
  • Have you ever wondered if you possess psychic abilities? Do you feel a deep connection to the universe and a desire to explore its mysteries? The power to unlock the secrets of the universe lies within you, and it's never too late to embrace your psychic destiny.

    Ann Theato is a passionate Spiritualist and active member of the Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU), showcases her spiritual abilities both in person and online by delivering demonstrations at Spiritualist churches.  Much of her training and personal growth has been undertaken under the guidance of the esteemed SNU. She has honed her skills at the renowned Arthur Findlay College, situated in Stansted, London, which is widely regarded as the premier institution for the advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences worldwide.

    Ann has her own school for spiritual development, Ann Theato’s CLASS (Centre For Learning And Spiritual Studies) offering a wide variety of workshops, events and courses for spiritual awareness and guidance.  

    In this episode, Ann shares how you can cultivate mindfulness in your everyday life paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. She suggests practicing being fully present in the moment and observing the world around you with heightened awareness. In doing so it will help you develop a deeper connection to your intuition and the energies that surround you.

    "There's no difference between being born with a gift or developing that gift at the age of 50, 60, 70. Doesn't matter. That's immaterial.” - Ann Theato

    What you will learn from this episode:

    Find out the difference between psychic and mediumship.Learn how to discover inspiration and find answers specific to the psychic or mediumship you are being called to.Unleash your innate gift of mediumship or psychic abilities at any point in your life.

    Topics Covered:

    02:08 - Who is Ann and what she does professionally

    04:01 - What does the Arthur Findlay College has to offer and how long it has been around

    06:16 - Where she took her studies and hold certificate from

    07:26 - How she serves through her Psychic Matters Podcast

    09:40 -What is spiritual assessment and how you can effectively approach it

    13:42 - How do you find the answers to know what specific mediumship you're fit for

    18:03 - What often do people say when they sit and listen and their soul speaks to them

    19:28 - Her own experience of listening to her soul, what comes out of it, and what it means to make space for it [the inspiration or idea to come in]

    23:40 -What it takes to be in the psychic or mediumship space

    25:25 - Who are the people she serves: Anybody with a curiosity about what this is [Psychic or mediumship]

    25:47 - What problem she helps solve: Education -- helping people understand what is psychic, what is mediumship.

    27:14 - How becoming a psychic can happen at any age

    29:17 - Mistakes clients make before seeing her: People think they're making it up or that there's something strange about it.

    31:59 - Valuable Free Resource [VFA] from Ann: Psychic Matters podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/psychic-matters/id1499111004

    34:11 - Q: What is psychic? What is a mediumship? What is the difference? A:

    When you work on a psychic level, you are using your intuition and your soul to feel into the auric field of your recipient. Mediumship is feeling into your own soul, then becoming aware of the energy of the spirit world and...

  • I wanted to share something with you that I've learned recently. It's about Universal Laws and how they can help us better understand ourselves and the world around us.

    You see, these laws are similar to physical laws, and they govern how the universe works. By understanding and using these laws, we can align ourselves with the natural flow of the universe to manifest the life we want.

    One of the most powerful of these laws is the Law of Attraction, which states that like attracts like. It's amazing how this law can be used to create abundance in our lives. Another fascinating concept is the Vacuum Law of Prosperity, which states that abundance will come into our lives when we create space for it. This law reminds us that we get back what we put out, so the more we put out, the more we'll get back.

    I've personally experienced the power of releasing old energy, beliefs, and thought patterns to make room for positive energy and attract what I want in life. I recently transitioned from a mental health practice to a spiritual and mental health business, and it wasn't easy. 

    But I realized that sometimes, things need to fall apart in order to make room for something new.

    It's all about letting go and making space for new beginnings and infinite opportunities. By following these Universal Laws and listening to our intuition, we can align ourselves with the natural flow of the universe and create a life beyond our wildest dreams.

    It's time to dive deeper into the Vacuum Law of Prosperity and discover the art of creating space for abundance. 

    Join us on this episode as we explore the power of universal laws and how to transform limiting beliefs for a prosperous mindset. Take control of your journey toward success and fulfillment today.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Grasp the concept of the Vacuum Law of Prosperity and its impact on success.Discover the art of making room for abundance by letting go of old energy.Understand the principles of universal laws and how like attracts like in your life.Dive into a personal journey of applying the Vacuum Law for growth and fulfillment.Recognize and transform limiting beliefs and thought patterns for a prosperous mindset.

    Topic Covered:

    00:00 - Introduction to Universal Laws,

    03:15 - Exploring the Universal Laws: The Law of Attraction and the Vacuum Law of Prosperity

    06:18 - Exploring the Universal Laws: How to Release Energy and Attract What You Want

    07:43 - "The Power of Letting Go: How to Attract Blessings and Abundance"

    Key Takeways:

    Like attracts like. If you put out positive energy, you will receive positive energy in return. - Becc Nelson

    You have to make room for new energy by getting rid of old energy. - Becc Nelson

    "The universe will bring you what it is that you are saying that you want, but you must be willing to let go of old energy."

    "The universe is trying to give you what you're looking for, but you need to release the energy of what you don't want."

    “The universe cannot bring you those things that you're looking for unless you're willing to give up some of the energy of the job that you've been complaining about.”

    Connect with Becc Nelson:

    Website: https://beccnelson.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/becc.nelsonYoutube:
  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Do you ever feel like you're invisible in a crowded market? Do you struggle with putting yourself out there and being seen? You're not alone.

    Lucinda Rae is an award-winning artist and internationally acclaimed prosperity brand strategist and who activates and creates the power of your online and offline offerings with visual image to attract abundance and audience through natural magnetism and stunning visual branding and celebrity-worthy photographs.

    Lucinda Rae is a branding expert who helps soulful, spiritual women entrepreneurs elevate their businesses through "holy hot visibility." She encourages them to find balance between being introverted and being visible, and to identify their branding archetype to craft a cohesive message that resonates with their audience.

    With over 20 years of experience, Lucinda has created over 300 iconic brand identities for entrepreneurs and corporate clients. If you want to step up into your brand archetype and get your gifts out into the world, Lucinda can help you make it happen.

    In this episode, Lucinda guides us through a transformational journey, helping us break free from introversion and discover our distinctive voice. So, join Lucinda on this transformational journey, and discover your distinctive voice to outshine your competition and make an impact that truly resonates.

    "Remember that you can also have the time to self-care and nourish and be the new moon in the sky so you can be invisible and replenish." - Lucinda Rae

    What you will learn from this episode:

    Overcome your fear of being seen and let your unique presence and radiance shine brightly to enable people to connect with you on a deeper level and form a stronger resonance.Find out the significance of identifying your branding archetype to effectively craft a cohesive and audience-centric message across all touchpoints that resonates with your audience.Discover the meaning of "holy hot visibility" so that you can learn to strike a balance between being introverted and being visible.

    Topics Covered:

    04:03 - Lucinda's ideal client: My ideal client is a soulful, spiritual woman-entrepreneur who is ambitious. She's really focused on elevating her business.

    06:59 - Mistakes people commit before seeing Lucinda: Just the obstacles of being seen.

    08:25 - Different ways to come forward and be seen

    10:44 - Finding the balance between visibility and introversion

    12:54 - Lucinda's Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Watch out for her book launching and valuable freebies: https://hellolucinda.com/holy-hot-visibility/

    15:10 - Another valuable resources that will help you reveal your brand archetype

    17:12 - Q: What is a branding archetype and why is it important? A: Because you need to know your essence so that you can message, you can have your visuals, you can have your website and everything be really cohesive.

    18:50 - How she understands and defines personal liberation

    19:41 - Stepping up into her brand archetype as a wealthy empress

    Key Takeaways:

    "Take those baby steps to come forward and to be more seen and to allow your essence to shine." - Lucinda Rae

    “It [knowing your brand archetype] reminds you to go back to that cornerstone of your authenticity.” - Lucinda Rae

    “Let's get your gifts into the world. Let's not let that dream die inside of you. We're not witches or whatever in that past life where we're going to be persecuted for being seen as a spiritual, soulful woman entrepreneur.” - Lucinda Rae

    Connect with Lucinda Rae:

  • In today's world, successful leadership goes beyond just driving profits or achieving personal goals. It's about making a positive impact on humanity and society as a whole. To achieve this, it's essential to take your leadership abilities to unparalleled levels, and spiritual intelligence can help you do just that. By cultivating spiritual intelligence, you can tap into your inner wisdom and lead with purpose, empathy, and compassion. This, in turn, can create a more harmonious and fulfilling work environment, and help you make a meaningful contribution to the world.

    Her clients call her the “Corporate Mystic”.

    Have you ever met someone who can magically combine the serious inner work we all need for achieving maximum results with fun, humor, and insight? 

    Amy Lynn Durham is that woman and she’s sharing her magic with clients who know that there’s more to life than just going to work every day like a robot and earning a paycheck. 

    Amy is the Founder of Create Magic At Work®, where she uses her knowledge as an Executive Coach & certified Spiritual Intelligence Coach (SQ21, a faith-neutral system) to uniquely blend spirituality and business to assist clients in their personal, professional, and spiritual development.  Amy is the host of the Create Magic At Work® podcast, a top 5% globally ranked podcast, and the author of the book by the same name.  She is an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine and has been a guest on over 70 podcasts sharing her insights on how leaders in the workplace can become empowered and embrace their full potential.

    In this episode, Amy Lynn will help us explore the concept of spiritual intelligence and how it can be harnessed to transform the way we lead and impact everyone around us and make a meaningful difference in the world.

    "To understand that your life is extremely important and extremely profound, and yet it's a tiny piece of the history of the universe. And can you make leadership decisions from that paradox?" - Amy Lynn Durham

    What you will learn from this episode:

    Look beyond the traditional leadership models and explore the concept of spiritual intelligence to transform the way we lead.Discover how to tap into your inner wisdom and truth to manifest the desired qualities in others.Learn to overcome your fears and defenses, and make a positive impact on others and the world.

    Topics Covered:

    02:55 - Amy's Ideal client: I work with high level leaders in the workplace that really wanna take their leadership beyond emotional intelligence.

    04:46 - The reality of people separating emotional intelligence from their business

    05:27 - Seeing signs in companies of the shift to nurture a workplace that puts premium on spiritual intelligence [and how strongly drawn is the United States to this spiritual intelligence compared internationally]

    09:02 - Looking beyond running a business for profit but more for the domino effect that it has for humanity as a whole

    10:23 - The problem she helps her clients solve: Fear, protection, defensiveness, scarcity, that's a big one. There's not enough for everyone.

    12:08 - People's common frustrations before consulting Amy: That once you start walking the path or doing the work, an assumption that it's going to be easy or that it's gonna be all puppy dogs, ice cream and rainbows.

    14:33 - The need for you to have a coach in order for you to see obstacles as opportunities

    14:58 - Amy's Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Get a FREE download of an exercise that helps you accept where you are today with your job and your life.

    15:41 - Her Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Free downloadable exercise at

  • Do you feel like your past is hindering you from living your best life? Our emotional scars can have unforeseen effects, leaving us feeling stagnant and unable to progress. However, there is hope. Hypnotherapy can help you tap into your inner resilience, and finally heal those long-standing wounds that have been holding you back.

    Jeri Brown-Roraback, Ph.D., Cht., has studied extensively the Holistic world for over 25 years.  Jeri, is a Certified Master Alchemical Hypnotherapist and Certified Life Between Life Therapist plus numerous other modalities that she uses to heal and find her Soul Journey.  For years she has helped many heal and find their Soul Journey.  

    In this episode, Jeri helps us uncover the wellspring of inner strength within ourselves, enabling us to heal from our wounds, rediscover joy, and connect with our life's deepest meaning and purpose.

    "In a life between life session, one of the main things that I always strive for the person to get, and usually it just happens, is they meet their main spirit guide.

    And once somebody connects with that spirit guide, sees him, hears him, feels him/her, and it comes from within, then they believe it." - Jeri Brown-Roraback

    What you will learn from this episode:

    Find out how you can heal from life's trauma and hurt with ‘life between life's’ sessions and become fully alive and massively transformed.Learn how you can find your life's deepest purpose -- your why and what you need to do to be of service to yourself and most especially to others.Discover how you can heal from life's illness by deep diving into your unconscious mind while consciously doing it.

    Topics Covered:

    03:43 - What is Hypnotherapy

    04:47 - A backstory of how she got started into her healing journey [Hypnotherapy]

    08:45 - Jeri's ideal client: Someone who is ready to dive deep and is ready for change in their life.

    10:54 - Jeri's primary goal in doing life between life session [..and how to get that connection stronger]

    13:14 - What is a 'life and body selection room' [and how it helps her every day even when it comes to shopping]

    18:42 - One mistake Jeri's client does wrong before consulting her: One is not believing in themself, not loving themself.

    19:48 - Jeri's Valuable Free Action [VFA]: What I have them do is make a list of every question they've ever wanted answered and then a couple nights before go through it and make sure that they didn't ask the same question in a different way.

    21:37 - How journaling can help you before and after going through the session

    22:06 - Jeri's Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: There's so much on the internet, there's so much on YouTube. I mean in this podcast, people can go on and watch and listen to podcasts forever.

    25:45 - Juggling between being a hairstylist and hypnotherapist up until now and what they all mean to her all these years

    29:39 - Jeri's perspective of personal liberation and where it led her to [and what she means by 'becoming her own support system']

    33:45 - One fabulous session she did on a podcast episode

    Key Takeaways:

    "Every illness has an emotional manifestation first. And if you can get to that, then it might go away." - Jeri Brown-Roraback

    "Every session is totally different, but the opportunity and the pathway to get there is definitely there in the session." - Jeri Brown-Roraback

    "When they're listening to a podcast and or reading a book or journaling and a new idea pops in, go with that and investigate it and within themself don't just go, 'Oh, that was interesting', and go on because it's in those little quiet messages that end up being huge." -...

  • Are you from a family that has a history of diabetes? Do you suspect that you, too, are dealing with a sugar-related disease?

    Being diabetic is really unpleasant. You’d be facing an inconsistency in your weight loss and weight gain. You’d be craving food that you are not allowed to eat. And much worse, you’ll be taking a cocktail of prescription medicines.

    But if you think about it, we don’t really need to torment ourselves with all those medicines our doctors tell us to take. We can actually use food – whole, healthy, natural food as medicine, just like we did before fast food and grocery stores existed.

    Rita Brewer is a board-certified physician assistant specializing in diabetes, and type two diabetes in particular. She is an assistant diplomat of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and is the founder and leader of the Healthy Lifestyles ministry at Raleigh North Christian Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. Her passion is to help people deal with their weight loss roller coaster and balance their sugars with ease, so that they can rediscover that self-confidence and become more effective in doing the things that they love to do.

    Tune in as Rita discusses how diabetes and weight issues can be prevented and cured with food as she relates it to personal liberation.

    Why you need to check out this episode:

    Be enlightened of what really causes you to become overweightFind out why it is best for our bodies to eat the way nature intended us to eatDiscover the mistake that many people do when trying to solve their weight and diabetes problem on their own



    “I want people to know that your body is always working on your behalf. If you feel like crap, it's because you're not doing something right for your body. Because if you are feeding yourself the right food, minimizing your stress, getting good quality sleep, reducing all the bombardment of toxins that are everywhere in our environment, and eating high-quality food, that's the medicine that we need. That's what we're designed to have.”


    – Rita Brewer



    Topics Covered:


    01:30 – Rita’s ideal clients: patients with type two diabetes, prediabetes, people who are struggling with obesity, and people with a family history of diabetes who wants to prevent it from happening

    02:26 – The problems Rita helps solve for her ideal clients: Move away from prescription drugs, and natural health solutions and food as medicine for diabetes

    06:00 – “‘Eat less’ is not the solution”: Why telling people to eat less is a wrong advice, and why it is essential that we learn that being overweight is not a calorie problem, but a hormonal problem 

    08:00 – “We all need to eat the way nature intended for us to eat”: Why people thrived and had much healthier lives before groceries and fast food took over


    10:08 – Rita explains the concept of insulin resistance, and the process of how it eventually leads to prediabetes and diabetes


    12:23 – Common mistake/s people make when trying to solve their problems on their own: Unknowingly abusing...

  • Are you an aspiring author looking to write your first book? Have you been struggling to find the right words, or feeling overwhelmed at the thought of such a daunting task? 

    Writing your first book can be a challenging and intimidating experience, but it doesn’t have to be! With a little guidance from your intuition, you can access powerful messages that can guide and inspire you throughout your writing journey. 

    As the founder of Transcendent Publishing, Shanda Trofe has been helping aspiring authors reach their writing and publishing goals since 2012. Her passion lies in assisting authors in turning their message into their life’s work by creating viable businesses through authorship. She enjoys working with her clients, from idea to publication, throughout the entire process. To date, Shanda has published and launched over five hundred #1 bestselling books for her clients and has mentored thousands of authors through her online courses and coaching programs. Her bestselling books include Self-Publishing Success, Authorpreneur, Write from the Heart, and over a dozen co-authored books, including the Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller, All In.  

    In this episode, Shanda shares her insights on how to unlock your intuition and obtain the message for your book, helping you break down any barriers that are preventing you from fulfilling your goal of becoming an author and succeeding in your writing journey. With her help, you can tap into the power of your intuition to gain clarity and courage in your writing journey.

    "You don't have to be a trained writer to write a book. You just have to have this desire and this message to share." - Shanda Trofe

    What you will learn from this episode:

    Learn how to conquer self-doubt and overcome your fears to get started writing your first book.Explore effective ways to receive guidance and channel the message for your book.Find out one big tip on what to do if you have an idea for writing a book.

    Topics Covered:

    02:47 - Shanda's ideal client: On one side I have an aspiring author who has an idea for a book, but doesn't know where to begin or how to get started. On the other side, I have authors who come to me who already have a manuscript and they want to publish their book.

    04:02 - The problem Shanda helps her client with: For the one who has that idea placed inside their heart is I help pull that idea out of them and I help them get started writing.

    05:35 - Getting past blocks and self-doubts: Things don't have to be perfect on the first draft.

    07:56 - How things just get better getting past the hardest part of having that first book

    08:53 - Dealing with her own experience of imposter syndrome writing her own books

    09:57 - Shanda's Valuable Free Action [VFA]: People don't realize when they're wanting to write a book is their intuition. I encourage them to tap into that guidance that's available to them.

    12:07 - Getting guidance for what to write in your book: Channeling and downloading messages from your intuition

    14:01 - Shanda's Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Get for FREE a 37-downloadable-page filled with templates and everything to help you develop your book idea, create a plan of action for moving forward with your book. Click here: https://www.bookwritingplanner.com/

    14:47 - Q: What could somebody do if they have an idea for a book? A: "You could simply start with the brainstorming session, see what comes up and then maybe just start by writing the introduction to your book."

    16:31 - Shanda's own definition of personal liberation

    17:41 - A...

  • Do you ever feel like you’re constantly on the go, rushing to meet deadlines, or just trying to keep up with life’s demands? 

    And in doing so, you feel like you’ve lost touch with your true self, or maybe you’ve never truly known who you are? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many of us have been there. But it's important to take some time to focus on yourself and reconnect with your inner peace and presence and take care of your mental fitness.

    Michele Johnson, a.k.a. The Stress Strategist, is a Duke Trained Physician Associate, CEO of The Pain Free PA Consulting Firm, ICF Certified Life Coach, Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Trainer & International Best-Selling Author. 

    In this episode, Michele helps us find our way back – to ourselves. She will share tips on how you can reconnect to your inner being, bring awareness to the present moment, and foster a connection with yourself and those around you. Let’s explore how we can tap into our five senses to find our way back to self-love and self-care.

    What you will learn from this episode:

    Uncover the answer to many of life's anxieties that is simply at your fingertips.Learn to reconnect to yourself and be human again.Discover how to be aware and conscious of your five senses to attain mental health and wellbeing.

    "When you tap into the completeness of your mind, body connection, the completeness of your intuition, the reconnection with other people, reconnection with your vision, mental fitness, it really gives you the wholeness of a life."- Michele Johnson

    Topics Covered:

    01:57 - Michele's ideal client: I attract those high achieving leaders and teens who are bouncing back from a stressful event.

    03:16 - The problem that Michele solves for her clients: I saw that mental anguish and stuck-ness that is making us sick.

    05:15 - You are the puzzle piece that everyone's looking for

    06:20 - Seeing the power of motivational interviewing of patients

    08:26 - Talking about physicians not having the specialty to do mental health issues

    09:51 - Common mistakes people make before consulting Michele: First common mistake is leaning into someone else's intuition.

    11:47 - Discussing the issue about 'trusting oneself'

    12:25 - Michele's Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Get into your body. Get into your five senses!

    15:58 - How listening to birds' song can help with depression

    16:21 - What it means to be being mindful and being present in your body

    17:29 - Michele's Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Want to join Michele for a FREE roundtable discussion about best practices? Click here: https://www.thepainfreepa.com/services-4

    18:53 - Take Five: one exercise you can do right now that combines touch, breathing and presence

    20:31 - Q: How do you reconnect? A: "The connectedness that we're yearning for really exists in getting out of our heads."

    23:16 - What it means to 'live in the magic of life'

    24:10 - Upcoming events to help you practice your muscles of self-compassion, self-acceptance, and your ability to be present

    25:44 - The passion behind Michele's work

    26:49 - Defining personal liberation

    28:26 - Sharing about her book: Pain Free: How to Live a Full Life Despite Chronic Pain

    Key Takeaways:

    "Biggest mistake I see is that disconnection between what you really want and paying attention to what someone else says."- Michele Johnson

    "Did you know that listening to bird sounds, [you don't even have to listen to a real bird,...

  • Do you find it excruciatingly hard, working to be the best version of yourself?

    Do you often find yourself asking if you’re even capable do it, questioning whether or not there’s still more out there intended for you in this world as you live?


    Living life as the best version of ourselves is a dream we all want to be our truth, our reality. However, too often, we find ourselves losing to our own little miss bitch. We think we’re too old; we think it’s way too late for us to have a change. We let our limiting beliefs win just because of our fear.


    But as the quote says, yesterday’s you aren’t today’s you; you're under no obligation to be who you were yesterday. The journey can be painful, but if you put in the work to determine who you want to become and how you’ll get there, then one day, you really will, as your best self.

    Dynamic, self-made entrepreneur who overcame obstacles with an unrelenting positive nature, a farm girl work ethic, and a conscious choice to thrive rather than survive, Isabel Alexander cultivated an award-winning, $10 million+ global chemical wholesale business and grew it from dining room table to international boardrooms.


    Isabel’s strengths include the ability to initiate & nurture strategic relationships, a love of lifelong learning, and talents for helping others maximize their potential. An inspiring speaker within both industry and community, she is a driving force behind those with the courage to follow her example of thriving against the odds.


    With 50+ years of business experience across diverse industries, Isabel is respected as an advisor, coach, mentor, and role model. She believes in sharing collective wisdom and empowering others to economic independence. 


    In this episode, Isabel shares how wonderful it is for an individual to be the catalyst of the future that they want to live in relation to being their best version of self and thriving.



    Why you need to check out this episode:


    Understand how limiting beliefs hinder you from being the best version of yourself;Recognize the importance of trusting in oneself, that you can and must take the step forward; andBe assured that you’re not alone in this battle with your doubts and fears, and that it’s okay for you to keep on dreaming and wanting more



    “It's good for people to understand they're not alone in these doubts, self-doubts, fears, etc. In fact, it's really normal, and it's part of our evolution as humans to always sort of wanting to grow into our next body or our next role. When you stop growing and stop dreaming, that's when you start to disintegrate and contract and die. So know that it's okay to feel restless, and to want more. Damn it, you deserve it.”


    – Isabel Alexander



    Topics Covered:


    03:03 – Isabel’s ideal client: Women who are asking questions about ‘who am I now?’, and ‘is this all there

  • Are you currently facing the dilemma of being the only one raising the kids at home, with your partner spending almost all of his time at work? Have you been feeling exhausted and unworthy recently, questioning why you’re always the one left to attend to chores at home?


    Entering a relationship is a big step on one’s journey in life, and it’s no way easy, more so if you’re in a high-achieving family. With unsolved conflict and drama, things might get out of hand, resulting in the worst possible outcome – divorce and broken vows.


    But no one wants to have their family and relationship go down that road; we all know that. So join us today as we dive into the reasons why some couples seem to have unshakable and unbreakable togetherness while others are at the edge of breaking up. Tune in and learn how you can enjoy more intimacy with your partner while being more of who you are.



    Uwe Dockhorn is the CEO at Liberating Lifestyles, and the founder of The AIM-Experience™: a 3-step transformational experience for in-demand professionals and their spouses or life partners. Uwe believes in cultivating the internal certainty and clarity that improve your outcomes financially in business, and emotionally in relationships. What motivates him daily is to see that working out with his clients in delivering more than 17,000 live sessions on The AIM-Experience™ worldwide in the last 15 years.


    In this episode, Uwe shares how he differentiates himself from the typical market of family and relationship counselors as he shares how he helps couples of high-achieving people achieve two-getherness without compromise or guilt.



    Why you need to check out this episode:


    Learn what symptoms and mistakes are there for you to look out for if you feel like your relationship with your partner is having a gap which might even lead to divorce;Understand the importance of starting with our own independence before gearing towards relationships’ interdependence level; andFind out how the act of letting go and letting in work together towards creating more intimacy and adventures in your personal life and relationship



    “Transformation requires more than letting go of the status quo. Without the other half of the equation, letting go just leaves you in free fall. Feel, perceive, and let in what is already there. Letting go and letting in – it's a two-part mechanism, and they are only complete as a pair.” – Uwe Dockhorn 


    Topics Covered:


    01:33 – Uwe’s ideal client: In-demand professionals and their spouses or life partners, both who are ambitious and dedicated but are feeling a gap in their relationship


    03:10 – The problem/s that Uwe helps solve: The struggle with the relationship, with too much hustling and less and less time spent together at home – something that when left to linger could even...

  • Have you been dealing with a lot of stress lately, be it about money, relationships, or health? Have you been having difficulties in seeing the good in life, and feel like you have been dealing with unfair punishments despite being a kind person?

    Cheer up, for our guest for this episode – known as “The Ambassador of Joy” – might just have the keys to the solution to your problems, and he’s more than willing and happy to hand it over to you!

    At 74 years of age, he had been through a lot. He was paralyzed from the neck down, but he was never angry or bitter about it. After 144 long days in the hospital, he was finally able to overcome his rare disease. Still not as fully functional like you and I, but he has learned to appreciate and find deeper meaning in the things that happen to him. Now, he is out there helping people go “Oh, Shift!”, spreading joy, happiness, peace, and love wherever he goes.

    Barry Shore is a mental wellness activist whose mission is to spread the power of positivity by means of exploring the positive, powerful, purposeful, and pleasant meaning of the words that we use on a daily basis. He authored a book called “The Joy of Living: How to Slay Stress and Be Happy”, and he has 2 more in the works that focus on the same purpose: to help people ward off stress and live a happy life. 


    Why you need to check out this episode:

    Learn the three fundamentals of life and how to do it on a daily basis;Discover the most common mistakes people make when trying to solve their problems and how to “make a shift”; andUnderstand the power of love and how it can start a chain reaction from one person to the other, and the other, and the other.



    “Choice, not chance, determines your destiny. How you choose to respond in any given situation will shift your destiny; whether it's self-sabotage or self-success, the choice is yours.” – Barry Shore



    Topics Covered:


    01:46 – Barry’s ideal clients: Parents who are stressed because of money, relationships, or health, high-performing professionals who look fine but are actually under a lot of stress, and people around the retirement age who start to realize that there is a limit in their physical life.

    03:39 – The problems Barry helps solve, how he defines “stress”, and why people choose to work with him

    07:38 – Common mistake/s people make when trying to solve their problem: 1) They think that they’re not empowered to choose; 2) They don’t do higher level self-talk; and 3) They just haven’t discovered Barry Shore yet

    11:47 – Valuable Action & Resource: Get Barry Shore’s e-book that sells at $14.95 for free by visiting www.barryshore.com/ebook, and follow the footsteps he’d laid out in that book

    15:56 – Barry explains why he never had a bad day since age 14, tells about the biggest challenge in his life and how he overcame it, and shares the three fundamentals of life; Find your life’s purpose, make a difference, and uncover the the power and the secrets of everyday words and terms

  • Are you feeling lost and uncertain about your future? Do you need clarity and healing in the wake of life's events? 

    Psychic and Medium skills can offer invaluable insight and guidance. For centuries, practitioners have used these techniques to help individuals gain clarity, insight, and ultimately healing.

    Lindsay Marino is an international psychic medium, podcast host, and co-author of the #1 Amazon best seller 365 Days of Angel Prayers. 

    Lindsay has helped over a thousand psychic mediums all around the world, deepen their gifts and grow their business through her online programs. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Tampa. Lindsay was nominated as one of the world’s top 10 next-generation psychics. She has been featured on Low Country Live TV, Mindalia TV, OMTimes Radio,  On Purpose with Alex Beadon and Sedona Talk Radio.

    Let’s join Lindsay as we explore the possibilities today and experience the profound healing and clarity that comes with understanding the spiritual realm.

    What You’ll Learn:

    How the sudden and traumatic loss of a loved became a catalyst for Lindsay to explore her spiritual awakening.The journey Lindsay has to take to affirmed her psychic gifts and embracing her abilities, despite  conflicting beliefs as a CatholicHer insights about the business of being a psychic medium,why psychic and mediumship is a life-long journey

    “I was getting confirmation that I wasn't really going crazy. I was connecting with him. And it just organically built up from there where I was talking to him. And then I knew the healing that I received and I wanted to help other people. And that's how this whole journey started." - Lindsay Marino

    Topics Covered:

    02:14 - Lindsay's ideal Client: someone that is passionate about growth, self-growth, and they want to deepen their skills. Some of them are brand new to psychic mediumship skills, others are already doing the psychic mediumship work, and they're trying to deepen those skills and grow a business.

    03:49 - A story of Lindsay's personal journey [in the spiritual realm] of healing that led her to helping others 

    04:45 - Signs she was experiencing past loved ones

    07:22 - People's reaction on telling them of her psychic skills

    10:40 - What that experience was like on her awakening with the spiritual realm[how her passed loved one connected to her]

    12:31 - Knowing it's not all make-believe and craziness that one experience with their passed loved ones and why it's important to be aware of that

    13:26 - One is born with psychic skills: Myth or Truth?

    14:21 - Psychic and mediumship skills as a life-long journey

    16:57 - Belonging to a safe space and not going through the process alone

    18:00 - The common problem that she helps solve with her client: It would be to recognize that you don't have to beat yourself up in the process of developing.

    19:58 - Religion and how it comes into play with the psychic abilities and mediumship

    21:23 - Shedding light on various beliefs of: devil's work, fear, self-doubt on one's ability to talk and connect to a spirit

    24:02 - Common mistake that people make when they try to solve their problem: When you're trying to take everything on by yourself. The process is so much longer, and it can be lonely. And at times you start to second guess yourself.

    24:59 - Sharing the story of her third eye [why you shouldn't do it alone and why a mentor is needed]

    26:11 - Lindsay Valuable Free Action (VFA): Write down any experience that you have, when it comes to development. If you're getting a sign or a message, put the date next to it. Even if you're struggling with something, write down, like, 'I felt horrible today because of this reading'...

  • Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve felt stuck in a place you don’t want to be, despite your gut repeatedly telling you to move out? Or have you ever felt the urge to be different, to believe in the unexplainable and the unseen, even though society deemed it unsuitable?

    Today’s guest was exactly like you. At some point in her life, she hid her true beliefs and disregarded her inner voice just to fit in and be ‘normal’. She was willing to sacrifice her own bliss and abundance to satisfy the people around her. But when she embraced the beauty of our interconnectedness, even with the extraterrestrial ones, and the power of our inner guidance, her life shifted dramatically!

    Dr. Lisa Thompson is a Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Galactic Ambassador & Channeler, and Intuitive Transformational Coach specializing in human design, past life regression, and sound healing. She supports and empowers people to intentionally design their best life by living from their yes. She is an evolutionary biologist who understands the embodiment of the ancient DNA within humans and guides them to enter the intergalactic realms.

    Why you need to check out this episode:

    Recognize the importance of understanding your inner authority and human design as you choose your way towards living a better life;

    Find out how all beings, from humans to extraterrestrial ones, are actually all connected as one; and

    Learn about channeling and how it works, especially on how it helps us get better while acknowledging other being’s presence in this galaxy

    “Understand your inner authority and human design. Start looking at your life, if you’re in a place where you are not fully living your best life. Just even acknowledging; the first step is knowing that there’s a problem…then you can start teasing it apart, looking at patterns in life.”

    – Lisa Thompson

    Topics Covered:

    02:57 – Lisa’s ideal client: Women who want to make transformation in their life, whether that be in business and/or relationships

    04:13 – What is a galactic ambassador? How does being one help Lisa do the work that she does?

    05:13 – Lisa talks about voice channeling, speaking as her arcturion self, and how that mirrors ourselves in a different realm

    06:53 – The services that Lisa offers, particularly focusing on regression therapy and how it works

    08:00 – The story behind the anecdote on Lisa’s book where she shared how she grew up, learning about channeling and all things related to that, and having to hide it before to fit in

    12:40 – The problem/s that Lisa helps solve: Healing blockages and limitations people have in life, and starting to really trust themselves on getting their own answers

    13:35 – Common mistake/s people make: 1) Not realizing that they have limiting beliefs and/or they blame others for the problems that they have, and 2) going against their wisdom

    16:44 – Valuable Action: Understand your inner authority and human design. Start looking at your life, if you’re in a place where you are not fully living your best life. Acknowledge the problem. From there, you can start looking for patterns.

    18:32 – Valuable Free Resource: Go to www.humandesignamerica.com/chart and run a chart for free

    22:13 – Q: Why is galactic energy important to work with or know about? A: Because we are not alone; we have never been alone. When you understand that energy and that there are different beings in different dimensions, who they are, and how you are connected with them, it allows you to overcome your fear of what’s out there

    24:00 – Lisa explains the individuality of all existing beings, relating to her...

  • Do you frequently ask yourself if you did something you must be being “punished” for because others seem to have the life that you can’t seem to have?

    Are you tired of sabotaging your own success? Do you want to stop feeling guilty and embarrassed people pleasing just to feel accepted and have that sense of belonging?  

    Cut the shit! Stop struggling to feel present, stop being taken advantage of, express how you feel, and stop making choices based on what others think!   

    I am your host Becc Nelson. My mission is to help you learn how to become connected with your own intuition so you can flip your life from having unsatisfying relationships to having deeper connections with others.  Understand your own intuition through my weekly episodes that give back the energy and attention you put into others and achieve a feeling of mutual respect and trust. (without feeling guilty, undeserving, or needy.)

    Intuition Unleashed: A Revolution in Personal Liberation Podcast is your go-to resource for combining guidance with mental health and spirituality and solving your questions about why you can’t seem to catch a break and find true happiness. 

    If you are looking for ways to flip your life from having unsatisfying relationships to having deeper connections with others.  And if you need help understanding more about how to connect with your own intuition and find deeper and more satisfying connections with others without feeling like you are crazy or begging for attention, make this podcast your go-to resource in the quest to achieving the highest connection with you own inner guidance while also tapping into guidance from higher metaphysical realms!

     More episodes at https://beccnelson.com/podcast/