- Hosted by Rackspace Cloud – http://www.rackspacecloud.com - HeyTell – Walkie Talkie App – http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/heytell/id352791835?mt=8 - Flatscreen Table – http://iphonetable.blogspot.com - AIS News Page and Twitter – http://www.appleiphoneschool.com/news - Canceled iPad Data Plan – http://www.apple.com/ipad/3g - Tesla Toy (Brooke) – http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tesla-toy/id395767185?mt=8 - Gravitarium – http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gravitarium/id375602683?mt=8
Beetle cases - http://www.agfindings.com/products/iphone-4-beetle-caseNike+ GPS - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nike-gps/id387771637?mt=8ibank - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ibank/id318802616?mt=8iOS - AirPrint, iPad backgrounding & folders (20apps), new fonts for notes, new voice memo icon, importing .ics files calendar, iPad mute switch, brightness slider in dock, ;iPod touch speed comparison videos - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OILmXzvd9Vc
Brooke case review – iSkin Pulse – http://www.iskin.com/pulse/ DisplaOut – http://rpetri.ch/cydia/displayout/ Parallels for iPad/iPhone – App is free; Application – App is free; Application for OSX is $80 or $50 for upgrade – http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/parallels-mobile/id295531450?mt=8 Email from Brian – portable chargers – Mophie – http://www.mophie.com/ Tom testing Nike+ GPS – http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nike-gps/id387771637?mt=8
iPad at Target & ChinaNationwide wifi - http://www.slashgear.com/super-wifi-in-the-works-devices-could-ship-by-next-year-13101944/HDR on iPhone 3G & 3GS - in Cydia as HDR Camera EnablerInstall duplicate apps - http://www.brianminor.com/2009/11/12/installing-the-same-app-twice-on-the-iphone/iPad star trek sounds (Cydia)
New case from iSkin (Pulse)iPod nano watchSept 30th end of free case program (griffin motif)HDR, game center, upload wifi YouTubeiMovie UpdatesFaceTime coming to computer/iPadFaceMan (like photobooth)
ifixit teardown of iPod touch - 256mb ram, no vibrateiOS 4.1 - Should I update? - Jailbreak apps!Site crashingnew griffin caseNew terms - google voice back, adobe is happy
Nike+ GPS - Now available without hardware for shoes, $1.99, ;http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nike-gps/id387771637?mt=8Xwave - Control your iPhone with your mind,
Two notes: One, our youngest is only 6 weeks and not 6 months. Also, not sure why we're getting the buzzing sound when transitioning since we never got it before. We'll work on that. Simplenote - review, http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/simplenote/id289429962?mt=8Weather.com - contact list, hurricane, post to Facebook , http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-weather-channel/id295646461?mt=8Livecams - retina, pinch zoom, http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/live-cams/id301058477?mt=8Shazam - huge update, http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/shazam/id284993459?mt=8QuadCamera - update: front facing camera, http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/quadcamera-multishot/id300911252?mt=8Angry Birds - 15 new levels, http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/angry-birds/id343200656?mt=8
Twitter for iPad - ;http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/twitter/id333903271?mt=8iSkin case iPhone 4 -
iOS 4.1- proximity, faster 3GHDR photos- takes 3 picturesUpload HD VideoTV show rentalsGame Center- multiplayer gamesiOS 4.1 Out Next week for iPhone and iPod touch next weekiOS 4.2 for iPad (out November)wireless printingevery new feature to iPadfolders, backgroundingAirplay- stream music, photos video to devices from computeriPods- All new design for all models of iPodsiPod Nano touch- touch screen, 24 hour battery life, has own apps but not apps store, rotate screen with two fingersiPod Touch- retina display, a4, gyro, front facing camera (facetime), rear camera, hd video recording, 960x720, iPhone 4 1600x1200iTunes 10- new logo, ping (social network for music), top ten download of friends, concert integration, ping shows up in iTunes for iOS devices!Apple TV Update- Hollywood movies & TV Shows, HD, Lower prices, not a computer, - 1/4 the size, black, HDMI, Wifi 802.11N, Ethernet- movie &TV rentals, no storage, all HD (when available) stream from computer- netflix, youtube, flickr, mobileme, stream from computer- Stream video from iOS device to Apple TV, control from iDevice
iPad case review of the iSkin DuoRumor preview of the September 1st Apple Event.
It's back! After a long break we're back and with a new name, i101.
iPhone 101 - Episode 11
iPhone 101 - Episode 10
iPhone 101 - Episode 9
Show notes coming soon, really this time :)
iPhone 101 - Episode 7
iPhone 101 - Episode 6
Show notes coming soon!
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