Ujeedka podcast wa in aan ku soo gudbinno horumarinta shaqsiyeed, maandhiska, hal-abuurka, isbedelka , guulaha iyo taaariikhdooda bulshada haldoorkooda ah, si ay inoola wadaagaan safaradooda iyo casharada aynu ka baran karno ama khibrad ahaan. Sido kalena dadku uga helaan talooyin iyo taxanayaal u hoga tusaaleeya hayaankooda nololeed ay ku jiraan noocyadiisa kala duwan!
The Zoza Podcast is a weekly podcast featuring friends Jonito, Muthoni, Vlad, Farii, Kiragu and the Zoza Podcast family. They share their experiences and try to give their full, unfiltered opinion on anything that comes to mind. We appreciate our audience for the time they allocate to listen to us. ALWAYS WITH A K!!!!!!!!
Uncensored. Unapologetic. Unfiltered. Unrated Unruly is a podcast named after the words that best describe the conversations taking place. Every week Taylor and Ashley discuss relationships, sex, love, friendship, and so much more all while drawing on their own experiences (no matter how embarrassing). It's a judgment-free space where their favorite topics are the ones normally deemed taboo.
Welcome to Seattle’s African unflinching comedy podcast hosted by an award winning Kenyan Comedian , Dubai Denis Maronga. The show is poised at the intersection of black, African, and American experiences, we chop up Comedy , Music & personal stories . The show also profiles some of the extraordinary people making a meaningful and affirmative contribution to their communities, cities, countries, the continent, and the world. .https://linktr.ee/DubaiDenis Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theafricanexcellistpodcast/support
Four young adults Joji Dadi, Tess, Shukri and Bwire discuss everything about life from there perspectives. Follow us on Instagram @lifejunkyardpodcast https://instagram.com/lifejunkyardpodcast?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU= follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/lifejunkyard21?s=11&t=q19eX3ilhR4vbNl4aINQbA
This is the kinda sh@t u don’t hear on radio. So far we are the number one podcast in Rwanda Every Friday and Monday. Get strapped,subscribe and share. Presenters @1_chris_ivan_1@didan07 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ivan-didan/support