Each week, physician, economist, and author of "Random Acts of Medicine" Dr. Bapu Jena will dig into a fascinating study at the intersection of economics and healthcare. He takes on questions like: Why do kids with summer birthdays get the flu more often? Can surviving a hurricane help you live longer? What do heart surgery and grocery-store pricing have in common?
Autumn 2012 - UCL's Lunch Hour Lecture Series is an opportunity for anyone to sample the exceptional research work taking place at the university, in bite-size chunks. Speakers are drawn from across UCL and lectures frequently showcase new research and recent academic publications. Lunch Hour Lectures require no pre-booking, are free to attend and are open to anyone on a first-come, first-served basis.
Want to know more about how to apply and administer natural medicine in your clinic? Or you simply interested in finding out more from the world's top practitioners about how to get better and feel better? Join Naturopath & Director of Education Philip Watkins and INL Founder & Naturopath Graeme Bradshaw as they discuss foundational and innovative approaches to treatment with the help from some of the leading Doctors and Healthcare Practitioners from around the world.
The Reliants Project is a podcast about how networks shape your wellbeing, relationships and community. Through conversations with the leading thinkers in the field of network science the show will help you actively cultivate your network, whether your goal is to build your relationships more deliberately, make better introductions, or activate networks to make an impact in the world.
📃پادکست مدیریت بحران نوین ایران(مبنا) اولین پادکست تخصصی حوزه مدیریت بحران و پدافند غیرعامل است که توسط #شرکت مهندسی ایمن بسترسازان پایداری منتشر می گردد. در این پادکست سعی داریم با بررسی دانش مدیریت بحران و پدافند غیرعامل در ایران و جنبه های مختلف آن نقش کوچکی در بهبود شرایط موجود و ایفای مسئولیت اجتماعی داشته باشیم. امیدواریم با ارائه ی بازخوردهای خود در توسعه و بهبود این محتوا ما را یاری کنید.
本輯節目以雜誌形式,介紹各類因生活或工作引起的疾病及醫療方法,包括:筋鍵勞損、腎、肝、肺、胃酸倒流、視力問題、睡眠窒息,呼吸道及精神問題等。另外「醫 +人」環節在醫院內尋找較少觸及的人和事,介紹各類醫療團隊及部門,以人物為單位,為觀眾帶來不同角度的醫療資訊。
本輯節目共十四集,2014年4月15日起,逢星期二晚上7時 至 7時30分,
亞視本港台播出。 -
“我們的祖先直覺懂得,人類若侵犯大自然,是不可能不受懲罰的,現代人的經驗再次証實了這個真理。” - 節錄自英國著名歴史學家阿諾爾得、湯恩比的着作“歷史的研究”。
現代文明自工業革命以來迅速發展,有如脫韁野馬,雖然造福了人類,改善了我們的生活,卻不知不覺地干擾了地球的氣候系統及其自然變化。大量燃燒化石燃料產生的人為温室氣體加劇温室效應,引至全球温度上升,地球的冰凍圈不斷縮少,水循環被擾亂,且觸動了氣候變化的怒火,改變了極端天氣如暴雨、乾旱、颱風出現的機會或強度。 一連四集的氣象萬千IV深入剖析極端天氣的成因及影響,足跡由遙遠的格陵蘭到非洲南部國家萊索托,至鄰近的菲律賓及越南,並把焦點對準我們立足的香港。第一身現場拍攝極端天氣下的種種景象,透過氣象專家的分析,從而反思今日人類文明發展與大自然之間的光景。
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