This is dedicated to a friend who has so many gifts and a heart of compassion.
May you receive all that you need for your healing journey.
Love ya!
www.inner-ease.com -
The energy of the heart supports our inner guidance system. It the portal of Universal love. Love is the tunnel in which all wisdom, courage, truth etc...can flow with alignment.
I channeled this to comfort both our hearts...to dive into the mystery of being still with Oneness of Love.
(along with my kitty Omega....thank you for your comforting 'purrrr' his tonal purr has given me great comfort during some rough times).
I was guided to use earth koshi chime, flute, 528hz,174hz, 963hz and 2 Om 136.1hz tuning forks,
Remember, when you feel tension, that is your body desiring to release so BLOW it OUT...take breaths from your belly!
Waves of Love,
Booking info-Contact info: www.inner-ease.com
email: [email protected] -
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where the next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. The sequence goes: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, and so on. The specific weighted tuning forks being introduced into the Biofield Tuning repertoire, are the 11th (89 Hz) and 12th (144 Hz) positions in the Fibonacci sequence.
When you divide any number in this sequence by the number ahead of it, you get roughly 1.618, which is Phi, or the Golden Mean. Researchers claim that the golden mean ratio keeps everything in order & that it is a universal and cosmic constant found in the shape of seed heads, flower petals, pine cones, hurricanes, shells, spiral galaxies, faces, DNA molecules & many more! What a beautiful feat of natural biological engineering!
Our bodies are electrical waves informed by this Sacred geometry. With the other fundamental pair of weighted Biofield Tuning forks (the 62.64 Hz and 54.81 Hz) we are able to induce (through binaural beats) the Schumann Resonance (a.k.a. the natural background pulse of the earth's electrical signal) into the body's electrical system. The Shumann Resonance frequencies are great for our nervous system! They leave us feeling more grounded, connected to the Earth’s electro-magnetic pulse, and bring the clarity of our true selves back into focus.
With these Fibonacci tuning forks, we induce the geometric information of the natural harmonics of the unfolding of nature, in perfect proportion! The effect on the body is one of being able to rest more in the ordered geometry that underlies the composition of the human body. One user described them as creating a sense of “bright inner order.” These frequencies are very powerful at releasing blockages in the field & bringing a more resonant, coherent order to our energetic blueprints.”
Waves of Blessings, Amy💚✨ Contact me: [email protected]
Book a session: www.inner-ease.com -
An impromptu episode to draw you into consciousness..into your presence. Sound is only an aid to help you. You have this ability to dive into yourself giving the mind rest and observing it.
It’s important to go into this with intention. Take belly breaths.. breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. These specific frequencies and vibrations emanating from tuning forks allow the mind to release and drop into the body. Your body holds the answers..as well as your bio field. The vibrations allow stagnant energies like old beliefs to disperse. This is a merely a taste of a full session.. if you benefited from this, just think what 30 minutes or a full hour would do? Let’s connect!! [email protected]
IG: @locklearwolf
Waves of Love,
Amy -
Mind is very powerful! In a "Chase your Tail" kind of way or, it can also be a powerful tool guided by spirit....which is YOUR I AM Presence. I received this transmission after my sit down "womb" meditation. I really view meditation is a state of being even if you are surrounded by a myriad of people. I feel the "cushion" part of meditation is great practice for training—to be out in the world and maintain that awareness no matter where you are. You can use this episode if your mind has gone down a dark rabbit hole and you need refreshing~to remind yourself of your true identity. When you're awake or just falling asleep. Enjoy!!✨🦋 I also used crystal sound bowls, tuning forks to entrain and integrate anything which causes an interference in your bio field. Please share with me what you experienced and what you’d like more of in the future! https://anchor.fm/innerease/message Let’s connect! [email protected] IG:LockLearwolf or @Innerease Webpage: www.inner-ease.com Waves of Love, Amy