
  • A short meditation in the Japanese tradition which cleanses and clears your energies with Reiki.

    So useful for Reiki practioners before and after treatments and for any time on order to feel clear and calm. Beautiful for non-practioners too x

    The meditation begins at 1 min 33 seconds in.https://www.reiki.org/articles/we-are-creating-world-peace for a beautiful article on Reiki and World Peace by William Lee Rand.

    Thank you for listening and I hope you've enjoyed this meditation x


    please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' if you'd like to!

    Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books, reiki bells and bird seed gratefully received :)

    ... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Gentle Marimbas'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - 'Peace Grid' in the 'Oil Press' Art Gallery, Old Jerusalem
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

    Support the show

  • A tiny episode of just over 2 mins with a garden nuthatch who sang a few words to me :) - I write automatically as she chatters...

    So resonant and the perfect messge x


    ‘Sliding scale musical joy is here every day

    and I run, creep, sleek up and down it

    as you do.

    Si Si Siiiiii! Smooth…and bubbling merry under, my call.

    This heart glows radiant soft, timeless –

    beneath my orange-pink underfeathers and

    you have my blue-grey artist back,

    a colour-wheel, complementary creeper

    plus tree – perfect!

    Though I disappear into deeper woods, it’s true,

    I return when you do,

    with clear focus, black stripe precision sharp

    direct through the eye

    and point to our purpose, our poise,

    our protection.

    Swift, sure and true –

    I am an inner fire of blessing.

    Si Si Si!

    As are you.’

    Thank you, Nuthatch x

    & thank you for listening.


    ** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and bird seed :)

    ... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Garden Nuthatch - superquick ink sketch
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

    Support the show

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • An intuitive poem of 2 mins 45 written in a few minutes after listening to 'The World at One' on Radio 4 and then looking outside.

    Feeling a great need for calming ... and the birds and the trees spoke to me x

    So wonderful writing these, having no idea really what will emerge...
    the process of writing and then reading them is always so surprising and calming for me.

    'This is the news' – an afternoon poem

    This is the world at 1.45 says the news presenter on Radio 4.

    This is the news, firmly, this is the news at 1. 45.

    This is the news, says the wood pigeon outside my window.

    This is the news, says the collared dove who comes

    to eat at the bird table with her.

    It's all okay Rowena, it's all okay.

    After the fighting, after the darkness, after the killing,

    after the bruises, it's all okay Rowena.

    And then the purring, the mala all along, its Buddha beads,

    my cat, in orange and white, breathing and purring

    like beads. Ginger. And softly sliding

    through different doors.

    A myriad to ignore, these doors.

    It's all okay Rowena.

    Feel the earth in your hands. Gritty, grounding.

    Outside of culture. Voices. Life out there.

    This is life. This is the world.

    To in here. In this culture, this extraordinary richness

    in this soil.

    The morning spins and it is gone.

    The birds are still here.

    Onka, onka, onka.

    Flitting through myrtle leaves.

    One thing, one thing, one thing, one leaf.

    One shiny, one satin, one thing, Rowena, one thing.

    The sycamores in their perpendicular bowing are in agreeance.

    Their branches are knotty, one thing, one thing.

    Bare, weighing up the wind.

    Comme ci, comme ça

    they say in the breeze.

    The camellia is full pink, blooming pink, and so healthy, so well,

    so new, full of buds and blossoms,

    she calls to me.


    ** please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and bird seed :)

    ... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - photo of my garden camellia
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

    Support the show

  • An episode of just over 20 mins with a gentle guided meditation for relaxing the body.

    This meditation was inspired by listening to a Self-Realisation Fellowship (SRF) talk on Youtube - 'How to overcome Nervousness' and a body scan was suggested - mine grew from this and became much longer than anticipated :)

    The meditation begins at 1 min 26 (see chapter marker) Apologies for abrupt ending of music! My audio editor has changed and I can't quite work out how to do fade ins/out yet... :)

    ' ...you realise that all along there was something tremendous within you, and you did not know it. ' - Paramahansa Yogananda

    More info on Self-Realisation Fellowship


    ** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and bird seed :)

    ... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music - from the Music library at Descript
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover -
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • An episode inspired by and referencing the wonderful book, 'After the Ecstasy, the Laundry' by Buddhist teacher and writer Jack Kornfield.

    Looking at Chapter 7 and discussing enlightenment, meditation and peace...

    Julian of Norwich and Zen poet Ryokan Taigu are mentioned amongst others, as are Mooji and Eckhart Tolle.

    In preparation too for my own meditation offering soon of '7 days of peace' - connecting with the peace we already are x


    ** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and bird seed :)

    ... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Gentle Marimbas'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

    Support the show

  • An episode of 7.5 mins on trust and love, with a short guided visualisation by the wonderful energy intutuitive and channeler Lee Harris.

    Recorded quite quickly whilst reading his book 'Energy Speaks' ...and also in order to try out a new microphone :)

    The visualisation begins at 1 min 52 secs in More info on Lee Harris


    ** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and bird seed :)

    ... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Soft Driver'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Image of 'Energy Speaks' by Lee Harris
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

    Support the show

  • A tiny episode of almost 4 mins on a little garden wren who decided to sing a few words to me :)

    ... & in the moment, she echoed the words of Eckhart Tolle - on gratitude and abundance!

    I also had to suddenly jump up and paint! - a 1 min painting with inks (the podcast cover for this episode) xEckhart Tolle and the wren (whilst hopping over and under and through the fence (the wren :))) :

    ‘Be grateful for your experience

    in this moment,

    whatever it may be

    and if you can’t be grateful,

    allow it to be

    because, well…

    it already Is’

    ‘You might as well do this tiny little thing’,

    said the wren,

    ‘because then …

    if you did this tiny little thing

    you will lessen





    ** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and bird seed :)

    ... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Flutterbee' (tiny bit)
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Garden Wren - superquick ink sketch
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • An episode of almost 12 mins on a Saturday rambling dog walk through the fields in West Penwith, Cornwall.

    Also singing the Heart Sutra, from the Mahayana tradition which has been so beautiful for me recently and also reminds me of when I stayed in a Buddhist Monastery many years ago...
    ** I'm not a singer - so my voice isn't the best! :) - this podcast is for confidence around voice and all being perfect just as it is x

    Gate gate para gate para sam gate bodhi swaha
    (Sanskrit: गते गते पार गते पार संगते बोधि स्वाहा)

    - Buddhist mantra found at the end of the Heart Sutra and included in the Prajnaparamita ('Perfection of Wisdom') section of the Mahayana Buddhist canon. It is also known as the Heart Calming Mantra.

    It can be translated as 'Go, Go, go beyond, go completely beyond the beyond, such awakening, so great! (hallelujah!) ...in going beyond illusion to true reality. In effect staying as that which Is and not being affected by all that is not.

    Thank you so much for listening x

    ** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and cat treats

    ... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'La Di Da'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Gulval fields and sky, photograph
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

    Support the show

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  • An episode of almost 8 mins on my garden Magpies.

    This was inspired by an element in the course I'm currently running 'Birdsong, Flight & Wonder' - Meditation, Painting and Friendship

    My magpie decided to share a few words with me :)

    There is also a reading of Ted Hughes' 'Wind' at around 3 mins 55

    Please see chapter marker x

    ** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and cat treats

    ... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Meadowland' Field Report Vol X: Powell Butte
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Garden Magpie - sketch
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • An episode of almost 10 mins on poetry for Spring (although before the intro there's a mention of November :)).

    This was recorded in late April but have only just had time to create it and publish. I had a bit of a fluey/cold when recording this!

    Initially this was only going to be poems by e.e.cummings but then the big ginger neighbourhood cat Brother G inspired me to read Neruda's wonderful 'Ode to the Cat'... and he sat and listened all the while:) x

    Featuring mewing from Brother G too, from about 2 mins 20 in :) x

    The episode is a reading of five poems - the first four short ones by e.e.cummings and the last, longer one by Pablo Neruda.

    'Who are you, little i' by e.e cummings'Spring is like a perhaps hand '- by e.e.c'In Just Spring' by e.e.c'In Spring Comes' by e.e.c'Ode to the Cat' by Pablo Neruda

    Please see chapter markers to skip to each, if you'd like x

    ** - please see the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as so happy to find out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, poetry books and cat treats

    ... (& of course the podcast/audio recording/editing costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Ringling'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - 'Spring buds & 'The Trees' by Larkin' - sketch (detail)
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • An episode of just over 16 mins on Grace and what this might mean... and it's beautiful presence in our lives.

    With a mention of Leonard Cohen, Alan Cohen, Rainer Maria Rilke and Mary Oliver...

    I'd love to know your thoughts on Grace too...

    A reading of Rilke's 'The Poet Speaks of Praising' is at 7mins 12 secs inAn extract from Rilke's 'Letters to a Young Poet' is at 13 mins 46 secs


    **New** - just adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats
    ... (& of course podcast/audio costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Wonderblues'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Peony, cornflower, marsh yellow-cress and red scabiosa' felting
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • A one minute intro - On creativity, inspiration & joy - workshops & 1-1s for women!

    On friendship, thriving, resilience and the warmth of community x

    This was recorded for my workshops, as a kind of sum-up of what I love and a vision of women thriving, confident & happy!

    Workshops - local and zoomWebsite - main one!Intuitive painting website


    * Adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, cat treats
    ... (& of course podcast/audio costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Intuitive paintings - collage
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

    Support the show

  • An episode of just over 3.5 mins with two short poems written in the stillness - one whilst watching a spider and one after painting intuitively...

    Both poems focus gently on grief, beauty, tenderness...

    Chapter markers:
    Spider poem - 38 seconds
    Fish poem - 2 mins 24 seconds


    **New** - just adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats
    ... (& of course podcast/audio costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Canvas'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Clover garden lawn - photograph
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • An episode of just over 20 mins inspired by reading some of Van Gogh's letters to his brother Theo.

    This became a longer episode than I thought it would be and includes ponderings on Imagist poetry, including readings of Ezra Pound, F.S.Flint, D.H Lawrence and Amy Lowell...

    Also considerations of line and music, nature and soul and with an added bonus of my cat Charley sneezing - many times at one point! (He was standing in a sunbeam from the window :D)

    I briefly mention the 'Grace & Joy Intuitive Painting workshops' and here's the Link to Meetup - for more info and to join.

    *Support the Show* - Please feel free to click my donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' ! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats ...

    (& of course podcast/audio costs!) very gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Boop'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Van Gogh blues
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

    Support the show

  • An episode of just over 7 mins on the Grace & Joy painting and wellbeing workshops for women which are held locally in-person and internationally, via Zoom.

    A little bit about how these came to be, the women they may appeal to most (HSPs, Introverts, Empaths, Intuitives...) and the joy of painting in this way as a spiritual practice.

    Skip the intro to 1 min 42 in for the start :)

    Link to Meetup - for more info and to join

    *Support the Show* - Please feel free to click my donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' ! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats ...

    (& of course podcast/audio costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Flutterbee' and 'Happiness Is'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Intuitive painting workshop collage
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • An episode of 9:28 mins on the beauty of slow... snails, stillness & quiet moments...

    Sitting with my cat Silver early this morning and listening to the sounds in the garden...and then ponderings and poems emerged x

    The episode includes readings of three poems:

    ''Today' by Mary Oliver'Considering the Snail' by Tom Gunn''Clarifications' by A.R Ammons

    Please see chapter markers to skip to each, if you'd like x

    *Support the Show* - Please feel free to click my donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' ! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats ...

    (& of course podcast/audio costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Happiness Is'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - 'The Snail & Mt Fuji' - Needle-punch sketch
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • An episode of just over 6 mins which is a short, intuitive morning poem inspired by a few words...

    These words unfolded by themsleves into a celebration of the exotic and pleasure in the everyday :)

    Poem begins at 2mins 56

    **New** - just adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats
    ... (& of course podcast/audio costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Happiness Is'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Clover garden lawn - photograph
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • An episode of 12:39 mins with Val reading the poetry she loves.

    I met Val over a year ago when I started to walk her Border Collie Moss each week, via The Cinnamon Trust.

    We often have a cup of tea and chat too and Val has shared how much comfort she feels from reading poetry, especially by Patience Strong. She has a wonderful 1930s booklet of her poetry that belonged to her mother and this episode is dedicated to Val reading from this booklet.

    Stay tuned for a Cornish poem at the end :)The cover photo is Moss listening to Val whilst she reads x so beautiful :)

    ** Adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this!
    If you've enjoyed these episodes and meditations, any contributions towards podcast/audio costs) are always gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Wavy Glass'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - Beautiful Moss listening to Val reading poetry x
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • An episode of 21:42 mins on empty,empty, emptiness and the pure fullness and joy of this.
    Remaining as spacious awareness, & all else flowing through to the earth with a simple visualisation inspired by the Advaita Vedanta teacher Mooji.

    The episode is quite long but essentially the meditation practice is very short and can be done at any time, whenever remembered :)Guided meditation begins at 2 mins 30

    ** Adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this!
    If you've enjoyed these episodes and meditations, any contributions towards podcast/audio costs) are always gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Wavy Glass'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - 'The fullness of emptiness' - quick sketch
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

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  • An episode of 15:08 mins on 'being with' sadness and other energies in the body and how they may become our familiar companions.

    The episode also shares an intuitive poem, 'All is very very ok' written quickly on a piece of paper late at night on this subject and then also a reading of Rumi's 'The Guest House' - relating so perfectly, and so beautiful. Leonard Cohen's song 'The Guests' is also mentioned x

    Intuitive poem - 9:53 secsRumi's 'The Guest House' (trans. Coleman Barks) - 13:41 secs

    **New** - just adding the donate button on 'Buy me a coffee' as recently found out about this! Any contributions towards coffees, pencils and cat treats
    ... (& of course podcast/audio costs!) gratefully received x


    Please see more artwork, articles and info at www.rowenascotney.com

    Music by Chad Crouch www.soundofpicture.com - 'Happiness Is'
    Artwork by Rowena Scotney

    Episode cover - 'Grey colour wash' - intuitive painting sketch
    Podcast cover - 'Garden Robin' - felting

    Support the show