
  • What is the hidden influence of Christianity in American society—and what happens if it disappears?

    Host Curtis Chang sits down with Jonathan Rauch, senior fellow at the Brookings Institute and author of Cross Purposes: Christianity's Broken Bargain with Democracy, to explore how Judeo-Christian values have shaped democracy and what their decline means for our political and social landscape. They discuss the rise of fear within the evangelical church, political polarization, and make the case for Christian virtues as a stabilizing force at the heart of the American republic. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, it’s important to understand why Christianity’s influence extends far beyond the church—and why its disappearance could reshape the future of democracy.

    Send written questions or voice memos for “Ask Curtis” episodes to: askcurtis@redeemingbabel.org

    Get a 25% discount when you buy The Art of Disagreeing by Gavin Ortland at thegoodbook.com with code: GOODFAITH

    Resources from this episode:

    Jonathan Rauch’s 2003 The Atlantic article Let It Be Jonathan Rauch’s Cross Purposes: Christianity's Broken Bargain with Democracy The rise of the AfD in Germany France holds off the far right Pew Research: Modeling the Future of Religion in America James Madison and religious freedom Can the Religious Right Be Saved? by Dr. Russell Moore Dr. Timothy Keller: Suffering: If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world? Learn more about The After Party

    More From Jonathan Rauch:

    Read the latest article by Jonathan Rauch: One Word Describes Trump Jonathan Rauch’s The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth Jonathan Rauch’s work at the Brookings Institute Jonathan Rauch’s The Atlantic articles

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  • Move From toxicity to trust, healing, and renewed faith.

    Host Curtis Chang and Mike Cosper, creator of "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill" investigate the unsettling realities of church abuse and the unchecked authority that breeds toxicity within faith communities. Drawing from his latest book, "The Church in Dark Times," Cosper discusses the urgent need for accountability in evangelical settings, using the Mars Hill case as a poignant example. Curtis and Mike explore the intersection of leadership and emotional and spiritual abuse to help us all discover pathways to healing and rebuilding trust in the aftermath of betrayal. Don't miss this insightful conversation on the dynamics of power and the importance of safeguarding church values.

    Send written questions or voice memos for “Ask Curtis” episodes to: askcurtis@redeemingbabel.org

    Get a 25% discount when you buy The Art of Disagreeing by Gavin Ortland at thegoodbook.com with code: GOODFAITH

    Resources from this episode:

    Mike Cosper’s The Church in Dark Times Listen to The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill Paul Petry’s Joyful Exiles blog Mike Cosper’s Land of My Sojourn Learn more about Hannah Arendt Hannah Arendt on Adolf Eichmann for the New Yorker: part 1 & part 2 Kant's Argument for Radical Evil by Stephen R. Grimm (pdf) Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism Listen to Dr. Timothy Keller: Don't Despair, God Isolates You for a Reason Listen to Dr. Timothy Keller: How to Deal With Dark Times Listen to Dr. Timothy Keller: Counter-Culture for the Common Good

    More From Mike Cosper:

    Books by Mike Cosper HERE Listen to Mike on The Bulletin Listen to Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Follow Mike’s Instagram

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  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • What do true faith and forgiveness look like in the face of wrongful conviction?

    Host Curtis Chang is joined by award-winning journalist Barbara Bradley Hagerty and Ben Spencer, who was wrongfully imprisoned for 34 years. They share Ben’s powerful story of faith, resilience, and redemption in the face of wrongful incarceration. Curtis and Barbara explore the systemic failures of the American justice system and reveal how the innocence movement and investigative journalism were crucial in securing Ben’s exoneration. Ben reflects on how his belief in truth and forgiveness transformed his life, offering hope to others facing adversity.

    Send written questions or voice memos for “Ask Curtis” episodes to: askcurtis@redeemingbabel.org

    Send Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Resources from this episode:

    Barbara Bradley Hagerty’s Bringing Ben Home: A Murder, a Conviction, and the Fight to Redeem American Justice Jim McCloskey and Centurion Ministries Read about Ben at The National registry of Exonerations Read the news of Ben's exoneration Listen to Barbara’s early reporting on Ben's case Read about Judge Rick Magnis’ belief in Ben's innocence Read about Ross Perot’s secret witness payout Read John 16:33

    More From Barbara Bradley Hagerty:

    Read Barbara’s work in The Atlantic Check out Barb's website Buy Babara’s books

    Contact Ben Spencer & Barbara Bradley Hagerty about speaking engagements: https://www.barbarabradleyhagerty.com/contact

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  • What Is the Faithful Response to Rising Authoritarianism?

    New York Times columnist and “founding friend” David French joins host Curtis Chang to explore the shifting dynamics of American governance under the Trump administration. They explore the growing concentration of executive power and the MAGA-driven erosion of the checks and balances envisioned by the Founders. Curtis and David also discuss the weakening influence of both the legislative and judicial branches, while reflecting on the crucial role of strong family ties, community, and inspired worship for Christians confronting rising authoritarianism.

    Send written questions or voice memos for “Ask Curtis” episodes to: askcurtis@redeemingbabel.org

    Send Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Resources or references mentioned in this episode:

    What is DOGE? Limiting DOGE’s access and reach 1787 Constitution I Kings 19:9-18 (Elijah and God’s promise to spare those who do not bend knee to Baal) The executive branch taking power from the legislative branch Carl Scmidt's Friend-Enemy Distinction Media and allies fear Kash Patel's retribution Pew Research: How the faithful voted The psychology of Trumpism identity fusion Can the Insurrection Act be used on American soil? Trump supporters trust him more than family & friends The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Praising God is an act of political defiance Worship and the Civil Rights Movement

    Explore The After Party with Russell Moore, David French, & Curtis Chang

    More From David French:

    Read David French’s opinion pieces HERE Follow David French on Threads

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  • Are you looking for an example of leadership and hope in turbulent times?

    Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger joins host Curtis Chang for a conversation on politics, faith, and integrity in the Donald Trump era. Known for his willingness to challenge his own party, Rep. Kinzinger shares candid insights on the moral dilemmas facing political leaders, the long-term impact of principled decision-making, and the fight to preserve democracy. Together, Curtis and the congressman share their own strategies for staying engaged without being consumed by today’s outrage-driven narratives. Rep. Kinzinger offers a compelling example of the principled leadership we need for the future for our country.

    Send written questions or voice memos for “Ask Curtis” episodes to: askcurtis@redeemingbabel.org

    Send Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Referenced in This Episode:

    Isaiah 5:20 I Kings 19:9-18 (Elijah and God’s promise to spare those who do not bend knee to Baal) Stephen Miller on border policies The Chronicles of Narnia The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S.Capitol The executive order of pardon and commutation for January 6 insurrectionists President Trump pardons January 6 insurrectionists Listen to Curtis and David French draft politicians on Good Faith

    More From Congressman Kinzinger:

    Watch The Last Republican trailer Congressman Kinzinger's Country First movement Find on Adam Kinzinger on Bluesky

    Learn more about George Fox Talks

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  • Can Reading Lead to Freedom, Connection, and Hope?

    In this episode of Good Faith Presents: Reading to Make Sense of the World, Curtis Chang and author-professor Jessica Hooten Wilson explore the enduring power of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Together, they unpack how this classic dystopian novel speaks directly to today’s challenges with technology, distraction, and the loss of contemplative silence. Discover the hopeful themes hidden in the science fiction genre as Curtis and Jessica show how literature fosters resilience, creativity, and connection.

    Resources or references mentioned in this episode:

    Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Kindred by Octavia Butler (pdf) Love in the Ruins by Walker Percy A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr. The Republic by Plato (Read online) Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift (Read online)

    More From Jessica Hooten Wilson:

    Jessica Hooten Wilson's website Explore Jessica’s books HERE Read articles and Essay by Jessica HERE

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  • Are smartphones destroying a generation?

    Host Curtis Chang unwraps the complexities of smartphone culture in a candid discussion with Good Faith contributor Andy Crouch. They reflect on the initial excitement of tech innovation, juxtaposed with insights from experts like Jonathan Haidt and Jean Twenge on its impact on youth mental health. This exploration of the shift from adventurous childhoods of decades past to the screen-centric experiences of today emphasizes the need for real-world interactions and discernment in our tech engagement.

    Download our free January Reset Guide

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Referenced in This Episode:

    How to Become a Tech-Wise Family (ten steps) by Andy Crouch The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place by Andy Crouch Steve Jobs announces the iPhone on January 9, 2007 Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation Jean Twenge's iGen Exploring the Effect of Social Media on Teen Girls’ Mental Health (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) Teens and Video Games Today (Pew Research) A Long-Term Perspective on the History of Technology Wall-E (Pixar film trailer 2008) What Is Alchemy? (Royal Society of Chemists) The Lost Art of Reading a Paper Road Map The Controversial Jesus - Jesus and Mammon (talk by Jon Tyson) John 8:1-11 (Jesus & the Adulterous Woman) Acts 19 (Paul in Ephesus)

    Explore Andy Crouch’s work:

    Interact with Andy’s website Check out Andy’s work at Praxis Read Andy’s book: The Life We're Looking For Read Andy’s book: The Tech-Wise Family

    Learn more about George Fox Talks

    Learn more about J29 Coalition cohorts at J29Coalition.com

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  • What turns a story of infidelity into forgiveness and healing?

    Host Curtis Chang leads a discussion with acclaimed author and humorist Harrison Scott Key that explores what happens when betrayal shatters the foundation of a marriage. Key shares his deeply personal journey of discovering his wife's affair and deciding whether to rebuild or walk away. Drawing from his book, How to Stay Married: The Most Insane Love Story Ever, Chang and Key offer heartfelt insights on forgiveness, healing, and the transformative power of storytelling. Discover how humor, spiritual growth, and nurturing relationships—like tending a garden—can turn life’s darkest moments into opportunities for resilience and renewal.

    Download our free January Reset Guide

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Referenced in This Episode:

    The World's Largest Man by Harrison Scott Key Soaring Higher Thoughts on G.K. Chesterton’s most famous quote

    More From Harrison Scott Key:

    Order a copy of How to Stay Married: The Most Insane Love Story Ever Review: How To Stay Married (The Gospel Coalition) Harrison Scott Key's website Harrison Scott Key on Instagram Books for purchase by Harrison Scott Key

    Learn more about George Fox Talks

    Learn more about J29 Coalition cohorts at J29Coalition.com

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  • In this New Year bonus episode, host Curtis Chang explores themes of motherhood and spiritual growth with authors Tara Edelschick and Kathy Tuan-MacLean, discussing their work, Moms at the Well. Discover how spiritual formation intersects with motherhood, as they unpack the unique challenges and joys mothers face in nurturing faith, building community, and finding God's presence in everyday struggle. This episode highlights the profound ways maternal experiences shape faith journeys, showcasing the powerful biblical stories of Hagar, Elizabeth, and other marginalized voices often overlooked by the church.

    Get 20% off and free U.S. shipping when you order a copy of the Moms at the Well at InterVarsity Press: Moms at the Well Use code: IVPPOD20

    Download our free January Reset Guide

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Referenced in This Episode:

    Hagar's Story: Genesis 16 The Bleeding Woman's (Batya) Story: Mark 5:21-34 Elizabeth and Mary's Story: Luke 1

    More From Tara Edelschick & Kathy Tuan-MacLean:

    Check out Tara & Kathy's Website Get to know Tara Edelschick Get to know Kathy Tuan-MacLean Purchase Moms at the Well: Meeting God Through the Mothers of Scripture
  • Are you ready to trade your New Year’s resolutions for spiritual growth?

    Host Curtis Chang and teacher and writer John Mark Comer dive into the transformative journey of spiritual reset to start the new year. Discover practical insights on community, the importance of Sabbath, and how to navigate the distractions of modern life, all aimed at nurturing a deeper spiritual hunger and fostering genuine connection with God and others.

    Download our free January Reset Guide

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Referenced in This Episode:

    The Way of the Ascetics (pdf) by Tito Colliender How Philip Rieff’s Three Worlds Help Us Understand Cultural Change by Carl R. Trueman On the Road with Saint Augustine with James K.A. Smith & Elizabeth Bruenig (video conversation) Dopamine Nation by Anna Lempke, MD How Principles from the Casino Were Applied to Your Cell Phone by Dr. Liraz Margalit We Are Free When We Forget Ourselves by Joshua Luke Smith Sabbath is the Climax of Living by Marva Dawn The Sabbath (pdf) by Abraham Heschel General Examen of Conscience by Ignatious of Loyola The Wheel and the Cross: Three Views on Suffering Anything could happen, at any moment (and when it does, you'll cope) by Oliver Burkeman The Way of the Heart by Henri Nouwen More about John Ortberg The Phases of the Great Awakenings A Beginner's Guide to Lectio Divina Read Psalm 1

    More From John Mark Comer:

    John Mark Comer’s website HERE Get your copy of Practicing the Way Read this preview of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry Follow john mark comer on instagram

    Learn more about J29 Coalition cohorts at J29Coalition.com

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  • Resetting our relationship to alcohol

    Host Curtis Chang and author Ericka Andersen mark Ericka’s fourth year of sobriety by asking a thought-provoking question: How’s your relationship with alcohol? Together, they explore the challenges of alcohol dependency, why it might be time to reevaluate your connection to drinking, and how to lovingly support others on the same journey. Using the metaphor of alcohol as a “person” woven into our memories and social experiences, they explore the grief that can accompany “breaking up” with alcohol and how the Spirit of God’s still, small voice is sometimes drowned out by cocktail hour. If you’ve ever questioned whether your life might be better without alcohol, this episode offers practical insights and gentle encouragement to take a closer look.

    Download our free January reset guide https://bit.ly/4gBXjiW

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Resources or references mentioned in this episode:

    Ericka's 10 Tools to Find Freedom From Alcohol

    We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life by Laura McKowen

    Detox.net’s complete drinking habits study

    Washington D.C. has the highest percentage of heavy drinkers

    When a church leader confesses a substance abuse problem (an interview)

    This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness by Annie Grace

    The Luckiest Club: online sobriety support community

    More From Ericka Andersen:

    Follow Ericka on Instagram HERE

    Read ericka’s Substack HERE

    Check out Ericka’s website: HERE

    Ericka’s Wall Street Journal piece about Binge Drinking

    Learn more about J29 Coalition cohorts at J29Coalition.com

  • What can you expect from 2025?

    From abuses of power to the health of millions, host Curtis Chang and “founding friend” David French explore five pivotal stories that will shape how tax dollars are spent, how immigration is addressed, and how governance unfolds in the coming year. The original Good Faith duo challenges listeners to remain steadfast in protecting the vulnerable and speaking the truth. Offering insights on issues impacting America and the world, they encourage reflection and action. As the new year approaches, David urges listeners to pray not necessarily for specific policy outcomes but for wisdom, the courage to oppose evil, and a resolute commitment to justice.

    David’s Top 5:

    5. January 6 pardons

    4. What if RFK Jr. is confirmed?

    3. What is the Republican stance on abortion?

    2. Are mass deportations really coming?

    1. The evolving situation in Ukraine

    Make a year-end tax deductible gift to Redeeming Babel: https://redeemingbabel.org/donate/

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Resources or references mentioned in this episode:

    A Brief History of Post-World War II Asylum Law Presidential Pardon Power The Constitution of the United States (1787) Statement from U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) on his vote to impeach The Federalist Papers No. 51 (The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments) The Federalist Papers No. 76 (the Appointing Power of the Executive) From John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798 (letter) Job 21:7-17 “Why do the wicked prosper?” Karl Barth and True Practical Theology (blog post) Kash Patel’s ”enemies list” Abortion measures in Florida

    More From David French:

    Read David French’s opinion pieces HERE Follow David French on Threads
  • Reading to Make Sense of The World: The Wingfeather Saga

    In this episode of Good Faith Presents: Reading to Make Sense of the World, Curtis Chang and author-professor Jessica Hooten Wilson dive into Andrew Peterson's Wingfeather Saga to explore why fantasy literature matters—and why it’s important for both children and adults. Together, they unpack some of the deep truths found in imaginative stories and discuss how these tales can shape our understanding of the world. They also share practical steps for making reading with your children a meaningful and transformative practice.

    Make a year-end tax deductible gift to Redeeming Babel: https://redeemingbabel.org/donate/

    Resources or references mentioned in this episode:

    Wingfeather Saga books

    Wingfeather Saga book club kits

    Wingfeather Saga television adaptation

    G.K. Chesterton’s “The Ethics of Elfland” from the larger work Orthodoxy

    Walter Wangerin Jr.

    More From Jessica Hooten Wilson:

    Jessica Hooten Wilson's website

    Explore Jessica’s books HERE

    Read articles and Essay by Jessica HERE

  • How does love show up in the creative recipe?

    In the final episode of the Good Faith Advent series, host Curtis Chang is joined by Wingfeather Saga author and singer-songwriter Andrew Peterson to explore the theme of Advent love. Together, they discuss how love inspires and sustains creativity, emphasizing that "art at its best is a way of loving." Curtis and Andrew reflect on the creation of the Rabbit Room community, Andrew’s connection to the works of Lewis and Tolkien, and how art like the album Behold the Lamb of God exemplifies the power of sharing the creative process as an act of love. Prepare for Christmas with this heartfelt reminder from Peterson, “Jesus is God, and He loves you.”

    Make a year-end tax deductible gift to Redeeming Babel: https://redeemingbabel.org/donate/

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Listen to Songs For the After Party, get sheet music, lyrics, and prayers for your church.

    Other Advent Episodes:

    Choosing Hope When It feels Out of Reach (Sara Billups)

    Rethinking Heavenly Peace (Andy Crouch)

    Joy Is More Than A Feeling (with Chuck Mingo)

    Referenced in This Episode:

    At Home in the Borderlands A talk by Andrew Peterson

    Walter Wangerin Jr.

    A Prayer Book For Husbands (excerpt) by Walter Wangerin Jr.

    “The Brave One” by Andy Gullahorn

    The Borderlands by Roger Lloyd

    Living Into Focus by Aurthur Boers

    Adam Duritz (The Counting Crows) on songwriting

    Tolkien's Essay: On Fairy-stories

    Pit of Despair drawn by John Hendrix

    Behold the Lamb of God

    The Inklings

    Culture Care: Reconnecting with Beauty for Our Common Life by Makoto Fujimura

    George MacDonald "A Born Preacher" article by Robert H. Ellison

    Wingfeather Saga (animated series)

    More From Andrew Peterson:

    Andrew Peterson's website

    The Rabbit Room


    A Guide to the Work of Andrew Peterson

  • Have you ever thought, “I’m happy to be in this with you, God”?

    In the third episode of the Good Faith Advent series, host Curtis Chang is joined by pastor and author Chuck Mingo to explore the true meaning of Advent joy. Together, they discuss how joy differs from fleeting happiness, and explain why joy deepens when shared with others. Curtis and Chuck also offer practical ways to nurture joy during life’s setbacks and “in-between” spaces. They suggest meaningful practices that can become joy-sustaining traditions, such as affirmations shared with loved ones and gratitude-centered journaling. Join this conversation and discover how joy can be cultivated and spread during the Advent season and beyond.

    Make a year-end tax deductible gift to Redeeming Babel: https://redeemingbabel.org/donate/

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Listen to Songs For the After Party, get sheet music, lyrics, and prayers for your church.

    ENTER to win our Rabbit Room/Andrew Peterson Christmas Giveaway.

    Other Advent Episodes:

    Choosing Hope When It feels Out of Reach (Sara Billups)

    Rethinking Heavenly Peace (Andy Crouch)

    Referenced in This Episode:

    The Slaughter of the innocents

    The Flight of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph to Egypt

    The bombing of Martin Luther King, Jr's parsonage

    Black taxi drivers' role during the Montgomery bus boycott

    Handel’s Messiah (original)

    Handel's Messiah: A Soulful Celebration

    Eyes On The Prize (PBS series)

    Reepicheep from the Chronicles of Narnia

    Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God's Promises, and the Exhilarating

    Future That Awaits You (Amazon)

    The Songs of Zechariah & Mary

    Psalm 103

    More From Chuck Mingo:

    Chuck’s work at Undivided

    Chuck’s work at Crossroads Church

  • What is Advent peace? Does it mean inner peace, world peace, or maybe peace with God and others?

    In this second episode of the Good Faith Advent series, Curtis Chang is joined by Good Faith contributor Andy Crouch to explore the true meaning of the peace promised by the coming of Jesus. Together, they challenge common assumptions about peace, using the historical context of Jesus' birth to scrutinize familiar Christmas messages. Curtis and Andy invite listeners to consider an Advent peace that acknowledges suffering and speaks into the hard realities of the holiday season—and everyday life.

    Make a year-end tax deductible gift to Redeeming Babel: www.redeemingbabel.org/donate

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Listen to Songs For the After Party, get sheet music, lyrics, and prayers for your church.

    Referenced in This Episode:

    Watch Curtis and Sara Billups’ Advent conversation about hope

    Read about Pax Romana (Roman Peace)

    Explore Simeon’s words to Mary

    Read about the Wales Window of Birmingham, Alabama

    Buy & Read Fleming Rutledge’s The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ

    Read one woman’s account of the Camino de Santiago

    Read the story behind Silent Night

    Read the story behind O Little Town of Bethlehem

    Read about the Massacre of the Innocents

    Watch Curtis’ conversation with Amy Low

    Watch/Listen to The Lord Will Have His Way

    Explore Andy Crouch’s work:

    Interact with Andy’s website

    Check out Andy’s work at Praxis

    Read Andy’s book: The Life We're Looking For

  • What is Advent hope, and how do we hold onto it when life feels overwhelming?

    In this first episode of a four-part Good Faith Advent series, Curtis Chang and author Sara Billups explore what true hope looks like for 21st-century Christians navigating consumer culture, climate anxiety, and widespread disillusionment with the church. Drawing on her experiences as a caregiver for her aging parents and as a Gen Xer shaped by the fundamentalism of the 1970s and 80s, Sara reflects on the Gospel story of Simeon, whose patient hope in the long-awaited birth of Jesus offers a timeless example for mid-lifers, millennials, and anyone yearning for hope in troubled times. With practical tips for sharing Advent’s meaning with children, this episode provides encouragement for the whole family.

    Make a year-end tax deductible gift to Redeeming Babel: www.redeemingbabel.org/donate

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Listen to Songs For the After Party, get sheet music, lyrics, and prayers for your church.

    Referenced in This Episode:

    Kate Bowler Everything HAppens for A Reason and Other Lies

    Misgivings About Hal Lindsay’s “Planet Earth” by John Piper

    Engage with the Daily Office

    Use the Pray As You Go application

    Read The Morning Offering prayer

    Teaching Children The Examen Prayer

    Order a copy of Every Moment Holy

    Read The Benedictine Rules of Fidelity and Stability (PDF)

    More From Sara Billups:

    Check out Sara Billups’ Bitter Scroll Substack

    Buy & read Orphaned Believers by Sara Billups

    Listen to the That's The Spirit podcast with Sara Billups and Morgan Page

  • A sister listens to her family even when disagreement over abortion makes it hard.

    Good Faith's series of Campfire Stories, invites listeners to share how the podcast has inspired them to engage deeply with their families and communities. These personal narratives illuminate how individuals like you are grappling with complex issues and fostering meaning right where they live. Join us for Alyssa's Campfire Story.

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

  • Is it true that “you can’t believe” anything you read? Can we consume news with a mindset other than cynicism, outrage, or fear?

    Host Curtis Chang welcomes journalist and author Jon Ward to discuss why Christians need to care about a well-functioning news culture. With an AP poll on mainstream media showing trust at an all-time low, they explore the reasons behind this crisis—political isolation, social media's influence, and potential media bias. Together, they offer a framework for healthy news consumption, focusing on the postures of spectator, student, and servant, while Jon shares his personal strategies for staying informed in a fractured media landscape.

    Referenced in This Episode:

    Gallup: Media Trust Data

    AP Media Trust Polling

    Gallup: Ideology percentages in the U.S.

    Media Bias Chart (based on self-identified ideology)

    The Highest Paid Media Personalities

    Top News Anchor Pay Cuts

    Tucker Carlson’s 2009 Defense of The New York Times

    Jon Ward’s Suggested Media Sources:

    The Associated Press

    The New York Times

    The National Review


    The Dispatch


    The Liberal Patriot

    Wake Up To Politics

    Some Local News Options

    The Baltimore Banner

    The Texas Tribune

    Streetcar Suburbs Publishing

    More From Jon Ward:

    Check out Jon Ward’s Border-Stalkers Substack

    Buy & read Jon Ward’s book Testimony: Inside the Evangelical Movement That Failed a Generation

    Listen to Jon Ward’s podcast The Long Game

    Send your Campfire Stories to: info@redeemingbabel.org

    Join the Redeeming Babel Team: Marketing Manager Job Opening

    Listen to Songs For the After Party, get sheet music, lyrics, and prayers for your church.