
  • For our twenty-ninth episode we decided to discuss our favorite metal inspired video games, or games that feature some very cool metal moments. This is definitely not a comprehensive list, so if there's any you think we've missed or should play, please let us know!

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the incredible past two weeks as well as several honorable mentions. We close out the show with an "Extreme Submission" from Black N Roll/Thrash band "Electric Assault".

    Support them on bandcamp at the link below:


    If you have a band and would like us to promote one of your songs in this segment, please reach out!

    We hope you enjoy the show! If you do, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    GUTS - Ravenous Leech

    Lysergic - Lysergic

    Admire the Grim - Rivers to Surge

    Skaldr - Storms Collide

    USQUAM - The Mask

    Noctambulist - Aderlater

    Electric Assault - Electric Assault

  • For our twenty-eighth episode, we decided to bring on a great group of guys who happen to live in Houston - The boys from Bleak Barrow! As you might remember, we featured their first single "Inviscerate" as an extreme submission on Episode 25 of the show, and they're coming on and sharing another killer track with us on this one!

    While we do have Justin, Thomas, and Will joining us from Bleak Barrow, we treated this like a normal episode, rather than an interview one. That means we still discuss and play tracks from our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as talk about some honorable mentions and some great recommendations from the guys. We close out the show with Bleak Barrow's latest single - "Destined Death"

    Support them on bandcamp at the link below:


    If you have a band and would like us to promote one of your songs in this segment, please reach out!

    We hope you enjoy the show! If you do, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Clear Sky Nailstorm - Worm Food

    Grand Devourer - Beneath a Pale Horse

    Retador - Assassino

    Great Old Ones - Those From Ulthar

    Hazzerd - Parasitic

    Harakiri For the Sky - With Autumn I'll Surrender

    Bleak Barrow - Destined Death

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • On this special episode, we had the opportunity to interview Christian Larson - The man behind Hell's Heroes music festival in Houston Texas, as well as the guitarist/vocalist for black metal band - Necrofier! We talk about everything that goes into making a festival like this work, how he plans the lineup, some of the pitfalls, and more! Of course we also ask some questions about what's next for Necrofier. We had a great time getting to know Christian, and we're excited to be attending Hell's Heroes this year! If you come to the festival, find us and say hi!

    Purchase your Hell's Heroes tickets via ticketmaster: https://www.ticketmaster.com/hells-heroes-vii-3-day-pass-houston-texas-03-22-2025/event/3A0060B8D90354CC

    Support Necrofier at their bandcamp here: https://necrofier.bandcamp.com/

    We close out the episode with the track "Forbidden Light of the Black Moon" off the latest Necrofier album - Burning Shadows in the Southern Night

    Please follow us on Facebook, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

  • Welcome to 2025! For our twenty-seventh episode, we decided to discuss our top five favorite Live albums. Some of these should come as no surprise to longtime listeners, but there are a couple of surprises!

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as several honorable mentions. We close out the show with an "Extreme Submission" from Avante-Garde black metal band "Am I In Trouble?". You will be if you don't stick around until the end of the show and hear the track!

    Support them on bandcamp at the link below:


    If you have a band and would like us to promote one of your songs in this segment, please reach out!

    We hope you enjoy the show! If you do, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    The Obsidian Resurrection - Prophecy's Will

    Mork Gryning - The Seer

    Bazooka Troopaz - Party Guerilla Warfare

    Black Negative Domination - Screaming Soul

    The Halo Effect - Detonate

    Besna - Paracelsus

    Am I In Trouble? - Pink

  • I can't believe it's been a whole year already! For our twenty-sixth episode, we discuss the highs and lows of 2024, and recap all of our favorite things, including both of our top30 albums for the year. Of course there is a little overlap, but there's a few surprises too! It's a long journey, but there's several laughs and a lot of great discussion. We hope you'll stick around until the end.

    We also want to thank everyone who has supported us by visiting the site, checking out the podcast, and leaving us reviews. Every message, comment, and review means so much to us, and makes us feel like we're really doing something to help promote this amazing music we love so much. We have so much to look forward to in 2025, so we hope you'll all stick around and see what's in store!

    If you enjoy the show, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Vale of Pnath - Shadow

    Eternal Storm - A Dim Illusion

    Blighted Eye - A Feast for Worms

    Amiensus - Blink of the Moment

    In Vain - Blood Makes the Grass Grow

    Gaerea - Kingdom of Thorns

  • For our twenty-fifth episode, we thought it would be fun to highlight our favorite and least favorite Metal Cover Songs. Some of these are great, but others are outright horrible. We play short clips from the bad ones so you can decide for yourself! As always, we're sure we've missed great examples of both good and bad, so please let us know what your favorites are either way!

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as several honorable mentions. We close out the show with an "Extreme Submission" from a killer death metal band from Houston - Bleak Barrow!

    Check out their first single "Inviscerate" on their Bandcamp here:


    If you have a band and would like us to promote one of your songs in this segment, please reach out!

    We hope you enjoy the show! If you do, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

     Völva - The Tower

    Neckbreaker - Shackled to a Corpse

    Panzerchrist - Ritual

    Aara - Falsensang

    Night In Gales - Into the Evergrey

    Pestilent Hex - Sciomancy and Sortilege

    Bleak Barrow - Inviscerate

  • For our twenty-fourth episode, we continue our discussion about the most influential metal albums throughout history. This is the final part of this three episode series, where we cover everything we consider important from 2006 through today! Obviously we can't discuss every possible album, so if there's any you feel like we missed, please let us know!

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as several honorable mentions. We close out the show with an "Extreme Submission" from a Death N Roll band called Atomic Spitfire!

    Check out their Bandcamp here:


    If you have a band and would like us to promote one of your songs in this segment, please reach out!

    We hope you enjoy the show! If you do, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Faust - Exchanging the Suffering

    Burial Oath - Deathbringer

    Accuser - Painted Cruelty

    Entomophthora - Instinctual Disease

    Opeth - 5

    Exuvial - Parasitica

    Atomic Spitfire - Head 'N' Roll

  • For our twenty-third episode, we continue our discussion about the most influential metal albums throughout history. This is part two of a three part podcast, where we cover everything we consider important from 1995 through 2005. We'll cover 2005 through present on part three! Obviously we can't discuss every possible album, so if there's any you feel like we missed, please let us know! We'd also be interested to hear what albums you think are influential post-2005!

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as several honorable mentions. We close out the show with an "Extreme Submission" from a Melodic Black Metal band called Sparrows!

    Check out their Bandcamp here:https://sparrowsmetal.bandcamp.com/album/sparrows-ep

    If you have a band and would like us to promote one of your songs in this segment, please reach out!

    We hope you enjoy the show! If you do, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Dreadmask - Reign of Fear

    Slechtvalk - Death

    Disparaged - The Throne

    Paganizer - World Scythe

    Yoth Iria - Purgatory Revolution

    Carved Memories - Raven

    Sparrows - Convulsions from the Earth

  • For our twenty second episode, we decided to talk about the different types of Metalheads that we've encountered online and at shows. We planned on making this more of a serious discussion, but between an overwhelming few weeks at work, and the passing of Christian's mother, we didn't approach this topic with the same serious tone we typically would. Instead, Christian came up with several caricature descriptions and we had some good, and much needed laughs. We hope you will laugh along with us.

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as several honorable mentions. We close out the show with an "Extreme Submission" from a Melodic Death Metal band called Svn.Seeker!

    Check out their Bandcamp here: https://svnseeker.bandcamp.com/Check out their Ampwall here: https://ampwall.com/a/svnseeker

    If you have a band and would like us to promote one of your songs in this segment, please reach out!

    Also, If you enjoy the show, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Disarray - Religious Disease

    Feral - Vile Malediction

    The Spirit - Room 101

    Immortal Bird - Synthetic Alliances

    Hate Angel - Extinction Ritual

    Gaerea - Wilted Flower

    Svn.Seeker - The Gold Will Rise

  • On this special episode, we had the opportunity to interview Blake Lamoureux - The talented solo artist behind melodic death metal band "Ophidian Memory". We talk about his creative process, influences, what it's like being a musician in Des Moines, Iowa, and more! Of course we also ask some deep dive questions about his latest album - Carrion Lord! This album is a lot of fun, and if you haven't heard it yet, we strongly recommend checking it out! We had a great time getting to know Blake, and since he and Christian live so close, hopefully they'll get to connect in person at an upcoming show. Listen at the end of the podcast to hear Blake's favorite track from the album "The Murder on Warforged Soil"

    Support Ophidian Memory at their bandcamp here:


    Also, Follow us on Facebook, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

  • For our twenty first episode, we decided to talk about the most influential metal albums throughout history. This is only part one of a three part podcast, where we cover everything we consider important from metal's origins throughout 1995. We'll cover 1995 through 2005 on the second part! Obviously we can't discuss every possible album, so if there's any you feel like we missed, please let us know! We'd also be interested to hear what albums you think are influential post-1995!

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as several honorable mentions. We close out the show with an "Extreme Submission" from a Progressive Doom/Death Metal band called Negative Bliss!

    Check out their Bandcamp here: https://negativebliss.bandcamp.com/Check out their Ampwall here: https://ampwall.com/a/negativebliss

    If you have a band and would like us to promote one of your songs in this segment, please reach out!

    We had some technical difficulties at the beginning of the show, so please forgive the oddly edited intro. It only affected about 30 second, so hopefully you'll still enjoy the show! If you do, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Scattered Guts - The Impact Zone

    Abramelin - Shell of a Man

    Andy Gillion - Prophecy

    Undeath - More Insane

    Ignominous - Cosmic Spawns of Death

    Wolves' Winter - Flame of Ghosts

    Negative Bliss - The Lighthouse

  • On this special episode, we had the opportunity to interview Kyle Chapman - The guitarist, vocalist, and one of the songwriters behind progressive death metal band "Blighted Eye". We talk about Blighted Eye's creative process, influences, future, and more! Of course we also ask some deep dive questions about their debut album - Agony's Bespoke. As it stands, This incredible album is one of our favorite albums of 2024 and is very likely to make our top10 list for the year. It was an absolute blast to get to know Kyle, and hopefully we'll get the chance to see him and the rest of the band on tour next year! Listen at the end of the podcast to hear our favorite track from the album "A Reverent Stillness"

    Order a copy of Agony's Bespoke from their label here:


    Also, Follow us on Facebook, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

  • For our twentieth episode, we decided to talk about how we discover new music. We go into detail about all the resources that we use to help us build our weekly playlists, as well as how we find worthwhile older music that we might have missed. We may have different methods, but we also both have a lot of great suggestions!

    Check out our resources here:Encyclopedia Metallum - https://www.metal-archives.com/KmanRiffs - https://www.instagram.com/kmanriffs/Metal Releases - https://metalreleases.comMetal Collision YT- https://www.youtube.com/@MetalCollisionHeavy Debriefings - https://heavydebriefings.weebly.com/written-material

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as a huge amount of honorable mentions. We close out the show with an "Extreme Submission" from a Melodic Death Metal band called Embers Ignite!

    If you have a band and would like us to promote one of your songs in this segment, please reach out!

    Despite Justin's voice still not being 100 percent, we hope you'll enjoy the episode! If you do, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Vicious Blade - Forged Steel

    Groza - Asbest

    Torrefy - Street Reaper

    Ophidian Memory - Hunger of Your Deceased Deity

    Kanonenfieber - Sturmtrupp

    Blighted Eye - A Reverent Stillness

    Embers Ignite - The Prophecy

  • For our nineteenth episode, we decided to talk about Religion in Metal. As an atheist, is there any real difference between Christian metal and Satanic metal? How important is religion as it relates to the music? Should metal musicians be subject to scrutiny for their beliefs? We discuss it all at length.

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as some outstanding honorable mentions. To close out the show, we've done away with the blast from the past segment, and are now using the closing song to highlight a band who has sent us a submission! The new segment is called "Extreme Submissions", and if you have a band and would like us to promote one of your songs, please reach out!

    Despite Justin being a bit sick, we did have a lot of fun recording this episode. Hopefully you'll enjoy it! If so, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Marrow of Man - Upon Mighty Planes of Ash

    Together to the Stars - Earthbound

    Mordkaul - Dead Heart Awake

    Taur-Im-Duinath - Madre Notte

    Isolert - The End of Beauty

    Firtan - Wermut hoch am Firmament (Feat Ellende)

    Mass Disorder - Prophets of Hypocrisy

  • For our eighteenth episode, we decided to talk about Imagery in Metal. How important is the look of a band? How important is the art that is used for album covers? Does one approach give a band more or less credibility? How does that same imagery apply to the listeners? We discuss it all at length.

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as some outstanding honorable mentions. To close out the show, Justin has chosen the song Petrichor from Karg and Ellende, off of his favorite Karg album - Dornenvogal! As usual, we had a lot of fun recording this episode and hope you enjoy it! If so, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Demiser - Carburated Speed

    Modern Rites - Autonomy

    Deadscape - Collapse to Disrepair

    Spectral Wound - Aristocratic Suicidal Black Metal

    Hag - Over Stormskapte Fjell

    Amiensus - Solfarid

    Karg/Ellende - Petrichor

  • For our seventeenth episode, we decided to talk about Stereotypes in Metal. We discuss the few positive stereotypes, as well as the predominant negative ones. We even speak about our personal least favorites, and some surprising situations we've encountered recently that involved stereotypes.

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as some outstanding honorable mentions. To close out the show, Christian has chosen a blast from the past - Sacred Reich's "Ignorance" off their 1987 album of the same name! As usual, we had a lot of fun recording this episode and hope you enjoy it! If so, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Oxygen Destroyer - Iris of Sempiternal Tenebrosity

    Vesper the Aerial - Paralyzed

    In Aphelion - A Winter Moon's Gleam

    Thermality - The Hunter & The Nightmare

    Anoxide - Age of Austerity

    Dark Tranquility - Shivers and Voids

    Sacred Reich - Ignorance

  • On this special episode, we had the opportunity to interview Jim Benson and Todd Farnham - The guitarist, vocalist, and bassist behind progressive black metal band "Amiensus". We talk about Amiensus' creative process, influences, collaborations and growth. Of course we also ask some deep dive questions about their latest opus - Raclamation Pt 1 and Pt 2. As it stands, Reclamation is one of our favorite albums of 2024 and it was a blast to get to know the guys behind it. Stick around at the end of the podcast to hear their latest single - Decaying God Child!

    Reclamation Pt1 is available now, and Reclamation Pt2 will release on Friday, August 30th! Make sure to pick up a copy on their bandcamp:


    Also, Follow us on Facebook, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

  • For our sixteenth episode, we decided to talk about Metal in Pop Culture. We discuss our favorite representations of metal in Movies, TV shows, and Video Games, as well as displays of metal on a global stage. Of course we also touch on Gojira's amazing performance to open the 2024 Olympic games.

    We also discuss each of our top three albums from the past two weeks as well as some outstanding honorable mentions. To close out the show, Justin has chosen a (sort-of) blast from the past - Amorphis' "Into Hiding", off their recently recorded live album Tales From the Thousand Lakes (Live at Tavastia). It's an old song but a new recording, so we're counting it! As usual, we had a blast recording this episode and hope you enjoy it! If so, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    Songs in this Episode:

    Kayas - Reflections in the Water

    Rise of Kronos - Hateful Fury

    Immorium - No Returning to the Fallen

    WraithFyre - Ablaze in Abyssal Frosts

    Curse Upon a Prayer - A Heav'n of Hell

    Wormwitch - Bright and Poisonous

    Amorphis - Into Hiding (Live at Tavastia)

  • For our fifteenth episode, we are joined by a special guest and longtime friend - Cary Gordon from MSRcast and Metal Geeks podcasts. We discuss what makes a band underrated, our favorite underrated albums, and deep dive into what sort of vocal stylings do and don't work for certain bands.

    Of course, we also discuss each of our top three tracks from the past two weeks as well as some outstanding honorable mentions. To close out the show, our guest Cary chose a blast from the past - Dead Horse's "Scottish Hell/Subhumanity", off their album Horsecore: An Unrelated Story That's Time Connsuming. We had a lot of fun with this episode and hope you do too! If so, please leave us a review on your preferred Podcast app! Reviews help us build our audience and help us promote underground music!

    Also, Follow us on Facebook, TikTok, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!

    If you'd like to check out MSRcast/Metal Geeks (Justin and Christian were guests on the latest episode!), you can do so here: https://metalgeeks.podbean.com/

    Songs in this Episode:

    Uprising - Raise a Glass

    Carved in Blood - The Formation of Worlds

    Anciients - Cloak of the Vast and Black

    Forgotten Tomb - Nightfloating

    Conjuring - FInem Generis Humani

    Shade of Sorrow - No Return

    Seth - Et Que Vive le Diable!

    TURIN - Envy

    Dead Horse - Scottish Hell/Subhumanity

    If you'd like to check out any of the underrated albums we discussed, the lists are below.


    Thormesis - If Mania Never Ends

    A Secret Revealed - When the Day Yearns for Light

    Permutation - Transience

    Crystal Coffin - The Starway Eternal

    Bliss of Flesh - Tyrant


    Nocturnal Rites - Afterlife

    The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Traveler

    Demonoid - Riders of the Apocalypse

    Metal Inquisitor - The Apparition

    Chrome Division - Doomsday Rock and Roll


    Wrathchild America - Climbin' the Walls

    Lid - In the Mushroom

    Woods of Ypres - 5

    Susperia - Unlimited

    Dead Horse - Horsecore: An Unrelated Story That's Time Consuming

  • On this special episode, we had the opportunity to interview P.G. - The Songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist behind Atmospheric black metal band "Groza". We talk about Groza's creative process, influences, and touring . It was a lot of fun to discuss not only their upcoming album Nadir but also one of our favorites of 2021, The Redemptive End. Stick around at the end of the podcast to hear their latest single - Dysthymian Dreams!

    Nadir will be out this September 20th, 2024! Make sure to pick up a copy off their label, AOP Records:


    Also, Follow us on Facebook, X, and Instagram – Just search for @harshvocalssite - Links are also at the bottom of the website!