
  • Interview with Chris McDonagh of Stewart Hindley on how to attract funding for your new or established B&B in the UK only

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  • With my guests Tony and Nicki Vee, Expert Relationship Coaches we explore:
    Challenges that often face B&B owners when life partners become business partners
    How to ensure that your relationship comes first, not the guests
    What a shared vision and teamwork can do to explode your B&B business

    Get more resources and help from Tony and Nicki Vee here: https://tonyandnickivee.com

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  • Hello I’m Yvonne Halling and this video is about the changes already taking place in our industry, and those I see coming, so if you own or are planning to own and run a B&B, guest house or Inn, then please pay close attention to what I’m about to reveal.

    First, let me speak to you if you’re an established owner, and have become demoralised with the online travel agents, and the way they’ve positioned themselves between you and your guests online, and in many cases intercepted what should have been direct bookings for their own benefit.

    This is going to continue. And even though they’ve been slapped recently for making false claims and offering fake discounts, and as a consequence the public have lost trust, resulting in fewer bookings via those channels, they will be back.

    And they’ll be more aggressive than ever in my opinion. They want to completely dominate the market making it impossible for you to be seen on Google. And Google is already preventing you from using some of the tools available to other small businesses, because they can see the enormous potential cash available to them if they manipulate the searches to their advantage.

    You cannot win in this game, so I encourage you not to play it.

    I’ll tell you how in a minute because there is a way, and it’s easier than you think

    Now let me speak to you if you have a dream to run a B&B, guest house or inn and you’re in the research and planning stages.

    My one piece of advice to you is this.

    This business is NOT what you think it is.

    If you think you can invest in a beautiful property in a touristic area and make people happy with your stylish rooms and delicious breakfast and all will be well. It won’t.

    It’s way more complicated than that these days.

    Now, I’m not here to burst your bubble, or destroy your dream.

    So if you’re established or brand new, then here’s what I see coming and how you can take advantage and have the business you dream of.

    First, build a brand and a platform for yourself. By all means use the online travel agents if you need to, especially if you’re in the starting out phase, but know that they are not your friend and to depend on them year after year will be disastrous for you in the long term.

    Second, more and more people are travelling. That’s one good thing to come out of the online travel agents’ activities – they’ve opened up the travel market. It’s never been easier to book a weekend away at the drop of a hat.

    But more and more travellers are looking for an enriching experience, and that’s where you can really shine. Larger hotels cannot offer personal experiences. That’s not what they do. But you can. So give some thought to the actual experience you offer, beyond the stylish rooms and delicious breakfast, and lead with that instead. This is your unique value that only you can offer.

    And third, put your unique value out there online. If you’re giving out local knowledge over the breakfast table, then write about it, or better still, shoot a video about it and put it online, so those looking will find it. The internet is not just for the online travel agents, it’s for everyone and that includes you. Don’t hide behind your property. Come out and show us what you’ve got.

    There’s a huge shift in human consciousness going on right now and from what I’ve seen from trusted astrologers, this will continue for many years. Many of our trusted structures of the past, such as banks, governments and systems are breaking down, which means that new ones will emerge. Be part of the new rather than clinging to the old way of doing things.

    Learn, grow, contribute and bring all of you to the online stage, so we can get to know you, like and trust you, and then book with you.

    I’m taking a handful of owners through a brand new process called “From Commodity to Celebrity – the Antidote to the OTAs” and if you’d like more information on how you can get involved, then message me below or email me at [email protected] and I’ll get back to you.

    In the meantime, if you liked this video, please hit the red subscribe button to be the first to know when I post the next one.

  • Hello I’m Yvonne Halling and in this video I’m going to show you how to take yourself from a commodity to a “celebrity brand” in 3 easy steps, so you can attract the guests you want to welcome and charge the rates you want to charge.

    So if you’re frustrated by the guests you’re getting from the online travel agents and the commissions you pay to them for those guests, then this video will help you see why.

    First, let’s define what I mean by a commodity and a celebrity brand and why it matters.

    A commodity is something that can be bought anywhere usually at low prices, and has nothing much to differentiate itself from its competitors. It usually looks the same as everything else in its market.

    A celebrity brand is something that is exclusive, is rarely discounted and has a higher perceived value so it can command a higher price. It usually looks and feels completely different from everything else in its market and it’s well known.

    So why is this important for you as a B&B owner or innkeeper?

    If you’re frustrated because you can’t seem to attract enough guests yourself, and you’re still relying largely on online travel agents to bring you guests, even after many years, then you’re probably looking like a commodity in the marketplace.

    I see very few owners building a “celebrity brand” and yet it’s the quickest and easiest way to attract guests yourself, without using the OTAs.

    Here’s the steps:

    Step 1

    Decide on who you want to welcome. Really dig into this, and you’ll probably feel some resistance to doing this, because you may think that honing in on a certain type of guests means you’ll be turning people away.

    But the truth is you won’t have to turn anyone away. What will happen is that when your message goes out there into cyberspace, it will start to attract MORE of the guests you want to welcome and the others will be fade away naturally. You won’t have to do anything.

    Step 2

    Once you’ve decided on WHO it is you most want to welcome, then you craft a message that calls them out, and you put that message everywhere online. That means firstly, on your website. Go take a look at your website now and read the first piece of text your visitor will see when they land there, and ask yourself these questions – am I calling to the guests I most want to welcome? If I was that guest, would what I’m reading inspire me to stay and read more?

    If the answer is no to those two questions then you have work to do.

    Step 3

    Now that you have your ideal guests in mind, you’ll need to create some content for them to consume. This can be in the form of blog posts, social media posts, and videos. You’ll want to position yourself as the best source of information around for those guests, and online content is the way to do that. Think about what content you’d like to create and play to your strengths. If you like writing, do some blogs. If you like talking, then video would be great for you.

    If you’ve liked this video, then hit the subscribe button to be the first to be notified when I post the next one, and if you’re curious to know how other B&Bs, guest houses and inns have put these basic steps in place to add at least 25% to their income in one season, while working less and having more fun, then click on the link below to register for my next Masterclass.

    Click on the link and I’ll see you there!

    Register here for my next Masterclass: https://www.bedandbreakfast.com/masterclass/

  • Hello I’m Yvonne Halling and in this video I’m going to talk you about how to use two simple and timeless strategies that will have you standing out from the crowd, and attracting more of the guests you want to attract, without listing on any more of the big online travel agents. So if you’ve been wondering how you can be seen and heard among all the competition out there, then this video will help you.

    First, let’s look at why you’re not being seen or heard.

    When you list with the online travel agents, you upload photos, create a listing and determine your price.

    All the online platforms follow this procedure, and it’s pretty easy to do.

    But how do you differentiate yourself from everyone else?

    How do you get to stamp your personality on your listing, on those sites?

    And how do you convey your unique value to the guests who are looking for you, on those sites?

    The answer is you can’t.

    And because you can’t do this, your potential guests don’t know who to choose, so they look for the best price or the best deal.

    So you’ll be chosen on price.

    This makes for a very empty experience for both you and your guests.

    So what do you do?

    Two simple things:

    You need a brand and a platform.

    Let me explain.

    Your brand is not just your logo, it’s a combination of your logo, colours, images, your message and your values. It’s what you stand for, in terms of what you offer and for whom.

    One you’ve got your brand sorted, you can then wave your flag all over the internet and it will carry with it the message and the experience you offer for a particular group of people who would love to stay with you, because of who you are and what you represent.

    You’re creating an asset that will do your work for you, while you’re doing something else.

    Next is your platform.

    Once you have your brand, you’ll need a platform. This means a place from which you convey your brand. It will consist of all your social media accounts from where you’ll build your very own customer list.

    Just having your customer list in your online booking system is not enough, because you cannot email to them, make offers to them or communicate with them when you want to.

    You’re going to need a CRM system or Customer Relationships Management system, a place from which you gather people, communicate with them, build relationships with them and make offers to them.

    My prediction is that B&Bs, guest houses, inns and small hotels without a brand or a platform will die off in the next few years as those that do pick this up, run with it and thrive.

    There’s still time left, and you can find out more on how to do this easily and quickly by joining me on my next Masterclass by clicking on the link below.

    If you’ve liked this video, then hit the subscribe button to be the first to be notified when I post the next one.

  • Hi I’m Yvonne Halling – Bed and Breakfast Coach
    Since 2013 I’ve been working with established B&Bs, guest houses and inns to increase their business by at least 25% in one season, while working less and having more fun, and with new owners to start off with the right strategy, structure and systems in place so they don’t fall prey to the online travel agents, or worse, lose all their savings in a business that just won’t work.
    I love this work where I get to witness transformations and breakthroughs on a regular basis, while owners realise that they are in charge, they decide, and they make the rules.
    And sadly, since 2013, I’ve also witnessed the rise of the power of the big online platforms who not only take money from owners in the form of commissions, but over time, undermine owners’ confidence, and in some cases take away the entire business, which is now not even viable without the OTAs.
    My mission is to return these businesses to their rightful owners and restore that confidence and joy which may have been stolen, and to allow those owners to feel a greater sense of certainty of income, give them a vehicle to express their own creativity and the tools and technology to run their business on their own terms for as long as they want to, for the guests they want to welcome
    My vision is to restore B&Bs, guest houses and inns worldwide to their rightful place in their local communities, where the new money they bring in via their guests is being used to support not only themselves, but other family businesses, such as bakers, butchers, restaurants, local attractions.
    This money cannot come into those communities by any other means than via the B&Bs, and to allow anything from 15 – 35% to be skimmed off and funnelled into a tech giant often based in another country for no-one’s benefit but their own is nothing short of scandalous to me.
    I see people coming together building their own local platforms where the money stays in the communities where it belongs for the benefit of everyone in it, allowing greater creativity, innovation and prosperity for the future.
    I love to work with owners who are ready to change the way they’ve been doing things. Those who love a challenge and are ready to work hard to put strong foundations in place in order to reap the ongoing rewards. Owners who are not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone. Those who are ready to be visible online, to become the expert in the eyes of their guests, so that they are the only choice for the guests they want to welcome.
    I love people who take fast action and commit to the process.
    If you want to be part of this vision that we’re creating, then leave me a message below.
    Book a FREE CONSULTATION here: https://meetme.so/YvonneHalling

  • Over the past 6 years I’ve been helping B&Bs, guest houses, inns and small hotels to increase their direct bookings, pay less in commissions to online travel agents, fill rooms in the low seasons, charge more and work less, freeing up their time to spend with those they love.
    The side effects of those changes have been more confidence, stronger boundaries, fewer disgruntled guests and the consequent negative reviews, and increased happiness.
    Clients like Marie, who in just one season, increased her turnover by 23%, Yvonne who increased hers by 38%, and Shelley by 67%.
    And John, who increased his turnover by 20% while being closed for 6 months.
    You can scroll down to read more comments from my clients.
    And then there’s the feeling of peace that comes when you put yourself in the driving seat of your business, and are no longer at the mercy of discount seekers, Airbnb or any other competition.
    All this and more is available to you too.
    But you may be wondering how I came to be doing this work.
    In 2000 I opened a B&B in rural France as a hobby, for me while my husband was travelling with his job. It was just for fun.
    In 2005, he was laid off, so we closed the B&B, rented out our home and returned to the UK and started a business. At that time the internet was exploding in the UK and there were gurus everywhere peddling internet marketing as the answer to everything.
    I spent a small fortune buying courses and mentoring from some of those gurus. I persisted and studied hard, learning all the marketing tricks in the book, but we still lost our business in the crash of 2008.
    Fast forward to January 2010 and we’re back in France, where my little hobby B&B business is suddenly our only source of income.
    So with the gas cut off and the bailiffs at the door with papers to re-possess our home, and no money in the bank, I decide to put all that internet marketing knowledge that I learned in the UK into my B&B business and within 2 years it was making over €100,000
    I then put all my knowledge into an online group coaching and mentoring program called Bed and Breakfast Business Transformation which is where clients learn how to run their business their way.
    This year, I’m working with just 36 clients who want to finally take control of their time and their income, stop relying on the online travel agents, stop working 24/7 and make more money so they can enjoy their business, their guests and their lives.
    If you’re sick and tired of dealing with the type of guests the online travel agents attract, or guests who don’t read the description and cancellation policies and then complain about the accommodation not being what they expected, or having no time to yourself, working 14 hour days or even just overcoming your ignorance of technology, then let’s talk.
    Click on the link below to book a call with me, so I can assess what’s best for you.
    Book a FREE CONSULTATION here: https://meetme.so/YvonneHalling

  • Hello I’m Yvonne Halling of [www.bedandbreakfastcoach.com](www.bedandbreakastcoach.com) and this video is Part 4 in my series on how to use the internet to bring you more guests, more fun and more money, so if you’ve been frustrated and overwhelmed by so much conflicting advice out there on how to really use the internet for your benefit, then this series of 4 videos will help you.
    Just to recap, there are 4 basic principles of using the internet to bring you more guests, and they are:
    #1 Build a list
    #2 Nurture and care for that list
    #3 Provide regular content for that list
    #4 Make offers to that list
    In Part 1 of this series we talked about why you need to build a list and I took you through the steps of how to build a list by identifying the guests you’d most love to welcome and where to find them on Facebook, and then creating what’s known as a “lead magnet” for them to download.
    In Part 2 I showed you why you need to nurture and care for your list by providing a series of emails that go out automatically once someone has “opted in”, so you build the know like and trust factor.
    And in Part 3 I showed you how to provide regular content for that list, so you stay top of mind.
    In this video, I’m going to show you how to make offers to your list.
    Now that you’ve taken the trouble to gather new friends which means start building a list of people who are interested in what you offer, and you’ve built the know like and trust factor in your follow up, and you’re now providing regular content for your list to consume, you’ve now earned the right to make an offer to them.
    If you don’t bother with Steps 1,2 and 3 and you’re online going straight for the booking, it’s like expecting sex on the first date – you may get lucky, but you probably won’t.
    So how do you make an offer to your new people now on your list?
    Step #1
    Depending on how many people are there, and how long you’ve been building, will dictate what you do next. You could survey them and ask them what they’re interested in and then create that. If you do this you’re more likely to hit the jackpot, because you’re offering something they’re asking for.
    Step #2
    If you don’t want to survey them you could offer a “first time discount code” especially because they’ve never been before and you want to show them what you’ve got. If you’re going this route, then use some of your reviews to back up what you say about yourself. Social proof is worth a lot more than what we say about ourselves.
    Step #3
    Make your offer time-limited so they have to take some action within a given time period or they miss out. Human nature hates missing out, so you’re appealing to their natural tendencies to say yes to your offer.
    If you’re feeling slightly squeamish about making offers to your list, then register now for my next Masterclass where I’ll show you how to do this with integrity, as well as other proven and tested strategies that will add at least 25% to your income in one season while you have more fun.
    Click on the link below to register now and I’ll see you there.
    And if you’ve liked this video, then hit the subscribe button to be the first to be notified when I post the next one.

  • Hi I’m Yvonne Halling of [www.bedandbreakfastcoach.com](www.bedandbreakfastcoach.com) and this video is Part 3 in my series on how to use the internet to bring you more guests, more fun and more money, so if you’ve been frustrated and overwhelmed by so much conflicting advice out there on how to really use the internet for your benefit, then this series of 4 videos will help you.
    Just to recap, there are 4 basic principles of using the internet to bring you more guests, and they are:
    #1 Build a list
    #2 Nurture and care for that list
    #3 Provide regular content for that list
    #4 Make offers to that list
    In Part 1 of this series we talked about why you need to build a list and I took you through the steps of how to build a list by identifying the guests you’d most love to welcome and where to find them on Facebook, and then creating what’s known as a “lead magnet” for them to download.
    In Part 2 I showed you why you need to nurture and care for your list by providing a series of emails that go out automatically once someone has “opted in”, so you build the know like and trust factor.
    In this video, I’m going to show you how to provide regular content for your list so that you earn the right to stay in touch.
    Many people go out on social media just with their offers of buy now, buy now, book a room, book a room, and that can often be annoying, especially if I see you doing that, and I don’t know you.
    You need to build your network first, be someone people can relate to and then ask for the sale which we’ll cover in Part 4, but today, let’s talk about how and where to find regular content for your growing list.
    The very best way is to create stories about your life, your B&B and what’s going on in your area. If someone has joined your list they’re looking to you to lead them towards the booking. It’s like OK then, show me what you’ve got.
    So let’s not disappoint them, let’s show them.
    Step #1 you can re-purpose the email content you created for your new subscribers into more blog posts and send your people there.
    Step #2 you can go out with your iphone and take videos of things going on in your area and post them on your Facebook page and all around the internet, including Youtube, and send your people to them there.
    Step #3 you can take one topic that gets the most interaction in one of your new groups and make a blog post about that, or even a video and share that with your growing list.
    Step #4 you can ask other people to share your content, always leading back to your optin form so you’re constantly growing your list.
    This is so much fun to do when you can get over yourself and your own fears, because in the next video, I’m going to show you how to make offers to your list, but if you try to skip the list building, care and nurturing, providing interesting content first, you’ll have little to no chance of making any sales, and you might as well just list with the online travel agents.
    If you’ve liked this video, then hit the subscribe button to be the first to be notified when I post the next one, and if you’re curious to know how other B&Bs, guest houses and inns have put these basic internet marketing principles in place to add at least 25% to their income in one season, while working less and having more fun, then click on the link below to register for my next [Masterclass](www.bedandbreakfastcoach.com/masterclass).
    Click on the link and I’ll see you there!

  • Hello I’m Yvonne Halling of [www.bedandbreakfastcoach.com](www.bedandbreakfastcoach.com) and this video is Part 2 in my series on how to use the internet to bring you more guests, more fun and more money, so if you’ve been frustrated and overwhelmed by so much conflicting advice out there on how to really use the internet for your benefit, then this series of 4 videos will help you.
    Just to recap, there are 4 basic principles of using the internet to bring you more guests, and they are:
    #1 Build a list
    #2 Nurture and care for that list
    #3 provide regular content for that list
    #4 make offers to that list
    In Part 1 of this series we talked about why you need to build a list and I took you through the steps of how to build a list by identifying the guests you’d most love to welcome and where to find them on Facebook, and then creating what’s known as a “lead magnet” for them to download.
    In this video, I’m going to show you how to nurture and care for that list.
    Step #1 Once you’ve got someone to download your lead magnet and now subscribed to your list you’ll need to build a relationship with them. This means creating a series of emails that you can set up in advance and will automatically get sent out from your list manager, after they’ve downloaded your lead magnet.
    So what do you say in these emails.
    First thank them for trusting you with their details and reassure them that you’ll never share them with anyone else.
    Then let them know what to expect from you, what kind of information you’ll be sharing if they stick around.
    Step #2 - Invite them to take a look at a blog post on your website, or like your Facebook page or come and say hello anywhere else on the web where you frequently hang out.
    In other words, make friends with them, and take care of them with your friendly communications.
    You’re building the know like and trust factor here, so that when they’re ready they’ll book with you.
    You’re also establishing your authority here, with valuable information that no-one else is bothering to offer, so that when they think of coming to your area for a particular reason, they’ll only think of you.
    Step #3
    Ask them to interact with you elsewhere on line or even become a friend on Facebook. You don’t need to let them in on your family events because you can add them onto a different friend list on Facebook, but you’ll be able to let them see interesting posts about your B&B and your topic about which you’re both interested and that will be valuable for them.
    I know this can be challenging for many people, but if you want to grow your business without paying commissions to online travel agents, then using the internet yourself, is the way to go. And the good news is that much of this can be done on a set it and go basis, which means that once you’ve got it going, it will free up your time for other things you enjoy.
    If you’ve liked this video, then hit the subscribe button to be the first to be notified when I post the next one, and if you’re curious to know how other B&Bs, guest houses and inns have put these basic internet marketing principles in place to add at least 25% to their income in one season, while working less and having more fun, then click on the link below to register for my next Masterclass.
    Click on the link and I’ll see you there!

  • Hello I’m Yvonne Halling and in this video I’m going to talk you about how to use the internet to bring you more guests, more fun and more money, so if you’ve been frustrated and overwhelmed by so much conflicting advice out there on how to really use the internet for your benefit, then this series of 4 videos will help you.
    There are 4 basic principles of using the internet to bring you more guests, and they are:
    #1 Build a list
    #2 Nurture and care for that list
    #3 Provide regular content for that list
    #4 Make offers to that list
    In this video, I’m going to show you how and why you need to build a list of guests and potential guests, because without this first step in place, the other 3 won’t work. This just isn’t any list, this is a list of names and email addresses that you have control over, and can communicate with on a regular basis.
    So let’s start at the beginning.
    Why do you need to build a list?
    There’s a reason why the big online travel agents like booking dot com and Airbnb don’t share guests email addresses with you because they want to keep them for themselves. They’re building their own list, and right now, that list is so big they can do anything they want with it.
    They can send emails to that list offering anything they like, even other peoples’ products and services like insurance, car hire, rooms at other B&Bs in different parts of the world, or even in your town because having a list like that is pretty much a licence to print money.
    Every time they send out an offer to that list, a percentage of the list buys and they make money.
    Can you see why you need to build a list too?
    It doesn’t need to be as big as the online travel agents’ lists but you do need your own list, and the good news is you probably already have a list of guests, but you’re not controlling it. We’ll come to that part later, but today I’m going to show you how to start building a list of potential guests, meaning the people you’d love to welcome who haven’t yet made the decision to book a room with you.
    Step #1 is to know who you want to attract and why. The internet is a big place with lots of noise and if you’re trying to attract the attention of anybody and everybody, it’s going to be a lot more difficult than if you can narrow it down to just a particular type of person, who likes a particular topic or two, that you also know about, and who also is potentially likely to visit your area.
    Then you’ll be able to track them down much more easily.
    So let’s take an example.
    If you want to attract people who like crafting or quilting, you’ll be able to find them hanging out together in groups on Facebook. There are around 620 million groups on Facebook, all dedicated to their own particular topics, so do you think you can find a couple that relate to you? I think so too.
    Step #2
    Now that you’ve identified who you want to most welcome and you’ve found out where they hang out on line, you can request to join the relevant groups and find out what they’re talking about. Taking the example of the crafters or quilters, you could ask them if they ever go on crafting or quilting retreats, and if so, where do they like to go. Ask lots of questions to learn about them.
    You’re gathering valuable intel which you’ll need for the next step.
    Step #3
    Once you’ve gathered the information, make a list of the questions, challenges or topics they’ve raised and you can now turn their questions or challenges into content which will help them choose retreats, destinations and even you as their next retreat venue.
    So open a Word Document and list around 7 – 10 questions or challenges they’ve raised in your specific groups and which you can answer, then answer them with around 200 – 300 words. Add a picture for each topic if you can, then pop your branding which is something similar to your website banner to the top of each page. Add a photo and short bio about you and finally your website contact details and you’ve created what is known in internet marketing language as a “lead magnet”.
    Congratulations! Now let’s put it to work for you so you can build a list of potential guests.
    Step #4
    You’ll need to sign up with what is known as a “list manager” such as Aweber, MailChimp or Constant Contact, and create a little sign up form on your website, where those who are interested can leave their name and email address in exchange for your new lead magnet.
    Now you’re on your way to building a list - the first basic principle of using the internet to market and grow your business.
    If you’ve liked this video, then hit the subscribe button to be the first to be notified when I post the next one, and if you’re curious to know how other B&Bs, guest houses and inns have put these basic internet marketing principles in place to add at least 25% to their income in one season, while working less and having more fun, then click on the link below to register for my next Masterclass.
    Click on the link and I’ll see you there.

  • Hi I’m Yvonne Halling of [www.bedandbreakfastcoach.com](www.bedandbreakfastcoach.com) and in today’s video, I’m going to talk about using online travel agents for your benefit, not theirs, so if you’re depending largely on them to bring you guests, then my 3 tips in this video will help you to reduce the commissions you may be paying to them, and take back control of your business.
    Over the past few years, online travel agents have become a large player in running a B&B, guest house or inn, and why that is, is a subject of another video, but today, I want to help you to understand how you can use them as well as them using you.
    Tip #1
    If you can think of them as your “lead generation” partner, then you can shift the way you perceive them, from something you resent and even hate, to something you can use. Lead generation in the online world means the practice of attracting a customer for the first time.
    Online travel agents can do this very well, because you pay them to do it in the form of the commissions.
    However, once that guest has become a customer, it’s now up to you to keep them as a customer, so you’re not constantly paying for the next one and the next one and the next one forever.
    Tip #2
    They’re in the business of making money, no matter how. They have to do this because they have shareholders, who’ve invested money in their business, and want a return on their investments. They’re constantly under pressure to make more and more money, so they’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.
    So to make more money, they need more bookings, so they’ll want you to reduce your prices, because in their world, reduced prices means more bookings. But that might not be right for you, so don’t do it.
    The truth about reducing your prices is that you’ll start attracting a different type of guest, who may not match your product or the experience you’re offering. This will damage your brand, both in the eyes of those who do appreciate what you offer and are prepared to pay for it, and in the way you see yourself.
    If you’ve ever done a promotion with Groupon for example, you’ll know that the people your offer attracts, aren’t generally the ones who would stay with you, because the only reason they’re coming is because of your reduced prices. Those people can’t afford your normal prices, so they would never book with you, and are very unlikely to come back either, so why would you waste your time and energy with that anyway?
    Tip #3
    The online travel agents want total control of your business, so they can make more money. Resist that if you can. You don’t need to list ALL your rooms, ALL of the time. Can you just list one or two rooms just for online exposure? In some countries, you can put your prices up on those platforms, making it more attractive for your ideal guests to book directly with you, while covering the commissions you’re paying.
    Whatever you do with the online travel agents, make sure that you’re calling the shots, not them. Be proud of what you offer and resist the urge to discount your prices. In the long run, you’ll be much better off both financially and emotionally.
    If you liked this video and you want to know more about how to build a B&B, guest house or inn that works for you, instead of you working for the online travel agents, then click below to [register for my next Masterclass](www.bedandbreakfastcoach.com/masterclass), where I’ll show you the 4 key principles on how to add at least 25% extra to your income in one season, while working less.
    And be sure to subscribe to my [Youtube channel](www.youtube.com/user/yvonnehalling) so that when I post the next video, you’ll be the first to know.

  • Hi, I’m Yvonne Halling and in this video, I want to talk to you about the importance of doing things YOUR way in your B&B, Guest House or Inn, so if you’ve been asking others about how to run things and not feeling right about what they’re saying, then today’s video will help you to understand why.
    If you’re just starting out, then it’s understandable that you’re looking for advice on how to do things properly. But first, you’ll need to understand the difference between principles or frameworks and opinions from other owners.
    For example, you may be asking what’s the best reservations system to use. And you’ll get dozens of opinions from other owners.
    The principle is that in today’s world, you need an online reservation system. The best one for you will depend on many factors, such as how many rooms you have, how many and which online travel agents you’re using or want to use, where you’re based in the world etc. There’s no one-size fits all. Yes, it’s good to get opinions from others, but they are just opinions – you’ll need to decide for yourself.
    Someone locally may be telling you that you need to list with Airbnb because they’re doing really well with it.
    The principle is that you’ll need to attract guests, but is Airbnb the best source of guests for you and your business? That will depend on what type of guests you want to attract and why, how you’ve set yourself up to take care of those guests, and whether or not you’re already good at attracting guests yourself.
    Another owner may be saying that Instagram is the place to be right now, because they’re getting lots of enquiries from it. But is that where your ideal guests hang out? Could you do better engaging in some specific Facebook groups where your ideal guests are having conversations?
    The principle is that you need to know who YOUR guests and why you want to attract them, and then find out where they’re gathering together online. That may or may not be Instagram for you.
    Can you see how the principles are more important than the opinions or tactics of others?
    So you might be asking yourself, so what are the principles of running a B&B, guest house or inn?
    There are just 4.
    #1 - Know who you want to welcome and why, based on three factors – where you’re geographically located, why people come to your area and your own expertise, knowledge and interests.
    #2 – Set up your storefront meaning your website and online presence to attract those ideal guests to you, making you the obvious choice for the specific guests you want to welcome.
    #3 – Consistently deliver the experience they’re expecting, so they write great reviews and some of them become raving fans and refer you to their friends and family.
    #4 – Build your business on solid foundations with the 3 timeless, universal business systems – a system to attract guests yourself, a system to sell more to them, and a system to have them coming back again, so you’re not at the mercy of online travel agents forever.
    When you put these 4 principles in place, you’ll know exactly the right thing to do for your business, and not what everyone else is telling you to do.
    If you liked this video and you want to know more about how to build a B&B, guest house or inn that works for you, instead of you working for it, then click below to register for my next Masterclass, where I’ll show you how to add at least 25% extra to your income in one season, while working less.
    And be sure to subscribe to my Youtube Channel so that when I post the next video, you’ll be the first to know.

  • Hi I’m Yvonne Halling at www.BedandBreakfastCoach.com and in today’s video I’m going to share something which isn’t talked about in this industry, and that’s true burn out. How do you know when you’ve reached the end of your B&B road, and what do you do about it. So if you’re feeling like you really can’t do this anymore, then my 3 top tips today will help you.
    When you’ve invested heavily in a property and perhaps been running your B&B, guest house or Inn for several years, decades even, and you’re feeling like you really can’t go on, it can be very difficult to stop.
    You’ve got staff to think of, regular returning guests who expect you to be there year after year, and the fact that maybe this was your dream once upon a time, but it isn’t any longer.
    As human beings, we’re constantly evolving on this journey called life. But we sometimes get stuck on trying to make life easy and good for others, but forget about ourselves in the process.
    You might be feeling resentful towards your guests, your staff who depend on you, and you really can’t face “giving up”.
    I was in this situation myself.
    I had been running my own B&B for many years and what started out as a match made in heaven between me and our guests, turned into something I was no longer in alignment with, and couldn’t face doing any more. I had moved on, evolved and no longer wanted to talk about the things my guests were coming for. I was no longer that person and my heart wasn’t in it anymore.
    But in my head, I felt obligated to everyone around me, including my guests, so much so that over time, the feeling of wanting to stop and move on got so strong, I could barely get out of bed in the mornings.
    And the need to move on and evolve into the next version of myself was eating away at my soul and I couldn’t contain it any longer.
    So I stopped. I closed the B&B and left.
    And what a relief that was! Many people thought I was crazy, and couldn’t understand it.
    But I knew it was the right thing to do, for me.
    So if you’re feeling like you can’t go on, Let me reframe it for you, so you can make the right choice for you going forwards.
    Tip #1
    There is no great rule book in the sky that says if you open a B&B, your dream business, you have to do it forever. You can do it for as long as you choose and want to, and you can stop whenever you want to as well. It’s your life, and you get to do what you want. That’s one of the privileges of living in a democratic developed society.
    If it was your dream once, but is no longer, find the courage to let go and move on. If you don’t that resentment you’re feeling right now is only going to get stronger and you could self destruct at some point. Best to avoid that if you can.
    Tip #2
    Feeling obligated to others and staying for their benefit, is a form of insult to them. What you’re really saying is that they can’t look after themselves, so you have to it. It’s insulting because they’re adults too and they too can choose what they do with their lives. They don’t need you to make it OK for them, even if they think they do. They don’t. When you take the lead and go your own way, you’ll unconsciously give them permission to do that too, and after they’ve got over it, they’ll thank you for allowing them to do that.
    It’s a bit like keeping them in the role of children, who can’t fend for themselves, while maintaining their reliance on you. A kind of co-dependency that is essentially unhealthy for all concerned.
    Set yourself free, and you’ll set others free too in the process.
    Tip #3
    Use the experience you’ve had with your B&B to your advantage. Nothing is wasted. You have gained many skills that can be put to good use in your future evolution even if you don’t know what that is right now. Take some time to get to know yourself in a new way. Do some personality tests and discover your values, strengths, weaknesses and preferences to guide you forwards. There are dozens of them online – put aside your scepticism and find out who you really are at this moment in time, so that when you come face to face with the next opportunity, you’ll know for certain that it’s the right one for you. There are no mistakes, just learning experiences that teach us about ourselves. Let go and enjoy the ride.
    If you’ve enjoyed this video and want to know more about how to run a B&B, guest house or inn in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling resentful, cynical or just plain burned out, then register now for my upcoming masterclass by clicking on the link below.
    And remember to subscribe to my channel to be the first to get notified when I post the next video.
    In the meantime, wherever you’re at on your journey, I wish you well.

  • Hello I’m Yvonne Halling from www.BedandBreakfastCoach.com and today’s video is about burnout, so if you’re nearing the end of your season, and you’re feeling tired and worn out, or you’ve been doing this for many years and aren’t really sure how you can get up and do it all again next season, then my 3 top tips to deal with and avoid burn out in this video will help you.
    Let’s face it, running a B&B, guest house or inn is hard work. You wear lots of hats and your time is often stretched, but here’s the thing. We all have 24 hours in a day. It’s a question of how you use those precious 24 hours that determines how you’re going to feel at the end of each day, week, month and season.
    If you’re allowing your guests to dictate how you spend your time, such as not being clear on check in and check out times and sticking to them, then you could start to feel resentful towards your guests.
    If you spend all evening chatting with them, because you think they want you to, whether that’s true or not, then you’re putting their needs before your own, and that could also cause resentment.
    Unacknowledged resentment is a big problem in this industry. Most owners think that they shouldn’t be feeling this way, so put on a big smile for their guests, stuff it down and soldier on.
    If you’re doing that, and you want to find a way to live more peacefully and in alignment with yourself and your guests, then here’s what to do instead.
    Tip #1
    Set your check in window to 2 hours if you can. It will depend largely on where you are, who your guests are and what you offer, but if it’s more than 4 hours right now, then look at how you can narrow it down just a little bit. There will always be exceptions of course, and we need to be flexible, but if you can, fix a 2 hour window to reduce your waiting around time, so you can claim back more time for yourself.
    Tip #2
    Stick to your check in times and don’t allow your guests’ poor planning to violate them. If someone rings the bell or shows up unannounced outside of your check in window, either don’t answer the door or charge them. They made a decision albeit unconsciously that you were going to “pay” for their inability to plan correctly, and you can’t afford to accept that. Figure out a way to train your guests to roll the way you want them to and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with this.
    Tip #3
    Take time off for yourself every day. It’s your life, you get to decide how you will live it. Devise a schedule for yourself that allows you at least 2 hours a day relaxing or doing something away from the business, that re-charges your batteries, so that when you open the door to your guests at check in time, you look and feel amazing being 100% present for them and ready to deliver your unique experience.
    And if you’re still feeling burned out, then you could be at the end of your B&B life, which we’ll talk about in another video.
    If you’d like to find out more about how to free up even more of your time by having a systemized business that runs on your terms, and makes you more money, with less stress then register for my next Masterclass by clicking on the link below.
    And if you liked this video, and you want to be notified when I post the next one, then click the red Subscribe button and I’ll see you again soon.

  • Hello, I’m Yvonne Halling and in today’s video I’m going to talk about the one thing that will allow you to make more money, attract the guests you love, while doing less work, and it’s available to you right now.
    So if you’re stuck on the hamster wheel of trying to get more and more guests, or looking for yet another online travel agent to list with, or you’re looking for another quick trick to use on social media, then stay tuned, this video will help you.
    In my private clients group last week, someone reported her best August since 1997, and while we were all celebrating her enormous achievement, someone else asked “what’s the one thing that you did that made that result happen”.
    What she said was gold.
    You might think that it would be keeping rooms clean and refreshed every year, or adding more extras into the deals, or discounting prices to get more bookings, or being extra specially nice to guests.
    But it was none of that.
    Here’s what she said:
    The one thing is "confidence". I have confidence in what I offer here, in my upsells, in the whole system. In myself--seeing myself as the '’expert", a specialist, a professional, not a hobbyist. And in that "professional mode" I take care of my guests, and by extension, take care of the money they bring in and that act alone attracts more guests and more money. And from there, I am not desperate to take anybody at any cost.
    If you’d like to find out how to bring in this level of confidence and certainty to your own life, then I invite you now to register for my next Masterclass by clicking on the link below. On this free online training, I will show you the simple 4 part framework that will have you too, making more money, without doing more work, or adding more extras, or discounting your prices.
    Click below to register now and I’ll see you there!
    And if you’ve liked this video then hit the red subscribe button in my Youtube Channel, so when I post the next one, you’ll be the first to know.

  • Hello, I’m Yvonne Halling and in today’s video I’m going to talk about the psychology that you need to be aware of while running your B&B, guest house or inn, so you can tap into the 6 key areas of life that matter to us all.
    So whether you’re new or been doing this for a while, this video will help you to identify the key areas you could be putting some simple psychology to work to take your business to new heights, without doing any more work, or trying to get any more guests.
    As humans, we have 6 basic human needs. Maslov first identified them, and many famous people like Stephen Covey and Tony Robbins have built upon them to give us a framework in which to use them.
    Today, I’m going to talk about two of them, the need for certainty and the need for contribution as to how they apply to your B&B, guest house or inn, and why it’s important to know this.
    Let’s start first with our basic human need for certainty. Your guests are looking to you to make them feel safe when they book with you, arrive with you and stay with you. This means re-enforcing their desire to feel certain about their choice, especially in front of a loved one, and to feel that you know what you’re doing.
    If you show up either online before they book, before they arrive or during their stay with you, as someone who is not in control of their own certainty, you will not meet their needs in this area. This will result in a disappointing experience for them and for you, and quite possibly result in a mediocre or negative review.
    It’s not enough to be positive on a good day. You must show up positive, optimistic and certain of yourself and what you offer, every single time, online and offline. What goes on behind the scenes is of no importance to your guests, and they should never hear about it. If it’s the end of the season, and you’re tired, then why not take regular naps during the day, or get more sleep at night?
    Let’s move on to contribution. This is our basic human need to feel like we’re making a difference, that somehow something was better because of us. One of the ways you can do this, is to make sure your guests know how important them staying with you is to your local community, not just you.
    You could let them know how much you love to contribute to your community and how they are part of your ability to do that. When guests stay with you, you buy more breakfast supplies, so the local store does more business. You employ local cleaners so they can feed their families too. Likewise with your laundry service and your other team members. Let them know how much it means to them all, and you’ll tap into their need to contribute, and you’ll have another loyal guest, because you did this.
    If you enjoyed this video and you’d like to know more about the psychology of running a B&B, guest house or inn and how this alone can make you more without doing more work, then register now for my next Masterclass by clicking on the link below.
    And if you liked this video and would like more tips that I used, and have taught dozens of other owners just like you, that will help you to add at least 25% to your business in one season, then click on the red subscribe button to be the first to know when I post the next one!

  • Hey, it's Yvonne here and in today’s video I’m going to talk about the four stages of a B&B Business, guest house or inn, so you can determine where you’re at, and I’m also going to give you the truth about each stage, so you can evaluate and move forwards with confidence.
    So whether you’re new or been doing this for a while, this video will help you identify the steps you need to take next to protect yourself and your business.
    Stage 1:
    You’ve just opened and everything is new and exciting. Your dream of running your very own B&B, guest house or inn has finally come true. Guests are coming and they’re saying wonderful things about you. You love it and maybe wondering why you didn’t do it years go!
    You decided that you wouldn’t get any help with the laundry or cleaning. You’d take care of that yourself, until you made enough money to hire someone, so you’re very busy doing everything, but you’re loving it, and everything’s great.
    Here’s the truth about this first stage – it tends not to last very long, and you could find yourself exhausted from all the unrelenting, and endless laundry and cleaning. I can’t tell you how long it will take before you realise you’re worn out, but I can tell you this. It will happen at some stage, so here’s what to do to avoid it.
    Whatever you think about hiring help, and the perceived expense of it, if you’re running a business, where you’re depending on the income to support you, as opposed to a hobby where you’re doing it for fun, I recommend you get some help right now. Don’t wait and see how it goes. Start as you mean to go on.
    The second stage is the “still loving it, but it’s not so easy any more” stage, where you’ve got a steady stream of guests booking, but you didn’t hire any help, and now you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed with the daily workload.
    You’re not exactly sure when or how the next booking is coming, and you’re looking at the financials and feeling a bit anxious about that.
    So you decide to list with online travel agents, because that’s what everyone else seems to be doing, and there’s an uptake in bookings. Phew! You can relax now. The commissions are a bit of a nuisance, but it’s worth it because, the important thing right now is to just get bookings to keep the money coming in. The guests aren’t exactly the ones you’d most enjoy welcoming, and there could be a few more last minute cancellations, but hey, you just have to roll with it, right?
    Here’s the truth about the second stage. You may have more bookings, but your profitability is down, because you’re having to pay commissions for them. If you’re overly reliant on online travel agents, meaning more than give or take 30% of your bookings, then make no mistake, they’ve got you and they’ve got all the power. And those guests could become more problematic for you over time, and resentment could creep in. And you’re still doing all the laundry and cleaning yourself.
    Here’s how to avoid this very common scenario.
    As in stage 1, you have to get some help. You can’t carry on working yourself into the ground. And when you’ve got help, you’ll find you have more time to rest and to start learning about your real job, which is getting what you offer in front of those who would love it, in a way that works for you.
    Let’s move to the 3rd stage, and this is typically where you find can’t go on like this. You’re still doing most of the cleaning and laundry, because you’ve convinced yourself that good, reliable help is hard to find, and so it is. You’re relying on online travel agents for more than 50% of your guests, you’re paying commissions left right and centre, you cannot relate to your guests – who are these people who do X?), there’s more cancellations and the thought of a negative review keeps you awake at night.
    This is what I call the wilderness. You’re doing everything you know how to do and it’s still not working. You’re at the end of your rope. Your dream business is a distant fantasy and you’ve no idea what happened. You’ve become cynical, resentful and fearful. You hardly recognise yourself in the mirror. Each season is a repeat of the last, with more of the same challenges and you’ve had enough
    You decide you’ll sell or give up and put it down to an experience.
    There is a way out of this, if you’re willing to listen, learn and take action.
    I promise you, there is.
    You see, there are just 4 key areas that you need to focus on to turn your ship around and have it running like you want it to, welcoming guests you want, and making the money you want.
    I’ve created a framework that worked for me and dozens of owners just like you, and I’d love to show it to you, free of charge. If you’re interested in taking a look, then click below to register for my next Masterclass and let me help you break free of the trap you’ve unwittingly fallen into, through no fault of your own. Click below now and I’ll see you there.

  • Hello, It’s Yvonne here and in today’s video I’m going to talk about the 4 big mistakes I made in my B&B and how you can avoid them, so if you’re not making the kind of money you want to make, or attracting the guests you want to welcome, and you’re sick of paying online travel agents as well, then I have 4 important tips you’ll want to pay attention to, which will help you.
    When I started my B&B in 2001, I had no clue about business or how to run one. I just thought that my love of meeting people, entertaining, and keeping a lovely clean home would be enough, and that people would flock to my door! Well, why wouldn’t they? Well they didn’t and here’s the biggest reasons why they don’t.
    Big mistake No. 1:
    It’s not enough to be brilliant at all that, you’ve also got to learn about marketing, otherwise the best kept garden, kitchen, bedrooms etc. is going to be completely wasted unless people know about you. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that the marketing is even more important than the actual “product” you create, although of course, it’s important.
    And here’s the thing, when you start learning about marketing and you figure out what 2 or 3 things actually work for you, you’ll be amazed at how excited you’ll feel about your business. It’s kind of addictive actually! When you see something working, you just want to do more of it.
    My tip is to dedicate yourself to upskilling in marketing your business, and forget about improving your services for a little while.
    Which leads me to my next Big Mistake No. 2:
    I printed out a gazillion leaflets and distributed them locally when my market is international, but I hadn’t figured that one out at that stage! Knowing your market, and your ideal guest, is crucial. Once I’d figured out that I wasn’t much use to domestic travellers - an Englishwoman in France, telling the French about their country! I don’t think so! I concentrated on who I could best serve and add value to. I went online, and I found them, and built relationships with them. I still printed up a few leaflets for local businesses who serve international customers, but I no longer went and plonked them anywhere and everywhere. They’re expensive, and they didn’t bring me any business.
    My tip is to think about where your business comes from primarily, and then focus on those channels only and save yourself a fortune on printed leaflets, and wasted energy.
    Big mistake #3:
    I spent too much money on my “product” that is, the rooms, the accessories, the little touches, when what guests really want is an experience. They will not remember the toiletries, the flowers, the chocolates as much as they will remember the feeling they had while they were with you. Focus instead on creating an atmosphere of love, kindness, laughter and lightness, exuding from yourself and your team. This is “inside” work that might need to be done on yourself. If there’s any trace of resentment or annoyance while you’re in the company of your guests, they will feel it. This is very over-looked in the hospitality world.
    So forget about your product for a minute, and start focusing on your own attitude and your own energy and how you show up on a daily basis, both for your guests and your team.
    And finally, Big Mistake No. 4:
    I was over-delivering. In my attempt to please my guests, I forgot about my accounting. Just an extra bottle of champagne here, and extra breakfast supplies there, and yes, I’ll be your taxi service because you don’t want to drink and drive, etc. etc. meant that my profit margin was becoming smaller and smaller. It’s lovely to be able to offer extra champagne or wine, bigger and better breakfasts, and be that occasional taxi-service, and so I put my prices up. And as my confidence grew with each little increase, and my sense of my own value grew, I just kept going until the balance between what I charge and what I deliver was clear. Then I could give a great service, but my books balanced too!
    There’s nothing worse than getting to the end of the year, and finding that you haven’t made any profit. If you’re running your B&B as a business, rather than a hobby, then it’s essential to make a profit. Otherwise, you’re working for nothing.
    I created a framework that teaches you how to do this, so if you’d like to know more, then register below for my upcoming Masterclass where I’ll show you how to make more, work less, pay less commissions with less stress.
    And if you liked this video, then click the red subscribe button, so you’ll be the first to know when I post the next one.

  • Hello, I’m Yvonne Halling and in today’s video I’m going to talk about the worst way to run your business and how you make 3 simple changes right now, to get you making more money, having more fun and working less.
    One of the most important things I’ve learned about getting more guests and increasing revenue as a B&B or Innkeeper is that focusing on just getting heads in beds is the worst way to increase your income, especially if you’re paying third parties to bring those guests to you.
    Let’s face it, this business is hard work. When guests come, there’s work to do in preparing rooms, laundry, cleaning etc. and the more guests that come, the more work there is to do.
    It’s far easier to focus on increasing revenue by increasing the amount guests spend with you. If you’re in a tourist area, or there is some element of tourism to your business, then you’ll know that when people are on vacation, they have money to spend, so why not have them spend that money with you? They’re going to spend it with someone, so it might as well be you!
    Knowing the numbers is key to any business, and when you have those key metrics to hand, you can configure your revenue any way you want, and especially in a way that works for you, because you’re the boss and you can decide.
    So let’s do a little calculation, just for fun (math is not my strong point…..).
    Say you wanted to make 100,000 (in any currency) in the next 12 months.
    Let’s say also that your room rate is 100 just to keep the math simple (for me).
    So if you were just focusing on selling rooms, then you’d need to sell 1000 nights. Now I don’t know how many rooms you have, but if you only have 3 – that means you’d have to be full every night on 333 days of the whole year, leaving you just one month to recuperate.
    I’m feeling exhausted just thinking about that!
    Let’s look at this another way. If you could generate 30,000 from other products and services, then you’d only have to sell 700 rooms. Staying with the assumption that you have just 3 rooms, then you would only need to be full on 233 days of the year, meaning you could take 4 months off!
    Now I know it doesn’t work out as neatly as that, and occupancy rates do vary from week to week and month to month, but you get my point.
    There’s a limit to how many rooms you can sell, but there’s no limit to what you can create in terms of extra products and services that delight your guests and make your life easier.
    But if you still want to get more guests, then let’s look at that.
    What I came to realize in my own B&B, many years ago is that there are guests, and there are guests, and it’s important to choose which guests you want to attract.
    When you’re taking everyone and anyone, you’re actually not serving anyone very well, and so very few come back and they don’t refer you.
    If you want to attract more guests, then the place to start is to take an inventory of YOU – your preferences, your interests, your skills, your expertise, your knowledge, your hobbies, your favorite topics, YOU, YOU, and YOU!
    Guests choose B&Bs, guest houses and small hotels because they want to interact with the owners, so be sure that your guests are aligned with YOU then everyone will have a wonderful time, including you.
    When you’ve decided on who you want to see more of (and who you want to see less of) then let your website – your storefront reflect that. Set it up so that when guests land on it, they immediately know that you are right for them, and let the others go. Put yourself front and center on your website, don’t hide out – we want to see you.
    Who do you want to attract?
    What could you create that could add another 30% to your revenue, delight your guests and make your life easier?
    I created a framework that teaches you how to do this, so if you’d like to know more, then register below for my upcoming Masterclass where I’ll show you how to make more, work less, pay less commissions with less stress.
    And if you liked this video, then click the red subscribe button, so you’ll be the first to know when I post the next one. See you soon!