their paranormal team, investigations and the Fleetwood Church Paracon happening on October 26 in Brandy Station Virginia. I happy to announce that i was asked to be one of the speakers and also my wife and I will have a tent set up to sell and autograph my book "Spencer's Ghosts."

    Here are the links to the Spirit Guides Paranormal, how to purchase tickets to the paracon, and to donate to the Go Fund Me link to help ressurect and restore the church.

    Spirit Guides Paranormal

    The Fleetwood Church Go Fund Me Page

    Tickets/info for the Fleetwood Church Ressurection Paracon

    Pre-Order "Spencer's Ghosts" now on Amazon

    Find all the Ghosts In The Valley episodes, my book "Spencer's Ghosts", my events coming up, and contact information for being a future guest on Ghosts In The Valley Podcast.

    Please rate and review Ghosts In The Valley Podcast on Apple

    Cover Art: Al Cooley
    Music; Energetic Music

  • Tom Warner returns celebrating the 55th anniversary of Unsolved Mysteries Berkshires UFO episode. The episode aired July 1, 2020 on Netflix. The number show of that year with millions of downloads and views. It is still one of the most watched show today.

    Tom also has a book available, "Beyond The Stars."

    Tom Warner is also working on a feature film, "Tom Warner's Beyond The Stars.' Filming starts in 2025.

    Beyond The Stars Book:

    Tom Warner Water Colors

    Pre-Order my book due out Oct 1, "Spencer's Ghosts"
    Listen to all my episodes on Ghosts In The Valley Podcast
    Check out my events comg up
    Contact me

    Podcast Design Artwork: Al Cooley
    Soundtrack: Energetic Music

    Please rate and review Ghosts In The Valley Podcast on Apple

  • This is part 2 with my conversation with Toni Shapiro. Toni tells her story of her her she moved into in the Palm Springs area after her mother passed away. Toni talks about the pandemic, cemeteries, and so much more. Toni has lived a very terrifying and yet eventful life. It's always my pleasure to hear from Toni and her facinating stories.

    Toni Shapiro Links:


    The Haunted Attic:

    Al Cooley - Contact for events, Book, Podcast, and Contact page

    Artwork: Cheryl Heath
    Music: Energetic Music

  • Toni Shapiro is a retuning guest. It's always a thrill to have Toni on to share her terrifying but true stories. This is the first of a two part series. You can catch Toni on the haunted attic. Link below.

    The Haunted Attic

    Toni Shapiro

    Spencer's Ghosts by Al Cooley will be released Oct 1. Pre-orders soon at:

    Do you have a paranormal story to share? Would you like to appear on the show?

    Artwork: Cheryl Heath
    Music: Energetic Music

  • It's very important that you close out your sessions on Ouija Boards and when conducting a Seance to avoid leaving a portal open. If you've had any bad experiences with either, I'd love to hear from you.

    contact [email protected]
    Subject Seance or Oiuja Board

    Please leave a 5 star review on Apple

    Artwork: Cheryl Heath
    Music: Energetic Music

  • Kathleen Rydel Tedsen is a published author on the paranormal and the unexplained, an investigator, and historical researcher. In 2006 Kat started her journey into the paranormal. History plays a vital role in Kathleen's investigastions. On her website, Kat has a place called "The Secret Room" I encourage you to check out. Please explore the many books Kathleen has available. The links are below:

    Kathleen Rydel Tedsen:

    (1) Facebook

    Haunted Travels of Michigan (hauntedtravelsmi.com)

    Amazon.com : Kathleen Rydel Tedsen

    Artwork: Cheryl Heath
    Music: Energetic Music