Hey, friends!
Often times the best way to bring cheer back into your own life is to spread it to others through your actions toward them. Today we are talking about how acts of kindness can not only benefit those around you, but they can also come back around to bless you later and can even put a stop to the destructive chain reaction of negativity.
I hope you enjoy our talk this week!
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Hey friends!
I know that it can sometimes feel like our lives are on an endless cycle of repetition (especially on Groundhog Day), and that cycle can wear us down very quickly if we're not careful about it. Well today I want to let you know that you that there are things you can do RIGHT NOW to get your mind out of that slump and back to living with joy and peace!
Let's get excited about the future, reflect gratefully on our past, and on track with God's vision for us!
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Hey friends!
I hope the new year is going well for you so far!
There are a lot of things that can lead us to feeling stuck where we are with no hope of forward progress. I want to take some time to walk you through 3 simple things that you can start doing TODAY to get yourself out of the rut you've been in and onto better days!
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Every year we come up with some sort of resolutions or goals to improve ourselves and our lives, but how often are we actually seeking God's help and guidance with those goals?
I want to offer you a challenge that I believe will not only change the way you set goals for yourself, but also cause you to succeed in what is set before you because God Himself is helping you to accomplish them!
Let's start the new year out STRONG!
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It is Christmas time, my friends!
One of the best ways that you can point people back to God this Christmas season is to spread true joy to others, and I want to share some great news with you: you can do it without spending a single dollar!
Let's dive into the reasons and methods of spreading joy to your family and friends this year. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
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Hello friends, and Merry Christmas!
This season should be a time of joy, rest, and celebration with our families, but I think I can speak for a lot of us when I say that it has a tendency to become more stressful and overwhelming when my focus instead falls on things like planning parties and shopping for gifts. I want to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way though! In fact, I have a handy list of 10 things that you can do in order to simplify your life during Christmas and bring your focus back to what it's actually al about!
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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Routines are a helpful tool for establishing a peaceful and replenishing life, but for many of us it can be difficult to imagine implementing something so rigidly consistent. This week I spoke with my dear friend Stephanie Gutierrez about how she has managed to navigate an extremely varied lifestyle with flexibility built into her routines, and I think you're going to love it!
Stephanie has lived an incredible life as a missionary in Peru, a pastor, a wife, a mother of two, and so much more! You can learn more about her story from her website (https://www.stephanielgutierrez.com/) as well as her podcast Modern Day Missionaries
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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In this day and age one of the most overlooked parts of our relationships whether they be family, friends, or co-workers is time. It moves quickly. It gets away from us. It fills up with all sorts of things before we realize it. I want to sit down with you to discuss how we can take a step back and reevaluate how we spend our time and if we can start using it more effectively to strengthen what really matters: our relationships!
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As a leader it can be very hard to bring correction to your team or your children without damaging the hearts of those under your leadership. And while correction is necessary at times, we should always consider that the best way to bring about the right behavior is through encouragement rather than discouragement. This week I want to discuss some simple methods to bring about change through positive reinforcement. I believe that these easy steps will help you to realize more of your leadership potential and create the most joyful and effective environment wherever you are leading!
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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Every one of us experiences and expresses love for each other differently, which can sometimes make things a little confusing! Maybe you want to treat your spouse to a nice meal but what they really need is just some help around the house or time to simply sit down and chat. This week I want to let you know some things you can do to better understand how to effectively love your family, friends, and even yourself!
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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We live in a world that can seem extremely dangerous and scary. We hear of violent storms, car accidents, shootings, and a whole host of other serious situations constantly throughout the day from the news and social media.
I have some great news for you though, my friends! We don't have to be caught up in worry!
This week I want to talk to you about a strategy of praying over your loved ones that works wonders. So please join me, and let me help you remove one more worry from your plate!
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Have you ever felt the dread of making dinner after a long day of work, or maybe you've been taking care of kids all day and it feels like there just isn't enough time to make something healthy AND delicious?
I know I have, and I recently made some discoveries that have helped me turn family dinners into FUN again! So please join me this week as I break down some helpful hacks to help you spend less time in the kitchen, and more time replenishing!
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Friends, I am here this week to talk to you about the importance of focusing on your own purpose rather than becoming jealous of someone else's. I have learned over the years that when I can stand on God's word to become exactly who and what He has made me to be that it becomes so much easier to run my personal race with joy, as well becoming a better support for those around me when they find their own successes in life.
Don't forget that God has made each of us with unique gifts, skills, and plans to accomplish His good works! When you can recognize what He has placed in you, you will start to see results you didn't know were possible.
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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We've all heard the saying, "comparison is a thief of joy," but I want you to know that it is a REAL problem that we will all face throughout our lives. Knowing God's unique purpose for your life is the first step towards discovering true joy, but how can we keep ourselves focused on it with all of the distractions in our modern world? I aim to answer that question and more in today's episode!
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Hello friends!
I have a special episode for you this week! I want to share with you the message that I recently gave at our So Loved ladies event in Rochester, MN! I spoke about ways to find the joy that God has for us through pursuing time with Him and reading His word, and by taking advantage of some of the natural gifts He provides for us like the healing effect of light!
I would love to see you at one of our future events, so keep an eye on my website and social media for future dates!
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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Hello Friends!
We are back from our Labor Day break and ready to bring you some more replenishment tips! This week I want to share with you how finding or creating a peaceful and tranquil space can actually positively affect your creativity.
Make sure to tune in next Monday as well for a taste of one of our So Loved events! They are such a powerful and enjoyable time, and we would love to see you at our next one!
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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Do you wish you could communicate with your family more effectively?
Do you wish your kids were better friends to each other?
Do you want to become the example of a peaceful leader for everyone around you?
You have come to the right place, friend!
Today we are talking about how to stop fights when they happen, as well as creating a culture of love and respect in your workplace and your home. We can all learn to have a humble heart, recognize the best in those around us, and bring those qualities out in our families, friends, and co-workers!
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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Are you living for your responsibilities?
Have you forgotten to treat your inner-child?
Do you need a system to keep you motivated and on-track?
This week's episode is short and sweet! I want to tell you about 10 things that I've started doing to establish a positive routine in my life that not only helps me to win, but also makes the journey more enjoyable along the way!
I hope that it blesses you as much as it has blessed me!
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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Does your house need a little brightening up?
Are you carrying stress into your home with you after work?
Have you been looking for easy ways to improve your mood?
Fear not, friends! Today we are continuing our discussion about all of the ways we can bring peace into our home lives and beyond. I want to share some steps that I have taken in my own life that have worked wonders for my whole family, and the best part is... it's simple! So join me, and let's be the peacemakers we are called to be!
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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You can also find us on Pinterest!
Have the kids been fighting with each other?
Do you wish your words were kinder?
Have you been missing peace in your home?
Well fear not, friend! This week I am talking about simple things that can improve all of the relationships within your household! We will be discussing how to be the spark of honor that spreads to your spouse and your children. These are strategies that have worked wonders for my family, and I know they will help you succeed as well!
Visit my website where you can find more information about the podcast, contact information, links to my books, and upcoming events!
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