Welcome to Audiodesires, where sexual wellness meets your pleasure. We create short, audio erotica stories for women and couples, bringing your most intimate fantasies to life.
Join us here on Spotify to listen to sneak previews of some of our favorite stories to help improve your overall health and sexual wellbeing.
For exclusive access to hundreds more stories, visit us at Audiodesires.
Seks kaslarını geliştirmek isteyenler için eğitici, eğlendirici, çokça da seksi, ortalama seks süresi kadar podcast serileri. Her çarşamba akşamları yeni bölüm. İletişim icin : twitter.com/buralarhepsex , instagram : https://www.instagram.com/fun_with_el_/ ve [email protected]. Detaylı bilgi için: https://linktr.ee/elchina
Две подруги откровенно обсуждают насущные темы, рассказывают истории из жизни, делятся переживаниями.
"Бабский толк" — это подкаст о личном. Это как разговоры на кухне за бокалом вина с близкой подругой.
Кто-то из современных девушек узнает себя, а парни станут свидетелями девичьих секретов!
Нас зовут Катя и Ева, мы стараемся без стеснений, искренне говорить о том, что волнует. Надеемся, мы с тобой подружимся, до встречи в выпуске!
Сайт со всеми выпусками подкаста: https://bt.mave.digital
Телеграмм-канал подкаста: https://t.me/babtalk
Сотрудничество: [email protected]
Создано в подкаст студии DG Cast
Κεφάλαιο ΣΕΞ. Στο Sex Podcast II με τη Δάφνη Καραβοκύρη, στη… σέντρα μπαίνει το σεξ, όπως άλλωστε συμβαίνει και στη ζωή. Σε αυτήν τη σειρά podcast, άνθρωποι απ’ όλους τους χώρους της show biz καταθέτουν τις δικές τους εμπειρίες και απόψεις, με στόχο να τα περάσουμε όλοι καλά, εντός και εκτός στούντιο. Ίσως καταφέρουμε τελικά όλοι μαζί να αυξήσουμε τις στατιστικές του σεξ στην Ελλάδα που μας θέλουν να μην είμαστε και πρώτοι πρώτοι στο άθλημα. Ίσως, από την άλλη, αποφασίσουμε, ότι το σεξ μας είναι περιττό, ενώ ένα καλό σπιτικό παστίτσιο είναι αρκετό από μόνο του για να μας προσφέρει ηδονή.
Willkommen bei Audiodesires, deiner Anlaufstelle für BDSM Geschichten für Frauen und Paare.
Begleite uns hier auf Spotify, um exklusive Vorschauen einiger unserer Lieblingsgeschichten zu hören und damit deine allgemeine Gesundheit und sexuelles Wohlbefinden zu verbessern. Entdecke die Welt der Erotik Hörspiele und tauche in deine intimsten Fantasien ein.
Für exklusiven Zugang zu Hunderten weiteren Geschichten besuche uns auf Audiodesires und erstelle einen kostenlosen Account. Lass dich verwöhnen und erlebe sinnliche Abenteuer wie nie zuvor.
Wir freuen uns darauf, deine Fantasien zum Leben zu erwecken!
Подкаст о том, как секс-вечеринки меняют людей. Организаторы, мастера и участники. Кто они? Как попасть в секс позитивное сообщество, остаться “приличным” человеком и быть собой? Что нас пугает в секс-вечеринках, а что так безумно манит?
Ведущая и продюсер подкаста - Саша, секс-блогер и инфлюенс-маркетолог секс-вечеринок Москвы. 2 года назад она развелась и попала на свою первую вечеринку. Это разделило ее жизни на ДО и ПОСЛЕ. Она накупила себе откровенных нарядов, отнесла на мусорку антидепрессанты и завела секс-блог. Теперь она хочет не только писать, но и говорить о секс-вечеринках. Подкаст про раскрепощение и изменение в себе!
18+ Telegram Саши - https://t.me/sexzamkadom -
Yaşam zorlu bir süreç. Hepimiz bazen düşüyor bazen çıkıyoruz.
Düştüğümüz anlarda kalıcı hasarlar almamanın önemine inanıyoruz. Bu amaçla da kendi aramızda yıllardır konuştuğumuz konuları, bizi hayatta daha ileriye götüren, doğru bildiğimiz çizgiden sapmamamızı sağladığına inandığımız kitaplar, düşünce okulları ya da tarzları, belgeseller kısaca faydalı bulduğumuz tüm kaynakları beraber ele alıp konuşacağız.
Mücadele’ye hoş geldiniz. -
The LGBTQ experience is more than just a rainbow flag, it’s a movement. The PRIDE podcast hosted by Levi Chambers celebrates every person under the queer umbrella with skillful journalism and engaging interviews. Ever wondered about the queer pirates who of the Caribbean? How about the origins of the expression "coming out" or the queer history of the United States? Join us as we provide a platform to LGBTQ people with stories to tell — stories about sexuality, gender, love, laughter or anything that unleashes your curiosity. PRIDE’s weekly podcast from Straw Hut Media is guaranteed to let your mind run wild in a safe space full of wonderment. So come along, we’re proud to have you.
*This podcast is not affiliated with Pride Media -
Do you want to be a Bulldog? Want to change your life, stop being a victim and learn to achieve victory in all areas of your life? Every day John Sonmez brings you a new, short, life-changing dose of the Bulldog Mindset philosophy to help you transform your life inside and out. Topics include: personal development, fitness, stoic philosophy, entrepreneurship, how to build passive income, dating and relationship advice, productivity, self-discipline and much, much more!
Political correctness and misguided leftists are ruining America.
We need to get back on the right track.
With common sense and realism, the Fed Up White Guy podcast provides opinion and analysis of American cultural phenomena, the political climate, and current events from a middle class, middle aged, anti-PC, fed up white guy’s perspective.
A collection of weekly Connectfulness® Conversations with therapists and and change-makers. we examine how to create deeply restorative ripples of change within ourselves and with the world around us. Connectfulness® begins with the Practice Of Being Seen. Hosted by Rebecca Wong, relationship therapist, mentor and consultant to therapists and change-making professionals .
Practical Forms of Self Love is a mini-series with Jesh de Rox (founder of KINDRÊD) that explores essential perspectives and practices that help listeners take the popular subject of 'self love' beyond the meme and into their daily lives. Taken from 10 days of live Instagram streams, the irreverent and light-hearted discussions seek to break down barriers and deepen awareness of self-love in a way you can feel in your body.