Worried about your financial future? Let's be real, the world shapes your wallet.
We're diving deep and going behind the scenes to expose what's genuinely unfolding in the real world, because these seismic events shape your financial destiny.
Your host, John MacGregor, is an internationally recognized best-selling author, renowned keynote speaker, and an empowering wealth coach. MacGregor has inspired thousands to make more astute financial decisions, catering to every stage of their journey in life.
We're here to enlighten, equip, and empower you. This isn't just a podcast—it's your roadmap to financial literacy and your security. Welcome to the 'Full Disclosure' podcast, with John MacGregor. -
Ja sam Viktor Marohnic i dobro došli u poduzetnički podcast iz Heinzelove 33.
Moja omiljenija slobodna aktivnost je druženje i razgovor s nekim kolegom poduzetnikom, founderom neke firme ili startupa. Obično s nekim od koga mogu nešto naučiti ili mi je taj biznis na neki način zanimljiv.
Kao poduzetnik se skoro svaki dan nađem u nekon nepoznatom teritoriju i svaki dan razbijam glavu kako se izvuči iz živ i normalan iz tih situacija. Tko je nekad probao pokrenuti nešto svoje, znati će o čemu pričam. Meni u tim situacijama često pomaže druženje sa sličnim ljudima, gdje dobijem hrpu ideja i motivaciju da se fajtam i grizem dalje.
Ideja mi je s ovim podcastom da naravno kao i uvijek ukradem ponešto, ali i da probam priližiti dio te atmosfere i iskustava širem broju ljudi koji možda nemaju prilike razgovarati s mojim gostima, a gladni su znanja. Nadam se da će vam biti korisno barem mrvicu koliko i meni i da ćete uživati.
Slušamo se!
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News and commentary from a progressive perspective.
Cautiously idealistic yet reasonably pragmatic: as hopeful for the future as he may be, Benjamin Dixon isn't afraid to tackle the issues of today. The Benjamin Dixon Morning Show is the go-to source thanks to the talent and power of our team including Rebecca Azor, DJ XXXclusive, independent journalist Georgia Fort, Dr. Carl Mack, and our producers that make everything happen behind the scenes. -
A Neighbor's Choice radio show and THINGS HIDDEN podcast are the two main audio programs of David Gornoski.
THINGS HIDDEN is a deep-dive podcast into the world of mythology and current events guided by the Mimetic theory of Rene Girard and grounded in the personhood revolution of Jesus.
Hosted by David Gornoski, A Neighbor’s Choice Radio examines the role of violence and religion in society. From victims of state violence against nonviolent behaviors to public figures and contrarian voices, the conversations that unfold create an illuminating and surreal journey for listeners. -
Success is found on a path of mistakes. Matt Fox, from FrictionFreeSales.com, talks with those who have found success so you can learn from their mistakes, and failures. You'll discover you're not alone on your path to business success. You'll find new insights that will help you grow your business. Past guests who've shared their business mistakes include: Ben Settle, Jon Nastor, Jim Keenan, Nate Kontny, Dov Gordon, Jason Leister, Mike Vardy,Tony Stubblebine, Tim Brownson, Barry Moore, Zephan Blaxberg, Nicholas Kusmich, Adam Franklin, Mike Vardy, Steli Efti, among others. Marketing, business, automation, coaching, freelance, sales, entrepreneurs, outsourcing, selling, search engine optimization, building authority and trust, social media, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Podcasting, eBooks, online marketing, productivity, management, leadership and more to help you better understand yourself, your business, and truly prosper and avoid failure.
Reaguj! je nedeljni podcast serijal Nezavisnog društva novinara Vojvodine koji se bazira na novinarstvu zasnovanom na objašnjenjima i rešenjima. U ovom serijalu obrađuju se teme u vezi sa demokratijom i životom običnih građana kao i problemima sa kojima se susreću svakodnevno – institucionalnim, društveno-političkim, ali i socijalnim. Podcast u kom se traže rešenja na probleme ili ukazuje primere dobre prakse, kako u Srbiji tako i u svetu.
Serbian Radio Chicago is a key player among the ethnic broadcasters in the U.S. and is considered the number one media outlet in the Serbian-American and Balkan community in the United States of America and Canada.Serbian Radio Chicago broadcasts daily from 3PM to 4PM CST on WNWI AM 1080, Chicago.
Supply Chain Digital is a ‘Digital Community’ for the global supply chain and logistics industry that connects the world’s largest Supply Chain & Logistics brands & projects and their most senior executives with the latest trends as the industry pivots towards technology and digital transformation.
Supply Chain Digital is a ‘trusted authority’ on the latest supply chain news combining ‘Executive Thought Leadership Interviews’ with the very latest case studies on industry 4.0, S&OP, Supply Chain Digitalisation, Supplier Sustainability and key eco-system development.
The focus of Supply Chain’s ‘Digital Community’ is to provide our users with the ‘Ultimate Digital Experience’ - an incredible digital magazine, an world-class website, an award-winning newsletter service as well as video reports, podcasts, blogs, webinars, white papers, research reports, virtual events and a database second to none.
Supply Chain Digital also offers its advertising partners a unique blend of digital branding, content syndication and executive thought leadership articles as well as a ‘gated intelligence community’ providing ultimate demand generation and measurable ‘Ad-Campaign’ ROI’s.
Supply Chain Digital is read by industry professionals at all levels, Supply Chain, 3PL & 4PL suppliers as well as technology and consulting executives.
Supply Chain Digital is part of BizClik Media Group. -
Investment team guests explore asset class themes and share their on-the-ground perspective. Our Portfolio Construction & Strategy Team hosts bring the client perspective as part of lively debates.Views presented are as of the date published and may not reflect the views of others in the organization. This material shall not be deemed to be a direct or indirect provision of investment management services. No forecasts can be guaranteed and there is no guarantee that the information supplied is complete or timely. Past performance does not predict future returns. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.Not all products or services are available in all jurisdictions.Janus Henderson Investors is the name under which investment products and services are provided by the entities identified in the following jurisdictions: (a) Europe by Janus Capital International Limited (reg no. 3594615), Henderson Global Investors Limited (reg. no. 906355), Henderson Investment Funds Limited (reg. no. 2678531), Henderson Equity Partners Limited (reg. no.2606646), (each registered in England and Wales at 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AE and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) and Henderson Management S.A. (reg no. B22848 at 2 Rue de Bitbourg, L-1273, Luxembourg and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier); (b) the U.S. by SEC registered investment advisers that are subsidiaries of Janus Henderson Group plc; (c) Canada through Janus Henderson Investors US LLC only to institutional investors in certain jurisdictions; (d) Singapore by Janus Henderson Investors (Singapore) Limited (Co. registration no. 199700782N). This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by Monetary Authority of Singapore; (e) Hong Kong by Janus Henderson Investors Hong Kong Limited. This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong; (f) Taiwan R.O.C by Janus Henderson Investors Taiwan Limited (independently operated), Suite 45 A-1, Taipei 101 Tower, No. 7, Sec. 5, Xin Yi Road, Taipei (110). Tel: (02) 8101-1001. Approved SICE licence number 023, issued in 2018 by Financial Supervisory Commission; (g) South Korea by Janus Henderson Investors (Singapore) Limited only to Qualified Professional Investors (as defined in the Financial Investment Services and Capital Market Act and its sub-regulations); (h) Japan by Janus Henderson Investors (Japan) Limited, regulated by Financial Services Agency and registered as a Financial Instruments Firm conducting Investment Management Business, Investment Advisory and Agency Business and Type II Financial Instruments Business; (i) Australia and New Zealand by Janus Henderson Investors (Australia) Limited (ABN 47 124 279 518) and its related bodies corporate including Janus Henderson Investors (Australia) Institutional Funds Management Limited (ABN 16 165 119 531, AFSL 444266) and Janus Henderson Investors (Australia) Funds Management Limited (ABN 43 164 177 244, AFSL 444268); (j) the Middle East by Janus Capital International Limited, regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority as a Representative Office. No transactions will be concluded in the Middle East and any enquiries should be made to Janus Henderson. We may record telephone calls for our mutual protection, to improve customer service and for regulatory record keeping purposes.Outside of the U.S.: For use only by institutional, professional, qualified and sophisticated investors, qualified distributors, wholesale investors and wholesale clients as defined by the applicable jurisdiction. Not for public viewing or distribution. Marketing Communication.Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Intech, Knowledge Shared and Knowledge Labs are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries.https://www.janushenderson.com/social/social-media-important-disclosures/
The European Union wants to go green. In December 2019, the European Commission unveiled its Green Deal, its roadmap to making the EU economy sustainable and thus achieving its end goal: to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
But what does the Green Deal mean for each of us? As citizens, as consumers, what habits will we need to change to make our day-to-day lives more sustainable? What compromises will we have to make? And what measures can we expect from Europe and our national public authorities to encourage these changes?
By delving into daily life across the EU in this Green Deal podcast, our network of radio correspondents provides insight and answers to the challenges facing the bloc. -
Twice a week, we bring finance to life in a fun, engaging way for anyone interested in the world of finance—whether you're a professional, a student, or just curious to learn more. Hosted by Anthony Cheung, a LinkedIn Top Voice, every Monday The Deal Room dives into the latest M&A and private equity deals, uncovering the business strategies behind them. On Fridays, The Trading Floor explores market trends, from macro themes to single stocks and crypto. Our goal? To make finance interesting and accessible for everyone
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.