A former guest and I look back at the season as a whole. We talk about the process of the podcast. We discuss our favorite moments. I will also talk about what is in store for season 2. All that and more on the season finale of Hindsight is 2021!
My special guest and I talk about high school cliques. We discuss what it was like at our schools and how it effected our high school experience. We give our thoughts on questions like, can you change cliques? Are they a bad thing? Is there a culture around them? All that and more on this episode of Hindsight is 2021!
My special guest and I look back on how professional athletes effected our lives. We talk about what athletes inspired us and in what ways. We also give our thoughts about questions like, how much influence do professional athletes have? Did we want to be professional athletes? Do we romanticize athletes too much? All that and much more on this episode of Hindsight is 2021!
My special guest and I look back at our AP classes. We discuss the classes we took and the stigma around them. We also give our thoughts on questions like, are they worth it? How much harder are they than normal classes? How hard are the tests? All that and more on this episode of Hindsight is 2021!
My special guest and I look back at school lunches. We discuss how are schools lunches differ and how they are similar. We also talk about the cafeteria culture and how cliques were formed during lunch. All that and more in this episode of Hindsight is 2021!
My special guest and I look back at how Youtube effected us as kids. We look back on the early days of Youtube that we watched as kids. We will answer questions like, What was our favorite channel? Who do we still watch? How were we influenced by Youtube? Did we ever make Youtube videos? All that and more on a new episode of Hindsight is 2021!
My special guest and I look back at early 2000s style. We talk about what we thought was cool to wear growing up. We also answer questions like, who influenced you style the most as a kid? What style was cool in your elementary school? Baggy clothes, why? All that and more in a new episode of Hindsight is 2021!
My special guest and I look back how video games effected us. We answer questions such as, What was our favorite game? how many hours have we put into games? Has there been any negatives to playing games? All that and more in this episode of Hindsight is 2021!
My special guest and I look back on how sports effected us as kids. We talk about the sports we played and answer questions such as, what lessons did we learn? What sports did we wish we played? Were there any negatives to playing sports? All this and much more in a new episode of Hindsight is 2021!
My good friend, Ahman Edwards, and I look back on different ways we gambled as children. We answer such questions as, what ways we knew we were gambling? could we understand the risks as a kid? ways we gambled and did not know? All that and more in this episode of Hindsight is 2021.