Are we witnessing the end of a chapter in human history, to be replaced, suddenly, by a completely different chapter?
Messages, delivered throughout the Bible, about the relationship of the Jewish people to the Divine
The podcast demonstrates the precision of the original Hebrew-Bible text, and how occasionally the original sense is lost in translation.
Living in the period of the Geo-Centric worldview, a Jewish Rabbi wondered (claimed) that it is the sun that should be named Eretz (Hebrew for Earth). With the later science-based shift towards the Helio-Centric worldview (Sun is “still”, Earth is “running” around it), biblical Hebrew once again proved to describe accurately physical reality.
Living in the period of the Geo-Centric worldview, a Jewish Rabbi wondered (claimed) that it is the sun that should be named Eretz (Hebrew for Earth). With the later science-based shift towards the Helio-Centric worldview (Sun is “still”, Earth is “running” around it), biblical Hebrew once again proved to describe accurately physical reality.