We help fiction authors break free from retailers, platforms, and publishers that take advantage of us.
We believe something radical. Something that this industry doesn't want you to know.
This means that it's not publishers and platforms with all the power.
It's YOU.
The Storytellers Rule the World Show is all about unlocking the storytelling power within you and taking control of your author life to build the publishing career of your dreams.
Storytellers Rule the World is the creator of Ream, the platform built by fiction authors for fiction authors that helps you build a community of readers and make a sustainable income writing the stories you love. For more on Ream check us out here: https://reamstories.com/
Podcasten for dig der godt kan lide at lytte til noveller og kortprosa. En gang om måneden kan du lytte til oplæsning af vores egne noveller og vores refleksioner over skriveprocessen, som de er blevet til i. Hver gang har vi et nyt emne, som vi begge skriver om, og hver gang mødes vi og læser novellerne op for hinanden. Vi har også altid sprog-gaver med til hinanden - pakket ind naturligvis.
Følg os også på Facebook @skrivelystpodcast og Instagram @skrivelyst _podcast
Vi håber, I vil lytte med
Kærlig hilsen
Jannie og Malene -
Du kender måske sætningen “Man skulle have været der” - Det kan du nu!
DSHR er en podcast, hvor vi sammen dykker ned i fortællinger fra historien, sammen med vores gæster, som skal spille et rollespil, der er sat i en historisk begivenhed. Sammen skal vi opleve historien fra første hånd, i et episk radiodrama hvor historien bliver levende igen.
For, hvad sker der egentlig, når vi lever os ind i historien?
Podcasten er tilrettelagt, produceret og researchet af Anton Færch, Malte Dueholm Baadsgaard og Rikke Madi. -
Weird & Curious Tales is a channel dedicated to narrating classic horror and dark fantasy writings.
Want to listen to the newest episode early? All episodes are posted to the Weird & Curious YouTube channel before their release. Also check out our TikTok for exclusive super short-form content that is made to be 3 minutes or less!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdR8EenJzGD5gFkHdQy18Q
TikTok: @WeirdCuriousTales
Twitter: @WeirdCurious_
Email: WeirdCuriousTales@gmail.com
All stories are either public domain and can be accessed through a variety of resources. Stories that are not public domain have received permission from the author or publisher to narrate. All audio recreations and narrations are protected by copyright and may not be used without explicit permission by the narrator (me). -
Prepare to embark on a heartfelt journey of love, growth, and self-discovery with Lucy Maud Montgomery's beloved novel, "Anne of the Island." In this enchanting installment of the Anne Shirley series, listeners accompany our spirited heroine as she ventures beyond the idyllic landscapes of Avonlea to pursue higher education. As Anne enters the vibrant world of college, she encounters new friendships, explores the complexities of romance, and faces the inevitable choices that shape her future. Montgomery's captivating storytelling paints a vivid picture of Anne's emotional and intellectual maturation, as she grapples with the yearning for independence while cherishing the deep bonds she has forged. "Anne of the Island" is a timeless tale that resonates with the universal experiences of youth, reminding us of the transformative power of love, the value of lifelong friendships, and the indomitable spirit that lies within each of us. So, open your heart to the magic of Anne's journey and discover a captivating world that will leave you inspired and longing for more.
https://www.solgood.org - Check out our Streaming Service for our full collection of audiobooks, podcasts, short stories, & 10 hour sounds for sleep and relaxation at our website
Anne Shirley, marriage, love, loss, resilience, friendship, coastal village, home, beloved characters, heartwarming, growth, literature, poignant, enchanting, Prince Edward Island, transformative, idyllic, solace, Canadian author -
"Balder Dead" is a beautiful epic poem by Matthew Arnold. It draws from Norse mythology to retell the story of the the death of Odin's son, Balder, instigated by the treacherous jealousy of Loki.
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Shows that broaden your knowledge, our collection includes topics such as history, business, science, and more!
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Et aktuelt ugemagasin med nyheder, reportager og samtaler ominteressante tendenser og nødvendig litteratur. En time i selskabmed de vigtigste forfattere og andre bogfolk med noget på hjerte.Vært: Nanna Mogensen.Redaktør: Hanne BarslundHør flere afsnit i DR Lyd
With millions of downloads, hundreds of hours of soundtracked content, and an overall emphasis on the cultural history behind famous works of literature, Literature and History is one of the most popular independent podcasts on its subject. Starting with Sumerian cuneiform in 3,100 BCE, Literature and History moves forward in chronological order through Assyriology, Egyptology, the Old Testament, Ancient Greece and Rome, and the birth of Christianity. The show's current season is on Late Antiquity (or 200-700 CE) and the dawn of the Middle Ages.
A typical episode (they average about two hours) features a general introduction to a work of literature, then a full summary of that work that expects no prior knowledge, and finally, an analysis of the cultural, biographical, and historical forces that gave rise to the work in question. Original symphonic and ambient background music is woven throughout each show, and all episodes offer free full, illustrated, footnoted transcriptions as well as quizzes for purposes of review. The show has no advertisements, and its host takes pride in a professional approach that avoids chitchat and ephemera and gets straight to the educational content. You can listen to the episodes in any order, although most listeners begin at the beginning and proceed from there, as the podcast itself is chronologically organized.
Doug Metzger finished his Ph.D. in literature in 2011. His chief scholarly interest, following his dissertation work, continues to be 19th-century realism and postbellum American philosophy. -
VIl du også gerne skrive, men er gået i stå, har slået dig på anmeldelser eller kan ikke rigtig komme igang?
Skrivementor og forfatter Charlotte Heje Haase inviterer kreative og skrivende mennesker ind i Forfatterhjørnet. De fortæller om, hvad det at skrive betyder for dem, hvordan de passer på sig selv i processen og bevarer motivationen. Samtalerne er blevet til for at inspirere dig, der gerne vil skrive og have mere kreativitet ind i dit liv.
Forfatterhjørnet går tæt på det indre arbejde ved at skrive og skabe noget - det kan nemlig både føles konfronterende og skræmmende samt forløsende og fantastisk at sætte ord på papiret. Tak fordi du lytter med. -
Elsker du bøger, og drømmer du om selv at blive udgivet en dag? Så er det her en podcast for dig. De to forfattere Anne Cathrine Bomann og Lise Villadsen inviterer dig med ind i maskinrummet – der, hvor bøger bliver til! Vi kommer omkring alt fra plot og ideer til budgetter og redaktørsamarbejde, og hver episode er spækket med inspiration til et skrivende liv. Plot, parat, start!
Ringenes Herre har igennem de sidste 70 år fornøjet, forhekset og forandret verdenen. Værket, der er en af de største skønlitterære udgivelser i det 20. århundrede, har ikke bare skabt fantasy genren, men også påvirket den måde vi opfatter 'eventyr' idag. Historienørden Niels Olav og Ringenes Herre-nørden Frederik Axel, er gået sammen for at fortælle, forstå og fordybe sig i Tolkiens berømte bog-trilogi. Tag os i hånden, når vi bevæger os ud i de endeløse skove, sneklædte bjerge og marmorhvide byer og møder elvere, hobbitter og alt det andet der gemmer sig i skyggerne. Særligt tak til Thomas W. Gabrielsson for speak og Osvald L. Rasmussen for design.
Season 4 in pre-production now!
On an ordinary evening in November 1993, Micah’s entire world collapsed when her father, Nolan, died in a car accident. Time passed, and Micah suffered from terrifying night terrors and a mysterious recurring dream that left her exhausted and on edge.
How it Ends was meant to free her from her nightmares and help her deal with her loss… but Micah's world changes once again when she receives new information about her father’s accident from an unexpected source… And she discovers that sometimes dreams aren’t dreams at all—they’re memories.
General Content Warnings: Adult language, alcohol consumption, marijuana use, death of a parent, grief, stalking. Note: Episodes may have specific CWs. Please read episode descriptions before listening.
How it Ends is produced by How it Ends Studio and distributed by Realm Media. -
Gyldendal Podcast er både til dig der spiser bøger til morgenmad, og til dig der måske ikke læser så meget. Du vil høre nogen af landets mest litteraturbegejstrede og belæste bog-entusiaster fortælle om det vigtigste, det smukkeste, det mest inspirerende, sindsoprivende, grusomme eller geniale, de har læst – og om hvorfor netop dén bog har sat et særligt aftryk på dem og på verden. Og vi vil invitere dig med ind i forfatterværkstedet til en snak om både skriveprocesser, skriveglæde og skriveblokader hos nogen af landets største, bedste og mest elskede forfattere. Dine værter er Silke Fensman og Sigurd Hartkorn Plaetner. Velkommen til!
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