Fashion Conversations with Bronwyn Cosgrave is a bi-weekly interview series featuring lively discussions with artistic luminaries working at the forefront of fashion.
Bronwyn’s guests include leading designers, best-selling authors, filmmakers, museum curators and Hollywood stylists. Her conversations go deep. Guests reveal the secrets to their artistry, thoughts on social issues impacting fashion and the personal challenges they’ve overcome realizing their dreams.
Bronwyn is the author of best-selling fashion history books. She produces feature-length fashion documentaries and writes journalism about design and fashion.
Her humanistic, research-driven interview style is shaped by her extensive work as a fashion historian, a television commentator and broadcaster for international radio networks such as the BBC, CBC and NPR.
Fashion Conversations with Bronwyn Cosgrave is a Wondercast Production. -
Um podcast sobre as dores e delícias de ser fotógrafo e videomaker. Em formato de batepapo sempre com um convidado diferente vamos trocar experiências, dicas, perrengues e polêmicas desse universo.Para parcerias: [email protected]
O V.Talks chegou para ser seu canal de informação jeanswear!
Apresentado por Lola Botti, cool hunter, e Caroline Pasternack, especialista em conteúdo, o V.Talks é o podcast da Vicunha. Neste programa, são abordados temas como comportamento, moda, sustentabilidade, inovação, tendências e tudo que permeia esse vasto universo que é o jeans.
Com episódios quinzenais, as hosts convidam sempre um especialista no assunto, construindo um bate-papo dinâmico, com troca de conhecimento e informação relevante.
Em breve, a terceira temporada está chegando! -
Dreamers and Doers — Welcome to Podbrand!
This is the podcast where design, strategy, and innovation come together to create transformative change. At Podbrand, we don’t just explore ideas—we ignite them. Through insightful conversations with brilliant minds and in-depth explorations of cutting-edge concepts, we delve into the lessons and strategies that shape the future of brands and businesses.
Our mission goes beyond sharing knowledge. We are here to inspire, empower, and provide actionable insights that help you achieve your best version. Whether you’re reflecting on new ideas or looking for practical ways to implement them, Podbrand is your forum for intelligence and your toolkit for growth. It’s where creativity meets entrepreneurship, and where strategy drives personal and market evolution.
Join me, Mauricio Medeiros, on this journey to unlocking the potential within you and your ventures.Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Uncovering the art in what people do.
unstarvingartists.substack.com -
Welcome to Nice Talk, hosted by Marie Claire Editor in Chief Nikki Ogunnaike. Each week, Nikki will sit down with fascinating women—entertainers, entrepreneurs, creators, athletes, and changemakers—to discuss money, power, and style. “Well-behaved” women have long been discouraged from speaking on these topics—style should be effortless, and conversations about money or power aren’t “proper,” “ladylike,” or “nice.” But Nikki’s definition of a Nice Talk is one where all parties walk away feeling empowered. Nikki’s guests are getting candid about how they navigated their come-ups, what makes them feel both powerful and powerless, and of course, how they use personal style to communicate with the world.
Desde 2016, o ResumoCast é o hub definitivo para empreendedores e alta performance, agora potencializado pela inovação disruptiva do ResumoCast Ventures. Descubra resumos de livros e entrevistas com autores no Spotify, YouTube e Apple Podcasts. Se busca transformar suas ideias em startups, ou quer dominar o universo de investimento e inovação, somos sua fonte primária de conteúdo de alta qualidade. Resumos em formato de storytelling também fazem parte do nosso arsenal para impactar indivíduos e comunidades. Acesse https://linktr.ee/venture.resumocast para mais. #ResumoCast #Empreendedorismo
O EmpreendaCast é um podcast sobre empreendedorismo de verdade. Nós contamos histórias inspiradoras de verdade, os entrevistados explicam a teoria na prática e dão dicas para quem ama empreender. Apresentado por Gustavo Passi : @gustavopassi#empreendedorismo #intraempreendedorismo Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/empreendacast/support
Hosted by self-made multi-millionaire, soulful business guru, and money making queen, Amanda Frances, “And She Rises” is a podcast for the woman who desires the income, impact, intimacy, and influence she was born for. Through practical advice, spiritual solutions and energetic principals, Amanda helps women to achieve their wildest dreams in business, life and love. This is a must listen for the woman who refuses to hold back, shrink down, or play small any longer.
O Estilo Possível é um podcast que traz reflexões sobre moda, tendências, comportamento e principalmente estilo pessoal. Marina Santa Helena propõe conversas sobre esses temas e convida a audiência a refletir sobre moda e estilo de um jeito leve, democrático e sem frescuras. Porque basta usar roupas para ter estilo!
O Agro Resenha Podcast é o primeiro Podcast sobre agronegócio do Brasil, e veio para assumir uma lacuna de comunicação entre o campo e a cidade! A ideia é trazer a realidade do agronegócio para o assunto do dia a dia das pessoas, fornecendo conteúdo de qualidade para quem se interessa ou pode se interessar pelo tema! Firma o "gorpe" aí, que toda semana tem episódio novo! Temas: agroresenha, podcast, agronegócio, agropecuária, agricultura, pecuária, agronomia, zootecnia, logística, etc.
We are Growthaholics, focados em crescimento. Pedro Waengertner, CEO da ACE Ventures, apresenta o podcast semanal sobre empreendedorismo, inovação corporativa e tudo que tange o futuro dos negócios. Com os mais diferentes convidados, geramos diálogos entre cabeças pensantes, conversas provocativas, opinativas, trazendo sempre as informações mais relevantes do que está acontecendo nos mercados.
Tem indicação de pauta ou convidado para o podcast? Envie por aqui: https://aceventures.typeform.com/to/fVhR6KD4 -
Talk 2 Brazil, a leading business podcast promoting entrepreneurs, business owners, business executives, sharing tips on business networking and relationship management. Tom Reaoch, creator and host interviews successful global business experts, sharing business opportunities and experiences. Talk 2 Brazil Podcast on major platforms. https://talk2brazil.blogspot.com/
Interviewing only Top Shelf Business Experts. Unique, dynamic, and fast moving 5-minute interview leads guests to global audiences. Hosted by Tom Reaoch, multicultural communication specialist, known as the "King of Networking". Café & Networking Podcast the ultimate call to action for all entrepreneurs and business owners. Talk to Tom, Talk to the World, listen and find prospects, business opportunities, markets, and partners. Café & Networking Podcast is found everywhere!.
The world listens to Café & Networking Podcast on all major platforms and founding member of the https://podmatch.com/network Visit https://cafeenetworking.blogspot.com to learn more. Want to be a guest on Café & Networking Podcast? Send Tom Reaoch a message on PodMatch, here: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/tomreaoch -
A Mentalidade Empreendedora é uma Consultoria em Crescimento de Negócios Transformamos o conhecimento, influência e paixão dos nossos clientes em receita recorrente. Temos alcançado resultados multimilionários com nossas campanhas online e proporcionamos mais liberdade e lucratividade para as pessoas que participam dos nossos treinamentos e programas de acompanhamento. Ajudamos essas pessoas a conquistarem mais lucros e menos stress em seus negócios digitais crescendo exponencialmente. Siga nosso CEO no Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phmquintanilha/
Love all things upbeat, warm, and uplifting? Welcome to 88 Cups of Tea, an online platform and podcast for creative writers who look for guidance in their storytelling journey and connection to a community, fostering year-round conversations around the personal and professional life of a writer. Our podcast episodes and online essays and articles explore and unpack conversations that touch on topics like overcoming rejections and challenges, querying tips and crafting advice, lifestyle habits that support the heart and the soul, what it means to be Human while navigating a creative path, and more. We pride ourselves in nurturing a supportive environment that aims to encourage, inspire, and entertain. Check out our website 88cupsoftea.com for essays, articles, and access to nearly 200 podcast episodes!